November Worship at St. John's

The Circle
November 2014
November Worship at St. John's
Note: Bishop Claire Burkat will not be
with us on Reformation Sunday, October
26th, but will visit us on Christ the King
Sunday, November 23rd.
All Saints’ Weekend
Saturday, November 1st, Evening Light at 5 PM
Sunday, November 2nd
Holy Communion, 8 AM
Sunday School, 9:25 AM
Holy Communion, 10:45 AM
On Sunday morning, worship will begin with remembering our Baptisms in the Columbarium – and then
led by a bag-piper we will go into the sanctuary to
hear God’s Word and to eat at God’s Table with ALL
Stewardship Weekend
Our Window into God’s World
Saturday, November 8th, Evening Light at 5 PM
Sunday November 9th
Service of the Word, 8 AM
Sunday School, 9:25 AM
Holy Communion, 10:45 AM
Our Stewardship Committee Chairperson, Dick Kunsch, will be serving as our preacher this weekend.
We will be invited to make commitments to the mission and ministry of our congregation and God’s
church for the coming year. Please bring your commitment card to worship with you. Look for it in the
mail in early November.
23rd Weekend after Pentecost
Saturday, November 15th - Evening Light, 5 PM
Sunday, November 16th
Holy Communion, 8 AM
Sunday School – 9:25 AM
Service of the Word, 10:45 AM
Christ the King Weekend
Saturday, November 23rd – Evening Light, 5 PM
Sunday, November 24th
Bishop Claire Burkat Visits
Holy Communion – 8 AM
Sunday School – 9:25 AM
Holy Communion – 10:45 AM
Our Bishop Claire Burkat will join us on Sunday as we
celebrate Christ as our King. whose dominion shall
never pass away. As part of our joyous celebration,
our Fifth graders will receive their First Holy Communion – joining us at the table of grace.
Thanksgiving Eve Community Worship
Wednesday, November 26th – 7:30 PM
Everyone is invited to participate in a wonderful Phoenixville tradition – the Community Inter-faith Thanksgiving Eve Worship. St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church,
502 Main Street will serve as our host. The service
will take place at St. Ann’s Chapel between Fourth
and Fifth Avenues. The Rev. Mark Young of First
Methodist will serve as our preacher. Please bring
canned goods to share with our neighbors in need.
First Weekend in Advent
Saturday, November 29th - Evening Light, 5 PM
Sunday, November 30th
Holy Communion, 8 AM
Sunday School, 9:25 AM
Holy Communion, 10:45 AM
On the first Sunday of Advent, Christ is "advancing"
towards us. In the past, God came to us in the life of
Jesus. In the present, God comes especially in word
So the world is going to end….that’s been a worry
and sacrament. In the future, even if there is disaster,
since the beginning of time. What matters is how we God will come to gather us into life. We will light the
use our time and talents between now and then. Our first candle on our Advent wreath, and begin a yearGospel this Sunday strengthens us to become more
long reading from the Gospel of Mark.
creative and faithful servants in God’s kingdom in the
meantime – which when you think about it is the only
time we ever have.
The Pastor’s Message:
The Church I grew up in, St. Paul’s Lutheran in Allentown, has beautiful
stained glass windows that span the life of Christ. Whenever the sermon
got dull or the distribution of communion dragged on, I stared at the windows watching the play of the colors through the glass, observing the reflections upon the people of the congregation and learning more about Jesus than I ever realized. Through these windows I saw God’s world. Now
there was a time in the early 70’s during the Vietnam War when the youth
of St. Paul’s marched for peace and joined in protests for justice when I felt
the Church was completely out of sync with real life. I remember boldly
and now think, naively and way too crassly, saying, “We need to throw
stones through the stained glass to open the Church to the light of day.”
How wrong I was! The people of St. Paul’s clearly saw the light of day — the
poor who lived in the slums, the homeless in the back alleys, the wounded
veterans, the parents grieving the death of their sons and daughters. They
knew that seeing the world through the light of Christ was the way of hope
and salvation.
I confess that the first time I worshipped at St. John’s I found our stained
glass windows a tad dull. Yes, they fit with the stone and wood architecture in a way that the St. Paul’s windows would not have. That first day, I
did not venture up the hall to see the stained glass from the old St. John’s,
including the stunning one of John the Apostle which looks down on me
even now as I write. Overtime, I’ve grown to
love the large, purple, blue and pink windows
in our sanctuary. In them is the shape of the cross — which is always our
window into God’s world. When we look through the cross we behold the
amazing love of God who, as St. John so brilliantly wrote: “gave his only Son, Inside this issue:
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” This
promise is more than life in heaven, it is life now in this age of consumption, November Worship
ebola, ISIS and whatever threatens. Our window into God’s world is the
Pastor’s Message
cross and through the cross we experience hope and salvation for Jesus
Church Council News / All Saints /
Thanksgiving Service
meets us at our point of deepest need and restores us by his resurrection.
Through the cross that we respond in faith and ministry.
Christian Education News / Knitting
On the weekend of November 1st and 2nd, we will celebrate All Saints’ Day.
Once a child was visiting a church which had lots of stained glass windows.
“Who are those people?” he asked his mom. She explained they were saints,
which led him to conclude, “Saints let the light shine through.” We have
been blessed with such saints and during worship the first week of November we will remember them and give thanks to God for them. The next weekend, November 8th and 9th, we will reflect upon what it means to be generous with all that God’ has given us. As part of our Stewardship weekend, we
will make commitments to the ministry and mission of St. John’s for the coming year. This promises to be a year of growth for our congregation as we
move forward in calling a Youth and Family Pastor. Please keep this process
in your prayers. On November 22nd we will have our Annual Evening Light
Thanksgiving Worship with a wonderful Dinner following. The next day —
Christ the King Sunday, Bishop Claire Burkat will visit us and our fifth graders
will receive their First Communions. There’s so many ways the light of Christ
is shining through St. John’s. Thanks be to God!
Pastor Cynthia Krommes
Stewardship / Can and Shoe Collection 5
Music News
Spaghetti Dinner / Stephen Ministry /
PACS / Car Magnets
Young at Heart / Senior High Mission /
Thanksgiving Dinner / Global Adventure
November Schedule / Columbarium /
WELCA / Commitment Cards
Thank you / Staying Connected /
Simply Giving
Calendar / Birthdays / Anniversaries
Staff / Pastoral Acts
Church Council News
There’s been some changes in Church Council leadership during the past
few months. Pat Tindell retired and moved to New Hampshire. Laura Geiger asked for a leave to attend to evening parenting responsibilities. So
there were two seats to fill. Our Executive Committee recommended that
we wait to fill Pat’s seat until our February Annual meeting, as there was
only a few months left in her three year term. Laura’s seat has 16 months
left so Executive nominated Karen Singer to fill that term. At their September meeting, Council approved Karen’s nomination and she began serving
in October. Karen provided a brief bio:
“I have been fortunate to have served for 20+ years in various healthcare
and financial leadership roles supporting with developing and implementing global management systems, driving operational excellence in complex
global healthcare, quality, risk management, sales support and financial
matrixed organizations. I have a wonderful husband, Jeff, and 2 lovely children, Mary and Benjamin, who make this journey of life a fun-loving adventure. We love spending time together
outdoors, hiking, playing tennis, traveling and visiting family and friends on the US east coast and in Norway.”
Karen has been a member of St. John’s for about 10 years and is excited about serving on Council.
At their October meeting Council also heard a report from the Call Committee for our Youth and Family Pastor.
The Committee has received a candidate to interview. Pastor Krommes and Laura Geiger did the first interview.
When an Associate Pastor is being called this first interview is always done by the Senior or Lead Pastor. Laura
Geiger was asked to be part of the interview too as she has wonderful interviewing skills and was extremely helpful in the hiring process for our Parish Administrator, Sonya Sowards. The Call Committee hopes to interview the
candidate the week of October 19th. Please keep this important process in your prayers.
All Saints’ Sunday – November 2nd
On All Saints’ Sunday we give thanks for the saints of every time and every
place and especially remember those saints who have died in the past year. It
is a “mini-Easter” in which we rejoice in the gift of the resurrection of our Lord
Jesus Christ and in the promise of life everlasting.
Just as we did last year, we will begin our Worship around the “font” in the
St. John’s Columbarium. There we will affirm our baptisms wherein we died
and rose again with Christ. From there we will move into the sanctuary (we’re
working on getting a bagpipe player to lead us) and together sing the glorious
“For All the Saints.” Our texts for the day take us to heaven, in sermon we will
specifically remember the saints of our congregation who have died in the past
year, our feast around the table of Lord is a foretaste of the feast to come in
God’s kingdom. Then if there are remains to be committed we will move back outside to the Columbarium. Mark
your calendar now to be part of this great Feast and wonderful day of celebration.
While we have the names of members of the congregation who have died since All Saints 2013, if you would like a
name of someone who has died since November 2013 included in the prayers of intercession that day, please call
or email the Church Office or place their name on our yellow communication card. We ask that you remember
those who have died before November 2013 in your silent prayer that day.
A Wonderful Phoenixville Thanksgiving Tradition!
Phoenixville Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship will be held at St. Ann’s Roman Catholic
Church in the Chapel between Fourth and Fifth Streets, on Wednesday, November 26 th
beginning at 7:30 pm. Pastor Mark Young of First Methodist serves as our preacher. The
offering is directed to the Phoenixville Area Clergy Association Emergency fund to support
families in need in our community.
Christian Education News
Sunday School Happenings!
We were blessed with songs by our Sunday School Children at our
10:45 am worship on October 12th and 19th. It’s our plan for our First
through Sixth graders to sing the second Sunday of the month and our
3, 4 & 5 years olds to sing on the third Sunday of the month. Our Music Director, Tom Snyder and our Sunday School Pianist Eleanor Lundy
practice with the children as part of their Sunday School classes. Then
they share the songs with the whole congregation. What a delight!
First Holy Communion – Fifth Graders
Our Fifth Graders will receive their First Holy Communion on Christ the King Sunday – November 23rd at our 8
am or 10:45 am worship services. Bishop Claire Burkat will be joining us for the celebration. To prepare our
Fifth Graders will meet for four weeks – November 2, 9, 16, 23 during the Sunday School hour for First Communion Instruction with Kate DeMutis. On Saturday, November 22nd the students have a morning retreat from
9 am to 12 noon at the Church during which they’ll make Communion Bread, complete their study and receive
acolyte training. Meanwhile, their parents meet with Family Counselor, Jim Rude, for a presentation and discussion titled On the Cusp of Adolescence from 9 to 10:30 am. If your son/daughter is older that Fifth grade and
has not yet received their First Communion, they are also invited to be part of the preparation.
Our 7th and 8th graders are studying the New Testament and the Life of Jesus this year. Our 9th graders are focusing upon the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer. On November 23rd and 30th, the Confirmation students will prepare for their Fall Retreat on Martin Luther which take place December 5th and 6th at Tel Hai Retreat Center in Honeybrook.
Senior High Youth Group
On Sunday mornings, a group of Senior Highs meet to create wonderful videos that focus upon upcoming Gospel lessons. The videos are shown during the Sunday School Group Opening for the 1st through 6th graders and
then are posted on our own You-Tube Channel: Other Senior Highs serve as Sunday School
Assistant Teachers.
Adult Education – Sundays at 9:30 am
There are four different learning opportunities for Adults on Sunday Morning. Happy Hour/Dwelling in God’s
Word focuses upon the Gospel for the Day and connects it to real life, especially to the joys and challenges of
parenting. Sunday Morning Book Club gathers to discuss a book, reading from a variety of fiction, non-fiction
and biography. Faith Life is for those who want to think deeply about what’s happening in the world in relationship to their faith. They are presently using a video course developed by Old Testament Scholar Walter
Brueggeman entitled Countering Pharaoh's Production/Consumption Society which explores the ways our society seeks to define us by what we own or buy instead of who we are as God's people. Women of the New Testament is getting know the women who followed Jesus and help shape the early Church. On November 16th, our
eight week Fall Newcomers’ Class begins and is for all those who are new to St. John’s or who have been here
awhile and want to grow in faith. For more information about any of the classes and to register you or your family for Sunday School, please call the Church Office, 610-933-3947 or email [email protected].
Message from St. John's Knitting Club:
For the past few months our Knitting Club has been knitting hats, scarves, and mittens for the
Clinic in Phoenixville. We had been told that during our horrible winter last year, there were
many patients (adults and children) coming in for treatment that didn't have these items to
help keep them warm. First, we would love to have more people join us, Thursday mornings
starting at 10:00 am. If that's not possible but you would still like to help, you can bring in your
knitted items and put them on the table in the Christian Ed. Room, Dana's old office.
A Reflection on
Living a Life of Generosity
By Dodi Strunk
From the first moment that I walked into St. John’s I could
feel the generosity of its members. It was 1999 and I was
pregnant with my son Bobby. I immediately felt the
warmth of the building, its members and of course Pastor
At that time it was only a feeling but after 15 years of being a member I have witnessed again and again the spirit
of St. John’s members and their generosity. Over the years
amazing memorial gifts have changed the landscape of
St. John’s (literally). As you drive in, you pass the St. John’s
entrance sign and a beautiful memorial garden and stain
glass panels of Jesus and his sheep. All generous gifts of
a loved one lost.
Gifts are abundant at St. John’s and they are often not financial. Each year I am completely amazed by St. John’s
Bible School and the amount of work that goes into making that week special and an affordable camp option for
families. I was amazed this summer when I found out that
Jody and Justin O’Neill take vacation time to help with
VBS. Vacation time is so precious and they choose to take that time and spend it with 100+ screaming,
singing, high energy kids. Wow is that generous!
On a more personal note our family depends on the generosity of the wonderful people who put together coffee hour! It’s a new group every Sunday but it’s what gets my kids out of bed, dressed and into the
car with no arguments. That is a gift. Who knew the power of a donut?
Our Confirmation guides are generous. My son has been blessed with Kurt Seidel. It isn’t easy managing energetic high spirited teenage boys. They commit three years of Sundays to guiding and listening
to our children at one of the most difficult and awkward times of their lives. I can only say thank you for
such a generous gift.
The most important thing I can say about living a Live of Generosity is that no gift is too small and never
under estimate the value of your gift to someone. Why did St. John’s feel so warm to me? Was it a
smile or a handshake? Both gestures are easy enough to give but to a nervous newcomer it means
everything. One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the widow who gave a mite. The mite in itself was
not valuable by Roman standards. The generosity of her gift was in the sacrifice in giving what she had.
Living a Life of Generosity is personal and only you know what you can give.
Collecting Aluminum Cans and Used Shoes
We’re collecting Aluminum Cans to help send our young people
to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer. Please
donate your cans in the large box in Kley Hall.
We continue to collect used shoes to support the St. John’s
Building Fund. Shoe can be deposited in the boxes in the Narthex and the Glass Entry Way into the Christian Education wing.
St. John’s Singers, is
As part of their weekly class the children will
be learning a song which will be sung as part
of worship on the third Sunday of each
month at the 10:45 worship service. Parents
are encouraged to worship with their children
following Sunday School. They will sing their
song, up front, in place of the Psalm near the
beginning of the service. It’s a great time to
invite proud grandparents to church.
open to youth grades six
and above. This year we
are running our rehearsals from 9:00 AM to 9:20
AM in the Eisenhower
Room across from the
kitchen. Singers are encouraged to grab breakfast at coffee hour and
bring it to rehearsal. This choir sings varied repertoire and
helps lead worship every four to six weeks. Rehearsals
have started up again and we’re looking for new singers as
well as returning familiar faces. Any questions, please contact Tom Snyder, Director of Music, [email protected] or call
Junior Choir, kids in grades 2-5 continues rehearsals on
Wednesdays in the balcony from 7 – 7:45 PM. Come join us
and find out what choir is all about. We sing in church about
instruments, and help lead worship. Hope to see you soon.
The first through sixth grade children gather
together each Sunday to listen to a Bible story and learn a song which relates to an upcoming lesson. The song will be sung as part
of worship on the second Sunday of each
month at the 10:45 worship service. Again,
parents are encouraged to worship with their
children following Sunday School. They will
sing their song, in the balcony, in place of the
Psalm near the beginning of the service.
Mr. Tom
[email protected]
The opportunity to worship together as a family is one which comes from your Baptismal
promises to bring your children to the word of
God and the holy supper, to nurture them in
faith and prayer, and to grow in the Christian
8 PM, Wednesday, October 1, Senior Choir began
rehearsing music for Christmas Eve. Additional singers,
especially older youth, are invited to join in preparation of
this joyful music. Christmas selections will begin rehearsals. Come, join the angels’ singing. For additional information contact Tom Snyder, Director of Music,
[email protected], 610-287-8004.
On Saturday, November 1st, from 4 to 7 pm St. John’s is
sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the Phoenixville Area Children’s Learning Centers scholarship
fund. Monies will be used to help families in need to
afford quality child-care as parents are moving into full
employment. The Centers are non-profit and two of the
best child care centers in our area. Besides a wonderful meal of salad, spaghetti (including gluten free spaghetti), meatballs, sausage, bread, beverages and desserts, there will also be Raffle Baskets. Tickets are $10
for adults and $5 for children and will be available beginning October 1, 2014. Take out will be available too.
To learn more about the Learning Centers, please visit
Stephen Ministry Training will begin in late January. If you are interested please contact Linda
Landis at 610-935-0726
Get Your Car Magnet!
Share the joy of St. John’s wherever
you go by placing this on your bumper – car bumper that is! (Remember
to take it off before going through an
automatic car wash.) St. John’s
Magnets are available after worship
in the narthex or at the new directory picture taking sessions. Costs are
$3.00 each. They make a perfect
stocking stuffer and fit nicely on refrigerators too. Thanks to our Evangelism Committee for all the ways
they help us get the word out about
St. John’s!
Senior High Mission Day
Young at
Our 10th through 12th graders
are invited to participate in a
Senior High Mission day on
Tuesday, November 4th. We will
leave St. John’s at 1 pm to head
to University Lutheran Church on
Chestnut Street in Philadelphia where we will prepare and serve Feast Incarnate, a weekly food ministry for persons who are living with HIV or who are in
need. Aaron Westermann is organizing this mission
day for his Senior Project. We return to St. John’s at
approximately 7:30 pm. We are also in need of
adult drivers for the afternoon. If you can help,
please fill out the Yellow Communication Card or call
the Church Office.
Fall 2014
Our fall programs continue! Mark
your calendars now
and be sure
to sign up on the Yellow Communications Cards,
email me at [email protected] or call me at
484-919-5208 if you are attending so we can plan
the food accordingly.
Wayne Ledger
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Program: Jack Ertell with Phoenixville Trivia
Food: Steelworker’s lunch
Vegetable Soup (Wayne)
Lunch Meats, Cheeses and Bread
(need four volunteers to provide)
Dessert—fruits such as apples, grapes
(need three volunteers to provide)
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Program: West Chester Singers & Ringers
(concert & sing-a-long)
Food: Roast Beef (Wayne)
Mashed Potatoes (need four volunteers to provide)
Mixed Vegetables (need three volunteers to provide)
A Global Adventure!
On Saturday, November 22nd, Evening Light Thanksgiving Worship begins at 5 pm in the Eisenhower Room .
Our St. John’s Thanksgiving Dinner follows at 6 pm.
The Fellowship Committee provides the Feast, and welcomes gifts of sides and desserts. You are welcome to
come either to Worship at 5 pm or Dinner at 6 or
BOTH! Sign up on the Yellow Communication Card or
on the Sign Up Boards in the Narthex and outside Kley
The ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM)
program invites young adults ages 19-29 to step out
of their comfort zone and challenge themselves in a
one year international mission service and learning
opportunity. They will be given the opportunity to
gain new perspectives on life and work and to build
relationships across culture, race, language and
faith. Programs take place in Argentina and Uruguay, Jerusalem/West Bank, Madagascar, Malaysia,
Mexico, Central and Eastern Europe, South Africa
and the United Kingdom. To learn more visit the
YAGM website at
(You can also Google: ELCA, Young Adults in Global
Mission and be directed to the site.) The St. John’s
Church Council has pledged their support to any of
our young adults who are interested in applying (and
are accepted) to the program. Preferred application
deadline is February 1 for service beginning in the
same year. Final application deadline is February
15. Applications received after February 15 cannot
be considered. If you are interested, please speak
with Pastor Krommes so that St. John’s can plan to
provide support for your year of service.
People of God Involved in God’s Work
November Schedule
Early Service
Gabrielle Perrotto
Jantzen Hawkins
Rosa Gerner
Will Blackledge
Olesya Sitkowski
Assisting Ministers
George Mansur
Ron Stevens
Dale Herbranson
Brittney Walters
Brittney Walters
Communion Assistants/Lectors
Aimee Hillegas (L)
Adam Supplee
Altar Guild
Allen Kramer (L)
Dave Granacher
Don Titus (L)
Lynn Titus
Erica Lucas (L)
P.J. Gadzicki
Late Service
Nathan Romano
Jack Kramer
Dylan New
Anna Gerner
Travis Brown
Sam or Deb Ahola
Sam Ahola
Sandra Stotler
Sarah Bethune
Donna Thompson
Consider our Columbarium Garden
Shelley Saeger (L)
Brian Greenwald
Beth Williams (L)
Heather Yonosh
Joe Beregi
The Columbarium Committee encourages us all to
consider our final wishes and whether they would
include a niche in our beautiful Garden. We welcome
people of all faiths to the Columbarium Garden. The
pre-need cost of a niche, which can accommodate 1
or 2 urns, is $2,750, while the time-of-need cost is
$3,000. Cost for members of St. John’s is discounted
to $2,500.
Jack Ertell (L)
Bill Starling
Dennis Duerr (L)
Jan Duerr
Janet Ertell & Leilani Ash
Jean Herbranson & Donna Thompson
Carole Lauer & Toni Hadfield
Pat Kautz & Kim Fetters
Jean Herbranson & Donna Thompson
Don Titus
Barry Church
Cathy Garrett
Sam Fryer
John Rawlins
Nathan Yurick
Richard Latella
Richard Skoniczin
Mark Wilkinson
George Wilkinson
Debbe Welsh
George Wilkinson
Greg Krueger
Bob Gorman
Dave Frees
Carol Cully
Luanne Bindschusz
Chuck Liedlike
for more information.
Mildred Wilson
Dennis Duerr
Barbara Rambo
Sandra Stotler
Paul Miller
George Kurtz
Brian Becker
Glenn Murphy
Alicia Dewey
Jeanette Dewey
WELCA will meet Tuesday morning November 25th
at 10:30am, to pack cookies and assemble gift bags
for our shut-ins and staff.
Donna Anderson
Nancy Cressman
James Niness
Cathy Garrett
Kate Endres
Nils Aho
Mary Wenner
Margaret Walker
Cookie donations from the congregation would be
appreciated. All cookie donations may be placed in
the kitchen beginning Sunday the 23rd. Please mark
them clearly. Let Linda Landis know that you will donate cookies.
Jeanne Oglesby, Jeff & Jeanne Schanzenbach,
Sarah Bethune
Ulrich Rimrott, Peg Yerger, Bob & Bill Kunsch
Jack Ertell, George & Ellie Kurtz, Sandra Bradbury
George Mansur, Lily & Imtiaz Khan, Donna Anderson
Mary Heiser, Chuck & April Liedike, Kevin Gallagher
Dale Herbranson
Laura Caughlan
Dick Wolstenholme
Brian Becker
Chris Huselton
Karen Singer
Bobbi Riley
Paul Miller
Brian Becker
Mitch Reading
Coffee Hour
Stephen Ministry
Ninth Grade Confirmation Class
Happy Hour/Dwelling in the Word
3rd and 4th Grade Students & Parents
Creation Room
Dawn Clark
Jen Drewes
Sarah Blattner
Sandi Stotler
Erica Lucas
Britta Petrofsky
Kelly Gallagher
Pam Westerman
Teresa Olsen
Erica Reading
Our Window into God’s World
On Saturday and Sunday, November 8th and 9th we will make commitments to our mission and ministry in 2015 during our three worship services. 2015 Commitment
Cards will be mailed to our households and will
also be available in the narthex. Everyone is
asked to do the best they can in supporting the
important work of St. John’s Please return your
card via the offering plate on the 8th or 9th or by
mailing it to the Church Office.
Sincerely, Your Stewardship Team.
Dear People of St. John’s Lutheran:
Pastor Lanny Westphal asked me to thank you for your
past support of ministry in Tanzania. There is a new ministry initiative in that country called Tanzania: Effective
Outreach in the 21st century. This initiative is part of the
Campaign for the ELCA. Please contact Pastor Westphal
at [email protected] with any questions.
Pamela Miller, volunteer
Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in Christ at
Saint Johns for the wonderful coffee hour celebration
and the generous gift. I feel so blessed to have been a
part of such a loving congregation. Our years together
have given me such joy!
Blessings to you all,
Love, Dana Deichmann
Staying Connected
On behalf of the staff, board, and volunteers of Phoenixville Area Community Services, thank you for your generous contribution of groceries/food items for the emergency pantry. Every day some of our neighbors are
faced with crises that result in their going without their
essential needs met. The generosity of donors like you
gives PACS the needed financial support to respond to
urgent needs when people reach out to help. Thank you
for supporting our mission and sharing our commitment
to make a difference in our community, providing hope
and building a brighter future for those in need.
Carol A Berger
Executive Director
Dear Friends:
I wanted to send a note to say “thank you” for making
a clothing donation to the residents. As I am sure you
are aware, this program would not be possible without
people like you. We are extremely fortunate to have your
support and do appreciate your dedication to “serve
those who have served.”
April Harley
Volunteer Coordinator
Southeastern Veterans’ Center
Dear St. John’s:
We are grateful for your support of the Good Samaritan
Shelter. Together we are helping people rebuild their
lives with a renewed sense of hope and promise.
Thanks to your generosity we successfully provided shelter, food and case management to 108 men in the Phoenixville area, and to 68 women and children in the
Ephrata area. We have helped them connect with vital
services, we have helped many of them to find employment, and we have helped them start on their path back
to self-sufficiency and independence. We couldn’t do it
without you!
Nate Hoffer
Executive Director
Good Samaritan Shelter
Besides our monthly Circle newsletter and our weekly
Life Together bulletin insert, we stay connected with
each other through:
our Facebook Page “St. Johns Lutheran Church
of Phoenixville” (
our Web Site at
 weekly email updates and our Getting More Out of
Worship emails
If you would like to receive The Circle newsletter electronically only, please email Sonya Sowards, our Parish Administrator, at [email protected].
To be added to or removed from our email or mailing
list, just let us know!
Our church offers electronic giving, which allows
you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic
basis. If you are writing checks and preparing envelopes every week, you will especially appreciate
electronic giving. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our
church. This is another way to eliminate the cost of
envelopes. To set up electronic donations, simply
complete the authorization form available in the
church office. Donations can be debited automatically from either a checking or savings account.
Call or email Sonya Sowards at [email protected] to request an authorization
November 2014
1 All Saints
9:45a Firebird
4:00p Spaghetti
5:00p Evening
2 All Saints 3
4 Election Day 5
8:00a HC
9:00a SJ Singers
9:25a Christian Ed
10:45a SOW
1:00p WELCA lunch @
St. Matthews
2:00p PCO Rehearsal
6:00p dance practice
7:30p Property
7:30p Stephen
12:30p PACA
1:00p Sr. High
3:30p Social Min.
7:00p Diakonia
7:00p Christian Ed
7:30p Worship &
Circle Deadline
11 Veteran’s Day 12
7:30p Church
4:30p PACS Board
7:00p Diakonia
7:00p BS #119
7:30p Columbarium Committee
10:00a Bible study @
Episcopal House
7:00p Alanon
7:00p Junior Choir
7:30p Nicotine Anon.
8:00p Senior Choir
10:00a Knitting
5:30p Women’s AA/
5:45p GS #42009
7:00p Naranon
7:15p Handbells
22 Christ the King
8:00a HC
9:00a SJ Singers
9:25a Christian Ed
9:30a Electronics
10:45a SOW
2:00p PCO Rehearsal
6:00p dance practice
6:00p GS #4083
6:30p GS #4863
7:00p Evangelism
7:30p Stephen
7:00p Diakonia
7:00p Fellowship
9:00a Circle collating
10:00a Bible study &
Episcopal House
12:00n Young at Heart
4:45p GS #4308
6:30p GS #4069
7:00p Alanon
7:00p Junior Choir
7:30p Nicotine Anon.
8:00p Senior Choir
10:00a Knitting
5:30p Women’s AA/
5:45p GS #42009
7:00p Naranon
7:15p Handbells
8:15p Naranon Support
10:00a Mother/
Baby Breastfeeding Connections
9:00a 1st Communion Workshop
9:45a Firebird
5:00p Evening
6:00p T-giving feast
23 Christ the King
27 Thanksgiving 28
Bishop’s Visit
10:30 Covered
Bridge Garden
6:30p Kiwanis
7:30p Executive
7:30p Finance
10:30a WELCA
7:00p Diakonia
7:00p Stewardship
10:00a Bible study &
Episcopal House
7:00p Alanon
7:00p Junior Choir
7:30p Nicotine Anon.
7:30p Thanksgiving Eve
@ St. Ann’s
8:00p Senior Choir
5:30p Women’s AA/
7:00p Naranon
9:00a baby shower
9:45a Firebird
5:00p Evening
8:00a SOW
9:00a SJ Singers
9:25a Christian Ed
10:45a HC
6:00p dance practice
8:00a SOW
9:00a SJ Singers
9:25a Christian Ed
10:45a HC
2:00p GS #4013
4:00p PCO Program
6:00p dance practice
10:00a Bible study @
Episcopal House
1:00p staff meeting
4:45p GS #4308
6:30p GS #4069
7:00p Alanon
7:00p Junior Choir
7:30p Nicotine Anon.
8:00p Senior Choir
8:00a HC
9:00a SJ Singers
9:25a Christian Ed.
10:45a HC
6:00p dance practice
8 Stewardship/
10:00a Knitting
10:00a Mom’s Club
5:30p Women’s AA/
5:45p GS #42009
7:00p Naranon
7:15p Handbells
10:00a Mother/
Baby Breastfeeding Connections
9:45a Firebird
5:00p Evening
9:45a Firebird
5:00p Evening
November 2014
Matt Endres
James Miller
Lisa Wimble
Audree Bonavita
Lisa Schanzenbach
Lisa McIntyre
Will Stotler
James Keddie
Jim Steiner
Christopher Scavello
Nils Aho
Katie Henderson
Cecilia Knaub
Shayne Tobin
Chris Cully
Sophia Ehrhart
Karen Romano
Jacob Wolf
Madison Gadzicki
Teddi Herzfeld
Amy Borowy
Tammy Plumley
Benjamin Ash
Diane Sitkowski
Mark Yanchek Jr.
Rachel Possinger
Patrick DesMarais
Laurie Griggs-Williams
Jim Ulinski
Mildred Wilson
Katherine Yonosh
Sarah Yonosh
Eric Koup
Carole Lauer
Jean Donohue
Ryan Blacker
Ella Koup
Rachel Zimmerman
Jay Renninger
Jill Desmarais
Azaria Ford
Olivia Schumacher
Corey Deputy
Brett Gallagher
Bradley LaBoon
Jennifer Soley
Gary Carl
Gabriella Geiger
Mary Miller
Nancy Renninger
Charles & Donna Soult
Iain & Bridget Riley
Tom & Lindsey Snyder IV
Richard & Leilani Ash
Ed & Pam Naylor
Ryan & Melissa Blacker
Andrew & Katie Henderson
Pat & Erica Lucas
Chris & Shelley Saeger
Rick & Leslie Kern
Nancy & John Perchalski
Wanda Valenteen
Brandon Jones
St. John’s Lutheran Church
355 St. John’s Circle
Phoenixville, PA 19460
E-mail: [email protected]
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Krommes
Associate Pastor:
Thomas Kochenderfer, Jr.
Director of Music:
F. Thomas Snyder, III
Joseph J. Lewis
Evening Light Pianist:
Sondra L. Andrews
Parish Administrator:
Sonya K. Sowards
Pat Fatale
Nursery Coordinator:
Arlene Hudak
Stephen Ministry Leaders:
Linda Landis — 610-935-9726
Diane Davidson — 610-933-7987
Lee Dalasio — 610-454-9884
Mitch Reading
Vice President:
Dale Herbranson
Laura Caughlan
Shirley Platzer
Assistant Treasurer:
Rose Gatlos
Financial Recording Secretary:
Mary Heiser
Assistant Financial Recording
Secretary: Shirley Platzer
Fund 3 Secretary
Kevin Gallagher
Council Representative:
Jay Stearly
Other Members of Church Council:
Brian Becker
Christine Huselton
Paul Miller
Bill Starling
Bobbi Riley
Dick Wolstenholme
Karen Singer
Christian Education:
Kathy Atkinson, Chairperson
Bill Starling, Council Rep.
George Mansur, Chairperson
Bill Starling, Council Rep.
William Schoellkopf, Chairperson
Paul Miller & Dale Herbranson,
Council Reps.
Updated Contact Information
Pat Tindell
36 Walden Pond Drive
Nashua, NH 03064-2877
Dolly Bucher
French Creek Manor
501 Mason Street, Apr. 208
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Pastoral Acts
Kate Endres, Chairperson
Bobbi Riley, Council Rep.
Corrina Yvonne Geiger
September 13, 2014
Dale Herbranson, Chairperson
Dorothy M. Peronteau
October 1, 2014
Sandy Zimmermann, Chairperson
Jack Ertell, Chairperson
Brian Becker, Council Rep.
Keith Kenyon
Bill Schoellkopf
Paul Miller & Dick Wolstenholme,
Council Reps.
Social Ministry:
Debbe Welsh, Chairperson
Laura Geiger & Laura Caughlan,
Council Reps.
Richard Kunsch, Chairperson
Christine Huselton, Council Rep.
Worship and Music:
Jean Herbranson, Chairperson
Jay Stearly, Council Rep.
Office Assistants:
Wayne Ledger Debbe Welsh
June Henzie
Peg Yerger Kathy Atkinson
Dottie Doepping Beverly Ott
Collators for The Circle:
Joan Carl, June Henzie, Pete Henzie,
Pat Renninger, Debbe Welsh,
Kay Mann, Peg Yerger, Daisy Custer
Postal Delivery: Debbe Welsh
The Circle Staff:
Sonya K. Sowards
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
355 St. John’s Circle
Phoenixville, PA 19460-2582
SEPA 19399
PERMIT # 6117
355 St. John’s Circle
Phoenixville, PA 19460-2582
E-mail: [email protected]
A Caring, Sharing, Growing Congregation
Participating in Stephen Ministry
Fall Worship Schedule
Saturday 5 p.m. (Evening Light)
Holy Communion every Saturday
Sunday 8 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Holy Communion @ Early Service 1st and 3rd Sundays
Holy Communion @ Late Service 2nd and 4th Sundays
Holy Communion @ Both Services Festival Days and 5th Sundays
Handicapped Accessible