THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN NEW CASTLE DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH VICARIATE 4—DISTRICT 1 October 26 , 2014 WWW.CATHOLICNEWCASTLE.ORG The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Vincent de Paul Church is closed for several weeks. The current pews and carpet are being removed and new carpet, flooring, and pews will be installed using funds from Our Campaign for the Church Alive! The Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 Daily Masses will be celebrated in St. Vitus Church. More details inside this bulletin... MARY, MOTHER OF HOPE PARISH 124 North Beaver Street New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-658-2564 E-mail: [email protected] Mass Schedule: Saturday - 4:00 pm Sunday - 7:30 am & 11:30 am Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday - 7:00 am Confession Schedule: Saturdays - 3:00 pm—3:30 pm SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER PARISH 1111 South Cascade Street New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-658-1683 E-mail: [email protected] Mass Schedule: Saturday - 6:00 pm Sunday - 9:30 am Monday - 6:00 pm Tuesday - 7:00 am Confession Schedule: Mondays - 5:15 pm—5:45 pm SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH 1 Lucymont Drive New Castle, PA 16102 Phone: 724-652-5829 E-mail: [email protected] Mass Schedule: Saturday - 4:00 pm (No Mass at St. Vincent de Paul) Sunday - 7:30 am & 11:00 am (No Mass at St. Vincent de Paul) Tuesday & Thursday - 8:00 am at St. Vitus indicates a temporary schedule change related to the new pews & flooring installation SAINT VITUS PARISH 910 South Mercer Street New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-652-3422 E-mail: [email protected] Mass Schedule: Saturday - 6:30 pm Sunday - 7:00 am, 9:00 am, & 11:30 am Monday, Wednesday, & Friday - 8:00 am Confession Schedule: Saturdays - 11:30 am—12:30 pm & 5:30 pm—6:00 pm Rev. Frank D. Almade Pastor Rev. Michael R. Ackerman Parochial Vicar Rev. William P. Siple Parochial Vicar The Catholic Community in New Castle Parish Directory Mass and Confession Schedule Clergy Saturday Rev. Frank D. Almade, Pastor Rev. William P. Siple, Parochial Vicar Rev. Michael R. Ackerman, Parochial Vicar [email protected] 724-652-3422 Rev. Joseph Pudichery, In Residence Business Manager Nancy Bonk [email protected] 724-652-3422 Bulletin Editor Susan Dexter [email protected] Bulletin Information Deadline: Fridays 12 NOON Mary, Mother of Hope Parish 724-658-2564 Fax—724-658-9024 Janet Book, Office: 724-658-2564 x 10 [email protected] Susan Dexter, Office: 724-658-2564 x 11 [email protected] Lauren DeFelice, CCD: 724-658-2564 x 21 [email protected] James M. Hackett, Music: 724-658-2564 x24 [email protected] St. Joseph the Worker Parish 724-658-1683 Fax—724-654-7076 Rosemary Colgrove, Office: 724-658-1683 Sheryl Skowronski, CCD: 724-698-7136 James M. Hackett, Music: 724-658-2564 x 24 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Parish 724-652-5829 Fax—724-656-0413 Mary Ann Salmon, Office: 724-652-5829 x 3 Steven Empfield, Office: 724-652-5829 x 5 Louis Bosco, CCD: 724-652-5829 x 6 Edna Hill, Safe Environment: 724-652-5829 x 6 Vicki Onufrak, Music: 724-652-5829 x 8 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] St. Vitus Parish 724-652-3422 Fax—724-652-2322 Cheryl Passerello, Office: 724-652-3422 Joyce Sapienza, CCD: 724-654-9371 Sandra DeCarbo, Music: 724-652-3894 Marcia Miot, Music: 724-652-8234 [email protected] St. Vitus School: Pre-School, Kindergarten, Elementary 915 S. Jefferson Street New Castle, PA 16101 724-654-9297 Cathy R. Ryan, School Principal: 724-654-9297 St. Vitus Gift Shop 915 S. Jefferson Street, Rear 724-654-8851 Tuesday/Thursdays 10:00 AM—5:00PM Sundays 10:00 AM—1:00 PM Parking at corner of Maitland and Jefferson Street 11:30 AM–12:30 PM Confessions: St. Vitus 3:00-3:30 PM Confessions: Mary, Mother of Hope 3:00-3:30 PM Confessions: St. Vincent de Paul 4:00 PM Vigil Mass: Mary, Mother of Hope 4:00 PM Vigil Mass: St. Vincent de Paul 5:30-6:00 PM Confessions: St. Vitus 6:00 PM Vigil Mass: St. Joseph the Worker 6:30 PM Vigil Mass: St. Vitus Sunday 7:00 AM Mass: St. Vitus 7:30 AM Mass: Mary, Mother of Hope 7:30 AM Mass: St. Vincent de Paul 9:00 AM Mass: St. Vitus 9:30 AM Mass: St. Joseph the Worker 11:00 AM Mass: St. Vincent de Paul 11:30 AM Mass: Mary, Mother of Hope 11:30 AM Mass: St. Vitus Monday 8:00 AM Daily Mass: St. Vitus 5:15-5:45 PM Confessions: St. Joseph the Worker 6:00 PM Daily Mass: St. Joseph the Worker Tuesday 7:00 AM Daily Mass: St. Joseph the Worker 8:00 AM Daily Mass: St. Vitus Wednesday 7:00 AM Daily Mass Mary, Mother of Hope Chapel 8:00 AM Daily Mass: St. Vitus Thursday 7:00 AM Daily Mass: Mary, Mother of Hope Chapel 8:00 AM Daily Mass: St. Vitus Friday 7:00 AM Daily Mass: Mary, Mother of Hope Chapel 8:00 AM Daily Mass: St. Vitus The Adoration Chapel in the Religious Education Building on North Beaver Street (across from St. Mary’s Church) is open for adoration and prayer. Anyone wishing to visit may come between dawn and dusk. Those wishing to sign up for one hour per week may do so by calling Vickie at 724-652-5829 x 8. Adoration Chapel Hours Open Sunday at 1:00 PM until Monday at 4:00 PM Closed Monday 4:00 PM—7:00 PM (CCD) Open Monday 7:00 PM until Saturday 2:00 PM Closed Saturday 2:00 PM until Sunday 1:00 PM October 26, 2014 Faithful Chronicles By Father Frank D. Almade Last Sunday the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on marriage and the family ended in Rome after two busy weeks of deliberations. Pope Francis accepted the final report, and called on the 200 bishop-delegates, 40 lay observers, and the whole Catholic Church to reflect on and ponder the important issues discussed over the next 12 months. One year from now, a General Synod of Bishops will convene in Rome, with more than 350 bishop-delegates and many lay observers, to try to come to some pastoral resolution of the difficult moral issues surrounding today’s families. Most of the media covering the synod divided the two conflicting sides as traditionalists or conservatives and progressives or liberals. There were divisions on the pastoral issue of whether civilly-divorced-andremarried persons can be permitted to receive Holy Communion at Mass. No resolution to this question has been made by Pope Francis. But I don’t think the liberal/ conservative divide is at all helpful in this discussion. All the bishops (and lay observers) are faithful to the teachings of the church, and all the bishops (and lay observers) are loyal to the Holy Father. I think a different division could be used: What is their disposition to God’s justice and mer- The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time cy, and what is their disposition towards change in the church? A dictionary definition of “disposition” is “a predominant tendency of one’s spirit; an underlying attitude; a state of mind or inclination.” A disposition is a more-or-less unconscious leaning or feeling, which guides one’s thinking and actions. For example, the catechism states that God is completely just and completely merciful. Huh? This attribute of God is truly a mystery to our limited human minds. God is both just and merciful, perfectly, mysteriously. Yet we humans always lean in one direction or another. Apply this to the recent synod. Some of the bishops (and media commentators) emphasize the justice of God—and our responsibility of following the laws, clearly repeating known church teachings and principles. Some bishops, however, emphasize the mercy of God. This disposition listens to the pain of divorced people, the heartache of separation, the real circumstances of divorcedand-remarried who are prevented from receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist by their irregular marriage situation. Similarly you have different dispositions toward change. Some in the Catholic Church are fearful of change. They tell us that the age-old teachings have served us well and represent the church’s best effort to help people to live holy lives. Change for them is unnecessary, and worse, may harm people and their spiritual lives. Others have the disposition of openness to change. They have studied the history of the church, and noted the many times the Catholic Church has changed its teachings on some pastoral issues. (On dogmatic issues it has stood firm.) The challenge for this disposition is not to change everything, but to discern what pastoral actions needs changed and what need to be kept as is. Yet overall there is a willingness to respond to new concerns with an open mind and the possibility of altering our pastoral practices. Ask yourself: In which direction do you lean, closer to God’s justice or God’s mercy? What is your attitude toward change, fearing it or embracing it? (Remember, there are no wrong answers to these two questions.) Pray for the bishops in the synod and around the world that the Holy Spirit may work in and through their many conversations, discussions, arguments and prayer, and lead our church closer to God’s Kingdom, a reign of peace, justice and mercy for all God’s children. 2014 Memorial Mass On Saturday, November 1st, at 10:00 AM, a Memorial Mass will be held for all those buried from the four parishes in the City of New Castle, in St. Mary’s Church, Mary, Mother of Hope Parish. All are welcome to attend and prayerfully remember loved ones. Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 2nd. Prepare to “Fall Back” one hour. This is also a great time to check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The Catholic Community in New Castle Mary, Mother of Hope St. Joseph the Worker The Tabernacle Lamp burns this week for: Joan F. Cover To have a Tabernacle Lamp dedicated In Memory of or In Honor of a loved one, please call your parish office. by Sandy & Mark Ryan Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday October 25th—Vigil: The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Guido (Guy) Troggio (Ms. Marcia Mooney) Saturday October 25th—Vigil: The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Lucy A. DeCaprio (Nellie Mazzocca) 6:00 pm Sunday October 26th—The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Walter Pierz (Robert Pierz) 11:30 am Eileen Meehan (Family) 9:30 am October 26th—The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the Parishioners Monday 6:00 pm October 27th—Weekday Lawrence J. DeSimone, Sr. (Wife, Ellen & Children) Wednesday October 29th—Weekday Tuesday October 28th—Saints Simon & Jude 7:00 am Frank Cook (Children) 7:00 am Cecelia “Jessie” Kuharski (Jim & Sylvia Siler) Thursday October 30th—Weekday 7:00 am Mary Kathy Criss (Aunt Betty) Friday 7:00 am October 31st—Weekday For the Parishioners Sunday Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:30 am Saturday November 1st—Vigil: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 10:00 am Memorial Mass for the City Parishes 4:00 pm Bobby Biasucci & Michael Biasucci, Jr. (Father, Michael & Sister, Chris) Sunday November 2nd—The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 7:30 am For the Parishioners 11:30 am Sadie Blazak (Family) Financial Stewardship: Mary, Mother of Hope Weekly Offering in Envelopes…………...…..….…………………..$ 5,049.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money…...………………………….…..….$ 1,159.47 Total Offering 10/12/14….…………………………….…….……....$ 6,208.47 Families Receiving Envelopes: 984 Number of Envelopes Used: 348 2014 Parish Share Goal………………………..……………………… $ 83,785.00 2014 Parish Share Collected………………………………………….$ 67,475.00 Distance to 2014 Goal…………………………………………………. $ 16,310.00 November 1st—Vigil: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Joseph & Ernestine “Tina” Orrico (Children & Grandchildren) November 2nd—The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Nancy & Bob Padula (Phyllis & Ron Genareo) St. Joseph the Worker will sponsor a bus trip to the Hard Rocksino, Northfield Ohio November 12th Limited Seating Bus leaves St. Joe’s Parking Lot 9:00 AM, returns 5:30 PM Cost is $30 ($15 Free Play, $5 Food) Call Jeanne @ 724-658-1935 to reserve your seat! For Funeral Mercy Dinners, please call Kay Nocera @ 724-652-9564 Financial Stewardship: St. Joseph the Worker Weekly Offering in Envelopes…………...…..….…………….…….$ 3,530.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money & Electronic Giving…….…..$ 613.55 Total Offering 10/12/14..…..………………………..……………....$ 4,143.55 Families Receiving Envelopes: 834 Number of Envelopes Used: 212 2014 Parish Share Goal………………………………………………...$ 50,344.00 2014 Parish Share Collected………………………………………….$ 35,920.00 Distance to 2014 Goal…………………………………………………..$ 14,424.00 October 26, 2014 The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Vincent de Paul New pews are coming to St. Vincent de Paul thanks to Our Campaign for the Church Alive! contributions. Installation Timeline: ♦ Church closes: after the October 19th Masses ♦ Pews removed: the week of October 20th ♦ New floor installed: week of October 27th ♦ Pews installed: weeks of November 3rd & 10th ♦ Carpet installation: week of November 17th ♦ Liturgies are expected to resume November 22, 2014 at the 4:00 PM Mass if all work schedules are met. (The plan for removal and installation of new flooring and pews is based on a pew delivery window of November 3rd10th. Should this delivery time-frame change, the work schedule will also change. Any necessary changes to this work plan will be announced in the bulletin.) St. Vincent de Paul parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend Mass at our sister parishes during this time. St. Vincent de Paul envelopes may be deposited at any Mass attended. The other parishes will forward the envelopes put in their collection baskets to St. Vincent de Paul Parish. All scheduled Tabernacle light intentions will be rescheduled as soon as possible in the new liturgical year. St. Vincent de Paul Nut Roll Bake Sale Orders will be taken through October 26th. Call Pauline @ 724-652-7429 or Marylou @ 724-652-9571 Men, Women, Students needing community service hours for senior projects: your help is needed! Set-Up Begins Thursday, November 13th at 5:00 PM Bring your Rolling Pins Saturday, November 15th at 9:00 AM Parish hall remains open during pew and flooring project. St. Vitus The Lamps burn this week for: Tabernacle Lamp, St. Vitus Church Jennie Mone & Josie Cozza by Daughter, God-daughter & Jeanne Mone Mary & Joseph Altar Lamp Diane K. Perrott by Anita & Anthony Scarnatti, Jeanne & Tom Sesko, Vicki & Denny Flora, Joann & Willie Slater and Domenick DeCaprio Mass Schedule Saturday October 25th—Vigil: The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3:30 pm Michael Jackson ♥ Courtney Kirkwood—Nuptial Mass 6:30 pm Jack Fulena (Wife & Children) Sunday October 26th—The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am Ronald Ferraro (Church Breakfast Group) 9:00 am Bob & Nancy Padula (Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren) 11:30 am Dorothy M. Smith (George & Marie Liskooka) Monday 8:00 am October 27th—Weekday Special Intention (Devotee) Tuesday, 8:00 am October 28th—Saints Simon & Jude Helen Guiliano (Family) Wednesday October 29th—Weekday 8:00 am James Barber (Leanna & Joe Litrenta) Thursday October 30th—Weekday 8:00 am Barbara & Ernest Zumpella (Tom & Anna & Family) Friday 8:00 am October 31st—Weekday Jennie Mone (Daughter & Son-in-Law) Saturday November 1st—Vigil: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Kayla Jones (Family) November 2nd—The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Peter P. Scarnati (Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren) Cheryl Pidro (Husband & Children) Thelma & Carl Criscito (Mitlo Family ) 6:30 pm Sunday 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:30 am Financial Stewardship: St. Vincent de Paul Financial Stewardship: St. Vitus Weekly Offering in Envelopes…………...…..….…………….…..$ 3,684.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………………….….$ 117.00 Total Offering 10/12/14……………………….….…..................$ 3,801.00 Weekly Offering in Envelopes…………...…..….…………….…....$ 12,005.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money…...………………………………….$ 589.00 Total Offering 10/12/14……….…………….………................... $ 12,594.00 Families Receiving Envelopes: 842 Number of Envelopes Used: 142 Families Receiving Envelopes: 2,362 Number of Envelopes Used: 566 2014 Parish Share Goal……………………………………………….$ 48,767.00 2014 Parish Share Collected………………………………………...$ 45,379.50 Distance to 2014 Goal…………………………………………………$ 2,937.50 2014 Parish Share Goal (Revised)……………………………………$ 99,513.00 2014 Parish Share Collected…………………………………………..$ 55,694.00 Distance to 2014 Goal………………………………………………..….$ 43,819.00 Catholic Education in New Castle Catholic Family Day Searching for a way to celebrate your Catholic Faith as a family? Interested in getting your young children more interested in Church? Then please register for Catholic Family Day! Sunday, November 23rd (The Feast of Christ the King!) St. Vincent de Paul Parish The day will begin with Mass at 11:00 AM, and continue with a lunch (provided by the Crane Room), Eucharistic Procession and Adoration, a Catholic Family Speaker for parents, and crafts and a lesson on the Mass for kids. Families will make an Advent wreath to take home. Cost is $10 per family, and the event is limited to 25 families. Please call St. Vitus office @ 724-652-3422 to register or for more details. Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive Please bring your non-perishable items to Mary, Mother of Hope & St. Joseph the Worker November 1st—16th. Food will be donated to the St. Joseph the Worker Food Pantry, which provides food for many families yearround. Thank you for helping your neighbors in the community who might otherwise go without! ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Pantry Items Suggested: Canned Fruits & Vegetables Soups & Broths Cereal & Oatmeal Granola Bars Pasta & Rice Mac & Cheese Tomato Sauce Muffin Mixes Fruit Juice/Juice Boxes Applesauce Peanut Butter/Jelly Tuna Graham/Animal Crackers Paper Products & Soap Tooth Brush/Tooth Paste Students: You may bring food to the baskets in the front hallway of the CCD Building, or add them to the parish donations in the back of church. TEENSGROWINGINFAITH YOUTH GROUP 9th–12th Graders: Next Meeting This Sunday, October 26th at Mary, Mother of Hope 5:00—7:00 PM Join us as we continue to study the Creed All Are Welcome! Bring a Friend! On Sunday, November 2nd, we will meet at Mary, Mother of Hope from 5:00-7:00 PM RCIA Updates The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) has distinct stages and rites: The period of Evangelization and Pre-catechumenate is a time of inquiry for those interested in joining the Catholic Church. They are introduced to the Gospel message, begin learning about the teachings of the Church, and meet one another and other Catholics. It is an opportunity for the beginnings of faith. The Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens and Welcoming will be celebrated on October 25th-26th, and marks the beginning of the period of the Catechumenate. In this rite the pre-catechumens are gathered publicly for the first time and introduced to the Church community. They express their intention to respond to God’s call and follow the way of Christ. The Church accepts them as persons who intend to become her members. The Catholic Community of New Castle welcomes: Mary, Mother of Hope: Holly Fabich, Richard Hite, Bryce Monstwil, Kevin Seelbaugh St Joseph the Worker: Aimee Emery, Edward Cassella, Laura Miloser, Rick Krebs St. Vitus: Brandi Black, Shannon Burrelli, Ken Rogers Please pray for all men and women who are serving our country both at home and abroad. May the Holy Spirit be with them and protect them from harm. October 26, 2014 The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministry Schedules November 1-2, 2014 Mary, Mother of Hope 4:00 Mass: Lector: A. Kelly Eucharistic Ministers: T. Adamo, R. Schnabel, J. Sedwick Altar Servers: A. Kelly, Needed 7:30 Mass Lector: D. Wysocki Eucharistic Ministers: R. Hardy, M. Klamer, M. Smith Altar Servers: B. Hardy, S. Hardy 11:30 Mass Lector: R. Kushner Eucharistic Ministers: G. Senko, J. Senko, I. Suber St. Joseph the Worker 6:00 Mass: Lector: H. Kraus Eucharistic Ministers: D. Bailey, L. DeFelice, C. Hairhoger Altar Servers: Z. Angelucci, J. Medved, L. Medved 9:30 Mass Lector: Dick Cole Eucharistic Ministers: A. Bartley, C. Bartley, T. George Altar Servers: K. Harvey, L. Mengel, M. West St. Vitus 6:30 Mass: Lector: G. Pagliaro Eucharistic Ministers: M. Seamans, T. Seamans,M. Lagnese, A. Koszela, P. Zarilla Altar Servers: R. Seamans, R. Seamans, Z. Ondako 7:00 Mass Lector: P. Sibeto Eucharistic Ministers: J. Martwinski, R. Lombardo,R. Doneluck, C. Merolillo, G. Manzo 9:00 Mass Lector: D. Papa Eucharistic Ministers: N. Klingensmith, C. Peak,W. Humphrey, R. Natale, V. J. Fuleno Altar Servers: E. Coglio, M. Coglio, J. Humphrey 11:30 Mass: Lector: R. Fulena Eucharistic Ministers: T. Liverani, M. Lagnese,J. Caparoula, C. Caparoula, J. Croach Altar Servers: G. Lepore, B. Lepore, C. Brown Eucharistic Ministers are needed for monthly visits to Jameson Hospital, to bring communion to patients. If you are interested in this ministry, or for more information, please call Howard Davison at 724-652-3422 or 724-714-1185 Knights of Columbus New Castle Council 512 Members Meeting Second Wednesday 7:30 PM Social Meeting Fourth Wednesday 7:30 PM (Come meet the Knights. No obligation to join. Refreshments available.) All meetings in basement, St. Mary’s Church Readings for the Week of October 27, 2014 Monday: Eph 4:32 -- 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Protecting God’s Children Workshop If you suspected a child was in danger, do you know what to do? Do you know what the warning signs of child abuse are? The Diocese of Pittsburgh sponsors free workshops called Protecting God’s Children. This excellent program truly equips adults to create safer environments for children—all children. The program helps all adults to recognize the warning signs of child abuse, and offers specific directives that volunteers at the church are to follow if abuse is suspected. Parish ministers required to attend include Choir Members, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and CCD/Youth Group teachers. Parents, Grandparents and other interested adults will also find that the workshop gives valuable information. If you volunteer for your parish, Protecting God’s Children is a part of your clearances. If you have been asked to attend the 3-Hour workshop (a one-time requirement) please comply. It’s FREE, and you are helping your parish to meet the requirements of the Diocese of Pittsburgh as well as keeping all children safe. The following workshop has been scheduled for our area: Saturday, November 22nd 9:00 AM—Noon St. Vincent de Paul Parish Hall To register, please call Edna Hill @ 724-652-5829 Ext. 6 MMOH Pierogie Project Work Schedule On Mondays we’ll prepare potatoes. On Tuesdays we’ll pinch and package. Monday, November 17th—3:00 PM to finish Tuesday, November 18th—9:00 AM to finish Pierogies will be for sale at the Thursday Night Bingo in the Parish Center, starting @ 5:00 PM. Mary Mother of Hope Thursday Night Bingo Kitchen Opens at 5:00 PM Early Bird Bingo @ 6:30 PM Regular Bingo @ 7:00 PM SINGLE & DOUBLE Bingo New Game—Winner Takes All $$$ The Parish Center: Corner of North & N. Beaver Streets Please Support this parish fundraiser! The Catholic Community in New Castle Ladies Guild News Mary, Mother of Hope Christian Mothers Ladies Guild Meets the first Wednesday of each month in the Marian Room at 6:30 PM. Save the Dates: we will make Nut Rolls Monday, November 10th (filling 9:00 AM) Tuesday, November 11th. (Nut Rolls 4:00 PM) Please Join us! St. Vincent de Paul Women of Faith Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6th, 7:00 PM. Please continue to collect canned goods for the Food Pantry throughout November. Barbara Emery will collect the donated food. Parish Life Mary, Mother of Hope Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those who have passed from this life. Robert Kerr Mary, Mother of Hope Ladies Guild Prayer Chain Please call Carol @ 724-698-7376 St. Joseph the Worker Joint Choir Rehearsal: Mary, Mother of Hope, St. Joseph the Worker Choirs Thursdays at 7:00 Pm at St. Joe’s New Members Always Welcome! St. Vincent de Paul Save the Date! Christmas Dinner Sunday, December 7th 3:00 PM Nut Roll Project—Volunteers are needed and welcome on Saturday, November 15th at 9:00 AM to make the Nut Rolls. Bring your Rolling Pins! Come and join in the work & fun! No Meetings scheduled for January or February. The Parish Hall and Office are open during the new pew installation project. St. Vitus Ladies Guild Will Sponsor Their Annual Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale This Sunday, October 26th 11:30AM—3:30 PM St. Vitus School, Fabbri Hall Adults $8 Children Under 12 $3.50 Family of 4 TAKE-OUT ONLY $30.00 St. Vitus Landon Jon Son of Jon DeCecchis & Victoria Stone Haylee Rose Daughter of Michael & Melissa Mastropietro Christopher Michael Son of Bryan & Kristin Russo Attention St. Vitus Ushers Current ushers or men and women who wish to become ushers and greeters: Please plan to attend an important meeting on Monday, October 27th at 7:00 PM in the Conference Room of the St. Vitus Rectory. Prevent Child Abuse: If you or a loved one were harmed in any way by a Catholic priest or employee of a Catholic church at any time, please contact the Diocese of Pittsburgh's Victim's Assistance Hotline at 1-888-808-1235. You may also call the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Abuse Hotline at 1-800-932-0313. The Catholic Church is committed to address every instance of child abuse, and to prevent this in the future. You need not carry this burden alone. Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those Helen L. Coates who have passed from this life. Josephine Frasso Richard DelPrincipe St. Vitus Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Choir Loft of St. Vitus Church. New Members Welcome! Call Marcia Miot @ 724-652-8234 for Choir information. All Children Grades 1-12 are invited to sing with the St. Vitus Children’s Choir. Rehearsals for the Christmas Vigil Mass (Celebrated December 24th at the 4:00 Mass at St. Vitus) will be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM in St. Vitus Church beginning Tuesday, October 28th. Looking Ahead to Advent St. Joseph Bible Study An Advent Perspective A Bible Study will be held following the Monday evening Masses at St. Joseph the Worker Parish during Advent, in the social hall of the church from 6:45—7:45 PM. Dates are: December 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd. Focus will be on the Gospel and Readings during the seasons of Advent and Christmas, with a presentation and discussion. There is no need to register, and all are welcome. Please be sure to bring your Bibles. Festival of Praise On Sunday, December 21st, St. Joseph the Worker Parish will host a Festival of Praise from 6:00 PM—8:00 PM. A Festival of Praise is a time of Eucharistic Adoration coupled with contemporary music, and it allows for a time of prayer and reflection in a unique format. The music will be led by Deacon Levi Hartle, a seminarian for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, scheduled for priesthood ordination in June 2015. Confessions will be available during this time. A social will follow in St. Joseph the Worker social hall. All are welcome to attend this evening of spiritual renewal. Local Catholic Cemetery Contacts St. Anthony/St. Lawrence Cemeteries Bessemer/Hillsville 724-667-7721 Holy Redeemer Cemetery Ellwood City 724-758-2245 St. James the Apostle Cemetery Villa Maria 724-964-8276 St. Lucy/SS Philip & James Cemeteries St. Vincent de Paul Parish 724-652-5829 Madonna of Czestochowa Cemetery Mary, Mother of Hope Parish 724-658-2564 Public Interest Can you spare one hour a month? The residents living in the long-term care facilities of Lawrence County are in need of advocates. (Long-term facilities include nursing homes & personal care homes.) Advocates are the Ombudsmen who visit facilities, chat with residents, make sure everything is okay with them. One of the goals of the program is to improve quality of life for the long-term care residents. The Ombudsman Program of the Lawrence County Area Agency on Aging is seeking volunteers. Call Jerri Wilson @ Challenges (724-658-3729). Having Cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. Call 1-800-227-2345 or visit Catholic Cemeteries of Lawrence County St. Mary’s, St. Joseph & St. Vitus Cemeteries, Resurrection Mausoleum 415 Highland Avenue New Castle, PA 16105 Telephone: 724-652-9932 It is that time of the year. The mowing and growing season has ended. If you wish to save your summer cemetery decorations, please remove them by October 31st. From November 1st through April 1st, a single wreath may be placed at the head of the grave. Complete Cemetery Regulations may be obtained by contacting the Cemetery Offices. Our Campaign for the Church Alive! Mary, Mother of Hope Church Alive Goal: $595,000 Results through Oct. 13, 2014: $534,281 (90% of target) Balance to Goal: $60,719 Our Campaign for the Church Alive! St. Joseph the Worker Church Alive Goal: $490,000 Results through Oct. 13, 2014: $313,621 (64% of target) Balance to Goal: $176,379 Submissions to the bulletin for the Catholic Community in New Castle should be sent to: Susan Dexter (the Bulletin Editor) at [email protected]. Information may also be faxed to 724-658-9024 or mailed to 124 North Beaver Street, New Castle, PA 16101. Bulletin deadline is: Fridays at Noon 10 Days before the Sunday on which you wish the article to appear. Parish announcements have priority. NO articles will be accepted by phone or phone message, regardless of length. All articles submitted must be typed or printed legibly, and must include a phone number to allow for fact-checking. For Paid Ads, please call 1-800-945-6629. (JS Paluch) October 26, 2014 The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time The St. Joseph the Worker Oktoberfest committee sincerely thanks all who helped to make our 1st Annual Oktoberfest a huge success! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers for your precious time and helpful assistance. Thank you to those who offered advice, wisdom, and expertise. Thank you to those who kindly donated paper products, soda pop, and water. Thank you to those who generously donated to our beautiful basket raffles. The Winners Are: Catherine Blandi, Mark Farone, Fuleno, Shelly Gabriel, Nancy Gallo, Tara Garczewski, Rick Gay, Julie Gilboy, Barb Grimes, Virginia Hamilton, Jen Jefferson, Helen Katyansky, Laura Mansfield, Joe McCormick, Kay Nocera, Betty Pincek, Amanda Priesel, Pat Romeo St. Vitus School Art Show Saturday, November 1st 5:30 – 8:30 PM Fabbri Hall Exhibit and Sale of Works by local artist Larry Macri Student Art Contest Thank you again to all who contributed to a successful 1st Annual St. Joseph the Worker Oktoberfest! The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual “Bishop Project” at all Masses on November 1st & 2nd. All money collected will be donated to the McGuire Memorial Home and the St. Anthony School Program for Exceptional Children. The Knights will be stationed at the exits of all city churches handing out Tootsie Rolls to all donors. Traveling? Looking for a Mass? Visit Your ad could be in this space! PRO-LIFE Just like you ALL Unborn Children Have A RIGHT TO LIFE Visit us at: Michonda 724-301-2829 [email protected] Jamie 724-301-2830 [email protected] 724-652-7997 DOWN UNDER RESALE BOUTIQUE 7 rooms of new & gently used designer items. ANDREA BRYANT, OWNER 2305 Wilmington Rd - Tanner’s Plaza [email protected] 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (C) JOHN KARSKI Owner 724-652-2341 • BURGLAR • FIRE • MEDICAL • ACCESS • CAMERAS Timothy M. McGonigle, F.D., Supervisor • J. Bradley McGonigle III, F.D. 24 HOUR Local 911 & Noga’s Monitoring [email protected] 2539 Wilmington Road New Castle, PA 16105 Karen McGonigle Murphy, F.D. Your Best Choice for Physical Therapy NORMAN A. GABRIEL, PT (724) 654-2444 FAX (724) 656-1265 8 North Mill Street New Castle, PA 16101 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Castle Builders Supply, Inc. – CONCRETE – Concrete Block • Builders - Supplies Jim Carna Owner/President Mary Jane Bovo, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Board Certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist 1409 Moravia St. • New Castle (724) 658-5656 1325 Broadway Ave. • Hermitage Mary Jane Bovo, M.D., P.C. Telephone: 724-202-6955 2602 Wilmington Road, Suite 102 Fax: 724-202-6957 New Castle, PA 16105 E-mail: [email protected] (724) 981-4212 305 Steel Street • Aliquippa (724) 375-0555 VALENTINO CHEESE & DAIRY CO. Bright Star Learning Center Located at 3rd U.P. Church 1315 East Washington St. Debra Marino, Owner / nurse 724-657-9221 Computers * Keystone Stars Large Rooms * Trained Staff * Subsidy Welcome Serving the financial needs of those who live, work or worship in Lawrence County Join today and enjoy the benefits! 1011 Wilmington Ave. • New Castle, PA 16101 • 724-654-8485 (724) 654-6777 J. FRED STONER, M.D., P.C. 2409 Wilmington Road Board Certified Pathologist Pain Management 218 West Moody Ave. 724-658-6367 New Castle, PA 16101 Fax 724-652-1109 2710 Wilmington Rd., (724) 652-3333 Mechanical, Inc. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATION SERVICE ESTIMATES BUSINESS PHONE P.O. BOX 231 (724) 528-1133 WEST MIDDLESEX, PA 16159 OHIO: (330) 542-2914 FAX: (724) 528-0321 “We love what we do!” Quality & Service Since 1943 1006 S. Mill St. New Castle, PA 16101 email: info@ 724-652-8412 LAW OFFICES of CARMEN F. LAMANCUSA, P.C. 724-652-4401 Carmen F. Lamancusa, Parishioner A full Service Firm Serving the Community 414 N. Jefferson St., New Castle 10% OFF Total Purchase PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE NEW CASTLE 724-658-7111 GROVE CITY 724-458-6980 Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for ........... SHARON 724-347-4411 kids 24/7 HELP ........... (724) 658-3758 Southpoint at Jameson Personal Care Home Get Spoiled at Southpoint! Area’s Premier Personal Care Home. 24 hour care $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 and Cialella & Carney Floral Designs & Giftware MONDAY-FRIDAY 7-7 • SATURDAY & SUNDAY 8-3 TALK NEW LUNCH & DINNER MENU 3198 West Pittsburgh Rd. • New Castle, PA HILL HOUSE RESTAURANT PUSH (724) 658-3380 Look for Our New Location Coming Soon *First Three Months provided by licensed nurses. Activities Director. Family Style Dining. Call 724-658-9262 for a personalized tour. Thomas J. Maciarello CPA families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. Certified Public Accountant 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! A Full Service Accounting Firm Business Consulting, IRS Representation Tax, Accounting & Payroll Service 800-566-6150 Phone 724-652-6366 367 E. Washington St. Fax 724-652-6164 New Castle, PA 16101 Email: [email protected] Home Helpers provides your loved ones with care at home, in retirement communities, nursing homes wherever we are needed! • Grocery Shopping • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Companionship • Errand Services • Meal Preparation Caregivers are bonded and insured. Dr. Joseph J. Berkely Dr. Marilyn K. Berkely Dr. Christopher J. Berkely Michael Morici Optometrists 142 Enclave Dr., New Castle, PA 16105 Eye Associates, LLC 724-658-1781 “For All Your Glass Needs” 1064 Beckford Street 724.654.7241 New Castle, PA 16101 800.478.8188 [email protected] Fax: 724.654.6231 Locally Owned for 4 Generations 724-652-5379 John & Amy DeSanti, Owners 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (B) Matthew Morici For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Ed & Don DeCarbo 3000 Wilmington Road VINCE E. FULENO 941 South Mill Street DONALD G. DECARBO Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. Supervisor 724-658-4711 • Consider AnitaLoan McKeever M & M FLOOR Mortgage Officer Remembering NMLS #: 639455 COVERING Your Parish in 724-658-2900 Your Will. Carpet - No-Wax Vinyl - Ceramic Tile 201 S. Jefferson St. New Castle, PA 16101 Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Thursdays 8:30 AM-7:00 PM New Castle’s “Best of the Best” Family Practice Associates of Western Pennsylvania, P.C. Joann Lamb, M.D. Travis Bessell, PA-C Comprehensive primary care: - Immunizations: child & adult - Ultrasound testing - Cardiac stress testing - Allergy testing & shots 188 Enclave Drive, New Castle, PA 16105 Phone: (724) 657-3221 Fax: (724) 657-3223 Keystone Specialty Co. One Stop Party Shop Birthday - Graduation - Wedding - Communion - Showers Chris DeJoseph, Owner 1029 S. Mill St., New Castle, PA 16101 • [email protected] 724.652.7600 Uneeda Tire “When Uneeda Change” 1007 Moravia St. • New Castle, PA 16101 George Liskooka Owner 724.654.8473 CLAW INC ELECTRICAL & HIGH TECH CONTRACTORS RANDY CLAUSE New Castle, PA (724) 656-1223 email: [email protected] Cell: 724-651-0281 [email protected] Accent Rugs - Vertical Blinds - Pergo FirstMerit Mortgage For further information, Laminated Flooring 3214 Wilmington Rd. please call the Parish Office. 102 Plaza South 654-0886 New Castle, PA 16105 Cascade Park Supervisor Medicare Advantage Plans Specialists No Cost - No Obligation review of your options for 2015 2015 Medicare Health Plans available for review David Elisco, LUTCF, 724-654-5734 or 724-614-9975 New Castle - Parishioner NOGA FUNERAL HOME, INC. “For Funeral Pre-Planning and At Need Arrangements” J. Russell Noga, F.D., Supervisor 724-652-6700 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. URGENT CARE Family First At the Mayzon Health Center in Neshannock Township 724-654-3006 DOCTOR ON SITE AT ALL TIMES S. Mill Street at E. Long Ave. New Castle R D O ’S L O M B AE CARY H T APO Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription Phone 724-654-8100 Call for a COMPLIMENTARY Home Health Assessment 1.800.355.8894 SEAN DORAN 724-730-3161 JIM MEDURE 724-730-0165 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • FOUNDATIONS • WALLS • FLOORS 107 Taylor Street New Castle, PA 16101 Germani’s Jewelry 39 N. Mercer St., New Castle 652-6861 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (A) BILL ZBEGAN, Agent 1 Mahoning Avenue New Castle, PA 16102-1331 Bus (724) 652-8561 Bus (724) 654-9141 Fax (724) 652-4633 [email protected] BUSINESS: 724-654-4686 FAX: 724-654-8894 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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