parables and teachings are as relevant today as ever they were. The challenge to love our neighbours - our work colleagues, family members, parish and local neighbours - as we love ourselves is just as difficult and challenging as ever it was. The seemingly simple question - “What would Jesus do?” - can be a helpful question to ask ourselves in some of our everyday dilemmas. A PRAYER Open our hearts, Lord, to your Spirit working within us. When we are faced with challenging decisions, personal difficulties and moral choices, guide us to seek the loving actions that will be true to our faith and trust in you. Amen. God Bless, Fr Martin Many Thanks for all the Mass Intentions.... We now have enough to take us through until Christmas. MASS TEXT FIRST READING: Exodus: 22: 20-26 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: 17 RESPONSE: RUNNERS UP OF ‘BEST KEPT RELIGIOUS GROUNDS’ RAYLEIGH IN BLOOM 2014 I love you, Lord, my strength. Dear Friends 1. I love you, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. (R.) The most important commandment 2. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praised be the God who saves me. He has given great victories to his king and shown his love for his anointed. (R.) SECOND READING: (Thessalonians 1: 5-10) HOST is l o ok in g for k in d, fr ie nd ly, hospitable people who are inspired by the idea of we lc o m i ng an international student at university here, far from his or her own family, to their home. This could be for a day, a weekend or Christmas, and you don’t need to live near a university, as students will travel for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of us all. Please see or call HOST Office on 0207 739 6292. Thank you. OUR LADY OF RANSOM PARISH NEWSLETTER GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son. Alleluia! GOSPEL: Matthew: 22: 34-40 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: ALL SAINTS Apocalypse 7: 2-4. 9-14 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5: 1-12 “You must love the Lord your God... You must love your neighbour as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) Many of us have probably seen the simple plastic or woven bracelets worn by some Christian people that carry the four letters “WWJD”, standing for “What Would Jesus Do?” These are popular among some Christians as a way of trying to simplify the Gospel message of love and compassion. Jesus himself, when challenged by the Pharisees in today’s Gospel reading as to the most important commandment, sums up the whole of the Law, the commandments and all the teachings of the prophets in two basic commandments: to love God with all our hearts; and to love our neighbours as ourselves. If we live these out then we are being true Christian disciples. This may sound simple, but it is deeply challenging if we consider all the implications. Our world is a complex place and may seem very different from the world in which Jesus lived. Yet, despite the huge developments in technology and industry, the global economy and the very different lifestyles that we have today, human nature has hardly changed at all. In our personal and social relationships we see the same dynamics between people that we see in the Gospels. This is why Jesus’ PTO THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 25th /26th October 2014 Year A Eucharistic Prayer 2 Divine Office Week 2 PARISH PRIEST Father Martin Joyce 50 London Hill Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7HP 01268 742229 email: [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 1pm - 1.30pm Baptisms by Appointment Sunday Mass Saturday 6pm Sunday 8am and 10am If you would like to join the Parish facebook group “Ransomers”, just search for the group and send a request. MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY 25th Oct. 6pm Mary Bush RIP (Pat and Mary Rickard) SUNDAY 26th 8am Stanley Brilus (Anniv) (Connie and Helen Brilus) 10am Governors, Staff and Children Our Lady of Ransom School Ints (Jane Abbott) MONDAY 27th 9.30am Robert and Elizabeth Flight RIP and Deceased Children, Relatives and Friends (Jean Flight) TUESDAY 28th Sts. Simon and Jude 9.30am Paul Gurney (Anniv) (R. Gurney) WEDNESDAY 29th 9.30am Mrs Emma Lucibello (Susan and Damian) THURSDAY 30th 9.30am Michael Cullinan RIP (Elena Hutchings) FRIDAY 31st Oct. 9.30am Patricia and John Putt Ints (Golden Wedding Anniv) (Sr. Jude) SATURDAY 1st Nov. 9.30am For All Parishioners 6pm Deceased Members of the Canova and Carminati Families SUNDAY 2nd Nov. All Saints 8am Richard King RIP (Margaret and Phil Johnstone) 10am Derrick Crisp Ints (The Choir) THE BEFRIENDING SCHEME Do you feel lonely or isolated? Would you benefit from companionship and support? The Befriending Scheme can help. To find out more about this free scheme speak to one of our co-ordinators on 01268 638416. See Poster and leaflets in Porch. Time. For some it’s all they have. Could you help change that? The Befriending Service needs volunteers to help support increasing demand in Castle Point. Can you spare just an hour a week to provide companionship to someone lonely and isolated in your area? Contact 01268 638416 / [email protected]. PARISH SECRETARIES: CHRISTINA: TUES-THURS 9am-2.30pm. PAULINE: FRI 8.30am - 12.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: Items for this newsletter need to be in the Presbytery by 10am ON WEDNESDAYS. Our parish is part of The Brentwood Diocesan Trust, Registered Charity Number 234092. VOCATIONS EVENING: Friday 7 th Nov. The Vocations Evenings are for you if you are aged 1735, and considering where and how God is calling you. There is a particular focus on vocation to Priesthood and Religious Life and the group is open to all, women and men. The format of our November evening will focus around a new DVD about Holy Orders with some insights from Fr Stephen Wang, Chaplain to London Univer sity. We’ll watch that together and chat about it afterwards, then have a fish and chip supper and a time of prayer. The evening takes place in Brent wood and ru ns from ab out 7.30pm – 9.15pm and you can get more details from the Vocations Director, Fr D om in ic , o n 01 2 68 2 817 32 o r [email protected] Save the dates! On Thursday 18 th December Bishop Alan will be sharing his vocation story. Again, the evening will include dinner and prayer together. On Monday 29 th December there will be the annual gathering of seminarians of the Diocese together with enquirers. This will take place at Holy Trinity, 71 Wickhay, Basildon, SS15 5AD – there is Mass at 11.30am, and again Bishop Alan will be with us (and preaching at the Mass). JJ LEGION OF MARY All auxiliary members and interested Parishioners are invited to join us for our annual Frank Duff Mass to be held on Saturday 8th November at St. Teresa’s, Newbury Park. Coach leaving bus stop near Co-op at 12.40pm. Cost around £10. Please ring Shirley for further details 01268 780312. ST. THOMAS MORE HIGH SCHOOL SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING, THURSDAY 20th NOVEMBER, 6-9PM For families who have pupils – boys and girls - in year 11 of secondary school who are intending to begin sixth form studies in September 2015. Come and visit the school and meet the staff and current sixth form students. There will be tours of the sixth form building and the rest of the school. See poster in porch. OLOR THEATRE CLUB is organising a coach trip to see THE SNOWMAN at London’s Peacock Theatre on Sunday 4th January, 2.30pm performance. Tickets priced £28 for stalls seats with return coach fare approx £10 pp. This trip is open to all and will make a wonderful end to the Christmas holidays, suitable for all aged 2 and up. Please email [email protected] or call / text Katherine Abel 07906 844284 for more information ASAP as places are limited! FOR THE OCTOBER TERRIBLE JOKES - WIN SKITTLES!!! JJ WITCHING HOUR... How do you make a witch itch? Take away her w!! What does a witch ask for when she goes to a hotel? Broom service!! Why don’t angry witches ride their brooms? They’re afraid of flying off the handle!!! What is a witch’s favourite subject in school? Spelling!! Why do witches wear name tags? So they know which witch is which!!! What did the doctor say to the witch in hospital? You’ll soon be well enough to get up for a spell!! What do you call a nervous witch? A twitch!!! This week’s Terrible Jokes come from Josie Finch who wins Skittles, Fizzers, Lollies & 99p!!! Come on boys & girls, TERRIBLE JOKES always needed & major prizes to be won!!! J PLEASE PRAY for all the sick members of our Parish; we pray especially for Jean Williams, John Francis, Sheila Burton, Malvine Li Vigni, John Cobley, Tineke Robertson, Bill Slattery, Doreen Cowdrey, Vera Stone Davis, Tony Newman, Betty Lowe, Pat Holohan, Glenda Bunn, Peter McCamley, Dan Abel, Gulizar, Christina Coath, Jim Marshall, Lily de Cristofano, Baby Alexander William Olver, Alice Perkins, Valerie Quill, Pat Matcham, Connie Brilus, Josephine O’Connor, Jean Flight, Hannah Binyon, Pam Denton, Christopher Paterson, Ivor Buckley, Anne Reilly, Kathleen Darley, Ted Mahoney, Nikki Church, Rupert Lyon, Kathleen Kirkland, Eric Leech, Patrick Francis, Kate Cracknell, Margaret Heath, Jean King & all our sick relatives and friends. Kindly pray for Michael Humphrays, Howard Bradley, Norah Helen Camelo, James Ford, Stan Brilus, Paul Gurney, Mary Hall, Eileen O’Sullivan, Mr George Button, Walter Mark Payne, Doris Haysman, Andrew Rose, Alan Burton, Olive Witherall, Christina Frost, Christopher McGrath & all others whose anniversaries occur about this time. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION... THANK YOU fo r you r g ene ro us contribution to last week’s World Mis s ion Sunday collection. Your p raye r s an d k in dn e s s w il l h el p m is s i on a ri es a c ro s s t h e wo rl d continue their work at the service of the poor and vulnerable. Please pray for all those working to offer the love of Jesus, that they may rem ain s t ro ng in t heir witness to Christ’s love for all peoples. FAIR HAVENS HOSPICES ‘LIGHT UP A LIFE CAMPAIGN 2014’ Christmas is a time for reflection and remembering those we love who are no longer with us. The community is invited to dedicate a light in memory of a loved one on our Christmas trees at Fair Havens Hospice and Little Havens Hospice. The trees will shine brightly throughout December and each light will represent memeories of someone special. Each name will also be printed into our Books of Remembrance which are dispayed at venues throughout Essex during 2015. For more information call Sharon Davies on 01702 221670. Thank you for your future support. Poster and leaflets in porch. TO ALL OUR KNITTERS.... If your fingers are idle whilst watching TV please do consider some knitting, as we intend to assist with the “Operation Christmas Child” shoeboxes again and no box is complete without a winter woolly! (Hat, mittens or scarf). Unfortunately we won’t be able to include knitted toys, due to Samaritan’s Purse regulations. Wool and patterns are available in the basket in the porch.... please return completed items by the end of November. Any queries, please phone Malvine 01268 772268. Keep Calm and Carry On Knitting! CAN YOU HELP? DO YOU HAVE A ROOM (S) AVAILABLE? Two young men (aged 21 & 23) have recently moved to Rayleigh from Ireland to attend Masters Performing Arts College on Arterial Road. They are looking for reasonably priced accommodation. If you have two rooms that you would like to rent out to two very respectable young Catholic Irish men then please ring Kevin on 07940469141. DURING OCTOBER.. the month of the DURING NOVEMBER ... Holy Rosary we will say the Hail Holy Queen during the bidding prayers; Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary! Amen. we are asking for your names of deceased family members, relatives and friends. (Slips of paper available in the porch). These names are placed in a special box on the altar during November, and they are remembered at Mass. FLOWERS IN CHURCH Please don’t forget there is a box in the porch requesting donations for flowers. Envelopes are now available in the porch for individuals or families who would like to have flowers in Church to celebrate a special occasion (anniversaries of birthdays, weddings and special events, as well as marking anniversaries of the deaths of loved ones). The names will be published in the newsletter at the beginning of the month. WORLD YOUTH DAY, KRAKOW 22nd July - 2nd August 2016 The cost of the trip is likely to be around £890; A place will be reserved on receipt of £100 deposit which becomes nonrefundable after 30th June 2015. Early booking recommended as spaces limited. Age: 17+; To find out more email [email protected] or follow us on twitter @BrentwoodCYS or visit GRATEFUL THANKS FROM THE LADIES GUILD to all who suppor ted our cof fee morning. Together with your generous contribution we have been able to donate £250 to the Parish Project! NEW ALTAR SERVERS We will shortly be commencing training for new altar servers on Sunday mornings after 10am Mass. If you have made your First Holy Communion and would like to become an altar server, please give your name to Father Martin or Mike Barry. VV PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Mrs Betty Popplewell, of Sandown Road, Thundersley who died recently. Her Funeral Service will be held on Friday 31st October at 2.20pm at Southend Crematorium. May she rest in peace. VV CAN YOU HELP?? LIFT REQUESTED... to and from Saturday 6pm Mass. Can you give a lift to a parishioner from Britton Court, off Eastwood Road area? Please let Fr. Martin know. NEXT SUNDAY 2nd NOVEMBER SATURDAY 25th OCTOBER ON THE LAST SATURDAY IN OCTOBER THE ROSARY will be prayed at the Grotto in the Church garden (or in Church if it is raining) after 9.30am Mass. Please join in praying the Rosary for World Peace. CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR SATURDAY NIGHT! SUNDAY 26th OCTOBER DON’T FORGET.... MASS ATTENDANCE SLIPS for First Holy Communion families. Please collect a slip as you come into Church, fill it in and put it in the collection pouches. COFFEE MORNING after Mass is organised by Knights of St. Columba. All are invited. Look forward to seeing you. Next week: Parent and Toddlers 2015 PARISH DIARIES - 20p Available in the Porch AVAILABLE IN THE PORCH BIBLE ALIVE for November 2014, articles & meditations on the readings at Mass. £2.25. MY DAY BY DAY - The readings for each day during November 2014 - £1 FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER FRUGAL LUNCH/COFFEE MORNING proudly presented by Rayleigh Combined Churches Refugee Group on Friday 31st October in Caley Hall, U.R.C. Crown Hill 11am - 1.30pm. This year supporting the education of Brigid. Cake Stall /Bring and Buy. See poster/leaflets in porch. MONDAY 27th OCTOBER ALL HALLOWS EVE at ST. HELEN’S CHURCH, 27 Milton Rd, Westcliff. HAPPY HALF-TERM Friday 31st October – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 5pm in the Church Rosary: 6pm. Mass: 6.45pm. Followed by Procession in the grounds of St Helen’s. Meal in the hall after procession. Entrance free. For those who would like to extend the adoration period, there will be an opportunity to expose the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel until 10pm. We invite children to dress as Saints and adults to bring a picture of their favourite Saint for the procession and Mass. this week to all who are involved with schools etc.. DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR LIFE On Monday 27th October, the 47th anniversary of the legalisation of Abortion, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. For information on the Catholic approach to ending abortion see; CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP meet Monday evenings at 7pm in the Presbytery. Anyone is most welcome to join us in this ancient form of contemplative prayer. Phone Chris 01702 207722, or visit TUESDAY 28th OCTOBER THE LEGION OF MARY MEETING at 7pm in the Presbytery. Our Lady Needs You. Can you spare Her the time? If you are able to consider this, please ring Tom Kennedy 01702 230578. Thank you. SUNDAY 2nd NOVEMBER IS THE FEAST OF ALL SAINTS ST HELEN’S CHURCH HALL 27 Milton Road, Westcliff. Sunday 2nd November 4pm–6pm. Visiting priest will lead a discussion and prayer session in the large hall. Everyone welcome, Refreshments available. LOOKING AHEAD... MONDAY 3rd NOVEMBER IS ALL SOULS DAY: Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. REMINDER! RENEWAL TIME NEXT WEEKEND... AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED by Dr. David Black. at 6pm, 8am and 10am Masses. See poster in porch. NEXT SATURDAY 1st NOVEMBER ‘A DAY WITH MARY’ An invitation from Our Lady of Compassion, Green Street, London E13 on Saturday 1st November, starting at 10am, to participate in a day of instruction, devotion and intercession, based on the message given at Fatima in 1947. See poster in porch. We are now renewing the rotas for the Coffee Mornings & for Folding the Newsletters beginning again from January. Both have been very successful, many thanks to all who take part. If you are already involved, do you want to carry on?... or would you like to join in? The coffee mornings (open to families/ groups etc.) come around about 3 or 4 times a year. The newsletters (usually folded on Thursday/Fridays) at most twice a year. RENEWALS PLEASE IN WRITING BY 24TH NOVEMBER to the Presbytery (or by email to [email protected]) with the name (group) and telephone number of contact person. We will allocate the coffee mornings to the different groups. If there is a specific coffee morning date you would like, please ask and we will do our best to oblige.
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