The Parishioner November 2014

November 2014
The Parishioner
With God’s support we are developing Portland
as a dynamic, Spirit-led Church impacting on our town and
beyond through encouragement, nurture and service.
The magazine of the Portland Parish Church of Scotland: Troon
26th October
10.30 am We welcome five pupils from Troon Primary to
share poems from their Rights Respecting Schools
project. Poem books can be purchased at £3.00 each with all
proceeds to Help the Children of Syria.
26th October
4.30 pm Messy Church in Troon Old Parish Halls
27th October
7.30 pm Administration Committee meeting in the
Millennium Room
31st October
1 pm Marriage service of Fiona Reid and David Matthews
2nd November
3 pm An introduction to Listening Skills, Millennium Room
3rd November
7.30 pm time for prayer in the Millennium Room
8 pm Bible Study in the Millennium Room
9th November
10.45 am Act of Remembrance at the town Cenotaph
11.15 am morning worship
16th November
10.30 am We welcome the Reverend Stewart Birse to lead
17th November
7.30 pm time for prayer in the Millennium Room
8 pm Bible Study in the Millennium Room
18th November
7.30pm Local Church Review Congregational Conference
followed by a meeting of the Kirk Session
23rd November
10.30am We welcome Gary Noonan, Candidate for the
Ministry to lead worship
26th November
2 pm Worship Service at Belhaven Nursing Home
30th November
10.30am First Sunday of Advent Communion
3 pm Shorter Communion service
1st December
7.30 pm time for prayer in the Millennium Room
8 pm Bible Study in the Millennium Room
4th December
7.30pm Congregational Board, Lesser Hall
Message from Revd. Jamie Milliken
’d been out of the way of running. About a month ago I forgot to
stretch properly before setting off and soon pulled a muscle in
the back of my calf that took a while to heal (now 45 years old
and not 14 anymore!). I really did miss running at first; I missed
feeling fit, the running with God time, the thinking time, the scenery, the exercise (and
I confess the endorphins that go with it), but gradually I got used to not running
anymore. I soon found other things to do and the time I once dedicated to running
quickly became filled with lots of other things.
Why am I telling you this?
Our numbers are going down at Sunday worship. I realise that there are several
reasons why this may be; for some of you it is a struggle to get out in the morning, and
for others (just like me and my running) you get out of the way of it and soon you find
other things to fill your time.
It was hard work getting those running shoes back on and returning to the road. But I
took it nice and easy and gave those muscles a gentle start… and thankfully everything
is still holding together. And now that I’m back out there on the road I realise all that I
had been missing, and it is healthy and it is good.
A couple of days after my first time back in the running shoes I was walking up the
steps from Kilmarnock town centre towards Kilmarnock Academy. Quite a climb and
my muscles told me that they had been worked out. As I climbed I saw a squirrel
tucking into a pupil’s discarded polystyrene carton of chips and curry sauce. It looked
to be having a good time but I suspect that’s not really very good squirrel food. Equally
you might be involved in lots of other pursuits on a Sunday morning and having a good
time, but are they good spiritual food? Do they grow your soul?
If you have got out of the way of worshipping on a Sunday morning then please come
back. I suggest that you start gently with us again carefully limbering up those spiritual
muscles. Maybe not a full blown Communion service (although you are always
welcome) instead why not try coming back to a lighter ordinary service as a way of
getting back into the way of Church, of meeting old friends, seeing some new faces and
enjoying some good spiritual food.
Our recent Local Church Review has encouraged us to focus our energy on ‘who we are’
rather than ‘what we have’ and on ‘what we are becoming’ rather than ‘what we have
lost’. It is helping us envision our church for the future, a church we would very much
like you to be a living part of.
God bless
Gigha Lennox, Portland’s new Youth Worker
’m Gigha, and I have just started the position of Youth Worker. I
would like to thank everyone so far for your kind words of
encouragement and support! I am excited to get started and for
what is to come!
I am especially looking forward to watching the children and teenagers
grow and develop in their faith and in society by becoming more
involved in the church and the community. As I grew up in the church and have been
through Sunday School and Youth Fellowship I hope to pull on my own
experiences; however, as I mentioned on my first Sunday, the saying goes “It takes a
village to raise a child”, and in the same respects “It takes a whole congregation to bring
up a child in faith.” The desire is for Portland to continue to be a welcoming and
encouraging place for young people to feel valued and included and inspired to explore
their faith.
I have been working with our young people for just over a month now and have found
out for myself the truth in Frank A. Clark’s quote “There's nothing that can help you
understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child”. I have
also been reminded of my own time in YF and what a difference it made in my life. The
teenagers themselves have chosen to be a “Faith Focussed” group and our aim is to
continue to provide all the fun and games while exploring all aspects of our faith and
how it is relevant to our lives today. There is brilliant new resource material to work
from for both Youth Fellowship and Sunday School and as always it would be great to
have more young people to share it with!
I welcome any and all contributions and look forward to meeting you all as I become
more involved in the church!
Out The Box!
hrough the recent events of Future Focus and Local Church Review it was
clearly intimated by members of the congregation that an alternative style of
worship was highly desired as we look at the WAY forward for Portland.
On the first Sunday of each month there will be an informal evening worship. These will
commence on Sunday 2nd November from 6-7 pm with contemporary music, and all
ages are welcome. We would value everyone's support and help in making this a success.
Any changes over the Festive Season will be notified through the intimations.
Youth Fellowship
y name is Margaret MacBain and you may have seen
me taking part in recent services in Portland Church
and wondered why?
I feel that God has called me to some form of ministry in the
Church of Scotland and as part of trying to find out what that ministry is, I am here
with you for a few months.
During my time with you, I will be getting involved in a number of ways, such as
taking part in services and attending various meetings. This time with you is designed
to help me work out exactly what God wants me to do.
So, you know why I'm here, but who am I?
I am a member of Monkton and Prestwick church in Prestwick where I am an elder
and was the Sunday School Superintendent for 2 years until this summer. I also run
our youth group. I am a community worker, with a number of years experience in
youth work and adult education, working in East Ayrshire for the past 15 years.
I would like to thank you for making me feel so welcome and I look forward to getting
to know you all better over the next few months.
An Introduction to Listening Skills
Sunday 2nd November
3-5pm in the Millennium Room
“The gift of being a good listener, a gift which requires constant practice, is perhaps the
most healing gift anyone can possess; for it allows the other to be, enfolds them in a
safe place, does not judge or advise them, and communicates support at a level deeper
than words.” Gerard Hughes
hether you are a new Elder, a pastoral care visitor with ‘Keeping Contact’ or
are interested in developing listening skills this introductory course is for
you. We first held this introductory session a couple of years ago and more
recently at our Elders Away Day in March 2013, if you have not already
attended and would like to participate then please speak with me or email to book a
Jamie Milliken
We welcome a special friend ...
t is always a pleasure to welcome back old friends and at morning worship on
Sunday, 5th October, it was certainly no exception. The current Moderator of the
Church of Scotland, the Right Reverend John Chalmers, said as he grew up in
Portland, with his father serving as Clerk to the Congregational Board and
Session Clerk, he was particularly glad to join us in worship in this the building’s
Centenary Year. I think we were all touched by his warmth and lack of formality as he
emphasised the importance of the parish churches, which form the Church of
Scotland’s “front line”.
It was a day of presentations and he presented to Portland a glass dove, attached to
which was a particularly poignant story as it was crafted by people of the West Bank
out of glass from bombing debris – a symbol full of hope and of reaching out.
Portland reciprocated with a painting of our Church, which was graciously received,
along with flowers for Mrs. Chalmers. Later in the service certificates were presented
by the Moderator, to mark the long and faithful service of some elders.
In his sermon he talked about the changes that Portland had seen over the years, the
sacred place the church builders had provided – a place for God to dwell on earth. The
readings were 2 Chronicles 6: 12-21 and John 2: 12-22, and please go to Portland
Church’s website to hear this interesting and thought provoking sermon.
On a bright and blustery morning, after the service, the Moderator then unveiled the
Centenary 1914 date stone over the front door. Congratulations to the Property
Committee for the aptness of the “curtain” with the dove symbol and the ease with
which the uncovering was achieved— the Queen would have been delighted!
Then it was in to the halls for the usual wonderful Portland spread with tea and coffee
– many thanks again to the catering team. This was a very positive day for Portland, as
we look now to the future.
Thank you to Avril McDonald and Ronald Lang for the excellent photographs of the day
Long Service Certificates to Elders
The Date Stone is Unveiled
We would like to thank all those who helped us with baking, serving or clearing up on
the day of the Moderator’s visit, it was very much appreciated.
Joyce Cooper, Sheona Cameron, Grace Kennedy
A Week In The Mirror
n Sunday 19th October we explored the story of David and Nathan told in 2
Samuel 12:1-9. In this story Nathan the prophet tells King David a parable and
in effect holds up a mirror before David in order that he sees himself as others
see him.
Below is an aide memoire for you to keep by a mirror you use daily. When you look in
the mirror use this to help you become more aware of your words and actions and how
you appear and relate to others.
Today I will pay particular attention to how I interact with strangers and people I do not
know well.
May I be open minded and gracious in welcome.
Today I will listen to the words I use. Do they build up or cut down? Do they seem harsh
or warm?
May I use my voice, spoken or written, to encourage others.
Today I will think about how I listen to others. Do I hear what they say, or am I thinking
just of what to say next?
May I use my ears to hear and listen in order to understand.
Today I will think about how I use my eyes. On what (or whom) does my sight linger?
What do my eyes tell of my inner desires?
May I see as God sees, seeing people not objects.
Today I will pay attention to how I use touch. With whom am I in contact? What form
does that physical contact take?
May I be aware of the power that touch contains and use this wisely.
Today I will think about how I relax. Who helps me re-energise? What activities help me
unwind? How do I help others relax?
May I appreciate the importance of relaxation.
Today I will think about how I approach worship. Do I come to worship to receive, or to
give? Do I come with a spirit of judgement or of grace?
May I approach you, God, in humility with all your children.
Extract from ‘Spill the Beans’ worship resource, October 2014
Goal Setting Congregational Conference
Tuesday 18th November in the Main Hall at 7.30pm
ince June we have been meeting as a congregation, listening to one
another, to God and to our community in an effort to identify the way
ahead for Portland. As it turns out that this is literally the WAY ahead.
We have identified that to live and serve God’s purpose it is essential we
focus on
These top three priorities were identified through Future Focus and in addition to
this Local Church Review has also highlighted the need to explore how we can
effectively engage, encourage and care for our members.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in these consultations. The resulting
Future Focus and Local Church Review reports run to almost fifty pages and are
available online at our Church website and a number of printed copies are
available around the Church building.
The next stage is to set achievable goals for the way ahead and this will take place
on Tuesday 18th November in the Main Hall at 7.30pm. The Reverend Mandy
Hickman, Presbytery Mission Development Officer will be on hand to assist.
Following the Congregational Conference the Elders will remain for a meeting of
the Kirk Session.
Food for Thought!
pecial Branch would like to thank everyone who have so far submitted their
recipes for our Portland Centenary Recipe Book. We would love to have some
more of your favourite recipes to publish; they can be savoury, sweet, baking or
gluten free! A donation of £1 per recipe submitted is requested to cover the cost
of publishing and the recipe book will be on sale nearer to Christmas time – the perfect
Christmas present! Funds raised from the sale of the book will be used to purchase a
new computer for the Communications Group. Please hand your recipes (remember to
put your names on it so that they can be published also) to any member of the Special
Branch Committee by the 30th of November or you can email them to
[email protected]. The members of the committee are: Sheona Cameron,
Jim Donaldson, Kennedy Howden, Jean Meiklejohn, Keith McKellar, Marjorie Simpson
and Catriona McKellar.
The committee are also delighted to announce that our annual Soup Lunches will take
place this year on the 13th and 14th of December; details will follow nearer the time.
Catriona McKellar
ur opening meeting of the 2014/2015 session took place on 30th September
when our Minister, Jamie, was our speaker. He spoke on the Guild topic for
this year of “How to Share” and took us through the history of the Guild and
how the members contribute to many projects across the World – not just in
the monetary sense but in practical and spiritual ways too. Jamie went on to talk about
the worldwide work of the Church of Scotland and highlighted the ways in which
Portland shares with our local community and beyond, for example, through our
partnership with Limphasa congregation in Malawi, the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
and Food Bank donations. Thank you, Jamie!
On Tuesday, 14th October, we were privileged to have Julie and Phil Arbon from
Comfort Rwanda as our speakers. Comfort Rwanda was established in 1999, five years
after the genocide of 1994 in order to help Rwandan Christian partners in their work of
healing and support for the survivors of the genocide. The National Guild has
nominated Comfort Rwanda as one of the projects they are supporting during the 2012
– 2015 strategy. With the aid of a slide show, Phil explained that there are many
widows and orphans living there in extreme poverty and that the money donated by the
Guild is going towards providing 100 more substantial houses in two villages for those
in most need. Indeed, the houses are being built by prisoners who were perpetrators of
the despicable crimes committed during the genocide. This was a most enlightening
talk highlighting the positive effect of forgiveness by some of the victims.
An invitation is extended to ALL to come along to our meeting on Tuesday, 11th
November 2014 at 7.30pm.
Our very own “Portland Rail Enthusiasts” (the Anoraks) will tell us of their journey to
the Harz Mountains, south of Berlin and Dresden.
Amusing anecdotes link the talk which is illustrated.
A night not to be missed.
Supper will also be served in the Buffet car!
Sheona Cameron
Ian Penman welcomes any donations of books, dvds, cds, bric-a-brac,
costume jewellery, beads etc.
Look out for details of other stalls
Fellowship Committee
Portland Parish Church, Troon
Centenary Year - 1914 -2014
t the time of writing the Dalmellington Band concert has not as
yet taken place. We now look forward to entertaining our
‘young at heart’ members to an afternoon tea and concert.
This is a wonderful opportunity for friends who perhaps have not seen each other for
some time to meet up for a chat, have a nice afternoon tea and then be entertained with a
concert. This year we are delighted that Lynn Paul, accordionist and singer and Ian Penman, baritone have agreed to entertain us. We also hope to be able to show a very short
video of events taken during the ministries of our last five living ministers.
1) Saturday 8th November Centenary Invitation Tea and Concert
2pm – 4pm
for our ‘Young at Heart’ members
Lynn Paul – Accordionist and singer
Ian Penman – Baritone
Dorothy Howden – Accompanist
Short video of past events in Portland
If you intend to attend please ensure that the forms provided in last month’s Parishioner
have been filled in and returned to Ronnie Smith (312221) as soon as possible.
2) Sunday 7th December
A Centenary Christmas Cracker
2.30pm for 3pm
Fiona Davidson – Soprano Djordje Gajic – Accordion
Matthew Hynes – Organ Dorothy Howden – Accompanist
This Christmas Cracker is almost the Fellowship’s final
offering for this Portland’s Centenary Year. You are never
sure as to what a cracker contains and so with this event. We
will just have to sit back and hold our breath and enjoy it. As
always Fiona Davidson will sing beautifully for us, Djordje
Gajic from the Glasgow Conservatoire will dazzle us,
Matthew Hynes will move our hearts and Dorothy Howden
will support all throughout. This will be a wonderful feast of
music which I am sure will both thrill and touch us all.
3) Sunday 14th December 1st Troon Boys Brigade Pipe Band
2.30pm for 3.00pm
We are very privileged again that the Ist Troon Boys’ Brigade
Pipe Band is returning to give us another concert this year.
After their highly successful trip to China last year we look
forward to welcoming this fine team of gifted and dedicated
musicians back to Portland.
Ronnie Smith
Door Team—November
Mr. Gordon Hervey
Mrs. Sheila Cameron
Mr. Raymond Howes
Mrs. Grace Kennedy
Mrs. Jennifer Lewis
Mr. Colin Philp
Flower Rota
2 Nov
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
30 Nov
Susan Sneddon (w. 31/10)
Ronnie Smith (F. Hay)
Jean Meiklejohn
Jean Creegan
Communion (F. Hay)
Susan Sneddon
Ronnie Smith
Jean Meiklejohn
Jean Creegan
Jennifer Lewis
Coffee Rota
2 Nov
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
30 Nov
Colin Cameron , Ronnie Smith , James Vernon
Anne Risk , Avril McDonald , John McDonald
Irene Hervey , Sadie Stevenson , Beverly Hervey
Jane Potts , Marion Downie , Anne Mackenzie
Susan Gray , Janette Docherty , Marilyn Penman
Audio Team
2 Nov
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
30 Nov
Julie Grey
Ruaridh McKellar
John McDonald
Jim Smith
Sandra McCallum
Creche Rota
2 Nov
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
30 Nov
Robyn Kennedy, Frances Thomson
Kirstin Gilmartin, Margaret Weir
Jo McNish, Julie Gray
Shirley Husband, Kirstin Gilmartin
Robyn Kennedy, Frances Thomson
Contact Details
Minister: Jamie Milliken
[email protected]
Session Clerk: John Reid
[email protected]
Clerk to the Board: Ian Nicoll
[email protected]
Treasurer: Douglas Hervey
[email protected]
Church Officer: Ian Penman
[email protected]
Church Office:
[email protected]
Hall’s Convener: Catriona McKellar
[email protected]
The Parishioner: Margaret Short
[email protected]
Youth Worker: Gigha Lennox
[email protected]
The Parishioner is the magazine of the Portland Parish Church of Scotland: Troon
(Charity Number SC003477 CCLI Number 309449)