Thrasher Memorial United Methodist October 26, 2014 These photos are of Bryan and Stephanie Sexton who joined Thrasher, The “Children of the World” Choir in concert, A photo of Thrasher in the sun from inside, and Kevin Matheson signing a new CD for Donna Brogan and Marie Bishop. 707 East Washington Avenue Vinton, VA 24179 (540) 344-4708 Pastor B. Failes ([email protected]) Christian Formation Tina Yates ([email protected]) Minister of Music Brandon Mock ([email protected]) Administrative Assistant Connie Houff ([email protected]) Pastor Jae Song ([email protected]) Youth Bonnie Jones ([email protected]) Preschool Director Trish Taylor ([email protected]) 8:00 A.M. Worship Service - Chapel Gathering Each Wednesday at 5:30pm. We serve until 6:15! Come to share a meal and make a new friend! Welcome *Call to Worship Psalm 55:13-14 But it is you, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend, with whom I kept pleasant company; we walked in the house of God with the throng. *Hymn #519 “Lift Every Voice and Sing” Classes Several classes follow the community dinner (from 6:157:00pm): Spanish with Laura Hernandez in the Soul Cafe, and in the Sacred Grounds Coffee House, “What did you say?” with Pastor B. or Pastor Jae... questions from the sermon on Sunday! Bible Studies Disciple Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the Sacred Grounds Coffee House. Proclamation Scripture Lesson Message Pancake Breakfast Will be sponsored by the Wesley Class in the JFH today from 8:30-11:30am. Pancakes, sausage, coffee, milk and juice will be served. No tickets needed; donations will be used for District and Conference Missions. The Soul Café will not be open today. Nursery Notes Nurseries are available from 9:00am till the end of the 11:00am service. Explosion worship and Sunday School are also available for older children during these hours. Crying, fidgeting and excited children are always welcome in our worship services if you prefer to have your child stay with you. “111 Fellowship” Response *Affirmation of Faith #881 “The Apostles’ Creed” Celebrations, Concerns and Prayers Offering and Offertory *Doxology #95 Sending Forth *Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn #133 “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” *Benediction 9:00 A.M. Worship Service - Sanctuary Pathways to Healing Sessions will be offered starting November 2 from 4:30-6:00pm. 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 Gathering Gathering Music Welcome *Song *Song “Deep” “I Am Free” *Passing the Peace *Song “Sing For Joy” Proclamation Scripture Lesson Message 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 “111 Fellowship” Response *Affirmation of Faith “The Apostles’ Creed” Celebrations, Concerns and Prayers Offering and Offertory “Traveling Light” Sending Forth *Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Song “Grace Flows Down” *Blessing (* indicates please stand as you are able) 11:00 A.M. Worship Service - Sanctuary Gathering Prelude Welcome *Hymn #133 “Down at the Cross” arr, Hogan “Leaning On the Everlasting Arms” Proclamation Scripture Lesson Anthem Message 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 “Standing on the Promises” arr. Allen “111 Fellowship” Response *Affirmation of Faith “The Apostles’ Creed” *Passing the Peace *Hymn #519 “Lift Every Voice and Sing” Celebration, Concerns and Prayers Offering and Offertory *Doxology #95 “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” Sending Forth *Invitation to Christian Discipleship Hymn “Blest Be the Tie That Binds with Bind Us Together” *Benediction “They’ll Know We are Christians” v. 1 & 2 *Postlude (*indicates please stand as you are able) With a Voice of Singing: A Celebration of the Life and Music Ministry of Creed F. Frazier III Presented by the Festival Choir and Orchestra This Week @ Thrasher TODAY 7:00am - Men’s Bible Study (WR) 8:00am - Traditional Worship (C) 8:30am - Pancake Breakfast (JFH) 8:30am-11:30am -Adult Sunday School 9:00am - Contemporary Worship (S) 9:00am - Explosion Worship (3-5yrs Preschool Room) (K-5th - OFH) 10:20am - Youth Sunday School (YR) 10:30am-Noon - Children’s Activities (3-5yrs-Preschool Room) (K-5th-Children’s Floor) 11:00am - Traditional Worship (S) 6:00pm - UM Youth (OFH) 7:00pm - Musical Sermon on the Mt. C) MONDAY 6:00pm - Young Adult Bible Study (SGCH) 6:00pm - Lay Leadership Mtg. (WR) TUESDAY 10:30am - UMW General Mtg. (JFH) 1:30pm - Line Dancing (OFH) 6:30pm - Handbell Choir (S) 6:30pm - Disciple Bible Study (SGCH) 6:30pm - Finance Committee (WR) WEDNESDAY 10:00am - Bible Study (OFH) 10:00am - Women’s Bible Study(SGCH) 5:30pm - Community Dinner and Trunk or Treat (JFH) 6:15pm - Children’s Choirs (CR/BR) 6:15pm - What Did You Say? (SGCH) 6:15pm - Spanish Class (SC) 6:45pm - Orchestra Rehearsal (S) 7:30pm - Sanctuary Choir (CR) THURSDAY 10:00am - PrayerMinistryTeam (WR) 7:00pm - Worship Team Mtg. (P) FRIDAY 7:00pm - Square Dancing (OFH) 9:00pm - 5th Quarter (JFH) Sunday, November 9th 5:00 PM in the Sanctuary Why Am I United Methodist? Does it Matter Any More? What is a Denomination? Where Did We Come From? Coming in November... SATURDAY Wedding in Chapel BR - Bell Room C - Chapel CR - Choir Room JFH - Jones Fellowship Hall (Gym) LP - Lower Parking Lot OFH - Old Fellowship Hall P - Parlor PNO - Parish Nurse Office S– Sanctuary PS - Picnic Shelter SCGH - Scared SC - Soul Cafe Grounds Coffee House WR-Wesley Room YR - Youth Room Prayers Charles Anderson, Lynnette Armentrout, Cathy Smith Atkinson, Randy Austin, Elizabeth Ball, Norma Bennett, Traci Berry, Annie Bibb, Winifred Breeden, Jim Browning, Omia Boone, Evelyn Campbell, Buddy Cash, Halmoni Chung, Doug Cronise, Hazel Cundiff, Sam Cundiff, Flax Dellinger, Cindy Dixon, Doris Eanes, Jack Eanes, Dorothy English, Kristen Fogle, Linda Fogle, Jerry Foutz, Phyllis Garland, Bob Gillespie, Chick Graves, Shannon Gray, Kyong He Hale, Linda Hall, Nancy Henderson, Daniel Hernandez, Barbara Howell, Marjorie Hudgins, Stacy Isom, Gordon Johnson, Dan Jones, Betty Kesler, Edna Kieser, Cathy Lafferty, Erin Leech, Teresa Lineberry, Andee Lough, Margaret McCall, Peggy McDonald, Billie & Maxine McKee, Danny McKee, Naomi McMillan, Karen Miller, David Mott, Sallie Pagans, Vera Payne, Karen Petrie, Ray Power, Joyce Pratt, Maude Rakes, Anita Reynolds, Harriett Rotenberry, Dorothy Saunders, Gabe Seale, Kitty Shell, Solon Simpson, Tom & Catherine Snead, Richard & Leigh Ann Soltis, Jory Stanley, Elma Swain, Pete Tolley, Dixie Tucker, Cindy Turner, Bob Watson Bethel Ridge – Rickey Sharp Berkshire – Harold Dillon Carrington Place – April Hall, Jim Holloman Elks National Home – Jean Light Elm Park Estates – Jane Foster Emeritus at Ridgewood Gardens – Mary Belle Schaaff Hermitage – Rachel Jones, Frances & Bob Feinberg Pheasant Ridge – Essie Pence Raleigh Court – Joyce Heath Our Lady of the Valley – Thelma Hill Presence and Gifts Date Attendance Offering Building New Members September 28 410 $10,409 $1,828 October 5 375 $20,740 $3,630 October 12 411 $11,717 $3,411 October 19 395 $8,772 $1,357 2014 Goals 450 $14,000 $3,500 In 2014 Thrasher has received 44 new members, so far. This is in 42 weeks. More than one new member per week. Can we reach a goal of 52 new members by baptism or profession or transfer in 2014? We have baptized 10 children this year, and we have received 34 adults who either transferred their membership or professed for the first time their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. As of this week we have 1,279 “Professing Members” and 140 “Baptized Members.” If you have questions about church membership, please see Pastor B. or Pastor Jae. Service and Witness Trunk-or-Treat - Join us on Wednesday, October 29, with your trunk full of candy! Sign up your trunk today on the board in the Soul Café. Also, donations of individually wrapped candy are needed. We have lots of kids and we like to have extra candy for the trunks that run out. Fifth Quarter - November 7, from 9:00pm-11:00pm in the Jones Fellowship Hall. 2-liter drinks are needed. Please drop these off in the church office. 3 o’clock Table - If homebound members want to receive Communion, Pastor Jae will visit and offer. Please call (344-4708) to make an appointment for you or those you love. Open House - Pastor Jae, Star, Amy, and Joey invite all their Thrasher family to attend an open house at the parsonage on November 15th. Please come any time between 12:00pm and 5:00pm. You will enjoy Korean snacks and Joey’s “Doljabi (to be explained later).” For more information, contact Pastor Jae. Children’s Christmas Play - All elementary kids are invited to be part of “The Tale of the Drowsy Shepherd.” There are speaking and non-speaking parts, and singing. Practices are on Sundays from 4-5pm , October 19-November 23.The children will perform the play on Wednesday , December 3, at 6:30pm. See you at the first practice, October 19, at 4pm in the Old Fellowship Hall. Medicare Changes and You - Shannon Able of LOA will present all you need to know at this seminar on November 19, 2014 at 1:30pm in the sanctuary.
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