Description of the course The Finnish Post-Graduate School in Nursing Science PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Nursing Theory Development 5 ECTS Time: Spring term 2015, (Contact teaching on 23-24th of March 2015) Place: University of Oulu, Institute of Health Sciences, Aapistie 5A, Classroom P117 Course leader: Professor Helvi Kyngäs (PhD) Teachers: Professor Tiny Jaarsma (PhD), Professor Maria Kääriäinen (PhD), Adjunct professor Satu Elo (PhD), Professor Helvi Kyngäs (PhD) Purpose: The students broaden their understanding about middle range theory development, theory testing and evaluation. Credits: 5 ECTS credits Learning activities and teaching methods: Contact teaching 16h, independent studying, written essay. Literature: See the list of references below. Learning outcomes: Having completed the course the student is able to understand the strategies of theory development. The student is able to understand the process of theory developing and theory testing. Students evaluate the course with the evaluation form found on the webpages of the Finnish Post-Graduate School in Nursing Science Contact person: Coordinator Kaisa Kauppi, email: [email protected], tel. +358 2 333 8416 Registration: By 9th of March 2015 via form found in page: (In case there is a limit to participation: 25 students will be accepted to the course) Finnish Post-Graduate School in Nursing Science Hoitotieteen valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu University of Turku ▪ Turun yliopisto Department of Nursing Science ▪ Hoitotieteen laitos FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland Course Outline 23-24.3.2015 Mon 23th of March 2015 Place: Classroom P117 (Aapistie 5A, University of Oulu) 8.30 - 8.45 Orientation to the course 8.45 - 10.15 Substantive theory of managing life with progressive memory disorder from the viewpoints of patients and family caregivers. Hanna Pesonen MSc, PhD(c) 10.15 - 10.30 Coffee break 10.30 - 12.00 Development of middle range theory of compliance of patients with chronic disease. Professor Helvi Kyngäs (PhD) 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch break 13.00 - 16.30 Theoretical and measurement issues in self-care: A special focus on a middle-range theory of self-care in chronic disease. Professor Tiny Jaarsma (PhD) Tue 24th of March 2015 Place: Classroom P117 (Aapistie 5A, University of Oulu) 8.30 -11.45 Theoretical and measurement issues in self-care: A special focus on a middle-range theory of self-care in chronic disease. Professor Tiny Jaarsma (PhD) 11.45 - 12.30 Lunch break 12.30 - 13.30 Example of an inductive-deductive theory development process Adjunct professor Satu Elo (PhD) 13.30 - 14.30 Example of deductive theory development. Professor Maria Kääriäinen (PhD) 14.30 - 16.00 Evaluation of learning. Professor Helvi Kyngäs (PhD) Closing of the course Finnish Post-Graduate School in Nursing Science Hoitotieteen valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu University of Turku ▪ Turun yliopisto Department of Nursing Science ▪ Hoitotieteen laitos FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland Instructions for the Course Assignment The writing of the essay is conducted prior to contact teaching on 23-24.3.2015. In the essay the student is required to analyze and evaluate one of the following middle range theories. The essay may be conducted individually or as a group work. 1. The Individual and Family Self-Management Theory (Ryan, P. & Sawin K. 2009, additional reading will be provided in a near future) 2. Theory of Unpleasant symptoms (Peterson, SJ. & Bredow, TS. 2009) 3. Theory of Self-efficacy (Peterson, SJ. & Bredow, TS. 2009) 4. Theory of Chronic Sorrow (Peterson, SJ. & Bredow, TS. 2009) 5. Theory of Social Support (Peterson, SJ. & Bredow, TS. 2009) 6. Theory of Caring (Peterson, SJ. & Bredow, TS. 2009) 7. Some other middle range theory of nursing according to you choice. Guidelines I. Analyze and evaluate 1) the process of theory development, 2) the content of theory, 3) validity and reliability of theory, and 4) usefulness of theory. The criterion of theory analysis and evaluation can be found in the following references: McEwen, M. & Wills, E.M. 2002 and/or Lauri, S. & Kyngäs, H. 2005 and/or Peterson, SJ & Bredow, TS. 2009. II. Search the literature to find out how the theory you have evaluated and analyzed has been used. III. Additionally, evaluate the most important issues which you have learned and present any unanswered /unresolved questions you have identified in the essay. The essay may be written individually or in small groups (consisting of 2-3 students). The essay should be 15 pages long (excluding references), Times New Roman font 12, line spacing 1, 5. The essay should be submitted to university teacher Kristina Mikkonen ([email protected]) by the 9th of March 2015. If you have further questions, please contact Kristina Mikkonen. Finnish Post-Graduate School in Nursing Science Hoitotieteen valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu University of Turku ▪ Turun yliopisto Department of Nursing Science ▪ Hoitotieteen laitos FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland Literature for lectures: Elo, S. 2006. Teoria pohjoissuomalaisten kotona asuvien ikääntyneiden hyvinvointia tukevasta ympäristöstä. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Medica D905. Elo, S., Kääriäinen, M., Isola, A. & Kyngäs, H. 2013. Developing and testing a middle-range theory of an well-being supportive physical environment of home-dwelling elderly. The Scientific World Journal. ( Jaarsma, T., Arestedt, K.F., Martensson, J., Dracup, K. & Stromberg, A. 2009. The European Heart Failure Self-care Behavior scale revised into a nine-item scale (EHFScB-9): a reliable and valid international instrument. European Journal of Heart Failure 11, 99–105. (doi:10.1093/eurjhf/hfn007) Kanste, O., Elo, S., Kääriäinen, M., Pölkki, T., Utriainen, K. & Kyngäs, H. 2010. Teorian tilastollinen testaaminen hoitotieteessä. Hoitotiede 3, 195–205. Lauri, S. & Kyngäs., H. 2005. Hoitotieteen teorian kehittäminen. WSOY, Dark Oy, Vantaa. Kääriäinen, M. 2007. Potilasohjauksen laatu: hypoteettisen mallin kehittäminen. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Medica D 937) Kääriäinen, M., Kanste, O., Elo, S., Miettunen, J.& Kyngäs, H. 2011. Testing and verifying the nursing science theory by confirmatory factor analysis. J Adv Nurs 67 (5), 1163–1172. McEwen, M. & Wills, E.M. 2002. Theoretical Basis for Nursing. Lipincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 3-125, 202228, 347-449. Peterson, SJ. & Bredow, TS. 2009. Middle Range Theories. Application to nursing research. Williams & Wilkins, Lipincott. Polly, R. & Sawin, K. 2009. The Individual and Family Self-Management Theory: Background and perspectives on context, process and outcomes. Nursing Outlook 57, 217-225. Riegel, B., Jaarsma, T & Ströomberg A. 2012. A Middle-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness. Advances in Nursing Science 35(3), 194–204. Finnish Post-Graduate School in Nursing Science Hoitotieteen valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu University of Turku ▪ Turun yliopisto Department of Nursing Science ▪ Hoitotieteen laitos FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland
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