Clinical Medical Policy Department Clinical Affairs Division Cryosurgical Ablation of the Prostate [For the list of services and procedures that need preauthorization, please refer to go to “Comunicados a Proveedores”, and click “Cartas Circulares”.] Medical Policy: Original Effective Date: Revised: Next Revision: MP-SU-02-07 December 22, 2007 October 22, 2014 August, 2015 This policy applies to products subscribed by the following corporations, MCS Life Insurance Company (Commercial), and MCS Advantage, Inc. (Classicare) and Medical Card System, Inc., provider’s contract; unless specific contract limitations, exclusions or exceptions apply. Please refer to the member’s benefit certification language for benefit availability. Managed care guidelines related to referral authorization, and precertification of inpatient hospitalization, home health, home infusion and hospice services apply subject to the aforementioned exceptions. DESCRIPTION Cryosurgery of the prostate gland, also known as Cryosurgical Ablation of the Prostate (CAP), destroys prostate tissue by applying extremely cold temperature in order to reduce the size of the prostate gland. An Ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is use to help to guide the cryoprobe and monitor the freezing of the cells to avoid collateral damage to nearby healthy tissue. COVERAGE Benefits may vary between groups and contracts. Please refer to the appropriate member certificate and subscriber agreement contract for applicable diagnostic imaging, DME, laboratory, machine tests, benefits and coverage. INDICATIONS Medical Card System (MCS) considers Cryosurgical Ablation of the Prostate (CSAP) medically reasonable and necessary as primary treatment for: 1. Clinically localized prostate cancer Stage T1 (i.e., clinically in apparent tumors), Stage T2 (i.e., tumor confined within the prostate), Stage T3 (i.e., tumor locally advanced) when lymph nodes are negative for cancer. 2. Salvage cryosurgery of prostate after radiation failure for: a. Having recurrent, localized prostate cancer; b. Have failed a trial of radiation therapy as their primary treatment; AND This document is designated for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, or an explanation of benefits (EOB), or a contract. Medical technology is constantly changing and we reserves the right to review and update our policies periodically. Medical Card System, Inc. All Rights Reserved® 1 Clinical Medical Policy Department Clinical Affairs Division c. Meet one of these conditions: Stage T2B or below Gleason Score < 9 PSA < 8ng/mL CONTRAINDICATIONS/LIMITATIONS 1. Cryosurgery as salvage therapy is not covered after failure of other therapies as the primary treatment. 2. Salvage Cryosurgery of Prostate will be contraindicated only in members where radiation therapy trial fail and the conditions noted above are not met. 3. If the patient has a very large prostate. In this case patient may be required to have hormone treatment first to shrink the prostate to an appropriate size. 4. If the patient has had prior TURP (Transurethral Prostatectomy) surgery which has left a large defect. 5. If the patient has any rectal pathology or disease such as rectal stenosis. 6. If patient suffers from inflammatory bowel disease with fistula formation. 7. If patient has had previous pelvic surgery; scarring may interfere with ability to perform procedure. 8. If the patient has had a significant symptom of urinary tract obstruction; may not be ideal candidates for cryotherapy. CODING INFORMATION CPT® CODES (LIST MAY NOT BE ALL INCLUSIVE) CPT® Codes 55873 Description Cryosurgical ablation of the prostate (includes ultrasonic guidance and monitoring) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) 2014 American Medical Association: Chicago, IL. ICD-9 CM® DIAGNOSIS CODES (LIST MAY NOT BE ALL INCLUSIVE) ICD-9 CM® Codes 185 233.4 Description Malignant Neoplasm of Prostate Carcinoma in Situ (prostate) This document is designated for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, or an explanation of benefits (EOB), or a contract. Medical technology is constantly changing and we reserves the right to review and update our policies periodically. Medical Card System, Inc. All Rights Reserved® 2 Clinical Medical Policy Department Clinical Affairs Division 236.5 239.5 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of (prostate) Neoplasm of unspecified nature (other genitourinary organs) 2014 ICD-9-CM®For Physicians, VOLUMES I & II, Professional Edition (American Medical Association) HCPCS® CODES (List may not be all inclusive) HCPCS Codes C2618 Description Probe/needle, Cryoablation 2014 HCPCS LEVEL II Professional Edition® (American Medical Association). ICD-10 Codes (Preview Draft) In preparation for changes in the coding systems form ICD- 9 to ICD -10, this policy includes a sample list of ICD-10 codes for your reference. These codes may become subject to changes or modifications since they will be in effect on October 1, 2015. ICD-10-Codes C61 D07.5 D40.0 D49.5 DESCRIPTION Malignant neoplasm of prostate Carcinoma in situ of prostate Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other genitourinary organs REFERENCES 1. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Coverage Issue Manual, section 35-96. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: & 2. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Manual System Pub 100-04 Medicare Claims Processing, Transmittal 1111, Change Request 5376, Dated: November 9, 2006. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: 3. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 18 Preventive and Screening Services. Rev. 2824. Section 50.1. Dated: Nov 22, 2013. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: This document is designated for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, or an explanation of benefits (EOB), or a contract. Medical technology is constantly changing and we reserves the right to review and update our policies periodically. Medical Card System, Inc. All Rights Reserved® 3 Clinical Medical Policy Department Clinical Affairs Division 4. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Medicare Processing Manual, Chapter 32-Billing Requirements for Special Services, Transmittal for Chapter 32, 180 - Cryosurgery of the Prostate Gland, 180.1-Coverage Requirements, 180.2-Billing Requirements, 180.3-Payment Requirements. Rev. 2989, Last Revision: 07/18/2014. Rev. 2998, Last Revision: 07/25/18. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: 5. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Cryosurgery of Prostate, Section, (230.9). Effective Date: 7/01/2001. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: or 6. Duke K. Bahn, MD and Paul Silverman, MD. The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) Cryoablation of the Prostate. February 2005 Vol. 8. No. 1. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: 7. ECRI. Technology update: cryosurgical ablation of the prostate. Plymouth Meeting (PA): 2009 (Executive Briefings). Searched August 20, 2014. (Document not available at available at MCS electronic folder). 8. ECRI. [technology assessment] - Cryoablation for prostate cancer. Plymouth Meeting (PA): April 30, 2008. Searched August 20, 2014. (Document not available at (Document available at MCS electronic folder). 9. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website. 510 summaries # Letter K042667. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: 10. Gregory T. Sweat, M.D. Guiding Prostate Cancer Treatment choices, Early detection means more options for more men. Post Graduate. Medicine Vol. 117. No. 4. April 2005. Pag: 45-50. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: 11. Jeffrey K. Cohen, Ralph J. Miller, Ju, Gina M. Rooker and Barry A. Shaman, Medical Article, Cryosurgical Ablation of Prostate: Two year Prostate Specific Antigen and Biopsy Results. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL address: This document is designated for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, or an explanation of benefits (EOB), or a contract. Medical technology is constantly changing and we reserves the right to review and update our policies periodically. Medical Card System, Inc. All Rights Reserved® 4 Clinical Medical Policy Department Clinical Affairs Division 12. Medscape. Matthew R Cooperberg, MD, MPH; Chief Editor: Edward David Kim, MD, FACS. Cryotherapy in Prostate Cancer. Updated: March 08, 2012. Accessed August 20, 2014. Available at URL Address: POLICY HISTORY DATE December 22, 2007 ACTION Origination of Policy August 11, 2009 August 25, 2010 August 18,2011 July 12, 2012 December 10, 2012 Yearly Review Yearly Review Yearly Review Yearly Review Review August 19, 2013 February 21,2014 Yearly Review Revised August 20, 2014 Yearly Review COMMENT Deleted ICD-9 Codes from the policy: 198.82 References updated References updated. Policy was reviewed and approved by the Medical Card System (MCS) Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) on December 10, 2012. References updated. To the Coding section: A new ICD-10 Codes (Preview Draft) section was added to the policy. References updated. To the Contraindication/Limitations Section: Contraindication/Limitation #2 was modified. New contraindication #8 was added to the Policy. To the Coding Section: HCPCS code C2618 was reviewed to add a word in the description. To the References Section: New Reference #12 was added to the Policy. This document is for informational purposes only. It is not an authorization, certification, explanation of benefits, or contract. Receipt of benefits is subject to satisfaction of all terms and conditions of coverage. Eligibility and benefit coverage are determined in accordance with the terms of the member’s plan in effect as of the date services are rendered. Medical Card System, Inc., (MCS) medical policies are developed with the assistance of medical professionals and are based upon a review of published and unpublished information including, but not limited to, current medical literature, guidelines published by public health and health research agencies, and community medical practices in the treatment and diagnosis of disease. Because medical practice, information, and technology are constantly changing, Medical Card System, Inc., (MCS) reserves the right to review and update its medical policies at its discretion. Medical Card System, Inc., (MCS) medical policies are intended to serve as a resource to the plan. They are not intended to limit the plan’s ability to interpret plan language as deemed appropriate. Physicians and other providers are solely responsible for all aspects of medical care and treatment, including the type, quality, and levels of care and treatment they choose to provide. This document is designated for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, or an explanation of benefits (EOB), or a contract. Medical technology is constantly changing and we reserves the right to review and update our policies periodically. Medical Card System, Inc. All Rights Reserved® 5
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