SETON CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Established in 1990 through the amalgamation of De Vialar College and St Brendan’s College. Educating in the Fremantle area since 1855. 23 October 2014 Issue #16 Principal: Mr Egmont Melton Once again the Farewell to our Year 12s proved to be a very special and poignant occasion for students and staff of each House. It was also lovely to see some parents able to attend the special Year 12 Mass. The Opening of the Brother Francis Art Exhibition on the last Friday in October looks to be up to its usual high standard and should prove to be a wonderfully convivial evening for families attending. Year 12 Trial WACE Exams took place during the holidays and students have now returned to school for a Final Revision Program. Parents of our 2015 Year 7 students have a special Information Evening the previous night when they will also have a brief preview of the Exhibition. The Graduation Ceremony is on Monday 27 October at 7pm for all our Year 12s and their families. (Year 12 Students have a Rehearsal that day from 9 to 10am). Finally I am pleased to confirm that in 2015, students of all Year Groups, will be operating on a one-to-one iPad program. Look out for further information on this matter. Naturally some parents may wish to make an expensive item, such as an iPad, their son or daughter’s major Christmas present. I hope students have returned focused on their studies as we start Term 4 with Exams looming. Year 12 WACE Exams commence on Monday 3rd, the Year 11 Exams on Monday 10th and Years 9 and 10 on Friday 21st November. A special 3 day Leadership Camp for our newly elected College Leaders was run by Mr Parnell and the Heads of House at the end of the recent holidays. They will be trying to emulate our outgoing team of Leaders who did an excellent job and gave great support to the College. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate: - All the newly elected Leaders - the Year 10 Drama Students who have been rehearsing before, during and after the recent holiday period. The production is looking first class. - the four Year 9 Seton girls, Pia Bathgate, Keeley Sinclair, Josephine D’Angelo and Brooklyn Crews who were selected to take part in the National Finals of the “Future Problem Solving” Competition in Melbourne over the holidays. - the Seton Junior Chess Team who picked up Bronze Medals at the recent State Chess Kids Competition won by Wesley College. - the Students who returned wearing their Summer Uniform with pride. There are, however, a few girls who are wearing dresses more suited to a cocktail party. It would not be appropriate for them to continue making such a poor choice. Forthcoming Events October Year 12s Finish Fri 24 Year 12 Graduation & Awards Night Mon 27 7pm Yr 8 Vaccinations Wed 29 Yr 11 Outdoor Ed Camp Wed 29 - Fri 31 Yr 7 2015 Parent Information Night Thurs 30 7pm Br Francis Art Exhibition Opening Fri 31 7pm November WACE Exams start Mon 3 P&F Meeting Tues 4 Yr 7 Basketball Cup Wed 5 SSWA Triathlon Thurs 6 Thur 6-Sat 8 7pm Yr 10 Drama Production Yr 11 Dinner Dance Fri 7 7pm Yr 11 Exams Start Mon 10 TIMMS Yr 8 Testing Wed 12 ESU Mass Wed 12 7pm Yr 9/10 Exams Fri 21- Mon 24 Yr 10 Leadership Day Tues 25 Board Meeting Tues 25 7pm Thailand Tour Departs Wed 26 Yr 10 Film Night Fri 28 7pm Prayers and sympathy are offered to Mrs Vincenti and Mrs De Pinto and their families on the recent passing of their Mother, Mrs Susanna De Ceglie. May She Rest in Peace. PASTORAL CARE NEWS Student Leadership Seton College has chosen our College Head Boy and Head Girl for 2015. Congratulations to Jordan Battel (Head Boy) and Sophie Minervini (Head Girl). I am sure they will lead their fellow students with good hearts, energy, and commitment. I look forward to working closely with them in 2015 as they lead the student body and on a very practical level lead the Student Council. We are still to announce some of the College Captains for Arts, Sport and Ministry. Students going for these positions were part of an application process which involved an interview with a Deputy and/or the Coordinating teacher of that area of school life. All leadership positions had a really strong field of applicants and I am full of admiration for the way students presented their ideas for the speeches and interviews. Our Student Council for 2015 is: McAuley Delany MacKillop Loyola Marion Ward Ministry Captain Marissa Gangemi Finn O’Connor Mathew Dixon Ashleigh Greenhow Nicole Benn Sebastiana Caranna Arts Captain Danielle Raffaele Britteny Sorrell Kate Muir Monica Carrello Sophie Minervini Benjamin Bradshaw Sports Captain Jordan Battel Jack Ziegelaar Jason Ranford Louis Gill Jason Psanoudakis Shea Kershaw House Captain Caleb Connolly Amy Sachman Monica Ward Denielle Borcich Daniella D’Antonio Emma Pelliccione We enjoyed a wonderful Leadership Camp from Sunday 12 to Tuesday 14 October. A special thanks must go to all Heads of House for the work they did with students preparing them for the responsibilities and opportunities ahead. All students showed excellent energy, teamwork and leadership skills, even in some very challenging exercises. Year 11 Dinner Dance The Year 11 Dinner Dance will be held on Friday 7 November at 7:00pm at the Swan Yacht Club, East Fremantle. An energetic committee, led by Mrs Harris, have worked really well to organise this occasion and we look forward to the students having a wonderful evening. The event occurs at the end of a normal school day. This is not an occasion where it is necessary for students to have hairdresser appointments or other similar appointments. Certainly if this was to occur, it must not be during the school day and must not mean that students leave school early on this day. It would also be disappointing if a sudden bout of physio or chiropractor appointments coincidentally occurred on this day. The College is specifically requesting parent support on this matter and would be concerned if our request for support for this College organised event was not followed. A letter was distributed to students that more thoroughly outlined arrangements and College expectations about the Dinner Dance. Please contact the College if you did not receive this letter or if there are matters that require clarification. Thailand Dinner Another community event that Mrs Harris organised with great energy was the Thailand dinner. It is now a tradition in itself to accompany the broader tradition of the Thailand trip. It was a lovely evening with a good crowd. The money will go directly to the Thailand people in Khlong Lan, and will greatly assist the wonderful work of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition. I look forward to giving you more information on our work in Thailand before the students depart on Wednesday 26 November. Vapourised Cigarettes Unfortunately schools and families always need to be wary of new things that might be out there and which young people may be curious about trying. One of those objects of curiosity appears to be vapourised cigarettes. Vapourisers or electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that simulate the effects of smoking by heating a nicotine liquid into vapour which the user then inhales. There may be a perception amongst some people that these devices are harmless but at best their effects are unproven; nicotine itself is toxic and harmful; and there are significant questions about quality control. Obviously we would hope its use amongst young people is strongly discouraged. Our formal response to vaporised cigarettes is guided by our policy on the use of tobacco products (page 8 of College Diary). Mr Don Parnell - Deputy Principal Year 7 2015 Parent Evening St Brendan Centre 7:00pm Thursday 30 October 2014 All parents (including those who currently have students attending Seton) are required to attend this Information Evening. We look forward to the Night when an Information Package will be handed out to each family. The Evening will finish around 8:30pm and conclude with drinks and nibbles. Loyola News I hope everyone in Loyola Land had a wonderful break and that we are all replenished ready for a busy Term 4. Congratulations to our 2015 Year 12 leaders who have just returned, full of energy, from our Leadership Camp. Denielle Borcich - House Captain Louis Gill - Sports Captain Monica Carrello - Arts Captain Ashleigh Greenhow - Ministry Captain Also an exciting time with both Tomas Borcich and Andrew Cianfarani agreeing to be Head Cheerleaders next year! I can't wait for their dance moves. And who will be the new 'secret Leo'? Good luck to our wonderful Year 12s who are about to sit their WACE exams or venture out to TAFE or work. You have left your Paw Prints behind. It’s also a good time to remind other Year groups that their end of year exams are approaching. Year 11 Exams start Week 5 and Year 9/10 Exams start Week 7. Don't leave it until the last minute to start your Revision. Mr Jason Edmunds – Loyola Head of House KIC iDiversity Project On Tuesday 16 October Gaelan Sheil and Tayla Busher commenced a program with the Kwinana Industies Council. This iDiversity Project aims to provide students with an overview of industry and information regarding career pathways. The day commenced with a presentation of badges and uniforms. Students have been involved in a day of work experience at the Fremantle Port Authority, a tour on the Leeuwin and a ride on a rescue boat highlighting the broad range of careers that are available at the Fremantle Port. Tayla and Gaelan are to be congratulated on their professionalism and the way they continue to represent Seton during the program. Alexia Pinakis - Education Support Congratulations to Shaylee Jarmyn who is a successful recipient of a “Future Leaders Indigenous Award” for 2015. The award recognises Indigenous students who show leadership and academic potential. The recipients also receive assistance throughout their studies in Year 12. Vote for Emilio Fernandez Throughout the year there have been a number of students who attend the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) at Notre Dame University in Fremantle to participate in workshops that encourage the students to finish school and strive for their goals. One of the workshops the students were involved in is AIME’s Got Game, the top 45 students were selected from over 1,500 participants nationally. The top 10 voted entrants (5 from each category) will be flown to Sydney in December to work with industry mentors, perform to huge crowds, light up our imaginations and record the official AIME Anthem for 2014. Emilio Fernandez has been selected among the top 45 students for his singing. For Emilio to be in the top five and experience this great opportunity, we all need to get on board and following the link below to watch Emilio’s performance and vote for him! ARTS Seton Catholic College Drama presents the Year 10 Production: “Steppin' Thru the Ages”. “Steppin’ Thru the Ages” is a high energy musical journey through the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s and their impact on Australian life and culture. Featuring over 60 performers this fun-filled original performance will take you back in time to a world affected by war, the birth of rock and roll, the space race and many more defining moments in our history. Join us on Thursday 6, Friday 7 or Saturday 8 November starting at 7pm. Tickets are available from Seton Reception for $10. With such a large cast tickets will sell fast so secure yours as soon as you can and be a part of this amazing college production! ARTS (cont.) The 2014 Brother Francis Media Production, Practical and Visual Arts Exhibition Opening will take place on Friday 31 October at 7pm. This prestigious annual exhibition will showcase the work of Year 7 - 12 Visual, Media and Practical Arts students and promises to be as exciting and dynamic as ever. The Exhibition will be opened by local Perth arts educator Mrs Thelma Cluning. There will be light food catered for by the Hospitality Students and entertainment by Seton Music Students and Staff. We look forward to celebrating our students’ artistic achievements with you. SPORT ACC Athletics Honorary Team The following students have been selected for the ACC Honorary Athletics team for 2014. This means that they were the best athlete in their event out of all students that participated at any of the eight ACC Athletic Carnivals held in 2014. Congratulations to the following Seton athletes who were selected to represent their State: Johnathan Chegwidden-Jackson Monica Ward Monica Ward Imogen Spencer Imogen Spencer U16 High Jump Open Discus Open Shot Put U15 100m U15 4x100m Relay Year 7/8 Cricket On Tuesday, 21 October both the Yr 7/8 girls and boys ACC Cricket teams participated in a day carnival at Murdoch Oval. The weather was superb and the girls and boys were very enthusiastic. The girls’ first game saw Seton vs All Saints with All Saints coming out just on top by 5 runs. It was a close game and the girls played really well together. In the second round Seton went up against Emmanuel. Amelia Palumbo hit a couple of 4s and the only 6 for the match while Indiana Swift took 3 wickets. However, Emmanuel proved too strong for Seton with the final score 136 to 93. Our final game was a re-match against Emmanuel where Naome Waran and Rosie Thompson hit a couple 4’s each while Naome also managed a run out. However, Emmanuel were the victors again by 15 runs. Overall, the girls had a great day and really enjoyed themselves, giving of their best at all times. The boys also had a great day with a number of victories. They defeated both CBC teams and All Saints by a large score though a loss to Emmanuel pushed us into 2nd position overall. Thanks to Mrs De Jager and Mr Grinceri for their fantastic coaching on the day. 1.78m 30.61m 12.84m 12.97s CERTIFICATES OF EXCELLENCE Below are Recipients of the Certificates of Excellence for Term 3 2014 McAULEY DELANY MacKILLOP Yr 7 Macy Vaz Holly Barbas Ben Svilicich Aaron Priemus Charlize Bird Brylee Boult Music Specialist S&E Maths PE Fantastic Food Fantastic Food Bethany Cleverly Kate Bell Blake Bond Alyssa Spinozzi Jacob Willis-Fulford Liam Angus Nicholas Spence Science RE English English Fantastic Food Maths; Info. Comm. Tech. Design & Tech Elly Carradus Jett Zhao Ashley Nye Abby Montgomery Kayla Purcell S & E; English Maths English PE Science Yr 8 Olivia Casson Finlay Foster Jerry Mathias Joshua Koios Fantastic Food English - Gen Info. Comm. Tech Maths - Acc; Eng – Acc Monica Palumbo Eva Courtney Italian Maths – Gen. Ireland Manusiu PE Yr 9 Oliver Ravlic Mikaela Hulme Ryan Sharp Sarah Rutherford Food in the Fast Lane Maths - Gen Music Specialist S & E - Gen Chloe Roose Keeley Sinclair Maths - Modified Pia Bathgate RE; Music Spec.; S & E - Acc Josephine D’Angelo Piper Larner Jacob Correia Harrison Sanders Drama; Art Visual S & E – Acc. English – Gen. RE Woodwork Yr 10 Alyssa Dening Melissa Di Chiacchio Sarina Roose Dean Rotondella English – Intro to Literature S & E - Acc Science – Acc; Art Visual Science – Gen Nicola Jones English – Intro to ATAR Emily Ottaviano English Yr 11 Jayden Lihou Religion & Life 1A/B English 2A/B Economics 2A/B English 2A/B Drama 2A/B Stipe Vuksan-Cusa Anthony Urbano Tayla Busher Sport & Rec Cert II Physics 2A/B Visual Arts 1A/B Yasmin Arena-Foster Jason Ranford Erik Hudaya Eliza Kelly Literature 2A/B Outdoor Education 1A/B Mathematics 3A/B Outdoor Education 1A/B Yr 12 Dynella Tripi Religion & Life 1C/D Georgiana Leahy Sophia Anderson English 3A/B Mathematics 2C/D Jessica Retta Outdoor Education 3A/B Child Family & Comm 3A/B Mathematics 3C/D Chemistry 3A/B Physics 3A/B Casey Evans-Moore Marissa Gangemi Jordan Battel Caleb Connolly Katrina Naprelac Samuel Nunn LOYOLA MARION WARD Yr 7 Jack Welch S&E Cate Schaper Charlie Pascoe Kindle Valderrama Dylan D’Amato Caitlin Maciel Ella Waterman English Info. Comm. Tech. Science Maths English - Modified Art Visual Chelsea Edwards Zane Lewis Ellie Taylor Science PE English Yr 8 Kuda Joe Shaniqa Ratnasingam Megan Claffey Isaac Ratcliff Joshua Wallhead Bianca Gaglia Eva Gill Art Visual English – Acc. RE Maths – Gen. Maths – Acc. Business Tech & Ent. Drama Amelia Palumbo Hannah Goud Science - Acc. RE Bailey Collie Matthew Swan Trent Edmondstone Music Specialist Maths – Gen. PE Taylor Ross Connor Hagan Science – Gen. PE Renae Head Brooklyn Crews Isabel Vieira Anna McGowan Dominique Dedic Ruby McWilliams Science – Acc. Drama: Eng – Acc. Digital Communication Eng – Acc. RE English – Gen. Yr 10 Devon O’Connor Art Visual Juma Lulinda Dylan Matthews Luka Calic Breeanna Ross PE Drama S & E - Gen. Bus. Tech & Ent. Serena Eldrid Milan Rosic S & E – Gen. Maths – Acc. Yr 11 Chloe Norton-Woad English 2A/B Outdoor Education 1A/B Outdoor Education 1A/B Nicole Benn Maths: Specialist 3A/B Emma Pelliccione Danielle Nelson Emily Davies Visual Arts 2A/B Business Certificate II Business Certificate II Yr 12 Joel Galipo Geography 3A/B Workplace Learning 1C/D English 1C/D Outdoor Education 3A/B Jack Paterson Justin Reid Literature 3A/B; Mathematics 3C/D Maths: Specialist 3C/D Religion & Life 3A/B Visual Arts 3A/B Visual Arts 3A/B Business Certificate II Yr 9 Ashleigh Greenhow Denielle Borcich Anton Mangano Kayla Vinci Daniela Zuvela Benjamin Bannan Bryanna Van Spankeren COMMUNITY NEWS RELATIONSHIPS AUSTRALIA Virtues Parenting Program This course is for parents, teachers and anyone else with responsibility for children. The five strategies highlighted in this course are designed to enhance moral growth. Fee:$110 1 Ord Street, Fremantle WA 6160 To book phone 9489 6322 STRONGER TEENS RALLY EVENT: ‘The Gift’ Friday 24th October 6:30-8:30pm. St Francis Xavier Parish, Armadale - 279 Forrest Rd, Hilbert Inviting all Teens and youth groups with teens to join us for the final Stronger Teens Rally in 2014. There will be fun games and activities, amazing music, inspirational talk and testimony by young people and lots of food. Teens need to bring a copy of the signed permission slip available on Parents please drop off and pick up your children in person in the Parish Hall. Please bring a gold coin donation for the event. Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to RSVP or for more information – [email protected] 9422 7912. This event is in collaboration with YBC (Youth Building Community) of Armadale Parish. Need Help at School? Join our WACE Help Weekend Classes & Master Classes or Middle School Saturday classes Yr 7, 8, 9 & 10 Saturday Classes: Starting 18 October. Experienced teachers work with students to build their skills and understanding in Maths and English in a small group setting. Students can enrol at any point during the Term Yr 11 & 12 Master Classes: Starting the week beginning 13 October. FINAL EXAM BOOST learn how to achieve maximum marks. Yr 11 & 12 WACE Help Weekend Classes: Starting 18 October. FINAL EXAM BOOST. Small group sessions allow you to ask questions, get individual support and strengthen your understanding. Venues: Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Perth Modern School and our Applecross Office. Enrol Now: Email: [email protected] Phone: (08) 9314 9500 - ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN 2014
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