A Joint Approach of HSC WL and Astro-H (SXS/SXI/HXI) to Cluster Sciences Nobuhiro Okabe (Kavli IPMU) current cluster catalog HSC 2014 Astro-H eROSITA XMM SXS SXI HXI survey pointing pointing ~3-4yrs 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 X+WL+SZ ~4yrs proposal 2-4ksec ? HSC cluster catalog LSS/XXL field pointing observations Stacked X+WL data release main role eROSITA cluster catalog new cluster VERY X-ray luminous clusters. catalog 24 MCXC clusters (~60000 counts) X+WL+SZ HSC clusters X+WL(+SZ) ~3yrs proposal?? ACT-pol deep field. X+SZ+WL HSC clusters X+WL eROSITA (HSC survey region= 2-4ksec = 4-8ksec of XMM) is too shallow for cluster sciences Astro-H/SXS = very bright clusters full sky XMM (deep)+ HSC WL analysis at early phase of eROSITA stacked X+WL analysis in eROSITA/HSC era from Peter Predehl’s file (X-ray Universe 2014) Definition of X-ray luminous clusters is important for both Astro-H and XMM/eROSITA 24 MCXC clusters (we are preparing XMM proposal) MCXC clusters SXS : direct measurement of gas motions (e.g. turbulence,bulk motions) is one of outstanding problems in both cluster physics and cluster cosmology. ? @ central regions non-thermal pressure Astro-H/SXS WL mass HSC hydrostatic equilibrium mass (X-ray) XMM/Chandra Targets : 1 Cool-core of very luminous clusters 2 Merging/Cold-front clusters 3 Systematic Study (e.g. MCXC clusters in HSC survey region) SXS : cool-core in X-ray luminous clusters Hydra A SXS FoV ~3x3 arcmin^2 * gravity wave dominated ? Mach < 0.25 *sound wave/ bulk motions ? 0.5 < Mach < 1 gas motion with ~ 500 km/s is detectable. Blue : X-ray Red : Radio weak-limit of lensing signal is breakdown in r<1 arcmin of clusters @ z>0.2 External Data is essential to measure mass profile around cool - cores at the SXS’s accuracy level. SL+WL (A1689) SL+WL+BCG Kinematics (A383) Broadhusrt,Takada,Umetsu+05 Newman+11 SL+WL vs X-ray masses (A1689:Kawaharada,Okabe,Umetsu+10) non-thermal pressure or lensing bias ? SXS Hydra A : WL+BCG Kinematics (Okabe+ in prep) z~0.05 figure removed HSC(+Kinematics +SL) vs AstroH+XMM/Chandra would be powerful. SXS : cold front cluster (e.g. A2034) cold front Cold front (=contact discontinuity ) is formed by a moving dark matter clump. moving gas Okabe+Umetsu08 z~0.09 Waked velocity field is calculated by linear perturbation theory for a moving point source (Mwl) in the gas. SXI : 1 spatial resolution ~ 1 arcmin 2 powerful to detect faint X-ray emission 3 similar to Suzaku’s instrument. Targets : 1 massive clusters discovered by HSC survey ( a few x 10 ksec; or XMM/Chandra) . 2 Cluster Outskirts (after SXS: 200-300 ksec) 1 : follow-up Suzaku obs for 2 : cluster outskirts. lensing-detected clusters. z~0.4 virial radius z~0.4 unobservable z~0.2 before Suzaku z~0.2 z~0.2+z~0.1 Watanabe+11 Kawaharada+10 Unexpected feature of hot gas in cluster outskirts. Temperature Entropy flatness Sato+12 Walker+12 flatness of entropy * heating inefficiency (T: Lapi+10)? * gas clumsiness (n : Nagai+11) ? Correlation between the outskirts temperature (or density) and surrounding large scale structure is found in a few clusters. Kawaharada,Okabe+10 kBT Galaxy distribution (SDSS) could be replaced by HSC data Photometric data is important to determine X-ray pointings. Joint Suzaku X-ray + Subaru WL analysis Entropy profile normalized by WL M200c and r200c •developed a simultaneous fitting method considering Entropy flattens mass-observable at > ~ 0.5 r500 scaling relation and radial profile. •Thermalization mechanism over the entire cluster region is controlled by the gravity. shock heating model self-similar profile Okabe+14 •Heating efficiency in cluster outskirts needs to be modified from the standard law. Joint fit to Density and Temperature Profiles slightly shallower steeply drops Considered error covariance matrix and intrinsic scatter. Caused by the steeping T profile, rather than the flattening n profile. Systematic study of SXI + HSC WL+photometric data on 24 MCXC clusters should be conducted. 1: hard X-ray imager HXI : 2: one-order lower background Targets: radio halo/relic clusters to detect inverse Compton X-ray emission of Cosmic-ray electrons and constrain magnetic strength. Radio Halo bullet Radio Relic Stroe+12 shock Govoni+04 CIZA J2242.8+5301 WL analysis : CIZA J2242.8+5301 (Okabe+ in prep) WL constrains Mass ratio, Merger time-scale, and so on. figure removed DM structure survives X-ray structure is destroyed Systematic Joint Astro-H and HSC SSP Survey Study is definitely powerful for cluster sciences. 1 : Definition of the Sample is important because only X-ray luminous clusters can be observed. (e.g. MCXC clusters in XMM proposal). 2 : SXS : direct probe of gas motion. ? HSC WL + (SL+ Kinematics) Chandra/XMM SXS 3 : SXI : cluster outskirts. joint fit with HSC WL + SXI observables HSC photometric data : X-ray pointings/ anisotropic T/n distribution 4 : SXI : follow-up observations for HSC-discovered clusters. 5 : HXI : Radio Relic clusters : HSC WL is powerful to constrain Cluster Dynamics
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