advocating this as the ideal as his New Law of love, Jesus was not abolishing the old Law, but bringing it to ‘fulfilment’. The ideal held up by Jesus as the fulfilment of the Law was clear: ‘I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so that you will be children of your Father in heaven’ (Mt Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Western Australia 5:44). Readings: Exodus 22: 20-26 1 Thessalonians 1: 5-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 Today’s gospel takes us to the ideal at the heart the teaching of Jesus. In his Sermon on the Mount, as he contrasted the accepted standards of old Israel with his New Law, Jesus warned his followers that their ‘uprightness must surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees’. It is not surprising, therefore, that the interpretation of the ‘commandments of the Law’ was one of the issues at stake in the conflict between Jesus and his enemies. ‘Love your enemies’, these words were addressed to a people whose traditions urged them to care for their own; but saw no place for good will and generosity to foreigners in general - whom they looked upon as rivals and enemies. Old Israel had been taken into covenant with the living God, shown in the Exodus to be the champion of the poor and oppressed. Through the covenant they were called to identify with the ways of God. In fact, their traditions – as today’s reading from the book of Exodus makes clear – were remarkable compared with the outlook of other peoples of their time. As they began to learn what identification with God’s ways involved; they recognised that they must care for the powerless - the poor, widows and orphans, the strangers who had settled among them. But they still had much to learn - their good will was not extended to all of God’s children without exception. In Promoting a movement of popular renewal, the Pharisees sought to formulate summary expressions of the requirements of the Law. Their discussion along these lines is echoed in the antagonistic question with which they tried to confound Jesus. In his reply, Jesus refers to two commandments – implying that, in a certain sense, they constitute a single commandment. He refers to two well known texts: ‘You must love the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength’ (Deut 6:5) - a text familiar to devout Jews, as expressing the obligations of the covenant; and ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Lev 19:18) – a text that declares, quite explicitly, that the neighbour referred to is a ‘member of your race’. His uniting of these texts, in such a way that neither can has its full meaning without the other, takes us to the heart of the ‘fulfilment of the Law’ announced by Jesus. He has made it clear that his followers must identify with the boundlessly generous and inclusive ways of his Father; now he makes it clear that the outlook of the ‘golden rule’ expressed in the second text he has quoted, and found in other ancient writings - must be the expression of a good will that has no limits. The identification with God’s ways, called for in the covenant, has now found its full and final expression, as it did in the Good Samaritan parable – probably his best known – in response to the question, ‘Who is my neighbour?’ Against the background we have described, we recognise the revolutionary nature of Jesus’ New Law of love. In fact, the universal good will taught by Jesus became the ideal of New Testament communities: ‘When you did it to the least, you did it to me’ (Mt 25:40); ‘There can be neither Jew nor Greek, you are all one in Christ’ (Gal 3:28). Paul recognised that this identification with God’s ways is a gift of the Spirit – ‘The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit’ (Rom 5:5). John Thornhill sm Parish Priest: Fr Patrick Lim Email: [email protected] Address: 175 Corfield St, Gosnells WA 6110 Entry by:1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 297, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9398 2331 Facsimile: 9398 8491 Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am - 1.30pm Entry by: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Parish Secretary: Maureen Byrne Tel: 9398 2331 Email: [email protected] Catechist Coordinator: Barbara Ingram Tel: 9398 2864 Walter Kasper on Family Synod "The spirit of the [Second Vatican] council is blowing through the synod," Cardinal Walter Kasper underlined in his Oct. 15 lecture on "The Ecclesiological and Ecumenical Vision of Pope Francis" at the University of Vienna. The pope's theology and his vision for the church is centered on the Gospel mandate, the good tidings of a merciful God, and the concept of the People of God, which Vatican II had underlined, Kasper said. Francis outlined much of this in his apostolic letter, Evangelii Gaudium, which was, so to speak, the blueprint of his pontificate. He wanted "the People of God, every single one them, to participate in the church" and for the church to be a "listening church which has an open ear to the People of God," Kasper said. (...cont page 3) Next Weekend Readings St Munchin’s Primary School Principal: Mr Robert Romeo Address: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 172, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9234 7555 Facsimile: 9398 1581 [email protected] 2nd November 2014 All Souls Isaiah 25:6-9 Romans 5:5-11 Matthew 11:25-30 26th October 2014 30th Sunday Year A Mass Intentions this week Parish Liturgical Schedules Oct 25 Weekend Masses Saturday 6.00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 7.30am & 9.30am Mass Weekday Masses Monday 8.00am Communion Service (Mass on Solemnity only) Tuesday 6.00pm Mass - 1st Tuesday Mass of Anointing Wednesday & Thursday 8.00am Mass Friday 9.00am Mass & (1st Friday 7.00am Mass at Sisters house) Sat 6.00pm Thanksgiving (Mary Ballantyne), Raymond Barnes (3rd Anniversary) 26 Sun 7.30am Frank Picchio (Birthday remembrance) 27 9.30am Rosa Marino (1st Anniversary) Frank Marino & Fr O’Malley Jones (Death Anniversary) Michael David Price (Dec’d) Reconciliation Saturday 5.15-5.45pm or anytime by appointment Buckley Centre 2nd Friday of the month 10.00am Mass 28 Tue 6.00pm No Intentions McMahon Centre 1st Thursday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec 10.45am Mass 29 Wed 8.00am No Intention Rosary After weekday Masses 30 Thu 8.00am No Intention Exposition Tuesday 5.00-6.00pm with Benediction; Sunday 6.00-7.00pm 31 Fri 9.00am No Intention Baptism 4th Sunday Naming and Welcoming at the 9.30am Mass 2nd Sunday during 9.30am Mass 3rd Sunday after Mass at 11.00am Marriage By appointment - Minimum of SIX MONTHS of notice 1 Sat 6.00pm All faithful departed Parishioners - November Remembrance Book 2 Sun 7.30am All faithful departed Parishioners - November Remembrance Book 9.30am Golden Age Club’s intention Parish Calendar Oct 26 Sun 6-7.00pm Church 28 Tue 8.30am Parish Centre Golden Age Club activities 29 Wed 4.30pm Parish Centre After School Catechism Nov 1 Sat 9.00am Church All faithful departed Parishioners - November Remembrance Book Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Please pray for our sick Mass for Solemnity of All Saints The Book of Remembrance - the month of the Holy Souls As a reminder of our duty to pray for the suffering faithful in Purgatory, the Church has dedicated the month of November to the Holy Souls. The Holy Souls cannot help themselves because for them the night has come, when no man can work (John 9:4). Please add names of your loved ones to the Book of Remembrance in the church foyer. Mass Stipends are not required Especially Mary Ballantyne, Rodney Anthony, Helen Whitfield, Danielle Sartorelli, Jacqui Richardson, Maria Siciliano, Kay Ford, Melissa Marklew, Marc Rodrigues, Mavis Hall, Rudy Ring, Paula. Prayers for the Sick Please notify the Parish Office every four weeks if prayers are still required. ROSTER THIS WEEKEND MASSES 25/26 October Masses Readers Commentators Extraordinary Ministers Sat 6.00pm Pam Davies Lynette Lieveaux Vivian Loh, Owen D’Sousa, Pam Davies, Lloyd Davies, Martin Loh, Sandra Wren Sun 7.30am Franklin D’Cruz Greg Drew Sun 9.30am Volunteer Needed Lenny Rodaje Acolytes Greeters Choir Rosa Ford Leonie Higginson Recorded Music Rod McAtee, Heather Mack, Peter Gerard Peters Mack, Yvonne Padua Sandra Reid Franklin D’Cruz Recorded Music Servite Sister, Lorna Mitchell, Kay Ford, Brian Cutjar, Silvana Sciorilli Nigel Hayward & Volunteer Mary Ballantyne Elaine Curran Folk Group Dan Hewitt Telling Sue & Vincent Frawley Elsie TagliaferriBoundy ROSTER NEXT WEEKEND MASSES 1/2 November Sat 6.00pm Vilma Lyra Geoff Mills Vivian Loh, Bridget Soh, John Parker, Norman Rodgers, Theresa Colin Loh Spicer & one volunteer Louise Ireland Carolyne Ireland New Life Sun 7.30am Jeanette Pedulla Anne Ralston Chloe Pereira-Smith, Clint Barnes, Donald Nield Russell Lally & Moiya McActee Cheryl Andrade Terance Daniel Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Elsie TagliaferriBoundy Jackie Vogels Servite Sister, Brenda Ring, Kerry Keys, Pat Simm and 2 volunteers Nicolina & Cosimo Ierino Maryanne Et Al Michael de Raadt Vincent & Loretta Watson and Rosa Pedulla SVDP Emergency Relief Phone 1300 794 054 Marycare Contact Maureen 9398 7375 Maureen 9490 3337 Your SVDP Society will next meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30 PM on Monday 3 November. Parishioners interested in joining the Vinnies can help make a big difference to those in our community less fortunate than ourselves. Enquirers are encouraged to attend. It will take only a few minutes of your time. Holy Hour Celebration This Sunday, 26th October at 6.00pm. All are invited to celebrate, to praise and thank God for five continuous years of this devotion. Fr Pat will be the celebrant for Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. Please spread the word to earlier devotees as this is a great chance to catch up. Please bring a plate to share. The e-Record is the new format of communication for local news and events from across the Archdiocese of Perth. Parishioners are encouraged to embrace the new format as we work to ensure the Gospel finds its place within our ever changing modern society. To subscribe to the digital version of the e-Record, send your details to [email protected]. Golden Age Club Next weekend you are invited to join us for a cuppa in the foyer after all Masses to meet and get to know others. The Club's Annual Mass is to be celebrated on Sunday, 2nd November at 9.30am. The Club invites all parishioners to join them for Morning Tea in the Parish Centre immediately after this Mass. St Munchin’s P & F Fundraiser Extraordinary Ministers and Acolytes The new roster for November to February is available in the foyer. Please collect a copy for your reference at home. Once again we thank you for the role you play in this most “important office of immense love”. Our Parish Youth Graham Maher will speak at all Masses this weekend on various matters of interest for our young parishioners. One of Graham’s many roles is that of the Camp Coordinator for the southern suburbs of WA Young Salesian Summer Camp. Parish Healing Mass Following consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council it was decided that in the future a Healing Mass will be celebrated on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6.00pm, rather than on the first Saturday of the month. All Saints’ Day There will be no Healing Mass next Saturday, as the Mass for All Saint’s Day will be celebrated at 9.00am. Prison Chaplain/Pastoral Worker Catholic Prison Ministry is inviting applications for a Chaplain/Pastoral Worker to work 1-2 days per week. The successful applicant will provide spiritual and emotional support to prisoners and staff in prison, as well as leading regular Sunday worship services. For further information please contact Fr David Shelton on 0417 938 168 or email [email protected]. Close 7 Nov 2014. A Cuppa after all Masses Golden Age Club - Tuesday, 28th October. Join in Indoor Activities in the Parish Centre from 8.30am until 12 before we head off to the Attfield Tavern for lunch. No Bingo on Tuesday Parent Direct and Chalk Toy catalogues are available in the foyer. A great selection of gifts. The School will receive 20% of your order value when you include the school’s name on the order. ALSO Sunday 2nd November - $20 Family Portrait. Packages range to $200 with no obligation to purchase. Ready before Christmas. For further details contact Leigh-Anne 0402115707 or [email protected] Your Bible Questions Answered “How are we to understand the references to God’s anger that we sometimes hear in the Bible?” For the answer, or to submit your own Bible question, visit Walter Kasper from page 1 ... World Youth Day is not just a day or an experience, but an ongoing pilgrimage of faith for young people. These special days and celebrations are meant to rejuvenate and reinvigorate the spiritual life of youth and young adults along their pilgrim journey, which ultimately leads to Christ Jesus. B.J Hickey Biblical Foundation Scholarships: Applications for scholarships for biblical studies from the B.J. Hickey Biblical Foundation close very soon! Study in Rome, the Holy Land, Perth or elsewhere? The Scholarships are offered to lay people residing in the Archdiocese of Perth. For more information visit In the pope's eyes, the Gospel message is also the basis for the "correct understanding of the magisterium" and therefore, church teaching and the Gospel mandate must not be played against one another. The reform program that Pope Francis has prescribed the church is a long-term program, Kasper said, "a program for a entury or more," because it concerns all the dimensions of being a church, "right up to every individual Christian's basic attitude." This means Francis' road map for the future of the church will far exceed his pontificate, Kasper said. Francis is a "gift of God," Kasper said; the pope’s success, however, will depend on whether it will be possible to maintain his spirit of optimism and a new start in future pontificates. Truth, Justice and Healing Council is coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with a commitment to co-operation, openness and justice for victims and survivors. It has been established in recognition of the imperative for the Church to address the past openly and honestly, the good with the bad. There are flyers available in the foyer explaining the work of the council. For more information on the Council visit FAST EFFECTIVE & AFFORDABLE Tile and Grout Cleaning Perth Sealing of Grout lines Cleaning and sealing of natural stone Porcelain wax removal and sealing Grout colour sealing Independent Contractor Problem solving Mobile 0424 950 611 Grout repairs [email protected] Antislip treatment Sidney D’Souza Fully insured + National Police Cleared FREE Quotes + Seniors Discount Mend A Bath offers a cost effective alternative for rejuvenating your bathroom. * Bath tubs - cast iron, metal, fibreglass, plastic & acrylic Don’t replace * Hand basins resurface! * Wall tiles Contact: NORMAN * Shower recess (M):0426492711 * Chip repairs ABN:64878538808 * Polishing service [email protected] CALATOMIC ENTERTAINMENT All Type of Tree Work Joseph Boundy Mobile: 0427 912 939 Office: 9493 7755 Fax: 9493 5439 Preferred Western Power Contractor Email: [email protected] Craig Renshaw Simply Local Manager Respectful Simply Affordable Simply Australian T 9390 3000 F 9390 3111 M 0419 745 840 138 Third Avenue Kelmscott WA 6111 [email protected] OUR SPONSORS Please support our sponsors who are helping us to cut down the cost of the production of our Weekly Bulletin MUSIC PRODUCTION, RECORDING, LIVE SOUND For personal and professional service and with over 24 years Real Estate experience contact Rick & Jean Rispoli 0413 119 032 or email [email protected] MC’s AND BANDS DJ SERVICES WEDDINGS, KIDS PARTIES, SCHOOLS, PUBS & CLUBS, LIVE PERFORMANCE, EVENTS & CORPORATE FUNCTIONS Calvin: 0432 352 064
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