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We will update this information sheet on a weekly basis to include new universities. Country UK University Imperial College London King’s College London London School of Economics and Political Science Newcastle University Queen’s University Belfast University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge University College London University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Glasgow University of Leeds University of Liverpool University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Warwick University of York Website www.imperial.ac.uk www.kcl.ac.uk www.lse.ac.uk www.ncl.ac.uk www.qub.ac.uk www.birmingham.ac.uk www.bris.ac.uk www.cam.ac.uk www.ucl.ac.uk www.ed.ac.uk www.exeter.ac.uk www.gla.ac.uk www.leeds.ac.uk www.liv.ac.uk www.manchester.ac.uk www.nottingham.ac.uk www.ox.ac.uk www.shef.ac.uk www.southampton.ac.uk www2.warwick.ac.uk www.york.ac.uk Aberystwyth University Anglia Ruskin University Aston University Bangor University Bournemouth University 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www.uclan.ac.uk www.chi.ac.uk www.cumbria.ac.uk www.derby.ac.uk www.dundee.ac.uk www.uea.ac.uk www.uel.ac.uk www.essex.ac.uk www.glos.ac.uk www2.gre.ac.uk www.herts.ac.uk www.uhi.ac.uk/en www.hud.ac.uk www2.hull.ac.uk www.kent.ac.uk www.law.ac.uk/guildford www.le.ac.uk www.lon.ac.uk www.londoninternational.ac.uk American University Arizona State University Arkansas State University Bellarmine University Berkeley College www.american.edu www.asu.edu www.astate.edu www.bellarmine.edu www.berkeleycollege.edu www.northampton.ac.uk www.port.ac.uk www.reading.ac.uk www.salford.ac.uk www.southwales.ac.uk www.st-andrews.ac.uk www.stir.ac.uk www.strath.ac.uk www.sunderland.ac.uk www.surrey.ac.uk www.surrey.ac.uk www.uws.ac.uk www.westminster.ac.uk www.wlv.ac.uk www.worcester.ac.uk Last Updated: 24/10/2014 16:13 Binghamton University, State University of New York Brandeis University California College of the Arts California Institute of Technology California State University California State University, Monterey Bay Carnegie Mellon University Claremont McKenna College Coe College College of Charleston Colorado State University Columbia University Cornell University Concordia St. Paul Dartmouth College Drexel University East Carolina University Florida State University George Mason University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgian Court University Hawaii Pacific University High Point University Humboldt State University Indiana Wesleyan University Johns Hopkins University Johnson and Wales University Long Island University Lourdes University Marquette University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Menlo College Miami University Ohio Michigan State University North Carolina State University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northern Michigan University Northern State University Notre Dame de Namur University Oklahoma State University Old Dominion University www.binghamton.edu www.brandeis.edu www.cca.edu www.caltech.edu www.calstate.edu www.csumb.edu 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York at Fredonia State University of New York at Old Westbury State University of New York at Plattsburgh St. Michaels College Tennessee Tech University Texas Tech University Texas Wesleyan University The New School Tufts University Tulane University University at Albany, The State University of New York University of Alabama University of Arizona University of California, Berkeley University of Charleston University of Chicago University of Colorado at Denver University of Colorado Boulder University of Delaware University of Denver University of Florida University of Georgia University of Idaho University of Iowa http://oregonstate.edu www.pace.edu www.pacific.edu www.pepperdine.edu www.pitzer.edu www.purchase.edu www.purdue.edu www.rpi.edu https://www.rutgers.edu www.slu.edu www.saintpeters.edu www.swau.edu www.stedwards.edu www.brockport.edu www.cobleskill.edu www.fredonia.edu www.oldwestbury.edu http://www.plattsburgh.edu/ http://www.smcvt.edu/ www.tntech.edu www.ttu.edu 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West Texas A&M University Whittier College Wichita State University Widener University Williams Woods University Wilson College Woodbury University Yale University www.umich.edu http://missouri.edu/ www.umsl.edu www.umt.edu www.unm.edu www.unc.edu www.wlu.edu www.admit.washington.edu http://www.webster.edu/ www.wne.edu www.wtamu.edu http://www.whittier.edu www.wichita.edu www.widener.edu www.williamwoods.edu www.wilson.edu www.woodbury.edu www.yale.edu Australian Catholic University Bond University Charles Darwin University Curtin University Edith Cowan University Flinders University James Cook University La Trobe University Macquarie University www.acu.edu.au www.bond.edu.au www.cdu.edu.au www.curtin.edu.au www.ecu.edu.au www.flinders.edu.au www.jcu.edu.au www.latrobe.edu.au www.mq.edu.au www.unf.edu www.ou.edu www.pitt.edu www.up.edu www.rochester.edu www.sc.edu www.usf.edu www.usc.edu www.uta.edu www.utexas.edu www.uvm.edu www.virginia.edu www.uwstout.edu www.uwsuper.edu/ www.vcu.edu Last Updated: 24/10/2014 16:13 Monash University Murdoch University Queensland University of Technology RMIT University Southern Cross University Swinburne University of Technology University of Adelaide University of Melbourne University of New England University of South Australia University of Sydney University of Tasmania University of Western Australia University of Wollongong Canada www.monash.edu.au www.murdoch.edu.au www.qut.edu.au www.rmit.com www.scu.edu.au www.swinburne.edu.au www.adelaide.edu.au www.unimelb.edu.au www.une.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au www.sydney.edu.au www.utas.edu.au www.uwa.edu.au www.uow.edu.au Acadia University Brock University Carleton University Cape Breton University Dalhousie University International Language Academy of Canada McGill University Mount Allison University Mount Saint Vincent University Ocad University Royal Roads University Ryerson University St. Mary’s University Thompson Rivers University University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of King’s College University of Toronto University of Waterloo Vancouver Island University www.acadiau.ca www.brocku.ca www.carleton.ca www.cbu.ca www.dal.ca www.ilac.com/en-ca Cyprus University of Nicosia www.unic.ac.cy Czech Republic Anglo-American University www.aauni.edu Brno University of Technology Centre for Higher Education www.vutbr.cz/en www.csvs.cz www.mcgill.ca www.mta.ca www.msvu.ca www.ocadu.ca www.royalroads.ca www.ryerson.ca www.smu.ca www.tru.ca www.ualberta.ca www.ubc.ca www.ukings.ca www.utoronto.ca www.uwaterloo.ca www.viu.ca Last Updated: 24/10/2014 16:13 Studies Charles University in Prague Czech Technical University in Prague Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences Masaryk University Prague College Skoda Auto University University of New York in Prague Egypt All universities in Egypt www.cuni.cz/UKENG-l.html http://intranet.cvut.cz/en?set_language=en www.hs-fresenius.cz www.muni.cz www.praguecollege.cz http://new.skoda-auto.com/sites/en-savs www.unyp.cz For a complete list of universities please click here Ain Shams University Ahram Canadian University Alexandria University Al-Azhar University American University in Cairo Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport Assiut University Cairo University Future University German University in Cairo Helwan University Zewail University www.asu.edu.eg www.acu.edu.eg www.alexu.edu.eg/index.php/en www.azhar.edu.eg www.aucegypt.edu/pages/default.aspx www.aast.edu/en/index.php Germany Cologne Business School www.cbs-edu.de/en Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology University of Hong Kong www.cuhk.edu.hk Hungary Semmelweis University http://semmelweis-egyetem.hu/english India All member institutions of AIU For a complete list of member institutions please click here APG Shimla University Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India Jadavpur University 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University National University of Singapore Singapore Management University www.ntu.edu.sg www.nus.edu.sg www.smu.edu.sg South Africa CTI Education Group www.cti.co.za Midrand Graduate Institute University of Cape Town University of Johannesburg University of Witwatersrand www.mgi.ac.za www.uct.ac.za www.uj.ac.za www.wits.ac.za Spain ESNE, Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Innovación http://web.esne.es/en/ Switzerland IMI University Centre www.imi-luzern.com/en If you have any queries about any of the universities listed or want to know about other universities please contact us on [email protected]. This list is accurate at the time of publishing, details may change without further notice. Last Updated: 24/10/2014 16:13
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