OVERSEAS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ● Overseas qualifications and experience are assessed on a case by case basis. ● NZAMH will approve Candidates with qualifications in herbal medicine accepted by either: National Herbalist's Association of Australia (NHAA), or The National Institute of Medical Herbalists in the United Kingdom (NIMH). The standard application fee of $295 plus a one-off $20 administration fee applies and should be included with this application if you qualify on the above basis. For those who have not completed an NHAA or NIMH accredited course, you will need to provide additional information as well. See the Non-Accredited Qualifications Application information and application fee below. All Candidates:● You must also send the following information (please tick the box to indicate compliance) : □ □ □ □ □ Proof of at least 100 relevant hours eg. clinical practice, teaching, research, or other relevant hours. Curriculum vitae, showing employment and education history. Proof of Continuing Professional Education (CPE), if you graduated more than one year ago: Evidence of 30 points of CPE acquired over the last 12 months, of which 20 points must relate to herbal medicine. A current Workplace First Aid Certificate, covering NZQA Unit standards 6400, 6401 and 6402 OR 6400, 26551 and 26552. Knowledge of New Zealand laws pertinent to professional practice: − Notifiable Diseases: http://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/notifiable-diseases − Privacy Act: http://www.privacy.org.nz/the-privacy-act-and-codes/privacy-principles/ − Health and Disability Act: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1994/0088/latest/whole.html − Health and Disability Commissioner - The Code of Rights: http://www.hdc.org.nz/the-act--code/thecode-of-rights Ticking this box indicates you have familiarised yourself with these laws. □ □ □ □ □ A certified copy of current photo identification, such as a passport or driver’s license. Your proficiency in English and that you have good communication skills. Proof of New Zealand Citizenship or Permanent New Zealand Residency. A good character reference from a reputable source e.g. police, principal. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? Yes / No. If “Yes”, please provide information on any criminal offenses you have been convicted of. Non-Accredited Qualifications Applicants Only The Non-Accredited Course Application is for Candidates who have not completed a NHAA or NIMH accredited qualification in herbal medicine. You will be required to provide further information on your course content or your level of clinical experience to enable us to determine your eligibility for professional membership. When processing your application, our examiners will need to cross-check your individual course subjects and hours against our education standards. Any other training and clinical experience will also be taken into consideration. This process can take between 2-4 weeks, depending on the level of information you supply. Once you submit your paperwork, you will be contacted by one of our examiners who will keep you up to date with progress and let you know if there is anything else they need. You must send the following additional information with your membership application (please tick the box to indicate compliance): □ Certified copies of your qualification/s and full academic transcript/s (or equivalent) including the award/s obtained, date of graduation and for each subject: Hours studied, including how much was face-to-face and how much was self-directed. - Subject content, including course outlines where possible. Learning outcomes. You must send us the original certified copies of your documents, all of which must be in English or translated into English. Certification may be done by a Justice of the Peace, a Lawyer, a Notary Public, a Commissioner of Oaths, a Court Registrar or Deputy Registrar or a Member of Staff at a New Zealand Embassy. We will not accept faxed or scanned copies. These copies will not be returned to you. □ Payment of $75, which is non-refundable, for the processing of your Non-Accredited Course Application. Once your application is finalised, we will ask for payment of professional membership fees of $295 per annum, in addition to the $20 administration fee. Post your membership form and documents to NZAMH. Remember, we must have the original certified copies of your documents, so faxed or scanned copies are not acceptable.
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