8th February, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Year B - Worship Schedule Masses this Weekend: Vigil Mass: Saturday 6pm Sunday: 9am Sunday: 6pm Weekday Mass: St Anthony’s Parish 54 Agincourt Road. (PO Box 3670) Marsfield, 2122 Phone: 9888 5222 Fax: 9878 2741 Email: [email protected] Website: saintanthonys.org.au Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri.9.30am—1pm Parish Staff & Contacts Pastor: Brian O’Sullivan cm Monday: 9am (Liturgy of the Word) Email: [email protected] Tuesday: 9am Pastoral Associate: Madeleine Pizzuti Wednesday: 9am Email: [email protected] Thursday: 9am Parish Secretary: Rose Goh Friday: 9am Email: [email protected] Reconciliation Saturday 5.30pm Anytime by appointment The Word of God… Parish Secretary: Rita Salameh Email: [email protected] School Principal: Julianne Rook Email: [email protected] 1st Reading: Job 7:1-4,6-7 Responsorial Psalm: 146:1-6 Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. 2nd Reading: Cor inthians 9:16-19,22-23 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 PARISH DIARY: Sunday, 8 February— 15 February, 2015 P R A Y E R M I N I S T R Y You are asked to keep in your prayers all parishioners, friends & relatives who are suffering through illness, especially Konrad Wrzesinski, Magdalena Wrzesinska, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Kidir Sitthampalam, Patricia Whiteford, Phyllis Tay, Baby Harper Stapleton, Fr David Catterall, Denise Ghali, Jasudason Varkee, Glen Fowler, Merle Ranasinghe, Clara Owczarek, Barbara McPhee =============== Due to privacy laws, if you would like the name of a family member or friend to be printed in the Good Oil, please contact the Parish Office. Also, please keep in your prayers those who have died, recently - Patrick Cleary Grandfather of Annabelle Cleary Salvatore Marchi Giovanna Tomarchio Doreen Pereira Palmira Crevatin And those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Maria Victoria (1st Anniv 15/2) COMMUNION TO THE SICK CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS We are in need of at least 4-6 volunteers to join the communion to the sick group to replace those who have left. If you are able to help please contact the Parish Office on 9888 5222. WELCOME & FAREWELL MASS Please join us at 9am Mass on Sunday February 22 so we can welcome Father Joseva into our Parish and also say goodbye to Father Brian. ST ANTHONY’S LADIES GROUP extend an invitation to all the ladies of the Parish to attend a morning tea/luncheon in the Parish Centre on Thursday, 12th February at 11.00am. A plate of food would be appreciated to assist with catering. LAST YEAR’S PALMS Each year, just prior to the season of Lent, we have the Burning of the Palms ritual. This is normally held on the day before Ash Wednesday after the 9.00 am Mass, whereby we burn the old palms that we received on Palm Sunday of the previous year. The ashes from the burnt palms will then be used the following day – Ash Wednesday. From next weekend we will have a basket at the main entrance to the church where you may place your old palms to be used in the Burning of the Palms ritual. INVITATION TO REFLECTION Please join us on a Tuesday or Saturday morning (10 am to 12 noon). Time for silent meditation and the opportunity to share thoughts in a group. At the Grail Centre, 22 McHatton St, North Sydney. Tuesday 17th February: Prayer and contemplation in the context of Benedictine spirituality. Saturday, 28th February: Woman mystic, Hildegard of Bingen, speaks to our times and lives. Each of these is the first of a series. For more information, or to register your interest, please contact Tricia Gemmell ([email protected]) or [email protected] or the Grail Centre (9955 3053). We ask for a small donation to cover costs. Our Dearest Rev Fr Brian, How are you, hope you are doing good, how is all our friendsparishioners? Fr Brian, when are you coming to UK, Please let us know when you are coming, we would be very excited to see you. Here we are all doing good by the blessing of God, Our Baby Anthony Pio has started his school nursery, he is very happy to go but he is complaining the freezing cold. Rea is also started school, I started my new job, it is very cold, Robert is hunting for job, please keep us in your prayers. We really miss the Sunday church and hospitality it was really a very good experience with you all in the church, once more I really thank you and all the parishioners. Whenever we think about you and the parishioners our heart is full of thanks and love. Thank you and God bless, Grace LENTEN PROGRAM 2015 Each year we are encouraged by the Church to take the journey with Christ towards His suffering, death and Resurrection at Easter. It is during the season of Lent that we are able to prepare ourselves – to reflect, pray and to enter into that journey. To assist us the Church offers a 6-week Lenten program designed to be used in small groups in parishes. This year St Anthony’s is using the program offered by the Wollongong Diocese, which consists of a book and a CD to guide the group. If there is anyone interested in being part of a small group using this program then please contact Madeleine at the parish office. The groups will commence meeting the week of Monday 16th February. Are you interested in joining our groups? We would make you welcome. Tai chi - Monday evenings, 7.30pm, Orana Room in the Southern Cross Retirement Village, Marsfield. $7.00 per session with Master Roland. Phone Monica Cramsie, 9888 5116. Meditation - Tuesday evenings, 7.30 pm, Mirrabooka Room in the Southern Cross Retirement Village Marsfield. $5 for the whole year! Phone Monica Cramsie, 9888 5116. Beginners are welcome for either session or both! Event: 2015 Archdiocesan Rite of Election and Presentation of Baptised Candidates for Full Communion When: First Sunday of Lent, 22nd February at 2pm Where: St Mary’s Cathedral All Welcome! About the Rite of Election: Every year hundreds of catechumens from our Catholic parishes and communities all over Sydney come together to celebrate the conclusion of their period of catechetical formation undertaken in their local parish and gather together to declare their readiness and desire to enter the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. In turn, the Church accepts their petition and the testimony of the Catholic community, and includes them as members of “the elect.” This year more than 180 catechumens will have their names enrolled as the elect! In addition, the Church also welcomes and celebrates the continuing conversion of those candidates who desire to come into full communion with the Church at Easter. Among the many parishes and communities participating this year we have a large representation from the Catholic Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese communities in Sydney. For further details or for last minute registrations please contact Catherine Hilder via email [email protected] or phone 9307 8480. Daily Prayer This Week: Every week we are trying to find intimacy with our Lord in the midst of our everyday life. We use the stories about Jesus in the readings of the week to help us. Because our days are so busy, those stories make connections among what we are experiencing, God's Word to us and the desires that are coming to the surface in us. This week we can let various parts of this week's rich scripture readings touch us, depending on what is going on in us. It all begins with our beginning the day, establishing a connection. With the briefest of rising prayers, we can talk with our Lord about what we anticipate needing that day. One day I might know that, with what I have to face that day, I need to ask that the healing Jesus be with me. I might be able to name what needs healing. “Lord, you know the fear that is developing in me as I face this meeting today.” “Lord, take this anger away from my heart.” “Most loving Lord, have mercy on me and heal this pattern that plagues me and takes away my happiness, my freedom, my ability to love.” On another day, I may know that I'm right in the middle of the struggle over my disregarding what God really wants me to do, using legalistic excuses to avoid God's will. I might beg, “Lord, I've become such a hypocrite. Purify my heart so I can see as you see, judge as you judge and love as you love. Help me be truly religious, truly compassionate, truly your disciple today.” On other days, I might be in a “foreign” territory, or at least one that seems quite a distance from believing territory. I might ask, “Dear Lord, keep me safe here. Give me courage here. Help me find intimacy with you here. And let me see the faith of so many of your people here.” Some day this week, let's imagine how Jesus has pity on our hunger and feeds us. And every night this week, let's express our gratitude for receiving what we asked for in faith, from the One who is waiting to give us what we need. Taken from http://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Prayer/B1-OT05.html THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY— 8th February, 2015 My Valentine! How a flower picked in a park led to love and marriage Religious liberty is under threat, archbishop tells legal fraternity New choirboys scale the heights at St Mary’s Cathedral ‘God rich in mercy’ theme or 24 Hours for the Lord Introducing Mr Digges, new business manager of the archdiocese Rome study now an option for ACU students Available at the front entrance to the Church. Please put your $2.00 in the Poor Box. CAPTAINS, PLEASE ENSURE TO REMIND YOUR TEAM COUNTERS ROSTER FOR FEBRUARY: 1/2-Team 1; 8/2-Team 2; 15/2-Team 3; 22/2-Team 4; Please take home a copy of the Good Oil. However, if you prefer not to, please return it to the trays found at each entrance to the Church. COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS Please consider the following: 1. If you have a cold or flu symptoms (or any other communicable disease, cold sores, etc.) you MUST NOT receive communion from the Chalice. 2. In accordance with the General Instruction, we DO NOT DIP the Host in the Chalice. DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE. THANK YOU
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