We are a Welcoming Congregation.

2014 October 26
Volume 11, Issue 43
We are a Welcoming Congregation.
We seek to foster a climate of purposeful
inclusion of all regardless of gender, age,
race, ethnicity, national origin, disability,
sexual orientation or expression.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville • 4225 NW 34th Street • Gainesville, FL 32605
352/377-1669 • uuoffi[email protected] • www.uufg.org
Sunday, November 2, 9:30 - 10:45 am
Following Service, Sunday, November 2
Just in time for the Nov. 4 election, local activist Jim
Funk will be our guest discussion leader. Mr. Funk is a
nurse practitioner who has experience working in
Addictions, and is now a volunteer for United for Care
(www.unitedforcare.org). Come to the Common Room
and prepare to make an informed vote!
Youth Group is sponsoring their annual Halloween
picnic on November 2, the Sunday after Halloween, which is
on Friday this year. This is a fund raiser for Youth group travel
expenses and a “Fun Raiser” for the congregation. So start
working on your costume and save the lunch date: November
2nd after service for good food and fellowship!
Saturday, November 1, 10:30 am
The Worship Committee is holding a workshop Saturday,
November 1 from 10:30 to 12:00 to train members to
speak during sanctuary events. Training will include
practice in using the microphone, speaking slowly and
distinctly, and generally making yourself heard and
understood. The training is open to anyone. Members
scheduled to give sermons are particularly encouraged to
come. For more information, contact Lynne Capehart.
Last Sunday, October 19, 87 adults attended service
while 10 children and youth attended chapel, facilitated
by two adults.
Welcome, Guests!
We’re glad you decided to check us out. Some
things to know:
Window Room: We have a little room at the back
of the Sanctuary for small children who want to stay
with their parents, but who need to move around.
Parents can sit, see and hear the service, while
children have some extra space. Don’t forget a
Visitor Table: We’d love to get to know you and
help you get to know us. Please stop by the Phillips
Social Hall after the service, and look for the table
with the green tablecloth.
Youth will be tabling at coffee hour the with advance meal
tickets for sale and info about the Costume contest and kids
activities that will take place at the picnic. Don’t Miss It!
Sunday, November 9
David Willkomm facilitates our regular Sunday service
on November 9. He says that during the service all
veterans will be recognized.
All members who are veterans are particularly asked to
attend, but please also invite family and friends who are
vets to join the service and participate in this recognition.
For more information, please contact David.
Features Ushers and Greeterrs
Stop by the “Learn about Us” table in the Phillips Hall
following service to learn about our Ushering and Greeting
from Ron Lange!
To sign up to feature “your” group at an upcoming Sunday,
contact your PC Representative or the PC Chair.
Program Council representatives are
· Beloved Community: Pat Caren /
· Social Justice Council: Joy Avery
· Worship and Celebration: Lynne Capehart
· Program Council Chair: Ron Lange / s
· (Please note that “Lifespan Faith Development” does not
presently have a representative, so please contact Ron
Lange to organize a table under this category.)
The Gazette
2014 October 26
Volume 11, Issue 43
By Alice Primack, chair Social Justice Council
November 2, Sunday, 9:30 - 10:45 am, UUFG Common Room
Amendment 2, Medical Marijuana: a Social Justice Forum
Just in time for the Nov. 4 election, Jim Funk will be our guest discussion leader. Jim Funk is a nurse
practitioner who has experience working in Addictions, and is now a volunteer for United for Care
November 9, Sunday, 9:30 - 10:45 am, UUFG Common Room
ACTION Network: a Social Justice Forum
Esther Wallace will speak with us about ACTION Network, a local nonprofit engaged in congregation-based community organizing work. ACTION trains people of faith to analyze community issues, create personal and public narratives,
and use their own individual power to influence elected officials and public policy. Currently, our member congregations are working with elected City officials to lessen the impact of GRU's rising utility rates, which have been particularly devastating for low-income people of color in Gainesville.
November 16, Sunday, 9:30 - 10:45 am, UUFG Common Room
Habitat for Humanity: a Social Justice Forum
Alice Primack will speak about the international programs of Habitat for Humanity and the Global Village in Americus,
Georgia, where you can view full-size models of the houses Habitat volunteers are building in
countries all over the world. And we will have an update on the house that UUFG is helping to build in
Gainesville. Michelle Espinoza and eight members of UUFG’s Young Adult group recently spent a Saturday building
this house, along with other volunteers.
November 23, Sunday, 9:30 - 10:45 am, UUFG Common Room
Sierra Club: a Social Justice Forum
Jon Brainard, education chair for the Suwanee-St. Johns chapter of the Sierra Club, will speak to us about the environmental work of Sierra Club. Mr. Brainard will show a new PowerPoint presentation, “The Seven Wonders of the SSJ
Sierra Club” — which calls attention to some of the issues that the Sierra Club is focused on, including habitat loss,
fertilizer use, and water conservation.
November 30, Sunday, 11 am
A Social Justice Service and Lunch with Guests At Your Table
We will kick off our annual Guest At Your Table drive to raise awareness and support for human rights worldwide. We
will feature social justice work sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee in Honduras, Haiti, and
November 6 and every Thursday afternoon 2:30-4:30pm, and 5-6pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, volunteers are needed to
tutor and provide enrichment for elementary school age children living in the nearby subdivision of Pineridge. See
Gene Mills or Alice Primack for more information.
November 15 help provide lunch for volunteers who are building the Habitat for Humanity house that UUFG is helping
with. Contact Michelle Espinoza for more information.
If you hear about anyone requiring pastoral care in
the next several weeks, please notify Pat Caren, who
is helping to coordinate care efforts during this
period. .
Friday, November 14, 7:30 pm
Thomas Royal's Ph.D. recital, which consists of experimental
electronic music he composed as a student at UF, will occur on
November 14th, 7:30pm, at the University of Florida Music
Building, Room 101.
Volume 11, Issue 43
2014 October 26
This Sunday in RE:
Fun-Raiser! Help support Youth Group activities! Before Service the Youth Group will be selling
coffee and advance tickets for next Sunday's Halloween Picnic.
Religious Education classes:
Nursery: Rm 1
Spirit Play classes (Pre-K - 1st): Rm 2
Spirit Play classes (2nd - 3rd): Rm 3
Toolbox of Faith (4th - 5th): Rm 4
Riddle & Mystery (6th - 7th): Rm 7
Coming of Age (8th and up): Common Room
Next Sunday in RE: Religious classes same as above.
Also, next Sunday the Youth Group will be tabling
coffee again, and they host their annual Halloween
Picnic Fun-Raiser after service. Please join us!
Questions about RE at UUFG? Contact Nureet Carmel, Director of Religious Education, at
[email protected].
Office Hours: Nureet is also at the Fellowship on
Wednesdays 9 am — 2 pm, and by appointment.
This coming week, we
know of six members who
are celebrating birthdays.
Please wish a very happy
birthday to
Walter Cole
Carolyn Baker
Joann Mossa
Heather McAuslane
Barbara Graeber
Martha Hickey
The Newcomer Orientation scheduled for November 9
has been changed to November 16 due to a scheduling
conflict with the Governing Board’s Town Hall Meeting. Newcomers are encouraged to attend the Town
Hall Meeting to learn about plans for our congregation’s future. The Newcomer Orientation on November
16 will be held in the Library. Stop by the Green Table
in the Social Hall for information and directions.
The Gazette
Sunday November 9, following service
Update on Our Goals &
Developmental Ministry
Please attend a Town Hall Meeting in the Sanctuary on Sunday
November 9 immediately after Service. Childcare provided.
This meeting addresses the three Goals for Developmental Ministry that your Governing Board included in the application for a
developmental minister sent to the UUA in September. These
goals derived from the workshop sessions provided by Maggie
Lovins of the Southern Region staff and by board members, plus
survey and email input. They will form the plan of action that
our Congregation and developmental minister will work on for
the next three years.
The Board will explain the final version of these goals and solicit
additional congregational input on how members would like to
see them implemented. We will also provide an update on the
Developmental Minister application process.
Sunday, Nov 9, 6:30 pm
Thanks to all who came to the October Interweave meeting. We
had a very interesting and informative discussion on all aspects
of the coming out process.
Our next meeting will be Sunday, 6:30 pm, November 9, in the
Phillips Hall. This meeting will focus the discussion on
Transgender issues. All our welcome.
For further information please call Rev. Tara Lee.
Thursday, November 27, 2 pm
Lynne Capehart and Judith Kendall are coordinating UUFG’s
annual Thanksgiving dinner. which will be held at 2 pm on
Thanksgiving Day, November 27 in the Fellowship Hall. Please
mark this event on your calendar and think about ways you can
If you plan to attend the dinner, please email Judith at
[email protected] with your name, how many in your party,
and what you plan to bring.
Let us know if you can help with any of the following:
· Table decorations
· Set up
· Clean up
Above all, we need your participation to make our Thanksgiving
dinner a memorable event. We have much to be thankful for in
our UUFG community. Let’s come together in gratitude and
The Gazette
2014 October 26
Volume 11, Issue 43
11:00 am
Please see an usher for more information.
To avoid disruptions, please turn off or
silence your cell phone before the service begins.
Worship Service
Grief and Dying
Jeff Dunn
11:00 am
Worship Service
Honoring Combat Veterans
David Willkomm
October 26
November 2
Greeters &
Carolyn Ziffer
Irene LaBelle
Heather McAuslane Ron Lange
Chalice Table
Georgia Bertcher
Carolyn Ziffer
Erin Parish
Erin Parish
Lock up
Alice Primack
Kristin Stevens, Congregation President
Cam Pierce, Office Adminstrator
352-377-1669 / [email protected]
Tony Canty, Director of Music
352-377-1669 / [email protected]
Nureet Carmel, Director of Religious Education
352-377-1669 / [email protected]
Ron Lange, Program Council Chair
Know someone who is ill? Use [email protected]
Want to thank someone?
Use [email protected] or the Gratitude Box
Have a suggestion? Use [email protected]
To email UUFG’s staff as a group, send your message to
[email protected]
To address all Board members as a group, use [email protected]
For addressing all Program Council Members, use
[email protected]
Sunday, October 26 —
9:30 am Social J ustice Discussion (Common Room)
11:00 am Wor ship Ser vice
12:15 pm Young Adult Gr oup (Libr ar y)
6:00 pm Dancing Otter s Wiccan Class (Common
Tuesday, October 28 —
8:30 am Mor ning Meditation (Common Room)
6:30 pm Gr and Squar es Dancing (non-UUFG event
~ Phillips Hall)
6:30 pm Humanist Cir cle (Local r estaur ant — see
Al Tweedy for location)
Wednesday, October 29 —
7:30 pm Gainesville Handweaver ’s Guild (nonUUFG event ~ Phillips Hall)
Thursday, October 30 —
7:30 pm Chalice Choir Rehear sal (Fellowship Hall)
Friday, October 31—
7:00 pm Dancing Cr ane Zen (Common Room)
Saturday, November 1—
1.:30 pm Wor kshop: Speaking in the Sanctuar y
6:30 pm Veg4Life Potluck (Non-UUFG event ~ Phillips Hall)
Sunday, November 2 —
9:30 am Social J ustice Discussion (Common Room)
11:00 am Wor ship Ser vice
12:30 pm Halloween Picnic & Youth Gr oup Fundraiser (Playground)
6:00 pm Dancing Otter s Wiccan Class (Common
SUBMISSIONS TO THE GAZETTE: Reser ved for UUFG business and concer ns submitted to the office (email
[email protected]) for editing by noon on Wednesdays. Please put “for Gazette” in your subject line. Your submissions will be posted up
to three times, inserted on dates you indicate.