6th Benefit Educational Programs and Div arity Golf Tournament to e r si t y In Sixth Annual Ch it i a t i v es n a S F f r a o n n c o i i t s c a i o and the Justice & D of The Bar Assoc i v e r si t y C e n t er Putting for the Pipeline Matching in-house counsel and judges as your 4th player. Friday, October 24, 2014 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. TPC Harding Park, San Francisco A fundraiser to support the activities of BASF’s Justice & Diversity Center’s educational programs and diversity initiatives that help increase diversity within the legal profession by assisting K–12 through law school students— and beyond. PROMOTION All supporting businesses that make in-kind donations and/or sponsor this event are promoted as an event donor or sponsor to BASF’s 8000+ lawyer and judge members from law firms, corporations, and government agencies. For in-kind donations, your donation can be recognized in the following ways (please see separate flyer for sponsorship opportunities): • BASF Bulletin article (monthly BASF newspaper reaches 8,000+ attorneys and legal professionals) • Bullet Points eNewsletter announcement (reaches 8,000 + BASF members) • iCounsel eNewsletter (reaches Bay Area corporate attorneys) • The BASF Web site • Dinner reception and program acknowledgment at the event Event Format Afternoon golf tournament with box lunch provided, and a BBQ dinner awards program following the tournament. Expected Attendees 100+ law firm, corporate, and government attorneys, and judges. Goal The goal of the golf tournament is to raise funds for the Educational Programs and Diversity Initiatives of BASF and the Justice Diversity Center. The programs transform our student’s lives through college and state legislative field trips, college readiness counseling , SAT and LSAT prep courses, and law school scholarships. Our diversity initiatives provide guidance throughout the legal community to achieve equality and opportunities for women, racial and ethnic minorities, the LGBT community and lawyers with disabilities. Our programs include: School-To-College (STC) Program Destination Law School (DLS) San Francisco Law Academy Lawyers in the Schools Mock Trial Program Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Program The Bar Association of san f rancisco For more information, contact Jayne Salinger at [email protected], Jareem Gunter at [email protected] or 415-982-1600, or visit www.sfbar.org/golf 6th Educational Programs and Div f Tournament to Benefit er s i t y I n al Charity Gol it i a t i v Sixth Annu es a n S f F o r a n n o i c t i a s i c c o o s s a A n r d a B t h e e J us ti c e & D i v o f Th e rsi t y C e nte r Putting for the Pipeline Friday, October 24, 2014 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. TPC Harding Park, San Francisco In-Kind Donation Form Name of Donor or Donating Company________________________________________________________ Donor Contact Person (if different from above) _________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ____________ Zip _______________ Phone Number of Contact Person (______) ____________________Email ____________________________ Item or Service Donated _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Value $ __________________ Description/Special Instructions/Information Regarding Donation___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date of Donated Item/Service, or special conditions, if any______________________________ Donor Signature _________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Please keep a copy of this form for your records. The Justice & Diversity Center of The Bar Association of San Francisco is a tax-exempt, non-profit California corporation, Federal Tax ID # 94-2931349. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Justice & Diversity Center of The Bar Association of San Francisco thanks you for your generous support. Proceeds from the golf tournament help us continue to provide educational programs and the administration of our diversity initiatives. The Bar Association of san f rancisco For more information, contact Jareem Gunter at [email protected] or 415-982-1600, or visit www.sfbar.org/golf 6th Educational Programs and Div f Tournament to Benefit er s i t y I n al Charity Gol it i a t i v Sixth Annu es a n S f F o r a n n o i c t i a s i c c o o s s a A n r d a B t h e e J us ti c e & D i v o f Th e rsi t y C e nte r ABOUT THE DIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS The Bar Association of San Francisco and its Justice & Diversity Center have a number of diversity educational programs and initiatives that were created to increase diversity within the legal profession. Our efforts encourage and assist underserved and diverse students to advance along the educational pipeline from K-12 through law school - and beyond. School-To-College (STC) is a yearlong high school counseling and tutoring program that inspires first-generation, ethnically diverse high school students to attend college - an option many of these students never knew existed. STC also provides SAT prep and tours of local Bay Area colleges. For many students, these trips are their first out of their neighborhood. The San Francisco Law Academy encourages career opportunities for diverse students. Creative and inspiring curriculum is built into several core classes where junior and senior students learn basic legal concepts, and interview and job skills that prepare them for an internship in the legal community. The Mock Trial program is a competition where high school students tackle a hypothetical criminal case assuming the roles of lawyers, witnesses, and bailiffs. Many of the students are diverse and come from underserved schools. Lawyers volunteer to coach the fundamentals of persuasive public speaking and evidence advocacy, demonstrate techniques, and critique the students in preparation for the citywide competition. The Destination Law School program provides information and resources about law school and the legal profession to diverse undergraduate students in colleges located in the Bay Area. The purpose of this program is to increase the number of diverse graduates that are going into law school. Bay Area Minority Law School Scholarship Program was established to reaffirm a commitment to diversity in legal education and the legal profession. Each scholarship involves a substantial three-year commitment to qualified deserving students. The vast majority of scholarships awarded are $10,000 yearly. Lawyers in School are volunteers who go into San Francisco Unified District classrooms to facilitate legal-theme projects that complement the teacher’s lesson plans. Each project involves relevant themes with a rigorous curriculum that hones student’s analytical and critical thinking skills. About The Bar Association of San Francisco and the Justice & Diverstiy Center The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) launched in March 2013 with the merging of two of BASF’s most dynamic and impactful efforts in the legal community—the Volunteer Legal Services Program (VLSP) and the Diversity Educational Programs—into one 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Bar Association of san f rancisco For more information, contact Jareem Gunter at [email protected] or 415-982-1600, or visit www.sfbar.org/golf 6th Educational Programs and Div f Tournament to Benefit er s i t y I n al Charity Gol it i a t i v Sixth Annu es a n S f F o r a n n o i c t i a s i c c o o s s a A n r d a B t h e e J us ti c e & D i v o f Th e rsit y C e nte r SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES For more information contact Jayne Salinger at [email protected] or Jareem Gunter at [email protected] or 415-982-1600 Benefits GOLF TOURNAMENT CO-HOST: $5,000 •One foursome in the tournament, includes three free golfers* •Logo on all advertisements •Logo on tournament signage •Exclusive hole sponsorship •Promotional materials in tournament bag giveaway •Acknowledgment at awards reception •Ad in the tournament program •Logo on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF’s publications, including San Francisco Attorney Magazine; iCounsel Newsletter; BASF Bulletin; BASF’s page on Facebook page •Multiple Twitter and LinkedIn announcements * Fourth team player is placed by BASF. It is our goal to place a general counsel, in-house counsel, or judge as the fourth player. Benefits AWARDS RECEPTION CEREMONY SPONSOR: $3,000 •One free golfer in the tournament •Hole or tee sponsorship •Logo on awards reception signage •Acknowledgment at awards reception •Recognition in the tournament program •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article •Multiple Twitter and LinkedIn announcements Benefits AWARD RECEPTION BEVERAGE SPONSOR •Exclusive sponsorship of awards reception beverage station •Logo on beverage station signage •Acknowledgment at awards reception (Exclusive sponsorship option): $2,000 •Recognition in the tournament program •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article •Twitter and LinkedIn announcements Benefits BEVERAGE/SNACK CART: $4,000 •Two free golfers in the tournament on Golf Tournament Web page LABLE I•Acknowledgment AVA R E •Logo, signage on beverage/snack cart that circulates •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article G N O OL the entire course throughout theNtournament •Multiple Twitter and LinkedIn announcements •Recognition in the tournament program Benefits BOX LUNCH (Exclusive sponsorship option): $2,000 •Logo, label on box lunch given to all participantsER G •Recognition in the tournament program NO LON •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page ILABLE in BASF Bulletin article AVA•Acknowledgment •Logo on signage •Twitter and LinkedIn announcements 6th Educational Programs and Div f Tournament to Benefit er s i t y I n al Charity Gol it i a t i v Sixth Annu es a n S f F o r a n n o i c t i a s i c c o o s s a A n r d a B t h e e J us ti c e & D i v o f Th e rsit y C e nte r SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES For more information contact Jayne Salinger at [email protected] or Jareem Gunter at [email protected] or 415-982-1600 Benefits TOURNAMENT BAG: $3,000 •Logo on tournament bag giveaway provided to all participants LONGER NObag •Promotional materials in tournament •Recognition in the tournament program Benefits GOLF CART WINDSHIELD SIGNAGE •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page ILABLE AVA•Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article (Limited number of sponsorships available): •Logo on all team golf carts •Logo on tournament rules sheet included in every cart •Recognition in the tournament program HOLE-IN-ONE CONTEST SPONSORSHIP Benefits •Multiple Twitter and LinkedIn announcements $2,000 •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article •Twitter and LinkedIn announcement (Exclusive sponsorship option): $2,000 E •Exclusive logo, signage by the Hole-in-one Contest Hole ILABL •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page AVA •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article R E where participants can win a substantial prize G N O LO •Recognition in the tournament N program •Twitter and LinkedIn announcement Benefits HOLE or TEE SPONSORSHIP: $750 PER HOLE or Tee •Exclusive logo, signage by a particular hole •Recognition in the tournament program •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article •Twitter and LinkedIn announcement Benefits FUN CART SPONSOR: $1,500 •Customized golf cart (decor of sponsor’s choice) •Logo on golf cart signage •Tour golf course 3x during tournament •Recognition in the tournament program •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article •Twitter and LinkedIn announcement Benefits GOLF BALL SPONSOR: $3,000 •Logo on golf ball giveaway provided to all participants •Promotional materials in tournament bag •Recognition in the tournament program •Acknowledgment on Golf Tournament Web page •Acknowledgment in BASF Bulletin article •Multiple Twitter and LinkedIn announcements 6th Educational Programs and Div f Tournament to Benefit er s i t y I n al Charity Gol it i a t i v Sixth Annu es a n S f F o r a n n o i c t i a s i c c o o s s a A n r d a B t h e e J us ti c e & D i v o f Th e rsit y C e nte r SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT Friday, October 24, 2014 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Harding Park Golf Course, San Francisco FIRM or COMPANY: ______ CONTACT PERSON: ______ ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE: ______ _____ FAX: EMAIL ADDRESS: Sponsorship Opportunities Golf Tournament Co-Host $5,000 $ Awards Reception Ceremony Sponsor $3,000 $ Awards Reception Beverage Sponsor (Exclusive sponsorship) $2,000 $ NO LONGER AVAILABLE available) $4,000 $ Box Lunch (Exclusive sponsorship) NO LONGER AVAILABLE $2,000 $ Tournament Bag NO LONGER AVAILABLE $3,000 $ Golf Cart Windshield Signage (Limited sponsorships available) $2,000 $ NO LONGER AVAILABLE Hole-in-One Contest Sponsorship (Exclusive sponsorship) $2,000 $ Hole or Tee Sponsorship $750 per hole $ Fun Cart Sponsorship $1,500 per hole $ Golf Ball Sponsorship $3,000 $ Beverage/Snack Cart (Limited sponsorships Total Enclosed $ We acknowledge commitment to this sponsorship level by: q Enclosing a check Make checks payable to The Bar Association of San Francisco and send to: Jareem Gunter, The Bar Association of San Francisco, 301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111 q Credit Card: q Visa q MasterCard q American Express If using a credit card, please fill out the following: Account Number: Expiration Date: Security Code: Billing Zip Code:__________________ Signature: Date: Thank you so much for your sponsorship of this event to support the activities of BASF’s Justice & Diversity Center’s educational programs and diversity initiatives. Payment must be received before Sponsorship Recognition can be awarded. If you have any questions, please contact Jareem Gunter at [email protected], or 415-982-1600.
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