2015 GNSS Social Director Candidate Kayleigh Faulkner Dear

2015 GNSS Social Director Candidate
Kayleigh Faulkner
Dear Fellow Graduate Nursing Students,
My name is Kayleigh Faulkner and I am a MN- Clinical stream student. I am excited to
be running in the current election for the position of the GNSS Social Director. The following
paragraphs will outline my background, experience, and state why I believe I am an ideal
candidate for your next Social Director.
I graduated from Dalhousie University in Halifax, where I was a member of the nursing
student union and played on a number of University intermural sports teams. I started my career
as a RN on the East Coast and became involved on the unit by joining the ‘party planning
committee’ to celebrate successes and support our team. These experiences provided me with
a sound appreciation for the benefits of social events, activities and organizations for nurses
and nursing students!
In 2009 I continued my career at St. Michael’s Hospital within the Trauma and
Neurosurgery Program. As an active member on a few committees including the Unit-Based
Council, I have participated in organizing and facilitating many social, team-oriented events
such as a canoe trip to Algonquin, the annual program Christmas Party, staff appreciation and
recognition events, and educational ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions. I have also had the opportunity
of being a Clinical Instructor and a Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Nursing students here
at U of T.
Based upon my experience and passion for enhancing nursing knowledge, networking
and educational satisfaction through social means, I believe I am an ideal candidate for the
position of Social Director. If elected, I plan to organize, promote and facilitate orientation
events, social activities, networking opportunities, and fundraisers that enrich the Graduate
Nursing students’ experience here at U of T.