THE ORATORY ST ALOYSIUS’ Sunday 2nd November 2014 Solemnity of All Saints SUNDAY MASS TIMES (Sat.) 6:30pm Vigil Mass 8:00am Latin Mass (1962) 9:30am Parish Mass 11:00am Solemn Mass 6:30pm Evening Mass 5:30pm Sung Vespers 6pm Benediction WEEKDAYS Monday 3rd November SOLEMNITY OF ALL SOULS Mass at 7:30am, 10am, 12:15pm (EF), and 6pm (Solemn Requiem). Tuesday 4th November St Charles Borromeo, Bishop Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm Wednesday 5th November Feria Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm (Latin) Thursday 6th November Feria Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm Friday 7th November St Willibrord, Bishop Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm Saturday 8th November Feria Mass at 10am, Vigil Mass at 6:30pm OTHER SERVICES Rosary: Mon-Fri after the 10am Mass. Blessing with St Philip’s Relic: after the 6pm Mass on Monday. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays, from 5pm until Benediction; Saturdays, from 5 to 6:15pm. Our Lady of Oxford Devotions: after the 10am Mass on Saturday. Sunday Readings: Year A Divine Office Week III MUSIC AT THE SOLEMN MASS TODAY Messe aux Cathedrales Justorum animae Ave verum corpus Symphonie I: Prélude Opus 14 Charles Gounod (1818-1893) Achille Philipp (1847-1930) Charles Gounod Louis Vierne (1870-1937) FOR YOUR PRAYERS Please pray for the sick and housebound of our parish, especially: Greg Gross, Nicholas Haydon, Grace Lewin, Mary Lintern, Abby Martin, Dora Nash, Kelly and Isabella Purcell and Elizabeth Webb. Please pray for all who have died recently, including Nick Phillips, and for the following whose anniversaries occur at this time: Gerald Magee, John Malley, Martin Clifford, Alex Eaglestone, Archbishop Maurice Couve de Murville, Pauline Blackbourn, Ereminia Price, Clifton Dowdeswell, Flavia Armstead Fairweather, John Casley, Stephen Coughlan, Bert Thomas and Janie Hill. May they rest in peace. SECOND COLLECTION There is a second collection today for the Johnson Fund, for sick and retired priests of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. NOVEMBER AT THE ORATORY All Souls’ Day – All Souls’ Day has been transferred to tomorrow (Monday 3rd November), for Mass times see the left-hand column. Additionally, there will be Mass and the blessing of graves at Wolvercote Cemetery at 11am. Deceased Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory – On Friday 7th November, there will be a Solemn Requiem in the Extraordinary Form at 6pm for deceased Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory. November List Masses – November List envelopes are available at the back of church. Please take one and return it, with your offering and a list of those you would like to be remembered. There is a Holy Souls Mass booked for almost every day during November, with requiems on Wednesday 5th, Thursday 13th, 20th and 27th. Remembrance Sunday – Please note that there will be no parking in St Giles’ next Sunday morning because of the service at the War Memorial at 10:45am. The Solemn Pontifical Requiem will begin at 11:15am to enable people to go to the Memorial Service. The Rt Revd Bishop Robert Byrne, Cong. Orat., will celebrate Mass and preach. SCRIPTURE GROUP The Scripture Group will meet again on 8th, 15th and 22nd November at midday. Please bring a Bible. ‘LAST THINGS’ TALKS This Saturday, at 11am in the Parish Centre, Fr Jerome will give the second talk in our Last Things series, entitled ‘Judgement’. Tea and coffee will be served beforehand. HOSPITAL VISITING Since hospitals will no longer tell anyone except a near relation which ward a patient is in, if you (or a parishioner you know) goes into hospital, please do tell one of the Fathers the ward and bed number so that we can visit. CALLIGRAPHY AFTERNOON On Saturday 15th November from 2-4pm in the Parish Centre, there will be an afternoon packed with art projects showing how to write, draw and decorate letters, and make Christmas cards (suitable for aged 10yrs+). Tickets are £10 (on sale in the Porters’ Lodge) and all materials will be provided. Proceeds go to the Oratory Campaign. CHRISTMAS CARDS Parish Christmas cards, with times of Masses and confessions during Christmastide, are now available at the back of church. Please take some and give to anyone who may benefit. Also, blank Christmas cards (homemade, recycled and new) are for sale in the Porters’ Lodge – all proceeds go to the Oratory. LONDON ORATORY CAROL SERVICE CONFESSIONS There will be a coach going to the carol service at the London Oratory on Monday 22nd December, tickets cost Daily, 20 minutes before each Mass; £15. Please sign up in the Porters’ Lodge. The bus leaves Oxford at midday and London at around 9pm. Saturdays, 10:30 to 11am; 5 to 6:30pm. LIFT SOUGHT Is there anyone who could give a lift from Plantation Road to weekday Masses, or a lift to the 11am Sunday Mass READERS NEXT WEEK from Cripley Road, please see Fr Daniel. Sunday 9th November, ACCOMMODATION SOUGHT Dedication of the Lateran Basilica A Romanian Theology graduate, finishing his PhD, seeks accommodation. Email: [email protected]. (Sat.) 6:30pm 9:30am 11am 6:30pm SHCJ Mark Millward Juliet Ball Robin Aitken COLLECTIONS LAST WEEK Sunday: £1,816.34 (Gift Aid: £864.50). Thank you. REAFFIRMATION & RENEWAL CAMPAIGN There is still £310,088.39 to raise for the Parish Centre – thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. If you may be able to help with the campaign, please email: [email protected]. FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN AID OF THE CAMPAIGN Messiah: Come and Sing Messiah on Saturday 29th November. All welcome to join the chorus! Register online, at:, or contact Elizabeth Mills, on: 07970 742062. Rehearsal from 10am (lunch provided). Audience tickets, at £10 each, are now available from Porters’ Lodge. Murder Mystery: tickets for the murder mystery on Saturday 22nd November are now sold out. PORTER’S LODGE: open on weekdays from 10:30am-6pm (5pm on Fridays), on Saturdays from 10:30am-12pm, and after Sunday morning Masses. PARISH CENTRE: open for refreshments after all Sunday morning Masses and after the 10am Masses on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. ORATORY CLERGY: V. Rev. Daniel Seward, Provost & Parish Priest; Fr Dominic Jacob; Fr Richard Duffield, York; Fr Jerome Bertram; Fr Joseph Welch; Fr Nicholas Edmonds-Smith; Br Oliver Craddock; Br Adam Fairbairn, York. 25_WOODSTOCK_ROAD_OXFORD_OX2_6HA ~ ~ The Oxford Oratory Trust is a Registered Charity, no. 1018455 Telephone: 01865_315800 ~ Fax: 01865_310470 ~ Email: [email protected]
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