October 22, 2014 Dear families, students and staff 2014 THE YEAR AHEAD Spring Carnival – a huge success! What a fabulous day we had at our Spring Carnival on Saturday. All of our families deserve special thanks for the enormous contribution you all made to make the Carnival such a success. Enormous thanks to our P&C and to the Carnival organising team led by Kim Barrett and Craig Meston. To all of the P&C Spring Carnival Team and Stall Holders - thank you for your super commitment, energy and vision to making the Spring Carnival the best ever! What Champions! Thanks also for the assistance and support we received from our parent/carer volunteers on the day. Your assistance helped with the smooth running of the day. Thanks also to our Year Levels, Choirs, Ensembles and Band for your very entertaining and exciting performances. It was fabulous to hear and see our talented students and musicians in action and to have members of the community express how impressed they were with their performances. Well done to our students, all our staff and our music team. Thank you to all for your generosity of spirit and commitment to the success of our Spring Carnival. Until next week….. Yours sincerely Yolanda Tognini TERM 4 23-24 Oct – Year 3 Camp / Underwater World 27-31 Oct – 2015 Prep Interviews 28 Oct – Lower School Assembly 11 Nov – Whole School Assembly 14 Nov – G20 Public Holiday 18 Nov – Prep Experiential day – Tuesday session 18 Nov – Upper School Assembly 19-21 Nov – Year 6/7 Camp 20 Nov – Prep Experiential day – Thursday session 25 Nov – Lower School Assembly 27 Nov – Volunteers Morning Tea 10.30am -11.30am 28 Nov – Jubilee Celebration / Unveiling of the Time Capsule 9.00am 2 Dec – Senior Swimming Carnival - 9.00am to 2.55pm 5 Dec – Junior Swimming Carnival - 9.00am to 12.00pm 8 Dec – Yrs 6 & 7 Wet’N’Wild Excursion 9 Dec – Final Assembly 9 Dec - Sports Awards 10 Dec – Semester 2 Report Cards go home 10 Dec – Yrs 6 & 7 Farewell Night 12 Dec – Final day 2014 LOTE Selection From next year Year 5 and 6 students will participate in LOTE (Languages Other Than Engilsh). At our school the languages studied are French and Japanese. Today the Year 4 and 5 students attended an information session on French and Japanese with our LOTE teachers. They will bring home a pamphlet giving some information about each language and a sheet to complete nominating their preference. This will need to be returned by Wednesday 29 October after which students will be allocated one of these languages. As the slips are returned they will be numbered. The earlier the form is returned the more likely to gain a place in the class of your preference. Due to staffing it may not always be possible for every student to be allocated their preference. Absence Line 3849 0560 Class Leaders The following Year 1 students have been elected as class leaders for this week. Congratulations to: 1A – Levi and Lilah 1B – Charlotte and Lachlan 1C – Ella and Aidan 1D – Philip and Leena Excursion / Activity Payment Dates Payment times: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 – 9:30am PLEASE NOTE: FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES SEPARATE DEPOSITS NEED TO BE MADE FOR EACH ACTIVITY IF PAYING BY DIRECT DEPOSIT INTO THE SCHOOL’S BANK ACCOUNT - BSB: 064 118 ACCOUNT NO: 00090329 ACCOUNT NAME: WISHART STATE SCHOOL, USING THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: CLASS / PAYMENT REFERENCE (See below) / STUDENTS INITIAL AND SURNAME eg 1A CMP J Smith MULTIPLE PAYMENTS FOR A FAMILY CAN BE MADE IN ONE ENVELOPE WHEN PAYING AT SCHOOL Year Level Year 6 and 7 Year 4 Year 4 Year 6 and 7 Activity Year 6 and 7 Camp – balance Year 4 Camp – deposit Year 4 Camp – balance Wet’n’Wild Excursion EFT Code 67C Y4C Y4C WW Cost ($) $175.00 (balance after $50 deposit paid) $100.00 $155.00 (balance after $100 deposit pd) $22.00 (or $5.00 if Wet’n’Wild Season Pass holder – must bring pass on day) Final Payment Date 30 October 30 October 20 November 2 December Bookclub orders are due by tomorrow (Thursday 23 October). Please place your order form and payment in a plain envelope labelled “Bookclub” and drop it in the Cash Collection Box as per the above payment times. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. In the Spotlight at Wishart State School… Writing This Term at Wishart State School, all teachers are implementing a uniform way of correcting students writing. A Whole School Editing Code has been developed to help students take ownership of their writing, enabling them to be well aware of necessary proofreading and editing skills needed to be an effective writer. For your information, a copy of the Wishart State School Editing Code has been included in this Newsletter. ~ Wishart State School Editing Code ~ C…Capital Letter P…Punctuation S…Spelling V…Vocab – Trade Up ?... Doesn’t Make Sense …Super Sentence …This sentence could be more interesting //…New Paragraph *All Spelling Corrections to be written out four times* *Lower School – Write spelling word in red dictionary* Students Leaving our School at the End of This Year If your child will be leaving Wishart State School at the end of this year (except for Year 6& 7’s) please complete the form below and return to the school office by Friday November 7, 2014, to assist with planning for next year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STUDENTS LEAVING WISHART STATE SCHOOL AT THE END OF 2014 (Except Year 6 &7’s) Please return this form to the School Office by Friday November 7, 2014 I wish to advise that my child ………………………………………………..…….……….., currently in class …….………. will be leaving Wishart State School at the end of 2014 and will be transferring to another school in 2015. Name of School (if known): ………………………………………………………………………………………...........……. …………………………………………….. (Parent/Guardian Signature) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P & C ASSOCIATION Tuckshop Thank you to all volunteers who helped out last week at the Tuckshop. Wed 29 Oct – Help needed please; Thurs 30 Oct – Doris Tan; Fri 31 Oct– Jackie Gray, Doris Tan Wednesday 29 October - Sizzler Menu Years 3 to 7 = $10.00 for both breaks Prep to Year 2 = $8.00 for both breaks Grab a plate and choose what you would like to eat… Creamy Chicken Macaroni, Mexican Potatoes, Selection of sandwiches, Fresh fruit and vegetables, Faux Choc Brownies Please ask students to bring their money to the Tuckshop and we will issue them with a wrist band for their lunch. Keep smiling, Salli and Bernadette COMMUNITY NEWS Light Party – a positive alternative to Halloween. Come and join us on Friday 31 October 2014 at Broadwater Road Uniting Church, 481 Broadwater Road, Mansfield from 5.30pm till 8.30pm for a fun night out for all the family! There will be food and drinks, rock climbing wall, jumping castle, mechanical surfboard, laughing clowns, animal petting zoo, entertainment and much more. Cost is either free or gold coin donation. For further information contact the church office on 3849 8548 or go to www.bruc.org.au Mount Gravatt Blue Light will be holding a Halloween Blue Light Dance Party at 7pm on Friday 7 November, 2014 at Mt Gravatt PCYC, 90 Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt next to the Hibiscus Centre. The dance is for children aged between 7 and 14 years old. The dance finishes at 9.30pm and cost of entry is $7.00. Prizes to be won for best Halloween costume. The dance is fully supervised by police officers and current blue card holders. Broadwater Road Uniting Church is holding a Bazaar on Friday 7 November, 6.30pm to 9pm. $2.00 entry. Lucky draw tickets 10 for $5.00. Plenty of gift ideas with over 25 stalls including Intimo, Mary Kay, Miche Bags, Stampin’ Up!, Scentsy, Phoenix Trading, Nutrimetics, Vision Books, Partylite Candles, Wishart State School Chaplaincy plus homemade bags, cards, craft, plants and jewellery. Yummy supper available. 481 Broadwater Road, Mansfield. Classes for 2015 Dear Parent/Guardians. In Term 4 we commence the process of looking at classes for 2015. If you have any particular educational issues that we need to be aware of while we are planning we ask that you complete the attached proforma. Please note that we will only accept the attached proforma and will only consider the educational reasons on that proforma when we are making decisions in relation to student class allocation. Specific requests for a teacher will not be considered. The closing date for the return of the completed proforma will be Friday 31 October 2014. After that date, it will be too late to submit a proforma, as we will have started the complex process of class allocations. If there are composite classes for 2015 please be aware that no child can be given a blanket exemption from a composite class. If you have any educational reasons please submit them on the proforma. Thank you for partnering with us to assist us make the best possible educational decision on the appropriate class for your child. Yours sincerely Yolanda Tognini SUBMISSION FOR 2015 CLASSES (Please return this form only if you have educational reasons you would like to be considered for your child’s placement in 2015) Please return to the school office by Friday 31 October, 2014 Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Child’s Class during 2014: ____________________________________________________ Educational reasons for this submission. Educational reason could be any special needs/ learning difficulties; any specific behaviour problem/s; any specific physical needs __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I understand that the above submission may help teachers to effectively allocate my child to a class for 2015. I further understand that the final decision will be made by the Principal of the school. _____________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) _____________________________ (Date) __________________________________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Date received ________________________ 50th Anniversary Wishart State School Newsletter 22nd October 2014 Wow! What a fantastic turn out! Thankyou to all the volunteers, teachers, students and staff who have worked tirelessly in the lead-up to and on the day of our Spring Carnival! Thankyou also to all those who supported our Spring Carnival, either by coming along on the day, convening or volunteering on a stall, assisting with the many tasks that needed to be done beforehand, helping set-up and/or pack-up before and after the big day, donating items throughout our donation drive, sorting and tallying donated items, making and donating items at home for our fabulous craft and cake stalls, selling raffle tickets and simply just getting behind what was a great family and community fun day. It is the sum of all these things that can make a great event like the one we had on Saturday happen. A huge thanks also go to all those that took on convening a stall for the day and for those in our school community who supported our stall convenors by helping prepare, helping out on the day for an hour or two or in many cases all day – you know who you are! Without people taking on these roles an event like this couldn’t happen. Our stall convenors were Andrew Barr, Belinda Constable, Sarah Unicomb, Bernadette Vialle, Cameron McAndrew, Wishart Chaplaincy Committee, particularly Karen Anderson and Kristy Schaeffer, Cheryl Harriott, Diana Ellson, Elisha Budzevski, Fiona Laird, Jo Asher, Katherine Navine-Sanders, Kim Barrett, Kym Tagliaro, Laurelea Steensma, Lisa Cooke, Lynda Greenhalgh, Mary Thompson, Michelle Donohue, Michelle Linmore, Ron Hall and Alida Barlow, Ruth Cory, Salli Mollard, Sam Wilson, Wishart Sharks Swim Club, particularly Michael and Anita Magee, Tash McGregor, Terri Jeannin, Vicki and Matt Barr and Wendy Campbell. You may have noticed one stall that was hugely busy nearly all day – the Hot Food stall. The volunteers on this stall are to be commended, they all worked very hard and most of them worked all day on this very busy stall. Particular mention goes to Mary and Peter Thompson, Salli Mollard, Paul Mallios, Bronwyn Booth, Kimberley Fortescue, Jean Pucek, Chris Love and the others that jumped in as needed. Special acknowledgement needs to be made of a number of people who have contributed significantly to the success of our Spring Carnival, particularly our Spring Carnival Committee who have worked tirelessly in putting this event together; Kim Barrett, Craig Meston, Carwyn Arnold, Mira Kang, Tash McGregor, Elisha Budzevski, Sam Wilson and Nicole Jackson. Alongside Nicole, the time and effort that Jo Asher and Sandra Connors committed in seeking and obtaining sponsorship from our community should also be noted. The Theme Team (Tash McGregor, Elisha Budsevski, Jane Yap, Wendy Campbell and Sam Wilson) did a fantastic job in preparing and putting up decorations in the school grounds and providing decorations for the stalls. Thanks to all those others that contributed to the decorations for our school by sewing bunting and making pompoms. Thanks also to Wishart Community Outside School Hours Care for creating and putting together the wonderful magazine butterflies and decorating the garden in front of the Prep rooms. The school looked fantastic for the big day! Thankyou also to our school grounds keeper, Bruce Brown, who has been preparing the grounds for this big day some time now and helped with getting things in place before the event. Thanks to Sam Wilson and the waste team who did an outstanding job in recycling over 75% of the waste generated from the day. Well done! The school grounds looked amazing after having such a large crowd of people through all day. Thanks also to the green spotters who were on the lookout throughout the day for those people doing the right thing. Ruth Cory did an outstanding job in working with the teachers and students to produce a fantastic piece of art for each class. We hope you got to enjoy the ‘gallery’ of works on the day. Thanks to those who helped with advertising our Spring Carnival; Cheryl Harriott and the myriad of volunteers who did letterbox drops and Sharon Leslie and Kym Tagliaro for contacting radio stations, newsletters, magazines and web-sites to get the word out. Did you see the article in the Southern Star last week? Simon and Elisha Budzevski did a fantastic job on the graphics for various flyers, posters and the program. Deb Couling, thanks for carrying out the weekly tasks of collating the pre-sale ride passes and organising their distribution on the day. Thankyou also to our school Principal, Yolanda Tognini, our Deputy Principal, Judy Gee and all the teachers and staff who have supported the planning, preparation and implementation of this event. Thanks to Anita Taylor and our specialist music teachers; Annie Larsen, Kris Dutt and Jessica Long along with all the class teachers and students who have been working hard on the year level, choir and band performances – they were superb. Thankyou to Ron Hall and Alida Barlow for putting together the history of the school in class photos and Hadyn Bacon for bringing along his collection of his time at Wishart State School. Thanks to Leigh Sparks for her assistance in liaising with classes and to Ruth Zeuschner for organising the tree planting. Our MC for the day, Cameron McAndrew did a wonderful job – thankyou! And last of all thankyou to all those people whose names are not mentioned above who have worked on the carnival along the way – your help is just as important and has been very much appreciated! AND THE WINNERS ARE…….. The winners of our 2014 Spring Carnival Raffle drawn on 18th October 2014 are: 1st prize of $1000 – Angela Martin 2n prize - $590 O’Reilly Rainforest Retreat package – Janelle Booker 3rd prize - $400 Jet Flight Simulator package – G. Hughes 4th prize – iPad mini – Matt Morgan 5th prize – Jose Ferrara Acoustic guitar – Lorraine Lane The Aussie World Family Pass (for the student that sold the most raffle tickets) went to Mitchell and Lara Jackson, who between them sold 26 books! The winner of the bike in our Get Spotted Raffle is Graham. Thankyou to 99 Bikes at McGregor for donating the bike. Congratulations also to all the prize winners in our cent and silent auctions. If you haven’t already you will be notified if you have won a prize and can pick it up from the school office. The winner of the Class Pool Party and the lucky recipient of the $200 grocery voucher will be announced next week after a final count of the donation slips. You are probably wondering now how much we raised from the day – stay tuned and we will announce it in an upcoming newsletter when we have the final figure! AND OF COURSE A HUGE THANKYOU TO OUR SPRING CARNIVAL SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS. The day wouldn’t be possible without your generous support. Thankyou to our sponsors who were able to come along on the day; our platinum sponsor Brad Bell and our Gold Sponsors; ARK Financial Planning, Art 4 Ages, Kip McGrath and Swim 7. Thankyou also to Bunnings who came along on the day and did face-painting. They also very generously donated two new marquees to our school! Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors AHM Group, Life In Bloom Photography, O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat, Starshots Photography Bronze Sponsors Air Combat Centre, Civic Fair Pharmacist Advice, Club Dynamite, Core Health Coaching, Ian Walker MP, Foxover Installations, Global Jetsetting, Jon Crosbie Jewellers, Newnham Road Medical Centre, Results H2O Swim School Wishart, School and Office Supplies, Southside Friendly Dental Care, Spatz Mini Peeps, Vinci Studio/Anna Gilbert Photography Thankyou also to the following businesses for their kind donations of goods or services. Amart All Sports Macgregor, Andy’s Bakery, Attraxionz, Aussie World, Australian Newsletter Services P/L, Baskin Robbins, Beach House Bar and Grill, Bean Brewed, Boost, Big W Garden City, Bunnings Mt Gravatt, Daniel Bunt, Cenzo’s Espresso Bar, Choice Variety Store, Civic Video, Comedy Club, Commonwealth Bank, Cr Krista Adams, Crisp on Creek, Crispy Carrot, Doughnut King, Duncan McGregor, Empayah, Epic Hair Design, Event Cinemas, Foodworks Civic Fair, Curves – Mt Gravatt, el es beauty boutique, Grasshopper Soccer, Greencross Vets, Grill’d Garden City, Hogs Breath Cafe Garden City, Jeep Mt Gravatt, John Wild, In Vogue Hair Designs, Malouf Pharmacies, Mansfield Tavern, McDonalds, Mira Kang, Montezuma’s, Mt Gravatt Veterinary Clinic, Mr Meaty, Music Express - Mt Gravatt, Name My Stuff, Nando’s Mt Gravatt, New U Massage Therapy, OPSM, Oz Tag – Mansfield, Pancake Manor Garden City, Parmalat, Patton’s Big Gun, Picture Moments, Roman Empire, Siena Café and Bar, Simply Living Home and Garden Centre, Skyzone, Smelly Buttons, Snippetz Hair Studio, Sobidah Clothing Co., Soccer World, Sorbet Pink, Sublime Hairdressers, Super Cheap Auto Macgregor, Terry White Chemist, The Body Shop Garden City, The Coffee Club - The Village, The Glen Hotel, The Good Guys Mt Gravatt, Victoria Park Golf Course, Vitality Healthfoods, VJ’s Seafood, Wishart Day & Night Pharmacy, Woolworths – Garden City, Wray Organics – Mt Gravatt, Yellow Cabs. Please support the local businesses that support our school!
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