LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Entrance Antiphon Ps: 16,6-8 To you do I call; for you will surely hear me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye; In the shadow of your wings protect me. First Reading A reading from the prophet Isaiah. ROTAS FOR: 25 and 26 OCTOBER 2014 READERS: Sat 25 Sun 26 6.30pm Mass 8.30am Mass 10.00am Mass Tom Mullen Sue Strode Helen Holt, Dominique Townsend EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Sat 25 6.30pm Mass Pat Ogden, Liz Beaton Sun 26 8.30am Mass Nick Brown, Jacques Honore 10.00am Mass Chris Banks, Tony Kendrick Helen Holt, Liz Pledge CHILDREN’S LITURGY: WELCOMERS Sat 25 Sun 26 MUSIC: Sun 26 FLOWERS: LINEN ROTA: COUNTING: TEA/COFFEE: BULLETIN: PHOTOCOPYING: Seeds of the Earth: Dominique Living water: Anne Tester 6.30pm Mass 8.30am Mass 10.00am Mass 10.00am Mass Sue Collins Bernie Begley Hazel Kenny Music Group Catherine Buxton Olga Louth Turner/ Faulks Paddy/Catherine Mary Barton Linda Purple 45:1.4-6 Responsorial Psalm Ps: 95 (R) Give the Lord glory and power. 1. O sing a new song to the Lord, sing to the Lord all the earth. Tell among the nations His glory and his wonders among all the peoples (R) Sat 18 Feast of St Luke, Evangelist. Mass 10.00am(Followed by Exposition) Mass 6.30 pm (for Sunday) Liberty Baker RIP Sun 19 Mass 8.30 am People of the Parish Mass 10.00 am Nancy Haigh RIP (R) Mon 20 Mass 9.00am In Thanksgiving 4. Worship the Lord in His temple. O earth, tremble before Him. Proclaim to the nations: ’God is King’. He will judge the peoples in fairness. Tues 21 Mass 7.00pm (Followed by The Rosary) Anna Ruane RIP (R) Wed 22 Eucharistic Service 9.00am Second Reading 1:4-5 From the first letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians. Gospel Acclamation Jn 17:17. Alleluia, alleluia! Your word is truth, O Lord Consecrate us in the truth. Alleluia! Gospel 22:15-21 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew. NOTICES FOR THE BULLETIN The deadline for notices to be included in the weekly bulletin is Tuesday evening. All notices should be sent by email to: [email protected] or given to Father Pat. Thank you. PLEASE TAKE THIS BULLETIN HOME The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No: 234216 SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER—26 OCTOBER 2014 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A 2. The Lord is great and worthy of all praise, to be feared above all gods; the gods of the heathens are naught it was the Lord who made the heavens. (R) 3. Give the Lord, you families of peoples, give the lord glory and power, give the lord the glory of His name. Bring an offering and enter His courts. ALL WELCOME Tea and coffee being served after 10am Mass in the Parish Room Church of Our Lady and St Hugh, Moorland Road, Witney OX28 5YA. Parish Priest: Fr. Patrick Broun, 01993 702661 email: [email protected] www.ourladyandsthugh.org.uk Deacon: Rev. Mr. Frank Ryan Communion Antiphon Ps 32 Behold the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, who hope in His merciful love, to rescue their souls from death and keep them alive in famine. Second Collection this week for World Mission Sunday Thurs 23 Mass 6.00pm Mavis Early RIP Fri 24 Mass 9.00am (Followed by Exposition) Celebrant’s Intention Sat 25 Mass 10.00am (Followed by Exposition) Celebrant’s Intention Mass 6.30 pm (for Sunday) Tom, Kit & Frank Lally RIP Sun 26 Mass 8.30 am Don Laws RIP Mass 10.00 am People of the Parish Confessions : Saturday 17th October 10.30am-11am & 5.30 –6.00pm (Or by Appointment) DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS The 111 Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is scheduled to take place from 519th October to treat the topic: The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization. Churches, parish communities, institutes of consecrated life, associations and movements are invited to pray for this intention during Mass and at other liturgical celebrations in the days leading to the synod and during the synod itself. In Rome, in the Basilica of St Mary Major, prayers will be recited each day in the chapel of the icon, Salus Populi Romani. The faithful, individually, but above all in all families, are invited to join in these prayers. In the Church porch there is a copy of The Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod written by Pope Francis which we ask you to pray and the recitation of the Rosary is also recommended for the duration of the Synodal Assembly.. OCTOBER THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. Here in our parish a group has been reciting the Rosary every Tuesday for the past 25 years. Prayers are offered up for the priesthood, diaconate and religious life, for peace and justice throughout the world and for the sick. It would be great if more parishioners would join the group after the 7pm Mass on Tuesdays or say a decade with your own family at home. MASS INTENTIONS When asking for Mass Intentions please specify whether or not the person has died by putting RIP or Anniversary Mass. Do remember that Masses for the weekends are taken up very quickly, so please give as much notice as possible. Please also remember to add your telephone number. Thanks. RCIA (GROWING IN FAITH) If you are a non-Catholic and would be interested in getting to know about the Catholic Faith or if you are already a Catholic but would like to know more about the Faith – this may be for you! Please let Fr Pat know if you are interested! BAPTISM PREPARATION Parents wishing to have a child baptised are required to attend a course of preparation. A 2-session course is run in the Parish. The next dates will be on 6 & 13 January, 7 & 14 April, 7 and 14 July and 6 & 13 October 2015. Parents are welcome to attend before the birth of their child. Please contact Celia Brown for further details. CONFIRMATION 2015 The first parent/ candidate meeting for those wishing to be confirmed will be held on Thursday 23rd October 7.30 in the upstairs gallery meeting room. The Confirmation Enrolment Mass will be Sunday 23rd November at 10am. CATHOLIC NEWSPAPERS There is a selection of Catholic Newspapers in the porch on sale every week. The new edition of the Diocesan newspaper ‘Catholic Today’ is on sale also at just 50p per copy. CWL The CWL Harvest Mass is on Thursday 23rd October at 7pm followed by supper. Parishioners and friends are most warmly invited to attend. It would be great to see some new faces You are invited to bring along items for the Food Bank (in-date packets and tins please). There will also be a collection for Base 33. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Someone will be at the back of the Church to give out APF red boxes after all masses this weekend should anyone wish to take one home and put in loose change 200 CLUB Congratulations to the winners of the September draw. 1st prize of £400 Anthony Brown (number 54). 2nd prize £50 Jacqui Shaw (number 117) 3rd prize £50 Christina Morris (number 97). All cheques are available from Father Pat. Thank you to everyone who entered. Anyone wishing to join may do so for the October draw. Please contact Liz Pledge. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EVENING Don’t miss a chance to pick up some beautiful hand-crafted gifts and stocking fillers at our Christmas Shopping Evening on Thursday 27 November from 7pm at Our Lady of Lourdes School. Entrance £5 per person with complimentary drink and raffle ticket. Tickets available at the door or in advance from Henri Ray. LEAGUE OF FRIENDS VOLUNTEERING I volunteer at the John Radcliffe hospital, with the League of Friends. We are very short of volunteers. If you can give a couple of hours a week filling rolls, pouring tea or serving customers then please contact David Simpson. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WITNEY October 19th: Churches Together have a Service at the Congregational Church at 6pm and it would be good if some of us Catholics could accompany Fr Pat. Tuesday October 21st : CTiW Council meet at Open Doors at 7.30pm. PART-TIME MATERNITY COVER AT OUR PARISH NURSERY SCHOOL A part-time post to cover maternity leave starting November 2014 is available at St Hugh of Lincoln Nursery School. Early years qualification at Level 3 or higher required and knowledge of It desirable. Salary dependant upon qualification and experience. Appointment subject to references and an enhanced DBS disclosure. Please contact the Nursery School (706636) for further details of the post. WEEKEND CAR PARKING May I remind you once again to take great care when parking at the weekend Masses. If you arrive late and find you are unable to park in the church car park and you have to park in either Dene Rise or Moorland Road, make sure you do not obstruct residents’ driveways. There is free car parking at this end of Corn Street from 6pm on Saturday to 8am Monday, up to the bus shelter on both sides. It is not too far for most people to walk. I would be very grateful for your cooperation in this matter. Many Thanks, Fr. Pat.
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