Note Reading Worksheet Treble Clef Exercise #1 E G B D F Every Good Boy Does Fine LINES: Write each note's name underneath F A C E The letter names of the spaces spell out the word FACE SPACES: Write each note's name underneath ALL NOTES: Write each note's name underneath. Each measure's notes spell a word. Name ________________________ Class ________________________ Name Pitches I - Treble Staff Name each pitch. 1 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 Date____________________ Name_______________________ The Staff - Treble Clef & A clef appears at the beginning of each staff. The clef shown here is a treble clef. w w w w &w w w w w Each note on the treble clef staff has a letter name. E F G A B C D E F ________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Practice drawing the treble clef sign by tracing over the guidelines. Draw five more in the remaining space. Start here w w w w ___ ___ 2. Draw a treble clef at the beginning of the staff and write the letter name of each note. ___ ___ w w ___ w ___ ___ w ___ w ___ w ___ 3. Draw the treble clef at the beginning of the staff and then draw the notes indicated. If a note can be drawn in more than one place on the staff, choose which one you want to draw. A C E D F w B A 4. Draw the treble clef at the beginning of the staff. Write the letter name for each note, then circle the higher note in each pair. w w ___ ___ w w w w ___ ___ ___ w ___ w w ___ ___ 5. Draw the treble clef at the beginning of the staff. Write the letter name for each note, then circle the lower note in each pair. ___ ___ w w ___ ___ w w ___ ___ w w ___ ___ F w ___ w ___ D w ___ w ___ G w w ___ w ___ ___ w ___ Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Inc. MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered for sale to the general public. Note Reading Worksheet Treble Clef Exercise #2 E G B D F Every Good Boy Does Fine LINES: Write each note on the correct line using quarter notes. Notes below B should have a stem on the right side facing up. Notes above B have stems facing down from the left side. The stem on the note B can face either direction E E B G G B D G G F G D B B D B F F E E B G G F D B E F D B E F E C A B The letter names of the spaces spell out the word FACE SPACES: Write each note in the space. Use quarter notes again. Make sure the stems are correct. F A E C C A E C A F C E F A E E A C E C F A A F F E A C A F C A ALL NOTES: Write each note on the line or space. This time write half notes. B E B E F E E A D G D A G A C A C B E C E B A G A B E D G E E A D E D B D A A D D B A G G A G E Date____________________ Name_______________________ Musical Words - Treble Clef I Each group of notes spells a word. Write the word that each group spells. Example & œ œ œ B E D ________________________________________________________________________________ 1 & œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ œ 4 & œ ___ 7 & œ ___ 10 & œ ___ ___ ___ œ & œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ ___ ___ œ ___ œ ___ œ œ ___ ___ œ 8 & œ ___ & œ œ ___ & œ ___ ___ ___ 16 ___ 11 œ 13 œ œ & œ œ ___ & œ 5 ___ œ 2 ___ œ 14 & œ ___ 17 & œ œ ___ ___ ___ 6 & œ ___ ___ œ œ ___ ___ 15 & œ ___ ___ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ ___ ___ ___ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ œ œ ___ ___ 18 & œ œ œ ___ 12 & œ ___ œ ___ & œ ___ œ œ 9 œ ___ œ ___ ___ œ ___ & œ ___ œ 3 œ ___ œ ___ Finale Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Inc. MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered for sale to the general public. ® Name ________________________ Class ________________________ Spell Words with Treble Pitches Write the words that the pitches spell. 2 1 5 9 14 22 26 25 19 23 8 27 16 20 24 12 11 18 15 17 21 7 10 13 4 6 3 28 A MUSICAL STORY Complete the story by filling in the note names underneath each measure. I went on a fun trip with my friend. We packed our and climbed into a to , . Ugh! The food was really so I and return home. I feared that i would our . Suddenly I awoke and found myself at home in dream. . We felt like we should . Along the way we stopped at a and and felt like an animal in a my friend to cut the in . It had only been a . We had an Date____________________ Name_______________________ Treble Clef - Ledger Lines Ledger lines can be used to extend the upper and lower ranges of a staff. & This example includes notes which can be written above and below the treble clef using ledger lines. w w w w w w w w A B C D A G B C ________________________________________________________________________________ w w 1. Draw a treble clef at the beginning of the staff and write the letter name of each note. w w ___ ___ w w ___ ___ w w ___ ___ w w ___ ___ ___ 2. Draw a treble clef at the beginning of the staff and write the letter name of each note. w ___ ___ w ___ w w w ___ ___ w w ___ ___ w ___ w ___ 3. Draw the indicated notes. Use ledger lines to draw the specified number of pitches without duplication. Example & & 3 Cs w w & & 3 As 2 Ds & & 2 Es 3 Bs 2 Fs & 2 Gs & 3 Cs Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Inc. MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered for sale to the general public. Date____________________ Name_______________________ Musical Words - Treble Clef II & Example Each group of notes spells a word. Write the word that each group spells. œ œ B œ œ E A D ________________________________________________________________________________ 1 & œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 & ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4 & œ œ œ œ 5 & œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7 & œ œ œ œ & œ œ œ 8 & œ œ œ œ œ œ & œ œ œ & œ œ œ œ œ œ 11 œ œ & œ œ œ œ œ 14 & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & œ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ & œ œ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ 12 & œ œ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ 15 & ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 17 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ œ œ œ œ 9 œ œ œ 6 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 16 œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 13 & œ œ œ œ œ & œ œ 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 10 œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ 18 & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Finale Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Inc. MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered for sale to the general public. ®
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