THE SPIRE 26 October 2014 FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD Weekend Mass Saturday 6 pm Sunday 8 am Sunday 9 am Penance Saturday 9.20 - 9.30am and 5.30 - 5.50pm Weekday Mass Tuesday - 6 pm Wednesday - 9 am Thursday - 9 am - school Mass Friday - 8 am - Santa Maria Saturday - 9 am Parish Newsletter 35 Davidson Road, Attadale WA 6156 Parish Priest Fr Sean Fernandez Tel.: 6189 3689 E-mail: [email protected] Blog: Twitter: sjpignatelli Parish Office For enquiries, appointments Amy Faleiro Tel: 9330 3727 E-mail: [email protected] Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help Saturday at 9.30 am We respectfully acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we gather, the Beeliar people. Sacraments in Attadale Infant baptisms are generally celebrated after the Sunday 9 am Mass. Please contact the office regarding preparation for the sacrament. The parish runs the RCIA programme for adults who want to become full members of the Catholic Church or who would like to know about the faith. Please speak to Fr Sean if you would like to know more. There are also ad hoc programmes put on for children who want to become Catholic. Preparation of school-aged children for Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation within the Archdiocese of Perth is family-focused, parish-based, school- and PREP-supported. Information on the parish programme is available on the web site or from the parish office. If you would like to get married in the church or would like Fr Sean to assist at your wedding please call the parish office. You are advised to call at least six months beforehand. From the Parish Priest There is still a lot of confusion about the nature of church teaching. Church teaching is not the equivalent of government policy. The Church is a servant of God's Word; a proclaimer of God's truth. She grows in her understanding of that truth over ages, but she is not its source. The document, Dei Verbum, of Vatican II begins: 'Hearing the word of God with reverence and proclaiming it with faith, the sacred synod takes its direction from these words of St. John: "We announce to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and was made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to you, so that you may have fellowship with us and our common fellowship be with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:2-3)'. So the Church first hears and receives before she proclaims. The pope and bishops are the teachers of the Church, but they are first disciples who listen with us to the Word. As the Holy Father himself has said, Church teaching is not the possession of the pope. Even papal infallibility, which is exercised extremely rarely, is not a personal gift of the pope. It is God's gift to his church to maintain her in his truth. So when the pope proclaims infallble teaching or when the pope and bishops do so together, they do so as servants of God's Word and truth. They are not free to proclaim whatever teaching they like or change things as they like. God's Word, Jesus Christ, is the Truth and we serve him and proclaim him. The synod has been a collegial work of listening and speaking in the service of truth. Don’t pay attention to the media hype about winners and losers. Its work is a preparation for another synod to come. Prayer Intentions Pope’s General Intention: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. Pope’s Evangelisation Intention: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. The suffering church: Please pray for Fr Hanna Jallouf OFM, parish priest at Qunyeh, Syria, who was kidnapped with twenty parishioners and is now under ‘house arrest’; Ayda and Khider Abada, Iraqi Christians, whose daughter, Christina, was taken from them by Islamic State militants on 24 August; Asia Bibi condemned to death unjustly and imprisoned for the past five years in Pakistan; she has just lost an appeal against the death sentence; a further appeal is being lodged. Christians of Bartella and Mosul, Iraq; Fr Alexis Prem Kumar SJ, Jesuit Refugee Service Afghanistan Director kidnapped in Afghanistan on 2 June; Archbishop Mor Gregorius Yohanna Ibrahim of the Syrian Orthodox Church, Bishop Boulos Yazigi of the Greek Orthodox Church (kidnapped on 22 April 2013 in Syria); Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin (confined since July 2012 by Chinese authorities), Father Paolo Dall'Oglio SJ (kidnapped in July 2013 in Syria); Ukrainian Catholics in the Crimea; Christians of Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Tanzania, Syria, Egypt, China, Malaysia, Central African Republic, Somalia, North Korea and Vietnam. Parish: For all the new church volunteers and the donors. Sick List: Baby Lucia D'Souza, Margaret Underwood, Annie Brain, Eugene O’Callaghan, Cindy Wihardja, Iris Rankin, Jimmy Watson, Jett Seymour, Mimi Verhaven, Win Froude, Ella McMurtrire, Don Goligher, Fiori Rinaldi, Dawn France, Mira Banovich, Katherine Delany, Peter Salter and Lisa Wright. Deceased: Doug and Beulah King, the Hon. Gough Whitlam and the Hon. David Malcolm. N ew Church Update Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam “We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us,” said Winston Churchill. With all the necessary behind-the-scenes work which has to occur it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. The parish is going to be building a church which is beautiful and inspiring though not extravagant. It will express the hopes for a renewed liturgy mandated by Vatican II. It will be a place of worship for generations to come. In it we shall participate in the saving work of Jesus Christ for the whole world; there is nothing more worthwhile. Laus Deo Semper Clarification Some of the reporting on the Synod may lead to confusion. Being separated or divorced does not in itself pose a problem with regard to the reception of Holy Communion. The difficulty arises when someone remarries (that is they attempt another marriage without an annulment or being declared free to marry in the church). If someone is in that situation they should not despair; they should have a chat with their priest. The Sacraments are not for the perfect, but for all of us who are broken in different ways and who are sinners. B aptisms We have welcomed into the Catholic fold: Mia Giancola, Mason Osbrough and Izabella Dyma Please say a prayer for them, their families and godparents. Praying today’s Psalm I love you. Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. From Today’s Gospel When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, to disconcert him, one of them put a question, 'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first commandment. The second is You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets also.' Taken from The Jerusalem Bible, published and copyright 1966,1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday and Co. Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praised be the God who saves me. He has given great victories to his king and shown his love for his anointed. From The Psalms: A New Translation, by permission of A. P. Watt Ltd on behalf of The Grail, England. 30th Sunday In Ordinary Time: Year A First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Reflexion From a letter to Proba by St Augustine: 'Why in our fear of not praying as we should, do we turn to so many things, to find what we should pray for? Why do we not say instead, in the words of the psalm: I have asked one thing from the Lord, this is what I will seek: to dwell in the Lord’s house all the days of my life, to see the graciousness of the Lord, and to visit his temple? There, the days do not come and go in succession, and the beginning of one day does not mean the end of another; all days are one, simultaneously and without end, and the life lived out in these days has itself no end. So that we might obtain this life of happiness, he who is true life itself taught us to pray, not in many words as though speaking longer could gain us a hearing. After all, we pray to one who, as the Lord himself tells us, knows what we need before we ask for it. Why he should ask us to pray, when he knows what we need before we ask him, may perplex us if we do not realise that our Lord and God does not want to know what we want (for he cannot fail to know it), but wants us rather to exercise our desire through our prayers, so that we may be able to receive what he is preparing to give us. His gift is very great indeed, but our capacity is too small and limited to receive it. That is why we are told: Enlarge your desires, do not bear the yoke with unbelievers. The deeper our faith, the stronger our hope, the greater our desire, the larger will be our capacity to receive that gift, which is very great indeed. No eye has seen it; it has no colour. No ear has heard it; it has no sound. It has not entered man’s heart; man’s heart must enter into it. In this faith, hope and love we pray always with unwearied desire. However, at set times and seasons we also pray to God in words, so that by these signs we may instruct ourselves and mark the progress we have made in our desire, and spur ourselves on to deepen it. The more fervent the desire, the more worthy will be its fruit. When the Apostle tells us: Pray without ceasing, he means this: Desire unceasingly that life of happiness which is nothing if not eternal, and ask it of him who alone is able to give it.' 1st and 2nd November On Saturday at the 9am Mass we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. At the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses we celebrate the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed or All Souls. Anointing of the sick On the first Saturday of every month during the 9am Mass, we celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The Church teaches: 'The Anointing of the Sick "is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived." Thus, if you are aware of serious illness or of the struggles of age, do come along to the Mass. If you cannot make it to the Mass, speak to Fr Sean about the anointing. Please let him know if you are in hospital or bed-ridden as well. The anointing is being celebrated this coming Saturday at 9am. Tuesday evening Mass The Tuesday evening Mass is at 6pm. Please spread the word and come along. The celebration has proved to be extremely popular and we have young families at it. It only takes 20 mins. PREP Last lesson for PREP this year was on Thursday 23 October. There wasa special afternoon tea and each child received a small gift in recognition of the effort they as well as their parents have made in attending PREP classes on a regular basis. For any further information please contact Pauline on 0419956392. Roster for 2 November 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Sat. 6pm Sun. 8am Sun. 9am Acolytes Michael Corrie Indiran Rajadurai Rino Trolio Extraordinary Ministers Hannah Beaton Kathie O’Connor _________ Paula Smithies Lincoln Chong Readers Rosa Celenza Ross Bowden Pauline Marlborough Francine and Tony Middleton Projectionists Julie Ots Jocelyn Hansen Robin Salter Greeters Clara Ferguson-Smith _________ Margaret Chong Flowers Theresa Shearwood Cleaning Charles Johnson and Adrienne Gee Morning Tea Lee-Anne De Pannone and Haigh Family C P Upcoming Events Sunday 16 November Parish Feast Day Friday 28 November Volunteers Sundowner aritas Australia express their heartfelt thanks for your support to Project Compassion. The total amount donated was $5,081.20. Your generosity has made it possible to build a brighter, more humane world by opening doors into the future for the communities you have supported. arish Feast Day Our parish feast day is fast approaching. Do pen 16 November in your calendars. Come to the 9am Mass and stay for fun on the parish oval. Spread the word especially to families with young ones. November Masses During the month of November we pray in a special way for our friends and loved ones who have died. If there are people you wish to pray for in November please write their names on the sheets of paper at the back of the church and drop them in the receptacle. If you use a November envelope please drop it in with one of the normal collections or in the cream locked box. Children’s Liturgy We are looking for volunteers to take a turn at running the children's liturgy at the 9am Mass. If you have a child who participates in the liturgy or if you are interested in helping out, do speak to Fr Sean or Lara. It is simple, but rewarding. 2015 Columban Calendars are available for $8.00 each. Please place your money in the small envelopes provided and drop it in the large cream locked box on the counter.. World Day of Prayer Wanted artefacts (on loan) for our hosting of World Day of Prayer in March 2015. Theme: “Bahamas” Anyone willing to speak of their travel experiences are welcome. Contact Rosa on 9330 1039 or Pauline on 0419956392. New Record In the coming weeks the Archdiocese’s e-newsletter, the e-Record, will be launched that will contain local, national and international stories of Catholic interest. If you wish to receive this just send an email to [email protected] All Soul’s Day Mass at Fremantle Masoleum on Sunday 2 November at 2.30 pm. Due to building works being undertaken, please park in the Sainsbury Street car park. For further details please contact Fremantle Cemetery on 1300 793 109. Ordination On Friday, 7 November at 7pm six young men will be ordained deacons - the penultimate step on their journey to the priesthood. The Archbishop would like to invite the Catholics of the Archdiocese to attend the ordination and support these men. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacred Ministry. The men are Messrs Simeon San, Israel Quirit, Garner Vergara Jr, Jeffey Casabuena, Grant Goddard and Stephen Goddard. Knights of the Southern Cross invite applications from teachers of Religious Education in Catholic schools to undertake further study for units in religious education and theology at the University of Notre Dame in 2015. Applications close 31 October 2014. Phone 9368 2503. See Notice Board for further information. Adult Faith Formation Deepen your understanding of your faith without the pressure of exams or assignments! Enrol in a Term Four course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation! No prior learning necessary. Courses are very affordable, range in length from 3 weeks to 8 weeks, and are offered during the day, at twilight, during evenings and on weekends. For more information, visit or call 9241 5221.
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