Th e Six th An n u al Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i st s Gath e r in g Te e n s & Twe n ti e s 6 2015: Ge ttin g to Kn o w Yo u - Yo u Ge ttin g to Kn o w Eac h Oth e r - All Wh ile B e in g Up d ate d o n th e Late st Sc ie n tif ic R e se ar c h Friday-Sunday; Ap r il 24-26, 2015 Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, Nevada Host: Th e Li f e Ex te n si o n Fo u n da tio n : D i r e c to r - Bil l Fa l o o n SC HO LAR SHIP S AVAILAB LE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Greetings to Al l Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i st s, You are receiving this invitation because y o u ar e am o n g th e fu tu r e le ad e r s in c r y o n ic s. This focus group followed a gathering of our Asset Preservation Group. Bill Falo o n had related his appreciation to those who had helped him to attend a meeting of life extension/cryonics pioneers when he was a young man. He noted the resulting payback benefits that both the cryonics and the life extension movements have received from his subsequent involvement, leadership and financial contributions. Now he would like to do the same for other young cryonicists. Cair n Id u n proposed her long held idea for a “Teens and Twenties” gathering. Not only did Bill agree to host the gathering through the Life Extension Foundation - LEF would also provide t r a ve l , l o d g i n g a n d r e g i st r a t i o n sc h o l a r sh i p s. A fe w m o r e o f o u r m e m b e r s w o u ld also lik e to m e e t th o se c r y o n ic ists w h o p o sse sse d e n o u g h fo r e sig h t to sig n u p at an e ar ly ag e . And we would like you to start meeting each other and forming supportive bonds. Al l attention will be focused on o u r getting to know you and yo u getting to know each other - all while being updated on the latest scientific research relevant to cryonicists. Fu l l y si g n e d u p y o u n g c r y o n ic ists from all cryonics organizations - ages 18-30 or 1317 ac c o m p an ie d b y a p ar e n t o r g u ar d ian , a s o f Ap r i l 26, 2015 - may apply to attend. All who meet our designated requirements (i.e. timely application, age and cryonics contract) will be accepted and notified no later than March 21, 2015 (generally within 1 to 2 weeks of receipt of your application). Yo u MUST b e r e g iste r e d IN ADVANC E to atte n d . Th e r e w ill b e NO “ d r o p in ” p ar tic ip an ts. Scholarships are granted on a first received, first granted, basis. Some individuals are social butterflies. This is not so for everyone. And we want e ve r yo n e to m e e t e ve r yo n e d u r i n g th i s e d u c a ti o n a l we e k e n d . Therefore, I have designed a diverse range of “getting to know you” activities. If y o u w o u ld e n jo y p ar tic ip atin g in th e se v ar io u s g e ttin g ac q u ain te d ac tiv itie s, all w h ile b e in g u p d ate d o n th e late st sc ie n tific r e se ar c h , then th is is fo r y o u . Fo r ty (40) sc h o lar sh ip s [to cover your U.S. air far e (or up to $1000 for origin outside the U.S., $1350 for Australia), 2 nights lo d g in g (4 n ig h ts - Th u r sd ay th r o u g h Su n d ay fo r atte n d e e s w h o r o o m to g e th e r ), r e g istr atio n , m e als and r e fr e sh m e n ts] are being offered by a generous education grant from the Life Extension Foundation. I look forward to “getting to know you.” Ca i r n Id u n Founder/Director: Teens & Twenties: Getting to Know You - You Getting to Know Each Other A Le tte r Fr o m : Bi l l Fa l o o n : Di r e c t o r - th e Life Ex te n sio n Fo u n da tio n A Sp e c ial In v itatio n to Me e t th e Cr y o n ic s Le ad e r s o f To d ay an d Ou r Fu tu r e All Wh ile Be in g Up d ate d On th e Late st LEF Fu n d e d Sc ie n tific R e se ar c h Greetings to Al l Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i st s , I am looking forward to meeting (and reuniting with) as many of you as possible in person. I respect the foresight you have shown by signing up e a r l y. I would like to review the goals of this gathering and then give you an overview. Go als: i Educate young cryonicists about developing emergency response technologies and revival strategies. i Develop a continuing social network of like-minded individuals who otherwise might not have the opportunity to meet in person. Ov e r v ie w : This education seminar/gathering is sponsored by the Life Extension Foundation (LEF) (, a non-profit organization. The genesis of LEF began at a cryonics meeting in 1976. Sa u l Ke n t and I met with wealthy individuals seeking to establish an organization that would support scientific research and education aimed at eradicating biological aging and death. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Life Extension Foundation. Ye a r l y LEF c o n t r i b u t i o n s to anti-death research projects now e x c e e d $10 m illio n . Back when Sa u l and I met, our community of individuals signed up to be cryopreserved totaled only a fraction (less than 10%) of what it is today. Regular monthly meetings enjoyed an almost 100% attendance. Cryonicists developed strong social bonds in those days and relied upon each other’s volunteer services for emergency responses and even perfusions and encapsulations. We have witnessed the advent of the Internet and a move to paid professionals to provide what used to be volunteer cryo-preservation services. Unfortunately, we have also witnessed the fragmentation of our community of more than 2,000 signed up cryonics members (in terms of personal interaction). As increasing numbers of younger individuals sign up to be cryo-preserved, it has become apparent that a gap exists between today’s aging cryonics leaders and those destined to be the future leaders of cryonics related organizations. The twofold focus of this special Yo u n g Cr y o n ic ists Gath e r in g will be one, for you to get to know each other and to provide you with the opportunity to meet a few of those responsible for today’s ongoing advances occurring in cryonics AND for us to get to know e a c h o n e of you - all while two, being updated on our latest scientific research developments. Ca i r n Id u n , founder and director of “Teens and Twenties” events, understands that each of you has your own preference for social introductions. She has organized a variety of “getting acquainted” activities with the objective of having no unmet introductions and bonding opportunities. This gathering creates an environment for today’s scientific and financial caretakers to get to know and educate the future leaders of cryonics AND for you to get to know each other AND, as a consequence, draw strength from each other. We are each others resources. Enjoy this exciting and fulfilling weekend. SCHO LAR SHIP S: cover airfare, hotel, food service and registration fee. LEF, through an education grant, is offering 40 scholarships that pay for the following: U.S. r o u n d -t r i p airfare (from your home address) to and from Las Vegas (or up to $1000 for origin outside the U.S.; $1350 for Australia) Hotel accommodations for Friday and Saturday nights. Thursday or Sunday night is covered ONLY if we determine that it is necessary to arrive in time and attend the entire event (depending upon flight availability). Th u r sd ay & Su n d ay n ig h ts w ill also b e c o v e r e d fo r a t t e n d e e s c h o o sin g to r o o m to g e th e r . Meals and beverages on Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday through lunch Registration fee - $350 - covered by your scholarship These will be awarded on a first (fully completed application) come, first granted basis to 40 f u l l y si g n e d u p a n d ve r i f i e d c r yo n i c i st s ( i.e ., h a vin g a fu n de d c o n tr a c t with a r e c o g n ize d c r yo n ic s p r o vide r ) , a g e s 18 th r o u g h 30. Teens aged 13-17 may apply and attend when accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents/guardians of attendees aged 18-19 are also encouraged to accompany their child. All attending parents will be put in touch with each other should they choose to create their own “get together” during the “young cryonicists” gathering. With respect for your foresight, Bi l l Fa l o o n : D i r e c t o r - Th e Li f e Ex t e n si o n Fo u n d a t i o n Your Host O p ti o n s f o r Sa f e , Se c u r e a n d Le g a l Asse t P r e se r va ti o n f o r P o st-R e su sc i ta ti o n Ac c e ss Th e Six th An n u al Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i st s Gath e r in g Te e n s & Tw e n t i e s 6 2015: Ge ttin g to Kn o w Yo u - Yo u Ge ttin g to Kn o w Eac h Oth e r All Wh ile Be in g Up d ate d o n th e Late st Sc ie n tific R e se ar c h Fri-Sun; Ap r il 24-26, '15 Las Vegas, Nevada Host: Th e Li f e Ex t e n si o n Fo u n da t i o n - Di r e c t o r : Bi l l Fa l o o n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wh o : Fu l l y SIGNED UP c r yo n ic i st s f r o m t h e i r t e e n s t h r o u g h t w e n ti e s ( 13-30) ma y a p p l y t o a t t e n d ( 13-17 a c c o mp a n i e d b y p a r e n t o r g u a r di a n ) . Th o se u n de r 21 mu st r o o m w i t h so me o n e 21 a n d o ve r . Ex p e n se s: Fo r ty ( 40) sc h o l a r sh i p s [ c o v e r i n g U.S. ai r f ar e ( o r u p to $1000 fo r o r i g i n o u tsi d e th e U.S.; $1350 f o r Au str ali a) , 2 n i g h ts lo d g i n g ( 3 o n ly if w e d e e m n e c e ssa r y; 4 IF y o u r o o m w i th an o th e r a tte n de e ) p lu s r e g i str ati o n , m e als & r e f r e sh m e n ts] ar e o f f e r e d th r o u g h a g e n e r o u s e d u c atio n g r an t f r o m th e Li f e Ex te n si o n Fo u n d ati o n ( LEF). No ti f i c atio n o f ac c e p tan c e to atte n d , p lu s r e c e i p t o f a sc h o lar sh i p , w i ll g e n e r ally b e m ad e w i th i n o n e to tw o w e e k s f r o m ar r i v al o f b o th th e ap p li c ati o n an d th e h an d w r i tte n “ ag r e e m e n t.” Fli g h ts w i ll b e sc h e d u le d f o r Fr i d ay m o r n i n g an d Su n d ay e v e n in g ( u n le ss a ti m e ly r e q u e st is m ad e fo r o th e r d ay s) to e n su r e th e b e st f li g h t r ate s - Th u r sd ay & Mo n d ay f o r r o o m m ate s. 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 SCHED ULE (subject to fine tuning) Fr i d ay , 6:30 p m - 10 p m D i n n e r & G e t Ac q u ai n te d Room will open at 5:30 p m . i We lc o m e : Ca i r n Er f r e u li c h e Idu n & Bi l l Fa l o o n i B r i e f se l f in tr o d u c ti o n s - P le ase r e p e at yo u r n a m e e ac h ti m e th at y o u sp e ak . i Mo r e d e tai le d se l f in tr o d u c ti o n s i “ G e ttin g to Kn o w Yo u ” Ac ti v i ty : Ca i r n Idu n ËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËË Satu r d ay , 8:00 am - 9 am B r e ak f ast, In f o r m al So c iali zati o n 9 am - 6 p m ( No o n -1 p m : Lu n c h ) i “ G e tti n g to Kn o w Yo u ” Ac ti v i tie s: Ca i r n Idu n Eac h o n e o f y o u h as y o u r o w n p r e fe r e n c e fo r so c ializin g . Eac h o n e o f y o u p o sse sse s y o u r o w n le v e l o f c o m fo r t an d sk ill w h e n m e e tin g so m e o n e n e w . I w ill th e r e fo r e in c lu d e a va r i e t y o f “ g e ttin g ac q u ain te d ” ac tiv itie s. Sim p ly h av in g u n str u c tu r e d so c ial e v e n ts u su ally le av e s m an y u n m e t in tr o d u c tio n s. R e me mb e r : Wh ile y o u ar e b e in g u p d ate d o n th e late st sc ie n tific ad v an c e s w e h av e tw o ad d itio n al g o als. ONE: A fe w m e m b e r s o f o u r asse t p r e se r v atio n g r o u p w an t to g e t to kn o w e ac h in d iv id u al w ith e n o u g h fo r e sig h t to sig n u p fo r c r y o n ic s at a y o u n g ag e . TWO: Yo u r e c e iv e th e o p p o r tu n ity to g e t to k n o w o th e r s lik e y o u r se lv e s. As a c o n se q u e n c e w e c an d r aw str e n g th fr o m e ac h o th e r . We ar e e ac h o th e r ’s r e so u r c e s. Ca i r n i Jo h n Sc h lo e n do r n & Nu n o Ma r ti n s: R e se ar c h Up d ate s i O p ti o n al C o n tac t Ex c h an g e - A “ Stay i n To u c h ” Ne tw o r k , Fo r u m & Me e t-u p s 6:30 p m - D i n n e r i Bi l l Fa l o o n : C u r r e n t Sc i e n ti f ic Ad v an c e s an d To p i c s i “ Ge ttin g to Kn o w Yo u ” Ac tiv itie s & En te r tain m e n t b y Ou r Tale n te d Atte n d e e s: Ca i r n Idu n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sunday, 9:00 am - 10 am B r e ak f ast, So c i ali zati o n 10 am - 5 pm (1 pm - 2 pm: Lunc h - Then depart to the So c iety fo r the P reservatio n o f Near-Extinc t Spec ies.) i Lo u i e He lm : T2 6 2015 D i sti n g u i sh e d Alu m i “ G e tti n g to Kn o w Yo u ” Ac ti v i ti e s: Ca i r n Idu n i Clo sing R emarks We lo o k fo rw ard to enjo ying yo ur c o mpany and “getting to kno w yo u.” Cairn Idun & Bill Faloon Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access Th e Six th An n u al Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i st s Gath e r in g Teens & Twenties 6 2015: Getting to Kno w Yo u - Yo u Getting to Kno w Eac h Other - All While Being Updated o n the Latest Scientific Research Friday - Sunday; April 24-26, 2015 Hampto n Inn Tro pic ana, Las Vegas, Nevada Ho st: Life Extension Foundation - Director: Bill Faloon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii R e g istr atio n Fo r m fo r NEW Ap p lic a n ts Last year’s attendees w ill rec eive a separate applic atio n. This is NOT a drop in event. Yo u MUST be registered in advance and already be fully signed up (i.e., a paid contract with a recognized cryonics provider) fo r c ryo -preservatio n. Application deadline: March 20, 2015. 40 Sc ho larships available o n a first applied first granted basis to all qualified applic ants. Name Age (13-17 ac c o mpanied by a parent o r guardian) Birth date Cryo nic s Pro vider Mailing Address e-mail Pho ne My tho ughts o n Teens & Tw enties: 9 I w ish to register & apply fo r a full sc ho larship . [Co vers registratio n fee ($350 - inc ludes meals & refreshments), U.S. airfare (o r up to $1000 fo r airfare o utside the U.S.; $1350 fo r Australia), & 2 nights lo dging] 9 I w ish to ro o m w ith ano ther attendee & have Thurs. & Sunday night’s lo dging also c o vered. Ro o mmate: 9 I w ish to register & apply fo r a partial sc ho larship . 9 registratio n 9 airfare 9 lo dging 9 I w ish to register and c an pay my o w n w ay. 9 registratio n $350 9 I am also sending either my “Scholarship Recipient Agreement” or my “Attendee Agreement” if I am a Self Pay applicant. Yo ur applic atio n w ill be verified upo n rec eipt o f this agreement. Mail, fax o r e-mail to (o r c lic k to send fo r w eb based fill in the blank fo rms): Teens & Tw enties; c /o Kathy Markell; Life Extensio n Fo undatio n 3600 West Co mmerc ial Blvd.; Fo rt Lauderdale FL 33309 Pho ne: 954-202-7702 FAX: 954-202-7745 e-mail: kmarkell@lifeextensio n.c o m I lo o k fo rw ard to “getting to kno w yo u.” Cairn Idun Fo under/Direc to r Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access The Sixth Annual Young Cryonicists Gathering Teens & Twenties 6 2015: Getting to Kno w Yo u - Yo u Getting to Kno w Eac h Other - All While Being Updated o n the Latest Scientific Research Friday-Sunday; April 24-26, 2015 Hampto n Inn Tro pic ana; Las Vegas, Nevada Ho st: Life Extension Foundation - Director: Bill Faloon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Registratio n Fo rm fo r Returning Applicants Potential new attendees have rec eived a separate applic atio n. This is NOT a dro p in event. Yo u MUST b e registered in advanc e. Thirty-one year olds w ho have previo usly attended may attend fo r this o ne additio nal year at their o w n expense fo r travel and lo dging - no registratio n fee. Yo ur “Sc ho larship R ec ipient Agreement” o r “Attendee Agreement” (see belo w ) sho uld ac c o mpany o r fo llo w yo ur applic atio n. Application deadline: March 20, 2015. Name Age (13-17 ac c o mpanied by a parent o r guardian) Birth date Cryo nic s Pro vider Mailing Address e-mail Pho ne My tho ughts o n prio r Teens & Tw enties: 9 I w ish to register & apply fo r a full sc ho larship. [Co vers registratio n fee ($350 - inc ludes meals & refreshments), U.S. airfare (o r up to $1000 fo r airfare o utside the U.S., $1350 fo r Australia), & 2 nights lo dging, 4 nights fo r attendees w ho ro o m to gether] 9 I w ish to ro o m w ith ano ther attendee & have Thursday & Sunday night’s lo dging c o vered. Ro o mmate 9 I w ish to register & apply fo r a partial sc ho larship. 9 registratio n 9 airfare 9 lo dging 9 I w ish to register and c an pay my o w n w ay. 9 registratio n $350 9 I am also sending either my “Scholarship Recipient Agreement” or my “Attendee Agreement” if I am a Self Pay applicant (see below). Yo ur applic atio n w ill be verified upo n rec eipt o f this agreement. Mail, fax o r e-mail to (o r c lic k to send fo r w eb b ased fill in the b lank fo rms): Teens & Tw enties; c /o Kathy Markell; Life Extensio n Fo undatio n 3600 West Co mmerc ial Blvd.; Fo rt Lauderdale FL 33309 Pho ne: 954-202-7702 FAX: 954-202-7745 e-mail: kmarkell@lifeextensio n.c o m Kathy w ill fo rw ard returning applic atio ns to me. I lo o k fo rw ard to o ur reunio n. Cairn Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access The Sixth Annual Young Cryonicists Gathering Teens & Twenties 6 2015: Getting to Kno w Yo u - Yo u Getting to Kno w Eac h Other - All While Being Updated o n the Latest Scientific Research Friday-Sunday; 04/24-26/15 Hampton Inn, Las Vegas, Nevada Host: Life Extension Foundation - Director: Bill Faloon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Airports In and Aro und Las Vegas, Nevada No rth Las Vegas Airpo rt (VGT) 2730 Airport Dr # 101, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 (702) 261-3801 Mc Carran Internatio nal Airpo rt (LAS) 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Henderso n Exec utive Airpo rt (HND) 3500 Executive Terminal Dr, Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 261-5211 (702) 261-4800 Grand Canyo n West Airpo rt (1G4) PO Box 359, Peach Springs, AZ 86434 (928) 769-2419 Tug Tec hno lo gies Co rp 1545 Aller Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89119 (702) 739-8391 Laughlin/Bullhead Internatio nal Airpo rt (IFP) 2550 Laughlin View Dr # 117, Bullhead City, AZ 86429 (928) 754-2134 Kingman Airpo rt (IGM) 7000 Flightline Dr, Kingman, AZ 86401 (928) 757-2134 ËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËË Lo dging fo r T2 6 2015 The Hampto n Inn Tro pic ana 4975 S. Dean Martin Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States 89118 Tel: 1-702-948-8123 FAX: 1-702-948-8101 Gro up Rate: $99 (12% tax) single or double occupancy - Group Code or “Young Cryonicists: Teens & Twenties” Cut-o ff date fo r these rates is 04/02/2015. Duratio n: Our group rate of $99 extends three (3) days prior to 04/23/2015 and three (3) days post the closing date of 04/27/2015, subject to availability. 44444444444444444444444444 Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access The Sixth Annual Young Cryonicists Gathering Teens & Twenties 6 2015: Getting to Kno w Yo u - Yo u Getting to Kno w Eac h Other - All While Being Updated o n the Latest Scientific Research Friday - Sunday; April 24-26, 2015 Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, Nevada Host: Life Extension Foundation - Bill Faloon: Director 44444444444444444444444444444 Re: Persona l Exc ha nge Ha ndouts Greetings to All Teens & Twenties 6 Attendees, I am looking forward to meeting each new attendee and reuniting with those from our previous gatherings. I have one request. Please bring 64 c o pies of whatever you would like to hand out about yourself to other Teens and Twenties attendees. This could be: 4 no thing 4 basic c o ntac t info rmatio n 4 a business c ard 4 a typeset, 8 1/2 X 11 hando ut 4 o ther One of our goals, of course, is to help create a suppo rt netw o rk amongst yourselves. You may choose to hand out this information about yourself to everyo ne - o r selec tively. Forever, Cairn Idun Founder/Director Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access Consensus is neither sought nor desired. - suppo rting individual c ho ic es - “Teens & Twenties: Getting to Know You You Getting to Know Each Other” is independent of any specific cryonics organization in order to make it useful and available to ALL young cryonicists. Cairn Idun O p ti o n s f o r Sa f e , Se c u r e a n d Le g a l Asse t P r e se r va ti o n f o r P o st-R e su sc i ta ti o n Ac c e ss Th e Six th An n u al Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i st s Gath e r in g Te e n s & Tw e n t i e s 6 2015: Ge ttin g to Kn o w Yo u - Yo u Ge ttin g to Kn o w Eac h Oth e r - All Wh ile Be in g Up d ate d o n th e La t e st Sc i e n t i f i c R e se a r c h Fr id ay -Su n d ay ; Ap r i l 24-26, 2015 Las Ve g as NV Fo u n d e r /D i r e c to r : C ai r n Id u n Ho st: Lif e Ex te n si o n Fo u n d ati o n / B i ll F alo o n : D i r e c to r Scholarship Recipient Agreement All scholarships to Teens & Twenties 6 - 2015 are dependant upon a handwritten, signed, dated and timely receipt of the following agreement. This is meant to accompany your application. Please use black ink to copy the following ENTIRE statement in your own handwriting and insert your name where designated. Then sign and date. This unfortunate requirement is due to just “one bad apple” who took advantage of the free hotel room BUT did not attend any of the events. She did however show up for free meals. The goal is to discourage abuse. If you think this form of theft is “no big deal,” it is best that you also not apply. This gathering is specifically for those who WANT to get to know ALL attendees & who WANT to participate. This is a scholarship to peacefully ATTEND T2. The name of this one individual will not be revealed. The vast majority of young cryonicists are incredibly mature - more so than the population at large. Yet any group can have that one bad element. STATEMENT: I, , understand that my scholarship to the Teens & Twenties 6 - 2015 is provisional. I will provide my valid credit card information to the hotel upon my arrival. Basic charges for my room for the designated scholarship days, and event meals and refreshments, will be covered by my scholarship at the conclusion of Teens & Twenties 6 - 2015 IF I have peacefully attended all events in full (ON TIME) & have not caused or participated in any disruptions (anything that prevents scheduled and approved activities from proceeding). IF I miss, or am late to, any event, or cause or participate in a disruption, all hotel room charges for whatever room is reserved for me (That means that if I room with someone or stay elsewhere the charges will still accrue to me.), & the actual per person cost of ALL event meals & refreshments, will be charged to my credit card. I also agree to pay back all scholarship related travel costs. An exception will be made for events outside of my control (i.e. delayed flight, legitimate illness). As a backup I may wish to pre-arrange wake-up calls with the hotel. (signature) (date) It is insufficient to simply sign and date this statement/agreement. Remember to LEGIBLY copy the entire statement/agreement in your own handwriting. Your flight and registration will be confirmed upon timely (in time to get the best flight rates) receipt of this handwritten statement. Should this arrive too late to get the best rate, you will be charged for the difference. Only those applicants who provide this statement will be allowed to attend. Writing this out helps to prevent anyone from claiming they signed without reading it. Please send your handwritten agreement to: Teens and Twenties 6 - 2015; c/o Kathy Markell; Life Extension Foundation; 3600 West Commercial Blvd.; Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 FAX: 954-202-7745 e-mail: kmarkell@lifeextensio n.c o m Thank-yo u fo r yo ur c o o peratio n. I kno w this is unfo rtunate. One b ad apple...... O p ti o n s f o r Sa f e , Se c u r e a n d Le g a l Asse t P r e se r va ti o n f o r P o st-R e su sc i ta ti o n Ac c e ss Th e Six th An n u al Yo u n g Cr yo n i c i sts Gath e r in g Te e n s & Tw e n t i e s 6 2015: Ge ttin g to Kn o w Yo u - Yo u Ge ttin g to Kn o w Eac h Oth e r - All Wh ile Be in g Up d ate d o n th e La t e st Sc i e n t i f i c R e se a r c h Fr i d ay -Su n d ay ; Ap r i l 24-26, 2015 Las Ve g as, Ne v ad a Ho st: LEF - Bi l l Fa l o o n : D i r e c to r Self-Pay Attendee Agreement Acceptance of a Self-Pay Application to Attend Teens & Twenties 6 - 2015 is dependent upon a handwritten, signed, dated and timely receipt of the following agreement. Applications to attend T2 6 - 2015 are not automatically accepted. Please use black ink to copy the ENTIRE statement in your own handwriting and insert your name where designated. Then sign and date. This unfortunate requirement is due to just “one bad apple.” This gathering is specifically for those who WANT to get to know ALL attendees & who WANT to attend the entire program. Acceptance is based upon an agreement to peacefully and fully attend T2. The name of this one individual will not be revealed. STATEMENT: I, , understand that my admittance to the Teens & Twenties 6 - 2015 is provisional. If my application to attend Teens & Twenties 6 - 2015 is accepted, I agree to peacefully attend all events in full (ON TIME) and will not cause or participate in any disruptions (anything that prevents scheduled and approved activities from proceeding). IF I miss or am late to any events, or cause or participate in a disruption, I understand that I will be asked to leave and permanently denied admittance to any future T2 events. An exception will be made for events outside of my control (i.e. delayed flight, legitimate illness). As a backup I may wish to pre-arrange wake-up calls with the hotel. . (signature) (date) It is insufficient to simply sign and date this statement/agreement. Remember to LEGIBLY copy the entire statement/agreement in your own handwriting. Your application will be confirmed upon timely receipt of this handwritten statement. This must be supplied prior to consideration for acceptance to attend. Please include this with your application. Writing this out helps to prevent anyone from claiming they signed without reading it. The vast majority of young cryonicists are incredibly mature and intelligent - more so than the population at large. Yet any group can have that one bad element. Please send to: Teens and Twenties 6 - 2015 c/o Kathy Markell; Life Extension Foundation; 3600 West Commercial Blvd.; Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 FAX: 954-202-7745 e-mail: kmarkell@lifeextensio n.c o m Thank-yo u fo r yo ur c o o peratio n. I kno w this is unfo rtunate. One bad apple...... T2 - Come Early - Stay Late Some attendees to T2 enjoy spending extra time in Vegas - especially since their flight is already paid for with their scholarship. At their own expense for additional food and lodging, they are arriving early and/or spending extra days after the T2 gathering. Each has an individual reaso n. 1. Spend extra time with new found or old friends. 2. Enjoy being a tourist in Nevada. 3. Visit Nevadan family. 4. Other Each has their o w n lo dging preferenc e. 1. Our discounted hotel rate extends for the 3 days before April 23 and the 3 days after April 27, 2015. Be sure to notify the hotel if you plan to use our discounted rate for extra days. 2. Some choose Las Vegas Strip lodging. 3. Some choose low cost motels. 4. Some..................... Your T2 scholarship will cover an additional two nights (Thursday and Sunday) for attendees who choose to room together for all 4 nights. Because we are in Vegas, attendees under 21 are required to room with someone 21 and over. This can be achieved in one of two ways. 1. Room with a parent or guardian. 2. Room with another attendee who is over 21. In this case you are eligible for Thursday and Sunday night coverage. IF you would like to arrive before Friday or stay later than Sunday (Thurs./Mon. for attendee roommates), THEN just let Kathy Markell know right away BEFORE she books your flights for Friday morning and Sunday evening (Thurs/Mon). Kathy has an incredibly busy schedule and will give you only one reminder to let her know your flight preference. Based upon when you apply for a scholarship, Kathy will let you know the date when your flight preference must be communicated to her. After that date she w ill c ho o se a flight fo r yo u. Why do w e bo o k flights early ?-----To get the best rates. As for me, I will arrive the Tuesday before and depart the Thursday after T2. I enjoy my time “getting to know you.” Forever, Cairn Erfreuliche Idun Additio nal Info rmatio n Scholarships: Individuals who are related to directors or employees of Life Extension Foundation are ineligible for scholarships. An employee or director of LEF may attend as part of employment (business expense) or as part of being a director, but not on a scholarship. A Las Vegas Hampton Experience Like No Other. Enjoy a host of c o mp limentary amenities with the Hampto n Inn Tro p ic ana Ho tel. Our affordable, non-gaming hotel features a hassle-free location just a half mile off the busy Las Vegas Strip and directly across the street from the west-coast favorite InN-Out Burger. We are the closest Hampton Inn to the Las Vegas Strip and we provide complimentary parking with free shuttle service to the Strip and the McCarran International Airport. designed to provide true comfort and hospitality. Guests enjoy the outdoor setting for eating breakfast, reading, getting some alone time or just soaking up the sun. Beat the Las Vegas heat in our gorgeous patio area. The patio includes an outdoor heated pool, a pleasant waterfall, Jacuzzi, sundeck and beautifully appointed cabanas and cushioned lounge chairs. Or grab your favorite cocktail and relax in a tropical atmosphere at our onsite cocktail bar/lounge. Our Las Vegas hotel is distinctively We provide each hotel guest with a host of amenities for the best value in Las Vegas. Business Center with 4 Computers (Renovated) Special Events & Meeting Facilities Onsite Cocktail Bar/Lounge Complimentary On The House™ Hot Breakfast Las Vegas Hotel Suite Shop (onsite convenience store) ***Complimentary Round-trip Airport Transportation 5:00am – 2:00am, daily Complimentary Shuttle to Tropicana & Mandalay Bay Hotels Room Service available through Order Inn Hospitality Services™ (Hours posted below) In-room Free Wireless High Speed Internet Access Free Wi-Fi Access in Public Areas Outdoor Heated Swimming Pool, Whirlpool Spa and Cabanas (year-round) 24-hour Fitness Center (free weights, treadmills, water station, 37¢ TVs & more) USA Today Newspaper on Weekdays Valet Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services Plus Guest Laundry Facility Multi-Lingual Staff No resort fees! 100% Hampton Guarantee ***Guest must call the hotel directly for airport pick-up. ***R o o m Servic e Ho urs*** Monday: 9:00AM – 2:00AM Tuesday: 9:00AM – 2:00AM Wednesday: 9:00AM – 3:00AM Thursday: 9:00AM – 4:00AM Friday/Saturday: 9:00AM – 5:00AM Sunday: 9:00AM – 3:00AM Hampton Inn Event Center 44' X 85' X 16'
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