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1. Applicable Rules
a. The rules and policies contained herein shall supersede all others. Current NJ high school rules will
be in effect where these rules are silent.
a. The TCYWL shall consist of two (2) Leagues (American & National) with each League having two
(2) Divisions (North & South). The Leagues and Divisions will be determined each year by a power
ranking formula that determines each team’s rank. The formula is as follows:
Won/Loss records for the past three seasons and Division place will be assigned rating points.
Each season’s rating points will be determined by the formula:
II. (# Teams in League - Division Place) + # of Wins (Year 1 wins will rate at 100%, Year 2 wins
will rate at 80%, Year 3 wins will rate at 60%) = Rating Points (for each season)
III. Rating points will be assigned for each returning Tri-County tournament place winner from the
previous year. Only the top 4 places will be assigned rating points. The points will be:
points for each returning 1st place winner
points for each returning 2nd place winner
points for each returning 3rd place winner
point for each returning 4th place winner
IV. Add up the rating point values to determine the American and National Leagues. The number of
teams in the American League and the National League will be determined by the Tri-County
V. Teams will be allowed to petition the Tri-County Board to request a change of League
placement for the season. The Board’s decision will be final.
VI. Any new team entering Tri-County will be placed in the middle of the American league ranking
and must participate in the American League for the in either American or National league
accordingly by the Tri-County Board for the first year.
Second year probationary teams will follow the power ranking formula for league placement.
VIII. The North and South Division of each League will be determined by the rating points. The
teams assigned to each League for the season will be placed in order of the rating points from
highest to lowest. The even number teams will be assigned to the North Division and the odd
number teams will be assigned to the South Division. (Example: The teams rated 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
based on the order of rating points will be in the North Division and the team rated 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
will be in the South Division)
IX. League and Division structure will be determined each year at the fall League organizational
X. Team schedules are based on placement on the power ranking formula. Teams must wrestle all
the other teams in their respective league. Cross over matches between leagues will be
scheduled based on a formula.
b. Only team members in good standing will be allowed to compete in the schedule of season
matches. League membership is a 2 step process. New members shall be voted in by majority
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vote of the general membership as a “probationary member” At completion of the rookie season
the Board shall make recommendations, if necessary, to the probationary member. At completion
of the sophomore season a general membership majority vote is required for “full membership.”
c. DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Division team champions of each league will be determined by the
following criteria:
I. The team with the best record, within their division
II. The team with the best record, for all TCYWL matches
III. Winner of head to head competition. In cases where three or more teams have the same
number of wins, this criterion will only apply if one of the teams beat ALL of the others being
IV. If still tied: Greater total point differential against opponents tied for first-place in the division;
V. If still tied: Greater point differential for all TCYWL matches;
VI. If still tied: Greater point differential within the division;
If still tied: Random draw, or coin flip.
d. LEAGUES DUAL MEET CHAMPIONSHIP: The two regular season division champions of each league
will oppose each other in a dual match for the American and National league dual meet
championship. This match will take place during the week preceding the TCYWL championship
tournament. Eligibility of wrestlers: wrestlers must weigh-in in at least two league dual meets
during the current season to be eligible to wrestle in the league dual meet championship. A
wrestler’s birth certificate will be required only in the event of a challenge by an opposing coach.
Should a challenge be initiated, the birth certificate must be provided within thirty (30) days to the
league president. Failure to provide proof as requested will result in the wrestler's ineligibility.
Exceptions will be allowed by a majority vote of the TCYWL at the next league meeting.
e. Unless specified otherwise in these by-laws, each team is responsible for conduct of its own
practices and matches. However, it is recommended that all coaches complete a certification
a. Meetings - League meetings shall be called by the president as required. It is important to the
strength of the organization that each member team send a representative to each meeting. Any
team that does not attend two (2) consecutive league meetings will be penalized five (5) team
points at the TCYWL league tournament plus one (1) team point for each consecutive unattended
meeting thereafter.
b. Quorum - A quorum, consisting of 50% of the league membership plus one (1), is required to
convene a league meeting.
c. Voting - Each member team in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote. A simple majority
of the voting members present shall be sufficient to pass a motion. The president will not vote
except in instances to break a tie vote.
d. Amendments - All amendments to these rules and policies will require the following:
Amendments can only be proposed by active members in good standing.
II. Written notification must be sent by regular mail/email to all member teams at least two (2)
weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be voted upon.
III. A quorum must be present to vote on an amendment.
IV. An affirmative majority vote of the quorum present is necessary to approve an amendment.
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e. Membership Fees - There shall be an annual membership fee of $400 per team and a one-time
initiation fee of $150.00 for new member’s payable on or before December 15 of each season. All
delinquent members will be considered as members NOT in good standing.
Match Reports - Submitting a match report and a weigh in sheet for both teams shall be the
responsibility of the host team and must be signed by both the home and visiting coaches. The
TCYWL president Match Reports must be submitted either on-line or received by webmaster on or
before the fourth day following the respective match. must receive these reports. Failure to comply
with the aforementioned will result in one (1) team point deduction at the TCYWL Tournament per
g. Match attendance – Teams are expected to attend all scheduled regular season matches.
A team that forfeits a regular season match will be fined $100, at the discretion of the
Executive Board. Fine to be paid by TCYWL tournament seeding meeting.
II. A team that forfeits a second regular season match will have their league membership
terminated, at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Note: If a team is removed from the league during the season, individual records of
completed matches will be disregarded for seeding purposes at the TCYWL tournament.
h. League Officers - There shall be six (6) elected officers in the TCYWL Executive Board as follows:
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Member-at-Large and Publicity Chairperson.
Duties are as follows:
President: call and conduct all TCYWL meetings and maintenance of the TCYWL business.
Vice-President: assist the President in conducting TCYWL business; preside at the TCYWL
meetings in the absence of the President and Serve as Chairperson of the Tournament of
Treasurer: keep the financial records of the TCYWL and give a report at each meeting.
Secretary: keep the minutes of TCYWL meetings. Facilitate communication to board members
and general membership of league business.
Member-at-Large: Shall assist the TCYWL generally when needed
Publicity Chairperson:
a. Distribute publicity and news items to the media.
b. Serve as league contact for all requests for news items.
c. Receive and post match reports on the web page.
d. Maintain team rosters on the web page.
e. Maintain hard copies of the match reports in case questions arise regarding the web
page results.
In order for a wrestler to compete in TCYWL matches, a wrestler must:
Be in or below the eighth grade in school.
Not have reached his 15th birthday by the 1st of September preceding the season.
III. Be a primary resident of the school district normally served by the wrestler's member team.
The league must approve exceptions before the season or by the president during the
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Not have competed against any 9th grade team.
Skin Conditions:
Skin conditions must be managed with the utmost seriousness. Coaches should advise their
parents and wrestlers to be on the alert for rashes and skin discoloration; and they should
report any such observation to the head coach immediately.
II. In addition to NFHS Rule 4-2-3 pertaining to skin conditions, the NJSIAA form “Physician
Release for Wrestler to Participate with Skin Lesion(s)” shall be completed and signed by a
medical doctor, within the last seven (7) days, in order for a wrestler with a skin condition
to be allowed to participate.
The head coach is responsible for bringing to the attention of the opposing coach and
official any skin condition that is known or should be known through reasonable
observation. Violation will result suspension for two league events for the head coach.
The weight classes shall be as follows:
90 lbs
96 lbs
102 lbs
110 lbs
165 lbs
Unlimited (Exhibition only)
An unlimited weight class will also be included in the TCYWL Tournament with those wrestlers
weighing more than 165 lbs (or applicable limit) being eligible subject to the following restriction:
Matches will be conducted only in cases where there is less than a 30 lb difference between
opposing wrestlers’ weights.
A wrestler may choose to weigh-in either stripped, or with a singlet or undergarment. A 0.2
pound allowance will be granted for wrestlers who weigh-in with a singlet or undergarment.
Certified Weight Class shall be the lowest weight class in which a wrestler shall be eligible to
compete during the season and at the TCYWL Tournament. Certified Weight Class shall be
established for each wrestler at his/her first league match weigh-in, regardless of whether he
or she wrestles. The wrestler must make the Hard Weight or Actual Weight set forth in 5a (no
allowances). Each wrestler must hard weight at least 2 times during the season to be eligible
to compete at that weight class for the TCYWL Tournament or the League Dual Meet
Championship. A successful hard weight will be noted by the weigh-in coach on the weigh-in
sheet and match reporting form by recording the wrestler’s actual weight and indicating same
THE 0.2 POUNDS PER 7.A.III. Tri and Quad meets constitute as one weigh-in only.
A wrestler may never wrestle below their Certified Weight Class. There is no re-certification.
A contestant shall not participate more than one weight class above that class for which the
contestant’s actual stripped weight, at the time of weigh-in, qualifies the contestant.
Weight allowances are the weight classes that qualifies the contestant in duals during weight
progression periods. (Example – 2.2 pound allowance for February dual meet; a wrestler is
certified at 85lbs and weighs-in at 82.2lbs. The wrestlers qualified weight class is 80lbs. with
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2.2lbs. allowance, but may not compete at weight below certified weight 6.b and can only bump
up one weight class to 85lbs.
Weight progression will be in effect during the season in the following manner:
On January 1st and February 1st each weight class advances one (1) pound.
Weights will be increased by one (1) pound for TCYWL weekday matches.
Weight allowances shall be cumulative in effect; except there will maximum allowance of
2.2 pounds above the base weight classes.
Weight classes at the annual league tournament in February shall be two (2) pounds
above the base weight classes.
All TCYWL matches shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations currently in
force for the New Jersey High School competition per the NJSIAA with the following exceptions:
All matches will consist of three 1½ minute periods, except wrestleback matches in the
TCYWL tournament, which will consist of three 1 minute periods.
A wrestler will be required to make his weight within one-half (1/2) hour from the start of
III. For dual meets ending in a tie, NJ high school criteria shall be used to determine the
winning team.
The host team shall be responsible for providing the match official. The visiting team shall
provide at least one (1) scorer.
It is the policy of the TCYWL that all teams in league matches use the most competent referee
available. In line with this policy:
Certified card holding referees will be used at all times for TCYWL matches.
Cadets will be used only if card-holding referees are not available. Cadets must be
A Championship Tournament of the TCYWL shall be held at the end of each season, on the Sunday of
the same weekend of the NJSIAA District tournaments. The locality of this tournament shall be
determined by a majority vote of the league member organization. The conduct of this tournament
shall be the sole responsibility of the host team, subject to the following restrictions:
All TCYWL American and National teams.
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Wrestlers with at least a .500 record and who participated in at least 50% of
scheduled matches (i.e. six matches for a 12-match schedule) will be seeded ahead
of others.
A wrestler must have at least 66% of scheduled matches (i.e. eight matches for a 12match schedule) to challenge for 1st through 4th seed.
Note: A participant who had placed 1st or 2nd in a prior TCYWL championship tournament,
and who does not meet the above requirements for number of matches due to medical
reasons, may be seeded as high as third, per vote of the coaches at the seeding meeting.
A wrestler must wrestle in at least two league dual meets during the current season
to be eligible to wrestle in the tournament.
Only TCYWL matches will be considered for seeding purposes.
A wrestler must have at least half of his weigh-ins at or below the weight he wishes
to wrestle at the Championship Tournament.
All wrestlers shall be seeded according to the above below criteria.
All wrestlers participating in the Tri-County Tournament must weigh-in as a team on
the day specified by the league. Wrestlers have until end of scheduled weigh-in
period designated by the Tournament Director. In cases of individual hardship, a TriCounty League Representative or Head Coach may request a weigh-in on the morning
of the tournament by notifying the Tournament Director and the Tri-County President
of their intention. Approval of the Tri-County Board is required.
Seeding Criteria
Most wins
Head to head competition. In cases where three or more wrestlers have the same
number of wins, this criterion will only apply if one of the wrestlers beat ALL of the
others being considered.
Win percentage.
Number of pins.
Number of technical falls.
Number of major decisions.
Fewest wins by forfeit.
The wrestler placing higher in the previous year's tournament. If the same finish, the
wrestler returning closer to the weight class of the previous year will prevail.
Vote of coaches.
If a wrestler withdraws after seeding.
Except to correct clerical mistakes, there will be no changes made to the brackets
after the seeding meeting. If a wrestler is placed on the bracket but then is unable to
wrestle for any reason, his first opponent will receive a forfeit and will receive team
points according to the scoring rules for a wrestler receiving a forfeit.
The wrestler will not be considered to have forfeited until he actually fails to appear
on the mat when his match is called. For example, if his first match is a bye, he will
advance to the next round.
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Only card holding officials will be used during the tournament.
Exceptions to (a.) above must be approved by a majority of the members prior to the
start of the tournament.
Tournament Finances
All tournament financial affairs shall be the responsibility of the Tournament Director
(host team coach or other designated member of the host team sponsoring
Team awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place teams on the basis of
points scored.
A team sportsmanship award will be given on the basis of a vote by each team,
officiating crew and Tournament Director.
Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th individual place finishers. Medals will
be awarded to the 5th, 6th and 7/8th individual place finishers.
Wrestleback bracket: Quarterfinal losers will be placed in a 5 th place
consolation bracket; the two losers from the top bracket will wrestle each
other; as will the losers from the bottom bracket. Only the four quarterfinal
losers will participate in the wrestlebacks. The winner of the wrestleback
bracket will be awarded 5th place, the loser of the wrestleback final will be
awarded 6th place. The (two) losers of the first-round wrestleback matches will
both be awarded 7/8th place. Full wrestle-backs periods 1-1-1
Note: The two semi-final losers will oppose each other to determine 3 rd and 4th place.
A Most Valuable Wrestler will be awarded on the basis of a vote by each team and
each official.
Fastest pin award for the wrestler recording the fastest pin in the tournament.
Team points are only to be awarded if there are four (4) or more wrestlers in a
weight class. No team points shall be awarded for the “Unlimited” weight class.
Team points are awarded as follows:
1st place 16 Points
2nd place 12 Points
(iii) 3rd place 9 Points
(iv) 4th place 7 Points
5th place 5 Points
6th place 3 points
Note: Team points will be awarded only for 1 st through 6th place winners.
Bonus points will be awarded as follows:
Fall, Default, Forfeit or Disqualification - 2 points
Technical Fall - 1.5 points
Major Decision - 1 point
Bye - 2 points if the wrestler wins his next match. Zero points if the wrestler
loses his next match.
Note: No bonus points will be awarded for any wrestleback matches.
Disputes on team scoring must be filed with the tournament director no later than 5
minutes after completion of the last finals bout. Disputes involving finals matches
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must be filed with the tournament director immediately after the final scores are