Chronicles November 2014 Dealing With Our Insecurity Part 2 How did insecurity play out in the life of Moses? What can we learn from him? I think as we look at his life you will find you can identify with his response to God. You will also probably be surprised at God’s answer to Moses’s insecurity issues. In Exodus 4 we have the account of Moses being called by God to lead his people. Moses who is probably around 80 years old at this time is not very confident. God calls him to be the leader that is going to set the Israelite people free from slavery to Egypt. Watch his response in these verses to God’s call on his life from Exodus 4. 10 But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Then again in verse Exodus 4:12-13 12 Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” 13 But he said, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.” This is a man who really struggled with insecurity. He didn’t feel he had anything to offer. He told God to “send someone else”. I think many of us can relate to Moses. I think we all sometimes feel as though we don’t have much to offer. God prompts us to serve in some way that would stretch us and we like Moses are quick to make excuses and shrug God off. Now I want you to look at Numbers 11. This is a little later in Moses’ life. Numbers 11:26-29: 26 Now two men remained in the camp, one named Eldad, and the other named Medad, and the Spirit rested on them. They were among those registered, but they had not gone out to the tent, and so they prophesied in the camp. 27 And a young man ran and told Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.” 28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the assistant of Moses from his youth, said, “My lord Moses, stop them.” 29 But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!” This young man plays the tattletale and rats out these guys to his leader. He basically says, “ Hey these other guys are prophesying about God isn’t that your job Moses?” He is expecting Moses to feel threatened by this and tell them to stop. But Moses gives the response of a man very secure in his identity. Moses, who used to be really insecure, surprisingly seems very happy about this. He says he wishes more people would do this. This is a secure leader. This is a leader who knows who he is in Christ and doesn’t feel threatened by other leaders God raises up around him. (continued) Chambersburg BIC Church 465 Center Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717.264.7632 [email protected] MINISTERS: Brent Wildeson, Senior Pastor Anna Mae Burkholder, Youth Pastor Collin Seitz, Worship & Media Arts Pastor Trina Snoke, Children’s Ministry Director Kevin Witter, Part Time Associate Pastor So the big question here is how does Moses go from being this super insecure guy to a man so secure that other gifted leaders stepping up and leading is no threat to him? I think the answer we are looking for is back in Exodus. The key thing to look at here is when Moses says he can’t do it, what is God’s response? I think often our response would be,” Moses you can do it! You are a great guy! You are so gifted! Look how awesome you are!” That is not what God does, look at Exodus 4:10-12: 10 But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” 11 Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? 12 Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” In verse 11 God basically says hey look at me! Do you have any idea who I am? How powerful I am? Stop looking at your own abilities. Notice that he doesn’t disagree with Moses’s assessment of himself. And rightly so, compared to God Moses is not very gifted or very awesome. See Moses within his own self, just his flesh, he didn’t have what it would take to accomplish the task God had given him. God did though. The task God was giving Moses was not easy. God tells Moses don’t put your faith in your own abilities put your faith in me. The key is that God will be with him. That God will give him the words to say. Stop looking at yourself. Start looking at Him. As you do you will find that in light of his greatness your problems will get smaller. In light of his acceptance and love for you, you won’t care so much what others think of you. Put your eyes on Him. Get them off yourself. Get them on God. If He is with you, nothing is impossible Pastor Brent Be sure to turn you clocks back on Saturday, November 1st before going to bed. Church Board Report Board Members Present: Wally Brubaker, Stanley Burkholder, Matt Burkholder, Dean Frey, Nancy Garns, Stan Gipe, Micah Meyers, Bill Patzer Emerson Peckman, Don Shenk, Terry Starr, Brent Wildeson Visitors: Steve and Sandy Delaney Steve and Sandy Delaney gave a general report from The Spring including activities, finances, outreach ministries and other happenings. . Terry Starr opened the meeting with a short devotional and then led us in prayer. th Minutes from September 11 2014 Church Board meeting was moved the floor by Terry Starr and seconded by Nancy Garns. The minutes were then approved. The Pastor’s reports were moved to the floor by Don Shenk, seconded by Wally Brubaker and then approved. The financial report was moved to the floor by Wally Brubaker, seconded by Matt Burkholder and then approved. Deacons - Emerson Peckman reported the deacons have started their search for a replacement deacon couple for Harold and Martha Bricker. He also mentioned that the Counseling Resource Team is still working on details of how their ministry will function. Emerson informed the board the benevolence needs have increased and they are using the normal discernment process to identify which needs we will be assisting with. Property Management Team - Terry Starr reported the kitchen remodel project is completed with total costs coming in around $38,575. He also mentioned the Elder Street property has been inspected by the borough and he will be looking at the list of things that need attention. Old Business 1. Sunday School teacher church membership qualifications - Tabled 2. Elder Board update - There was some good discussion on where we are with the Elder Board and what the concerns are with the couple of different models the Ad Hoc committee is wrestling with. The Ad Hoc will be meeting shortly and should have a final proposal ready for church board approval. 3. Children’s Ministry Job Description/Vacation Time - Stan Burkholder is still working on getting a proposal for church board 4. Associate Pastor Position - Pastor Brent reported the interview went well and an offer has been made to Joel Gillman to st come and serve. Pastor Brent stated he will be starting around the 1 of January. New Business 1. Insurance co-pays and premium sharing costs - A motion was made by Stan Burkholder to keep the health insurance co-pay and premium sharing cost at the same level as they currently are. The current co-pay is 70/30 split and the premium cost sharing is 90/10 split. The motion was seconded by Terry Starr and then approved. 2. Bequest Recognition - Stan Burkholder will be speaking to the families from whom the bequests were given to come up with an acceptable idea in which to honor those persons that gave those monies. 3. Health Savings Account - Stan Burkholder presented some information regarding a Health Savings Account for the staff and how this might benefit either the staff or the church. After some discussion it was decided not to pursue this any further at the present time. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm Next regular meeting: November 13th 2014 Respectfully submitted, Stan Gipe, Church Board Secretary Missions Moment by Cynthia Witter If you remember, last month I wrote a lot about SPICE and a little bit about Christmas. Since it’s now November and we are just a little bit closer to Christmas, let’s just continue with that subject! When thinking of Christmas, many of us think about “home”. I believe there’s even a saying that goes, “All hearts go home for Christmas”. Have you ever spent a Christmas away from “home” . . . away from family? I never have. I believe I would still have joy at Christmas time, but it sure would be different to spend Christmas away from home and family! Do you ever think of our missionaries during the Christmas season? Many of them spend Christmas after Christmas after Christmas away from “home” and family. Did you know that every November we here at CBIC take a special offering that is given, 100%, to bless our missionary families for Christmas? On November 9, make sure you look for a special offering envelope in your bulletin. Pray about what the Lord would have you give to bless our missionaries. Then, on November 16, this special offering will be collected. This year maybe your Christmas gift to Jesus could be giving to missionaries. In case you’re wondering which missionary families will be blessed with this offering, I’ll list them below. I’ll also list their mailing address (if I have it) so that if you’d like to send them a Christmas card you’ll have the addresses close by. Remember . . . everyone enjoys receiving beautiful Christmas cards! Nathan and Cathy Bert Apartado 15005, C.P. 11105 Tegucigalpa, Honduras Bruce, Merly, Cristina, Joshua, and Daniel Bundy [email protected] [email protected] Mike, Lori, and Benjamin Cassel 2525 West Veterans Boulevard Lot 15, Box 4 Mission, TX 78572 Doug and Barb Miller P.O. Box 314 Mangochi, Malawi Steve and Chris Newcomer 513 West Lisburn Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Jay, Judy, Eli, Caleb, and Jason Smith (Contact BICWM for current address) Greg, Bethany, Ginny, Cora, and Juliet Glidden 2773 Briggs Avenue, Apt. 4D Bronx, NY 10458 Phil and Doreen Byers 2 Mallard Court Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Steve and Bonnie Westberry 1763 Letterkenny Road Chambersburg, PA 17201 Lazaro Maguioguio and Bisanne Laston, Mozambique Church Planters c/o Cheryl Hade 1660 Wisteria Drive Chambersburg, PA 17202 November Birthdays 1 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 Josephine Miller Katelyn Binkley Mychal Group Glenn Musselman Kimberly Ripka Julie Walter Troy Gipe Stanley Burkholder Kathy McClure Donnie Martin LuAnn Baer Jarrett Gipe Morgan Snoke Ben Illo Elizabeth Brown Ray Thrush Jim Bert Bert Byers 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 Andrew Burkholder Debbie Young Lorrie Seaman Cindy McIntyre Rebecca Hostetler Hannah Starr Kevin Witter Craig Meyers Mary Grace Strite Doris Lehman Doris Meyers Maurice Horst Karla Slick Betty Fox Ivan Musser Breann Hall Lori Group Raven Gennaro November Anniversaries 12 17 26 Paul & Cindy Stratton Richard & Rhoda Shannon Kevin & Cynthia Witter ELDERBERRIES THANKSGIVING LUNCH Wednesday, November 12 12 Noon Bring a salad or dessert to share Musical package by the Dunnemans of Bing, New York You are cordially invited to join in an evening of prayer, praise and worship at the annual Church Growth Dinner sponsored by Allegheny Conference Evangelism Council. The evening will begin at 6 pm with appetizers served by the host church. A catered, buffet-style dinner, served at 6:30 will be followed by worship and a presentation by Saul Perez, pastor of Rio de Agua Viva Crossroads, part of the Acts Fellowship Network. Dinner attendees will also have an opportunity to touch lives through free-will contributions to church planting. This event is free of charge. Doors will open at 6:00 pm; the buffet beginning at 6:30 pm. Register to attend the 2014 Church Growth Dinner in one of four ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. GIVE your name, email address and phone number to your pastor CALL the Allegheny Conference Office at (814) 623-6116 EMAIL [email protected] with the number that will be attending ONLINE - use the online form to submit you registration Please Register by noon on Monday, November 3 to assure your place! November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 6:00pm Youth Bonfire @ Bowmans 2 3 8:15am Worship Service 9:40am Sunday School 10:45am Worship Service 2:00pm Open gym for 4 Church Reserved 5 11 Church Reserved 12 6 7 8 6:00pm Youth Open Gym 6:30pm Kids Klubs 6:30pm Live the Life 7:00pm Denisea Ndlovu from Zimbabwe speaking basketball 9 10 8:15am Worship Service 9:40am Sunday School 10:45am Worship Service 2:00pm Open gym for 12:00pm Elderberry 6:30pm Worship 13 Lunch 6:30pm Church Board 14 5:30pm Ladies 15 Craft Night Celebration Service basketball 16 17 8:15am Worship Service 9:40am Sunday School 10:45am Worship Service 2:00pm Open gym for 18 Church Reserved 6:30pm Deacons Meeting 19 25 Church Reserved 26 20 21 Leadership Retreat 22 Leadership Retreat 27 Church Offices Closed 28 29 5:45pm Family Meal 6:30pm Kids Klubs 6:30pm Live the Life basketball 23 8:15am Worship Service 9:40am Sunday School 10:45am Worship Service 2:00pm Open gym for basketball 30 8:15am Worship Service 9:40am Sunday School 10:45am Worship Service 2:00pm Open gym for basketball 24 6:30pm Live the Life
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