1 Curriculum Vitae 10.02.2015 MARJA HEINONEN Born 7.8.1962 Tampere Mäkipäänkatu 28-30 D 75 33500 Tampere Education and degrees awarded D.Soc.Sc., University of Helsinki, Department of Communication, 6 October 2008. M.Soc.SC., University of Helsinki, Department of Communication, major in communication studies, 1998 Journalistes en Europe training programme, Paris 1995-96 Academic leadership training programme, University of Tampere, 2005 Linguistic skills Finnish (native speaker) English (very good) Swedish (good) German (fair) French (fair) Current position Owner, Ilona M Oy 1.9.2012- (2008-) Previous work experience Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle, 2009-2012 Head of Development, YLE24/Yle News and Current Affairs Pirkanmaa Film Centre (Pirkanmaan elokuvakeskus) 2007-2008 Director, Mediagrid. Tampere University of Technology , 2006-2007 Head of Communications Press officer MindTrek ry, 2006 Chairman (full time) 2 University of Tampere, 2002-2005 Director (2years), Hypermedia Laboratory Special consultant (erityisasiantuntija) (3months) , Hyp Lab Researcher (7months), G-Nike Research Project Alma Media Interactive Oy/Alma Media Oyj, 2000-2002 Researcher (2 years, nine months) Consultant MTV3 Internet unit (2 months) Finnish Business Daily (Kauppalehti), 1988-1999 Editor, producer Ministry of Education/AV-Eureka Committee, 1991-1992 Secretary Economic Information Bureau, 1987-88 Editor Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (KOP), 1886 Communications trainee Experience with meditation and mindfulness training Practiced formal meditation for 2 years. Besides that done informal meditation especially in the nature for 30 years. Participated mindfulness courses in MBRS and in buddhist tradition and a 6-day retreat conducted by Bob Stahl from US. Merits in Presentation, Teaching and Pedagogical Competence 2013- lectures and coaching on stress management using mindfulness. 2009-2012 facilitating several workshops and events on strategy 2008-2012 Several lectures and trainings on changing media landscape and new forms of media (Internet, social media) for journalists in Yleisradio Since the beginning of 2000 trained and given lectures about net medium media convergence and changing media landscape in Yle, University of Helsinki, University of Tampere, Arcada, TAIK, Tampere University of Applied Sciences. 2003-2005 worked as a Director of Hypermedia Laboratory during which time participated several panels and discussions as an media expert. Coordinating research projects and product development in Alma Media. Written presentation skills are outstanding because of over 20 years career as journalist. 3 Experience with leadership and science Leadership experience is based on position as the Head of Department of the Hypermedia Laboratory at the University of Tampere in 2002-2004 . Laboratory was a research and teaching unit of some 60 people. Have a doctoral degree on communications. Done many projects and lots of consulting with universities and scientific projects, especially in the field of information technology. Merits and Activities Kopiosto/AVEK 2012Member of the expert council of DigiDemo (a grant to support clutural content and enterpreneurship through the Ministry of Education and Culture) City of Tampere, 2012 Member of the advisory group of Tammela project (a strategic city development project) Forum Virium Helsinki, 2011-2012 Member of a steering group (ohjausryhmä) Member of a task force (työryhmä) Parents’ Society of the School of Tammela, (vanhempainyhdistys) 2005-2007 Deputy chairman Member of the board Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL), Pasila section , 20022003 Deputy chairman IIC Finlandin (International Institute of Communication, Finnish section) Secretary 2002-2007 Member of the board 2005-2007 Mind Trek ry, 2003-2005 Chairman 2004-2005 Deputy chairman 2003-2004 Member of the board 2003-2011 Institute of Digital Media (DMI) (Digitaalisen median instituutti) 20042005 Member of the board DLL Iniative 2004-2005 Member of the steering group NordiChi Conference, 2004 4 Member of the organization committee Media Skills and Competence Conference, 2004 Chairman eBRC Research Board, 2003-2006 Member Publications Book Heinonen, Marja – Virolainen, Kaisa. 2014 Murrosiän mutka – Kaisan tarina skolioosista (The adolesence curve – Kaisa’s story on scoliosis). Ilona M Oy. Tampere. ISBN Heinonen, Marja, 2009. Verkkomedian käyttö ja tutkiminen. Iltalehti Online 1995-2001. Väitöskirja. Helsingin yliopisto. Viestinnän laitos. Viestinnän julkaisuja 15. ISBN 978-952-10-4942-2 (nid.), ISBN 978-952-104943-9 (PDF). (Doctoral thesis) Heinonen, Marja, 2006 (toim.). Digitaalisen ajan lukutaidot- Literacies in the Digital Age. HAMKin julkaisuja 18/2005. ISBN 951-44-6513-X. Heinonen, Marja. 1993. Audiovisual Finland 1993. AV-EUREKA Center. Audiovisual Eureka Finland. ISBN 951-96749-0-X. Published development or research report or study Heinonen, Marja. 1994. Tiedonsiirron valtaväylä. USA:n yritykset, yhteisöt ja kotitaloudet yhdistetään uusien tietopalvelujen käyttäjiksi. C-INFO – Extra. Suomen Tekijänoikeudellinen Yhdistys ry, Tekijänoikeusinstituutti. Lasse Helle Oy ISSN. 1236-7761. Popularised article, newspaper article Heinonen, Marja. 2012. En ole pahis, vakuuttaa Google. Ja me uskomme sen. Pitäisikö? A book review and analysis on Google. AVEK 3.10.2012 Heinonen, Marja. 2010. Netti tekee meistä pannukakkuja. An article about information technology and brains. AVEK2/10 Several media related (the change of media, net media) articles in different medias 2008-2009. Heinonen, Marja. 2008. Median muutoksiin voi vaikuttaa. An expert article in Aamulehti editorial page 7/2008 Heinonen Marja. 2008. Juttu suomalaisen animaation tilasta. Visio magazine.10/2008. 5 Heinonen Marja. 2007. Yleisöistä. An article about the audience change AVEK2/07. Heinonen Marja. 7.4.2006. Festina lente - kiiruhda hitaasti. A columnin Aamulehti’s innovation theme pages Heinonen Marja. 12/2005. WSIS Summit - Tietoyhteiskuntaa Afrikan malliin. A column in tietoyhteiskunta.fi pages (www.tietoyhteiskunta.fi/=uutiset/170136) Heinonen Marja. 2005. Digitaalinen kompetenssi - tietoyhteiskunnan sydän. eTappi 2/2005. Heinonen Marja. 1/2005. Maailma muuttuu eskoseni - huomaatko sen? An editorial in Oppiva Tampere magazine. Heinonen, Marja. Lokitiedot kertovat kaiken? Erilaisten tutkimusmetodien yhdistämisestä verkkomedian käytön tutkimuksessa. Medium. 2.2. 2003. In years 1988-1999 several hundreds of newspaper and magazine stories, mainly in Kauppalehti and Kauppalehti optio. Topics included media economy, new media, information society. In years 1995-96 several English articles in Journalistes en Europe – training programme’s magazine Unpublished conference paper Heinonen, Marja. 7.3.2001. Verkkomedia ihmisten arjessa. Paperi Teknologian yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen tutkimus –seminaarissa.
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