420 North Tennessee Avenue, Morton, IL 61550 For the Week of Sunday, October 26, 2014–Sunday, November 2, 2014 Thank you for joining us today! If you seek a caring community, are seeking answers to today’s problems, or an experience to connect with God, you can find it here within our church family. For information about ministries and weekly Connect Groups, please visit our Welcome Center or our website at www.mortonumc.org. We are “Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” SundayWorshipCelebration “Behold,Istandatthedoorandknock.Ifanyonehearsmyvoiceand opensthedoor,Iwillcomeintohim...”Revelation3:20 20th Sunday After Pentecost October 26, 2014 8:00 & 9:30 a.m. PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP Prelude “It is Well” Bell Choir Welcome & Announcements Amy Smith SHARING PRAISE & WORSHIP *Hymn “Only Trust Him” *Psalter #337 Psalm 53:1-4, 6a The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. God looks down from heaven on all people to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Everyone has turned away, All have become corrupt; There is no one who does good, Not even one. Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on God. Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! *Hymn “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” #382 *Prayer: Lord Jesus, you’ve got our attention. We know our need and call out to You. We hear your knock and open the door to You. We feel Your touch and bow our hearts before You. Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way. AMEN. Offering Here’s a promise from Proverbs 3:9-10, Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to over-flowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. Offertory 9:30 a.m. “Awake, Awake” Choir *Doxology *Prayer of Blessing SHARING PRAYER & COMMITMENT Children’s Message 8:00 a.m. Amy Smith Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (“forgive us our ‘sins…’”) SHARING THE WORD Anthem 8:00 a.m. “Awake, Awake” Choir Scripture Reading Revelation 3:14-22 L: This is the Word of the Lord. P: Thanks be to God. Message The Contagious Church: Pastor Gary “Find Yourself in a Relationship with Jesus” *Hymn “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” #340 *Benediction *Hymn “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” (ref) #340 *Postlude _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Please stand as you are able. HEAD USHERS: Dave Gilbert, Steve Klein FLOWERS: The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God by Ken & Carol Aupperle in honor of their 2nd wedding anniversary. ACOLYTES: 8:00 9:30 Jordan Dalton & Maggie Sullivan Jared Bridge & Wyatt Franklin GREETERS: 8:00 9:30 Don & Mary Brecher Eric & Margaret Hooge Cross Connections Worship Service We welcome you to our Cross Connections service as we gather for this time of worship. October 26, 2014 10:45 a.m. 20th Sunday after Pentecost WELCOME OPENING WORSHIP WORSHIP IN SONG GIVING OUR GIFTS INTERCESSORY PRAYER FOUNDATION Revelation 3:14-22 TODAY’S MESSAGE The Contagious Church: “Find Yourself in a Relationship with Jesus” Rev. Gary Motta CLOSING PRAYER CLOSING SONG ------------------------OVERTIME CONNECTIONS MINISTRY LEADERS: WOW Welcome Deb Rada Creative Arts Jayne Benckendorf Greeters Hilda Brenkman Praise Team Kerry Brenkman Notes from 10.26.2014 Contagious Christianity: “Find Yourself in a Relationship with Jesus” Revelation 3:14-21 If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.. (Revelation 3:20b) Christianity is a conspiracy! Jesus is conspiring with the Father and the the Holy Spirit to bring us into a relationship with God! The Three Most Dangerous Statements: “I am rich” “I have prospered” “I need nothing” The Path to a Life-giving Relationship with God “I confess my need” “I come to Jesus, my Provider” o Gold _______________________ o White Garments ______________ o Salve _______________________ “I submit to Jesus, my Discipler” The Furit of this Relationship Notes: Zeal Repentance XYZ…..Xtra Years of Zest Lunch for the Bunch TODAY **LOCATION CHANGED** Savory House in Morton Immediately following Cross Connections MUMC Book Club You’re invited to join an all church book club. The UMW’s 2014 focus on the local & national level is human trafficking and domestic violence. This UMW sponsored book club will be led by Linda Coon. Our first book, Sold by Patricia McCormick is about human trafficking written from a 13 year old girl’s point of view. We will meet on Monday, November 10, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the gathering area. (I’m hoping our group will be so large that we will have to move to the sanctuary.) So read the whole book by November 10, and meet here at the church ready to share opinions, insights, and discoveries. CRAFT and MARKET DAY SALE COMING SOON Saturday, November 8, 2014 Support the Honduras 2015 mission trip by purchasing stock or a 31 Party tote, WATCH fellowship meal (Nov 5) or eating at Culvers (Nov 10). November 15th See welcome desk for house & driver sign up forms. WELCOME MINISTRY TRAINING Open to All, including youth “Welcome one another, then, just as Christ welcomed you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7 Eat & Meet! – TODAY Noon – 1:30 pm Come and learn easy ways to engage others, how to share your faith story in one minute, and invite new people to hear the good news! A light lunch will be provided. To attend contact: JoAnn Kraft Deb Rada [email protected] [email protected] 266-7174 263-7230 BABYSITTER NEEDED We are in need of a (paid $10/hr.) babysitter 1st Wednesdays 9-11; 4th Wednesdays 9-11:30 & many other times through each month for UMW and church events. Contact Erin Jones: 309/262-0065 We are currently in need of an offering counter volunteer for Monday mornings, every other month (starting in December 2014). We would also like to compile a list of people willing to fill in when one of the regular counters is unavailable. Please contact Michelle the church office if this is an area you might be interested in serving in. CHAIN SAW SATURDAY The annual Chain Saw Saturday work day at Living Springs Camp near Lewistown will be on November 8. Al Newhall will drive his van, leaving from the church at 8 AM. We will be cutting down dead trees, sawing them up, splitting them, and stacking firewood. You may wish to bring chain saws, leather gloves, and protective glasses. Please let Al Newhall know is you would like to go, so that arrangements for lunch can be made. ATTENDANCE PADS Please sign & pass the attendance pads, found at the end of the row, during the greeting time and return them to the first person in the row to be picked up after the service. Cross Connections attendance sheets are on each table. WORSHIP REMINDERS Please do not take any food or beverage into our traditional worship sanctuary. Please remember to turn off or silence your cell phones during the services. Thank you! NURSERY Child care is available during worship services for INFANTS AND CHILDREN THROUGH AGE FOUR in our staffed nursery. CHURCH STAFF PASTOR: Gary Motta [email protected] PASTOR: Lori Harvey [email protected] MINISTER OF MUSIC & ED: Amy Smith [email protected] MINISTER CONGREGATIONAL CARE:JoAnn Kraft [email protected] MINISTER OF YOUTH: Shawn Clone [email protected] MINISTER OF CC MUSIC: Kerry Brenkman [email protected] OFFICE ADMIN: Michelle Loudermilk [email protected] PT TIME OFFICE ADMIN: Barbara Maison FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Michelle Loudermilk [email protected] CUSTODIAN: Russ Johnson & Randy Thomas [email protected] GOSPEL BELLS: Kerry Brenkman [email protected] ORGANIST: Jane Chapman AUDIO/VIDEO COORDINATOR: Nick Graff NURSERY COORDINATOR: Leslie Wenzel For more information, please visit our website at www.mortonumc.org. PRAY FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY Please let the church know if you or a member of your family is hospitalized. The hospital does not notify us. RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED: John Lindquist, Frank Osborne, Louise Monferdini RECENTLY RELEASED: Kourtney Burton, Bill Jones, Joyce Nichol SYMPATHY TO: The family of Esther Wilson whose great granddaughter died. Pastor Gary Motta Pastor Lori Harvey Church 309-263-0710 309-262-6861 309-266-7174 November 15th House Sign-Up Name: ____________________________ Phone: (_____) _____--__________ Address:_____________________________ ______________________________ Approx. Lot Size: ______________ # Leaf Trees Around: _________ Please rate your leaf density: 1 Thin scattered 2 Thin clusters 3 4 5 Thin THICK THICK blanket clusters blanket Amplify will be raking leaves from 9am until 3pm on Saturday, Nov 15th. We will contact you if we will be unable to rake your leaves during this event based on a first come first served basis(18 yard limit).. Place this completed form in the offering or take to front office. let us serve you - no cost to rake your leaves RAKE & RUN - DRIVERS NEEDED We need truck drivers & other adults to help make Rake & Run successful. If you have a truck and free time Saturday, November 15, please contact Shawn at [email protected] or by calling the church. Name: ____________________________ Phone: _____________________________ (can also turn this information into the offering or front office) DAY BY DAY Sunday, October 26 8:00 am Sunday Celebration Service, Sanctuary 9:30 am Celebration Worship Service, Sanctuary 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Cross Connections Service, Gym 11:45 am Run for God, Gym 12:00 pm Lunch for the Bunch, Savory House 12:00 pm Witness Training, Gym 1:30 pm Musical Practice, Sanct. 5:00 pm In Faith, Sanct. Wednesday, October 29 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Meeting, Gym 8:00 am Walking for Exercise 5:00 pm WATCH Fellowship Meal, Gym 5:00 pm Cherub/Children's Choir 6:00 pm FPU, Gathering Area 6:00 pm Methodist Kids 6:00 pm Girl's Night Out, Copy Room 6:00 pm Lite Life, Library 6:30 pm Amplify Youth Jr/Sr. High 7:00 pm Strength Finders, Off site Monday, 8:00 am 9:30 am 6:00 pm Thursday, 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:15 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm pm Tuesday, 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 1:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm October 27 Walking for Exercise Disciple, YR Cooking Bible Study #2, Kitchen Finance Committee, YR Ministry Council, Library Ad Board, YR Boy Scouts, Gym October 30 Quilters, Rm 115 Footprints Crew, Gym Daily Grind, Eli’s Disciple, YR 7 People Singing, Sanct. Book Study, Lib. Choir Rehearsal, Sanct Friday, October 31 8:00 am Walking for Exercise 9:00 am Scrapbooking Conne-x-tions, Off Site 9:30 am Simply Women, Library October 28 COMMUNION, Sanct. Volunteer Work Group Skeins of Love, YR Sisters In Faith, Lib. Saturday, November 1 Women's Bible Study, Off All Day Men's Retreat, Off Site Site 7:00 am Men's Bible Study, Lib Staff Meeting, Lib. 9:00 am Serving at Community Gospel Bells Rehearsal, Harvest, Trinity Church Sanct. Disciple, Gathering Area Sunday, November 2 All Day Men's Retreat, Off Site Praise Team Practice, All Day All Saints' Day Gym 8:00 am Sunday Celebration Zumba, YR Service, Sanctuary 9:30 am Celebration Worship Service, Sanctuary 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Cross Connections Service, Gym 11:45 am Run for God, Gym 1:30 pm Musical Practice, Sanct. 5:00 pm In Faith, Sanct. 6:00 pm Bible Study, Library You can view the monthly “Footprints” Newsletter by going to www.MortonUMC.org, then click “Events”. Missed last Sunday’s worship service or want to her it again? No problem, just go to www.mortonUMC.org and click the arrows to listen or view. Also by clicking “Sermon Archives” under the worship tab, you can view previous worship services. Did you know that Morton UMC offers a secure means of electronic giving? On the “Giving Tab” click the “ Donate Now” button to set up a single or repeating donation to the church general fund or building fund.
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