“Precision, Speed and Flexibility: New radiation detection methods for ion beam radiotherapy” Thursday 23.10. 23.-25.10.2014 Heidelberg, Germany Friday 24.10. Saturday 25.10. 9:0010:30 Medical treatments: current and future research Radiobiological research with ions 10:3011:00 Coffee Coffee Beam monitoring in the patient Solid state radiation detectors for radiobiology Lunch Poster award, closing remarks 11:0012:30 Welcome & opening Detectors for quality assurance: status, development and needs 12:3014:00 Lunch Lunch 14:0015:30 Challenges at new and upcoming facilities Moving organs and visualization of patient anatomy Afternoon: Optional guided tour of the city of Heidelberg 15:3016:00 Coffee Coffee 16:0018:00 Novel detector concepts for medical physics Poster session with voting Dinner 20:00 Guided tour of the HIT facility Workshop dinner 1 von 5 Detailed daily program Thursday, 23.10.2014 9:00-11:00 Registration and welcome coffee 11:00-11:15 Opening and welcome address: K.-G. Hengstberger (Hengstberger Foundation) Session 1: 11:15-12:45 Detectors for quality assurance: status, development and needs Discussion leaders: S.Vatnitsky (EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt, Austria) A. Mairani (CNAO Foundation, Italy and Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy . Center HIT, Heidelberg, Germany) 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:15 12:15-12:45 . Status of dosimetric quality assurance at HIT B. Ackermann (Heidelberger Ion Beam Therapy Center HIT, Heidelberg, Germany) Development of detectors specific to carbon ion radiotherapy N. Matsufuji (National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Research Center for . Charged Particle Therapy, Chiba, Japan) Detectors in present and future PBS QA and commissioning K.W. Jee (Massachusetts General Hospital – Proton Center, Boston, USA) Lunch Session 2: 14:00-15:30 Challenges at new and upcoming facilities . Discussion leaders: U. Weber (University Hospital of Giessen - Marburg, Germany) N. Matsufuji (National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, Chiba, Japan) 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 12:00-12:30 Potential and challenges of a fast beam scanning system D. Meer (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland) Proton and ion radiotherapy - is there still place for integrating solid state detectors? P. Olko (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland) High resolution 3D dosimetry with radiochromic gels Peter Skyt (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Coffee break Session 3: 16:00-17:30 Novel detector concepts for medical physics Discussion leaders: P. Olko (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland) F. Fiedler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany) 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:30 Recent development and results of Ion Track Imaging System Zhiling Chen (National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan) Ion detection with pixelized hybrid silicon detectors Jan Jakubek (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, . Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) EndoToFPET US – combining endoscopic Ultrasound with a Time-of-Flight PET H.C. Schultz-Coulon (Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, Heidelberg University, Germany) 2 von 5 18:00 Guided tour of the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center including the heavy ion gantry (O. Jäkel, German Cancer Research Center DKFZ and Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center HIT, Heidelberg, Germany) with a presentation of T.Haberer (Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center HIT, Heidelberg, Germany) 20:00 Dinner Friday, 24.10.2014 Session 4: 9:00-10:30 Medical treatments: current and future research Discussion leaders: M. Bangert (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) t.b.a. 9:00 - 9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 Introducing medical research at the HIT facility t.b.a. (Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany) Is motion really a problem for Pencil Beam Scanning? A. Lomax (Paul Scherrer Institute, Zentrum für Protonentherapie, Villigen, . Switzerland) Image registration t.b.a. (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) Coffee break Session 5: 11:00-12:30 Beam monitoring in the patient . Discussion leaders: M. Martišíková (Heidelberg University Hospital and German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) t.b.a. 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 PET-based verification of proton and carbon ion therapy at the Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center J. Liebl (EGB MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt, Austria) Imaging systems for dose monitoring in particle therapy F. Fiedler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany) Ion beam therapy monitoring by means of secondary ions M. Reinhart (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) Lunch Session 6: 14:00-15:30 Moving organs and visualization of patient anatomy . Discussion leaders: A. Lomax (Paul Scherrer Institute, Zentrum für Protonentherapie, Villigen, Switzerland) C. Bert (FAU und UK Erlangen, Germany) 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 Cardiac Radiosurgery in a pig model C. Graeff (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany) Acceleration of raster scanning with the new 2D ripple filters, manufacturing and beam measurements T. Printz (Partikel-therapie Zentrum (PTZ) Marburg, Technische Hochschule . Mittelhessen (THM) Friedberg-Gieβen, Germany) 3 von 5 15:00-15:30 High resolution proton radiography and tomography of biological samples M. Prall (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany) Coffee break Poster session: 16:00-18:00 PhD-student contest for the best poster 19:00 Workshop dinner in Haus Buhl Saturday, 25.10.2014 Session 7: 8:30-10:30 Radiobiological research with ions Discussion leaders: C. Karger (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) I. Ambrozova (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic) 8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:00 10:00-10:30 Biological Issues in Conventional Radiotherapy and Implications in Particle Therapy B. Singers Soerensen (Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark,Germany) Radiobiological research at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Facility t.b.a. (German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany) C. Karger (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) Translational Radiobiological Research at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Facility Monte Carlo simulations for supporting precise radiobiological calculations in ion beam therapy A. Mairani (CNAO Foundation, Italy and Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy . Center HIT, Heidelberg, Germany Coffee break Session 8: 11:00-12:30 Solid state radiation detectors for radiobiology Discussion leaders: B. Singers Soerensen (Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark,Germany) t.b.a 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-13:00 13:00-13:15 Microdosimetry with semiconductor detectors D. Prokopovich (ANSTO, Australia) Single-ion detection and identification with fluorescent nuclear detectors S. Greilich (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) Radiation quality of carbon beam using track etched detectors I. Ambrozova (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic) Ion Spectroscopy with the Timepix detector G. Arico (Heidelberg University Hospital and German Cancer Research Center . DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) Closing remarks O. Jäkel (German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy . Center, Heidelberg, Germany) Lunch Optional: Guided tour - City of Heidelberg 4 von 5 Poster presentations 1. Huangshan Chen (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany ) EndoTOFPET-US: a Novel Multimodal Tool Combining Endoscopy and Time-of-Flight Position Emission Tomography 2. Jan Gajewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Kraków, Poland) Two-Dimensional Thermoluminiscence Dosimetry System for Scanning Ion Beam Quality Assurance 3. Heide Rohling (Helmholz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiation Physics, Germany) Simulation Studies for Prompt Gamma Imaging and Prompt Gamma Timing 4. Maria Saager (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) t.b.a. 5. Kathrin Spindeldreier (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) t.b.a. 6. Tim Gehrke (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg) t.b.a. 7. Julian Steitz (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany) t.b.a. 5 von 5
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