that can be related to the ways of God that found expression in the Sermon on the Mount. Despite its simplicity, however, the more we ponder this tableau the more we come to appreciate how rich it is in inspiration for those who want to live as followers of Jesus. Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Matthew 25:31-46 The tableau in today’s gospel concludes Matthew’s collection of the teachings of Jesus concerning the End. Unique to Matthew’s gospel, it is a masterpiece. Strictly speaking, it is not a parable, but an allegory – a narrative in which details have symbolic significance. It may be the development of a simple parable, in which Jesus likened the expected coming of the ‘Son of Man’ with divine authority (Dan 7) to a shepherd ‘separating sheep from goats’. It provides, in a simple form, a splendid summary of the teaching of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, concerning the living of our Christian faith. For the first Christians, Jesus was the ‘Son of Man’, invested in his risen glory with divine authority (Mt 26:64). In today’s second reading, Paul celebrates the divine authority with which the Saviour brings his saving work to completion. In the triumph of the resurrection he has authority over the whole of creation; when ‘the end’ comes, having overcome all the forces of evil, he will deliver the New Creation into the hands of his Father, and those who share in his triumph will rejoice in a divine generosity that has no limits. Paul’s account of ‘the end’ is somewhat overwhelming. Matthew’s tableau, on the other hand, presents the final Judgment in terms that are easy to understand – terms The criterion by which we will be judged when we come into the presence of God is practical, simple and clear. It is not so much what we do for the God ‘we cannot see’ that matters, in the end, but what we do for one another – expressing the fact that we are true children of the same Father (cf.1 Jn 4:20). And among God’s children it is the poor and needy who should have our special care – our ‘preferential option’. The things that will establish our worth in the sight of God, and our readiness to share in God’s friendship, are simple things, possible to all, learned and simple, rich and poor. What overturns our expectations and is immensely reassuring is the fact that those who have proved themselves worthy of hearing the Lord’s invitation – ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world’ – may well be taken unawares. Responding to the grace of God, working in them ‘in a hidden way’ (Gaudium et spes, n.22), they have shown themselves true children of the Father – helping for the sake of those in need, without any thought of a reward. Matthew’s tableau finds a place among the elect for all who fight unselfishly humanity’s ancient enemies: ‘ignorance, poverty, disease, injustice, bigotry, death of body or soul’ (B. Vawter). The greatest inspiration of all, however, is found in the Lord’s affirmation, ‘You did it to me’. Sharing our humanity and experience in a struggling world, the ‘Son of Man’ has made himself one in a privileged way with those in greatest need. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Western Australia Parish Priest: Fr Patrick Lim Email: [email protected] Address: 175 Corfield St, Gosnells WA 6110 Entry by:1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 297, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9398 2331 Facsimile: 9398 8491 Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am - 1.30pm Entry by: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Parish Secretary: Maureen Byrne Tel: 9398 2331 Email: [email protected] Catechist Coordinator: Barbara Ingram Tel: 9398 2864 Mercy as the Ultimate Criterion of Judgment Matthew had used the previous stories to warn of different outcomes in the “not-yet” future of prepared and unprepared approaches to life in the “now”. He did not categorise the story that would follow. Rather than a parable, it would provide a grandiose symbolic account of final judgment. In its own way, it would contribute to specifying the practical content of a life of preparedness. Placing us on the threshold of the final Kingdom, this tableau gives us a glimpse of what it will be like – one family of the Father, united in God’s generous and merciful ways. Today, we venerate Christ the King; today’s gospel reminds us that it is only in his final ‘glory’ that he exercised his kingship. Among us, he makes himself the ‘Servant’ of all. John Thornhill sm Next Weekend Readings St Munchin’s Primary School Principal: Mr Robert Romeo Address: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 172, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9234 7555 Facsimile: 9398 1581 [email protected] 30th November 2014 1st Sunday Advent Year B Isaiah 63:16-17, 64:1, 3-8 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 23rd November 2014 Christ the Universal King Year A Mass Intentions this week Parish Liturgical Schedules Nov 22 Weekend Masses Saturday 6.00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 7.30am & 9.30am Mass Weekday Masses Monday 8.00am Communion Service (Mass on Solemnity only) Tuesday 6.00pm Mass - 1st Tuesday Mass of Anointing Wednesday & Thursday 8.00am Mass Friday 9.00am Mass & (1st Friday 7.00am Mass at Sisters house) 23 Sat 6.00pm November Remembrance Book, Delores Lieveaux & Naidoo Family members (RIP) Sun 7.30am November Remembrance Book 9.30am November Remembrance Book, Cecelia Bacon (Anniv), Genevieve Pereira (91st Birthday Celebration) Reconciliation Saturday 5.15-5.45pm or anytime by appointment Buckley Centre 2nd Friday of the month 10.00am Mass 25 Tue 6.00pm No Intentions McMahon Centre 1st Thursday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec 10.45am Mass 26 Wed 8.00am No Intention Rosary After weekday Masses 27 Thu 8.00am No Intention Exposition Tuesday 5.00-6.00pm with Benediction; Sunday 6.00-7.00pm 28 Fri 9.00am No Intention 29 Baptism 4th Sunday Naming and Welcoming at the 9.30am Mass 2nd Sunday during 9.30am Mass 3rd Sunday after Mass at 11.00am Sat 6.00pm November Remembrance Book, 30 Sun 7.30am November Remembrance Book Marriage By appointment - Minimum of SIX MONTHS of notice 9.30am November Remembrance Book Parish Calendar Nov 23 Sun 6-7.00pm Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 25 Tue 8.30am Parish Centre Golden Age Club activities 26 Wed 4.30pm Parish Centre After School Catechism Dec 3 6.30pm Church 7 10.30am Church Please pray for our sick Especially Gary Robless, Kay Ford, Ian Ballantyne, Theresa Walker, Rodney Anthony, Helen Whitfield, Danielle Sartorelli, Jacqui Richardson, Maria Siciliano, Melissa Marklew, Marc Rodrigues, Mavis Hall, Rudy Ring, Paula Second Rite of Reconciliation, Children’s First Reconciliation Parish Annual General Meeting Deadline for Bulletin Prayers for the Sick OUR BULLETIN is printed on Thursday. Any items to be included should be received by Wednesday at the latest. Please notify the Parish Office every four weeks if prayers are still required. ROSTER THIS WEEKEND MASSES 22/23 November Masses Sat 6.00pm Readers Sister Stella Commentators Kaye Cox Extraordinary Ministers Acolytes Greeters Choir Vivian Loh, Bridget Soh, John Parker, Norman Rodgers, Theresa Spicer & Colin Loh one volunteer Louise Ireland Carolyne Ireland Recorded Music Franklin D’Cruz Cheryl Andrade Recorded Music Sun 7.30am Alaster Croning Franklin D’Cruz Chloe Pereira-Smith, Clint Barnes, Russell Lally & Moiya McActee Donald Nield Sun 9.30am Pat Simm Brian Cutjar Servite Sister, Brenda Ring, Kerry Keys, Pat Simm, Jim & Anne Brink Elsie TagliaferriMichael de Raadt Boundy Jackie Vogels Telling Bette Lyra, Cheryl Andrade & Erica de Raadt Folk Group ROSTER NEXT WEEKEND MASSES 29/30 November Sat 6.00pm Suzanne Bazzica Pam Davies Vivian Loh, Bridget Soh, John Parker, Norman Rodgers, Theresa Spicer & Colin Loh one volunteer Bette Lyra Kevin PaineCoombes Recorded Music Sun 7.30am Jeanette Pedulla Greg Drew Chloe Pereira-Smith, Clint Barnes, Russell Lally & Moiya McActee Donald Nield Terance Daniel Jackie Hall Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Nicolina Ierino Sheeree Ierino Servite Sister, Brenda Ring, Kerry Keys, Pat Simm, Jim & Anne Brink Michael de Raadt Hanna Allen Mary Ballantyne Recorded Music Jim & Anne Brink, Kerry Keys SVDP Emergency Relief Phone 1300 794 054 Marycare Contact Maureen 9398 7375 Maureen 9490 3337 Many thanks for all who supported the Vinnies’ breakfast last Sunday. We raised $947 towards our Christmas Appeal. With Christmas around the corner, there is much more to do. Pick an envelope off our Christmas Tree in the Church Foyer and help make this Christmas a better one for many in our community who are less fortunate than ourselves. God Bless. Parish Annual General Meeting Sunday 7th December after 9.30am Mass. All parishioners are urged to attend to focus on what we, as a community, can achieve together. Sausage sizzle and Ice-cream will follow the meeting. Children welcome. Your Parish needs you! Nominations are being called to fill vacancies on the Parish Pastoral Council. If you or someone that you could recommend would be able to make a commitment to serve the community in this way, please complete a Nomination Form, available in the foyer today. All nominations need to be signed by the nominee, a proposer and a seconder. Nominations close 30th November with the Parish Office. Parish Reports Committees, Groups and Ministries are asked to submit a report of their activities for the year to the Parish Office before November 30. Personal Advocacy is an agency of the Archdiocese of Perth, responsible for the faith development and community inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Through the Personal Advocacy Program, people with intellectual disabilities are given the opportunity to expand their spiritual and personal lives through a relationship with someone from the Parish community. The small faith group in Thornlie Parish will be needing new volunteers in 2015. To find out more of what we do please go to our website and contact us there. Or contact the agency Ph 9275 5388 during office hours for more information. Golden Age Club Family Activities - this Sunday Coach Trip to Mandurah, Tuesday, 25th November. We leave the Corfield Street Carpark at 9.30am where there is ample parking for your vehicle during the day. 23rd November - all young families are invited to join in activities after 9.30am Mass. Face-painting, drawing, party food, fun. A great chance for the parents and children to be involved in the parish community. Our last meeting for the year will be in the Parish Centre on Tuesday December 2, with Indoor Activities from 8.30am and then Our Christmas Lunch is on Tuesday 9th December. The Club welcomes all those 50 years and over. Flowers for Christmas Helpers are always needed so for more information please see Lorna after Mass or contact the Parish Office. Parish Youth We have several enthusiastic young people willing to join a youth group and striving to go to World Youth Day in 2016. Spread the word among your young friends and enjoy the friendship and fellowship that a Parish Youth Group can provide. Watch this Space! We once again are asking parishioners to help with the purchase of flowers for our Christmas decorations. Thank you for your World Youth Day generosity over the years. May God is not just a day or an experience, but an continue to bless and keep you and your ongoing pilgrimage of faith for young family as we prepare to celebrate the people. These special days and birth of Christ. celebrations are meant to rejuvenate and reinvigorate the spiritual life of youth and The Voices - Combined Choir young adults along their pilgrim journey, which ultimately leads to Christ Jesus. No, it’s not a television program! It’s YOUR voice we need. Join in the combined choir for our Christmas celebrations. The practices, held every Thursday night throughout Advent, really do prepare us spiritually for Christmas as well as enhance the Christmas celebration for the whole parish community. Join the fun and fellowship, and yes, some serious hard work too. Choir experience is not necessary. Catholic Charismatic Renewal CCR Perth invites you to the next 'CCR Together' gathering on Friday, 28th November, at the Como Church (cnr Canning Hwy/Thelma St), commencing with Rosary at 7.00pm. The theme of the evening is 'CCR and Eucharistic Praise and Adoration' with guest presenters Viv Watts and Angela Boothroyd - a great opportunity to praise God, be encouraged through worship and teaching and share the fellowship of likeminded friends. A collection will be taken up to support the Renewal work. The evening will conclude with a light supper. Queries to Dan on 9398 4973; em: [email protected] Are you between 12-15 yrs or starting Year 7 in 2015? Come and join us for this 5 day fun filled camp at Nanga Bush, Dwellingup. Only $190 ($38 a day) Contact your Parish Priest, visit the website or contact Graham on 0418 979 600 for more info or to pick up a form. Your Bible Questions Answered “Can you please recommend a Catholic Bible that has explanatory notes or commentaries?” For the answer or to submit your own Bible question visit You can also like us on Facebook! Truth, Justice and Healing Council is coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with a commitment to co-operation, openness and justice for victims and survivors. It has been established in recognition of the imperative for the Church to address the past openly and honestly, the good with the bad. There are flyers available in the foyer explaining the work of the council. For more information on the Council visit FAST EFFECTIVE & AFFORDABLE Tile and Grout Cleaning Perth Sealing of Grout lines Cleaning and sealing of natural stone Porcelain wax removal and sealing Grout colour sealing Independent Contractor Problem solving Mobile 0424 950 611 Grout repairs [email protected] Antislip treatment Sidney D’Souza Mend A Bath offers a cost effective alternative for rejuvenating your bathroom. * Bath tubs - cast iron, metal, fibreglass, plastic & acrylic Don’t replace * Hand basins resurface! * Wall tiles Contact: NORMAN * Shower recess (M):0426492711 * Chip repairs ABN:64878538808 * Polishing service Fully insured + National Police Cleared FREE Quotes + Seniors Discount [email protected] CALATOMIC ENTERTAINMENT All Type of Tree Work MUSIC PRODUCTION, RECORDING, LIVE SOUND Joseph Boundy Mobile: 0427 912 939 Office: 9493 7755 Fax: 9493 5439 Preferred Western Power Contractor Email: [email protected] For personal and professional service and with over 24 years Real Estate experience contact Rick & Jean Rispoli 0413 119 032 or email [email protected] MC’s AND BANDS DJ SERVICES WEDDINGS, KIDS PARTIES, SCHOOLS, PUBS & CLUBS, LIVE PERFORMANCE, EVENTS & CORPORATE FUNCTIONS Calvin: 0432 352 064 Craig Renshaw Simply Local Manager Respectful Simply Affordable Simply Australian T 9390 3000 F 9390 3111 M 0419 745 840 138 Third Avenue Kelmscott WA 6111 [email protected] FULL PACKING SERVICE Cartons, tapes, bubble wrap & paper Metro - Country - Office - Interstate Storage (CCTV, alarm, monitored) Polite, Courteous, Uniformed Staff Fleet of small, medium & large vans OUR SPONSORS Please support our sponsors who are helping us to cut down the cost of the production of our Weekly Bulletin Hills Area [email protected] [email protected] Osborne Park Bayswater 9295 1716 9446 8333 9272 4711
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