Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Republ ic of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment BFO Building , Ortigas Avenue car. EDSA, Mandaluyong City 1501 O vd? CERTIFICATION Website: E-mail: [email protected] Hotlines: 722-1144, 722-1 155 ACCREDITED INTERNATIONAL QMSCerlJllc<JhOnBooy ISO 9001 :2008 Accredllati<m No CIP/ 4676/12/08/ 811 MSA-O:Jl REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS The PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION (POEA) , through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAG) , wishes to invite all interested contractors to submit quotations for the Renovation of Regional and Overseas Coordinating Office - Phase 1 (RFQ 08-2014) with an Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) of Two Hundred Seventy-Eight Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Five Pesos and 891100 Only (P278, 165.89) Bids rece ived in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of the financial proposals. The bid offer shall be in accordance with the POEA 's Terms of Reference Bid forms may be obtained from the POEA-BAC Secretariat, Mezzanine Floor, BFO Building, EDSA corner Ortigas Avenue , Mandaluyong City , from October 23 to 29 , 2014 . The said forms can also be down loaded from the attached associated co mponents of this notice and at the POEA website ( . Kindly submit your du ly accompl ished price quotations in a sealed envelope marked Renovation of Regional and Overseas Coordinating Office - Phase 1 (RFQ 08-2014) to the above-mentioned address . Dead line for the submission of the sealed price quotations is on 30 October 2014 at 2:00 p.m. Bids presented after the deadline sha ll no longer be accepted by the BAC . The POEA reserves the right to reject any and all bids , annul the bidding process , or not award the contract at any time prior to contract award , without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders . Attached are the following for you to base your quotations: (a) (b) (c) (d) Checklist of Technical and Financia l Components for Bidders ; Terms of Reference ; Drawing ; and Bid Forms. Interested bidders may Secretariat at Tel. No. 727-7781. obtain further information from the POEA-BAC ~GUZMAN cr:tp!r~on NIMFA Bids and Awards Committee 23 October 2014 - - - ==- -·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION RFQ 08- 2014 Renovation of Regional and Overseas Coordinating Office - Phase 1 Blas F. Opie Bldg, Ortigas comer EDSA Mandaluyong City Sta ndard Form Number : SF -GOOD -06 Revised on: May 24, 2004 Checklist of Technical and Financial Components for Bidders The Technical and Financial Component shall contain the following: 1. Registration certificate from SEC, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for sole proprietorship, or CDA for cooperatives, or any proof of such registration as stated in the Bidding Documents. 2. Valid Mayor's permit issued by the city or municipality where the principal place of business is located. 3. Valid Philippine Contractor's Accreditation Board license. 4. Statement of all its ongoing and completed government and private contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started, if any. The statement should include at least two (2) similar contracts, the aggregate amount of which should at least be equivalent to the ABC of this project, within the relevant period as provided in the Bidding Documents. The statement shall include all information required in the PBDs prescribed by the GPPB. 5. Phil - GEPS Certificate of Registration 6. Valid Tax Clearance AND Latest Income and Business Tax Returns 7. Duly Signed Financial Bid Form Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Republic of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employrnent BFO Building, Ortigas cor. EDSA. Mandaluyong City 1501 Website : wwvv.poea .g ov .ph Ernail: [email protected] Hotlines 722-11-44 722-11-55 PROJECT: RENOVATION OF REGIONAL & OVERSEAS COORDINATING OFFICE-PHASE 1 LOCATION: 5th Floor, POEA BFO Building TERMS OF REFERENCE L II. INTRODUCTION 1. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) requires the services of a duly licensed Contractor for carrying out the above named project. 2. The Prospective Contractor must have been engaged in the construction business for a minimum of five (5) years with the Philippine Contractor's Accreditation Board (PCAB) license, duly accredited by the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement Service (PhilGEPS) of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and met the eligibility requirement of POEA SCOPE OF WORKS Work included in this Terms of Reference shall consist of, but is not necessarily limited to the following items; 1. 2. Mobilization/Demolition Works. a. Removal of wall, ceiling, shelves , elevated platform, doors, electrical and other obstructions. b. Submission of paint color swatches & other materials for approval of end-user. Carpentry Works. a. Replacement of ceiling at ROCO using Mineral fiber acoustic ceiling board on Trunner with full threaded hanger rods properly punched/anchored on slab spaced at 0.60m bothways. b. Repair of wall, sealing of old location & window counter, and relocation and alteration of door swing. c. Supply and Installation of W' thick glass door with analok aluminum frame and handle, overhead concealed door closer, and complete accessories. d. Supply and installation of window counter with analok aluminum frame and complete accessories including countertop ledge. 3. Electrical Works/ Additional Air-conditioning Unit a. Relocation of four (6) existing reflectorized lighting fixture at ROCO as per plan. b. Installation of two (2) additional reflectorized lighting fixture, 2-28W fluorescent lamp with electronic ballast, recess type (same as exi sting) and one (1) set pinlight with 11W CFL at ROCO using 3.5mm 2 THHN wire on EMT cond uit or alike tap to exi sting circuit as per plan. c. Installation of two (2) new reflectorized lighting fixtures , 2-28W fluorescent la mp with electronic ballast, and recess type (same with lighting fixture at ROCO) at sleeping quarters using existing circuit line and switch. d. Installation of one ( 1) new reflectorized lighting fixtures, 1-28W fluorescent lamp with electronic ballast, recess type (same with lighting fixture at ROCO) at kitchen using existing circuit line and lighting switch . e. Supply and installation of 2HP window type air-conditioning unit >-- Supply and installation of two (2) units 2HP air-con unit, carrier brand or approved equal for ROCO and sleeping quarters. >- Modification of existing steel casement & glass window for air-con opening. >- Fabrication and installation of steel bracket/support/frame properly bolted and anchored to the wall for the air-con unit ;;.. Provision of convenience outlet (Panasonic) using 5.5mm 2 THHN/THWN wire (phelps dodge) feeder line on 1/2" PVC pipe with connectors/elbows, tap to existing panel at electrical room. ,,.- Testing and commissioning. 4. Painting Works. Painting of all walls, ceiling , cabinets, doors at ROCO, sleeping quarters and kitchen including perimeter exterior front wall of ROCO using ODORLESS PAINT. 5. Ill. a. Surface preparation . b. Application of one (1) coat paint primer on all new constructed walls & ceiling. c. Application of polituff with hardener on holes, uneven portions, gaps/joining parts of plywood at all walls, ce iling, cabinets & properly sandpapered prior to application of final coat. d. Application of two (2) coats of top coat (paint color approved by the end-user). e. All paint products shall be the best grade of paint, "Boysen", "Davies" , or approved equal , and shall be applied in conformity with the manufacturer's pai nti ng specifications. f. Wood Surface to be painted shall be plained and sandpapered sufficient enough to remove roughness , loose edges, slivers and splinters. Knot streaks and stains from wood preservatives should be coated Primer coating or use clear wood preservatives. Grease, oils and waxes shall be washed off paint thinner or reducer. Use oil tinting base coloring for color shading. Apply 1-coat primer followed by putty , sanded and sanding sealer before applying desired colored topcoat. Retouching to uneven surfaces before final coating will apply g. All additives for the paint mixtures must consult or follow suppliers/manufacturer's standard solvents and thinners . Demobil ization . a. Hauling/Disposal of debris out of POEA. Clearing/Cleaning the area b. Waste materials shall be surrendered to POEA (if any) . GENERAL NOTES 1. All works shall be of first class workmanship up to the fullest talent. 2. The Contractor shall deemed to visit the site and acqua int himself with the existing site conditions, dimensions/measurements, means of access and take into accoun t any featu re that may affect his tender. No claim for his neglect to do so or out of any misunderstanding on his pa rt on these conditions shall be entertained The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper coo rdi nation with other trade Contractors. 3. The Contractor shall provide any labor and materials needed for the completion of the project No existing/old materia ls from site shall be used for the project 4. The Contractor shall provide 8ft x 8ft tarpaulins and other signage required for the project 5. he winning bidder must submit the follow ing documents for techn ical evaluation: a. Original brochure of materials for verification and specifications. b. c. Sample of materials to be used in the project for technical and reference . Schedule of work for the project: Program evaluation review technique - critical path method (PERT-CPM) and cash flow (S-Curve). d. Manpower and equipment schedule . 6. The Contractor shall work without disrupting the POEA operations and shall remove al l the debris, waste materials, tools and equipment and shall clean the area after each work inside the offices to make way for the normal operation . 7. During the course of the work , the Contractor shall exert due diligence to avoid damages . In event of any such mishap , the Contractor shall restore the affected fi xture/equ ipmenUfurniture to its original state or replace the whole unit depending on the extent of damage at no extra cost to POEA 8. The approved budget cost of the project is Two Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand One Hundred Sixty Five Pesos and 89/100 (Php. 278, 165.89) inclusive of all Standard Government taxes and other charges. 9. Seven (7) days upon receipt of notice to proceed (NTP) from the POEA Bids and Awards Comm ittee (BAC) , the Contractor shall commence the project and complete within Thirty (30) calendar da ys. 10. Payment Terms 15% - Advance payment payable upon acceptance and award of project 85% - Payable through progress billing All progress billing shall be subject to deductions of standard Government ta xes, 15% recoupment of released advance payment and 10% retention money/warranty. 11. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall submit one (1) electronic AutoCAD fi le, one (1) original plan and two sets of signed and sealed blue print as-built plans . 12. W arranty/Retention Money/Bank Guarantee/Su rety Bond : The obligation for the warranty shall be covered by either retention money in an amount equ ivalent to at least ten percent (10%) of every progress payment, or a special bank guarantee equivalent to at least ten percent (10%) of the total contract price . The sa id amounts shall only be released after the lapse of the warranty period . Warranty/Retention Money/Bank Guarantee/Surety bond : Warrant its workmanship , eq ui pment and materials installed/used in the project free from defects , for a period of one ( 1) yea r from the date of acceptance. Any defect arising from fau lty materia ls shal l re place the materials/parts and correct the faults free of charge. Sched ule of fee/guarantee bond shall be based on the RA 9184 . 13. Liquidated Damages: All contracts executed in accordance with the Act and this IRR shall contain a provision on liquidated damages which shall be payable by the Contractor in case of breach thereof. For the procurement of goods, infrastructure projects and consulting services , the amount of the liquidated damages shall be least equa l to one-tenth of one percent (0.1 %) of the cost of the unperformed portion for every day of delay. Once the cumulative amount of liquidated damages reaches ten percent (10%) of the amount of the contract, the procuring entity shall rescind the contract, without prejudice to other courses of action and remedies open to it 14. For security purposes, the Contractor shall submit a list of workers who will render the services to secure their working permit to the Building Management Unit That the Contractor agree that their personnel may be subjected to on-the-spot inspection by POEA security guards on duty whenever entering and or leaving the building premises. The Contractor shall provide their l.D. and proper uniform for easy identification . Prepared by Building Management Unit Date~2014 ENGR. E . ELA CRUZ OIC , General Services & Property Division r Checked and verified by: Checked and verified by: p- P~. ENGR. RENATO C. LIMJUCO Dir. 11 , Administrative Branch Head , ROCO (End -user) Appro~e by Deputy Administrator f HANS EOJ.CACDAC Admi istrator Page 4 /~to ~;~~~:~~d:~~T;~s~~~d) I yg SLEEPING QUARTERS SLEEP ING QUARTERS / / ~SHELVES (to be removed) / ~~ ?l_c,or-v to panel bo"\~E Room;;:;,. . '· ·- \/ ~ \ \ \ \ \\ / \ ,,•' ~- . 1:? '\ / \ / ·' \\ \ / . re~cement or @f wan. wind\<\'vnte' and doo' \ (A) \. PREPARED BY: ;:1.·,· . / SCOPE OF WORKS: 1 Remqvalioemolition works. 3 R,eplacement of ceiling at ROCO including repair ol , /Ceiling at Sleeping Quar1 ers and Kitchen. , 4. Replacement and repair of wall including sealing or old location of door and window counter, relocation of doors and al leration of door swing . 5 Supply and installation of glass door and window counter and countertop ledge including modification & repa ir of w ait 6 . Electrical Works, reloca tion new and additional ligh\lng fix Lures. 7 . Supply and installat!on or additional air-con units with steel bracket including modification or glass window 8. Repainting of all wans. ceiling, cabinets and doors using ODORLESS paint /'/ \···· \ (' < ffi' {8''~ PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN EXISTING FLOOR PLAN ROCO, 5TH FLOOR APPROVED BY: ~~IENES SH EET NO. 'ATTY. Head. ROCO U.OTE I. \.s.=~/ROCO, 5TH FLOOR EN D-USER BUILDING MA NAGEMENT UNIT [)R,i.,1i•.'l'·J / v / / C. 0. ·~ '-~~ OEA .• ·R.,o. ~ , - R. 0. C. 0. Dir 11, Adm inistrative Branch ot.T E Administrator I Df•TE: D/\r f::: ______ ~·-----,.L_._:_ ffi ________....J.,_ _ _ _ __, ! .,......0 0 ....... N '"" I :i- I 3770 ·-··-------<>.j f-- 1500---<>l ~- 5670 - - - - - - ~ I / /;"\ EL EVATION PLAN ~~ L D ELE VATION PLAN ·~~ROCO. STH FLOOR \ ::y ROCO . STH FLOOR ~ I l 0 ·~ ""' <i ------4350 -------i 1-- 1500 --1 3770 - - - - -f- s$o -j... 1'6\ELEVATION PLAN \ ::y END-USER: BUILDING MANAGEMENT UNIT --1]1-- 2290 --U ROCO. STH FLOOR AP PROVED BY ~~ENES ES Head, ROCO Di-1.TE. 1940 Co)ELE VATI ON PLAN \~:_) ROCO. STH FLOOR PREPARED BY 4050 · - - Dir II , Admini strative Branch DATE: o;.TE: ----------'----~----------~"---------\cl /lTTY. DATE Admin istrator SHEET NO. ffi SLEEP!~~:;;, ¢1 SLEEPINi::l,~, QUARTERS'((>,, .' \)> , QUARTERS\'\'.>;, ~:>{marine plywood) ,> <<)(ceiling for repair) \~~··\ \>R, ~·<.;).-\ ~~> \~), ,,)· ·~~;, }~,/ Kl'f~}~HEN , ~ \\ (m:ln~ plyw~~) <:§~ / (;;?..._ \>{( \ '""\ '(\:'¢ ; ; ·, ~; .R 0. C. O <,\\ :(\~; ·. ,/ \'.&>· ~ <~'.\, ·--\\. ·~:>\:S, A~-,),~ plywoocf}?~:;_;.>--r; </sff9" ·'\ .:»'\ ,. >< (marine ,,> ,• < · / /~\i c .9 '?;'0, "" ·,_-:'_..-(~cou~~i<;ceillng) \'~\ , . / ' ·\.., \;'x>·</,, ,,>::, ·:•'; ,\:»' ' ,>(¢' •'" \>¢:/ ~::~:::·:~~ ..\: / ·' ('c--.'\EXISTING CE ILIN G -~,.. ...,..,.~~~;,/ P~J\N /Q\ PROPOSED CEILING PLAN 1 \· ==~ROCO, 5TH FLOOR \.:=::)ROCO, 5TH FLOOR ~,, /'.,,.}....;" ' ' ~--~ ;~-...~- {; DEA PREPARED BY: END-USER: SHEET NO. ~'SIEN BUILDING MANAGEMENT UNIT 1:•1,AWN BY · EDI ,' s ES Head, ROCO DATE Dir II, Administrative Branch 01'.TE· DA.l E: DATE CB ,, ,- /r {~~ adcl1tmn ..Y\A ·~'(\ ,,,.:~~t~~ \)(\ ,/ •ddWolf\>y( '<;~(,a \~ "-<~:; ~\ "' . . \;··;- \, \ .R6.c.o. \ / sa·, """"' ';:?(;\ · v_~\l \"> ,\· '<-\\ ,,. \ .. \ '< ,·· c · 0 . \;~ ·v \ , """"' \10, "'v\\, \.>,,,,.. ~- , ,,>"-\,, b y~;/ , \ /..(.().__ ,/-~. ..?~~5/ <~;\ a\(,\>_ e~1st11{\\ \\'). \ LIGHTING LAYOUT "Z~ROCO , 5TH FLOOR END-USER: OEA c•R~w~.J BY· ED ON M URPl.~NO NOTED BY: O."-TE Sab. \ SHEET NO. Dir 11, Adm inistrative Brnnch Head. ROCO Dil.TF "'-\ \.:.=>' ROCO, 5TH FLOOR ~,SIENES BUILDING MANAGEMENT UNIT \\-' L-F\ PROPOSED LI GHTING LAYO UT .fE~\ EXISTING PREPARED BY: \,\ '0?\~----~-, <.,:;/:»'~'-., / e~isling ~\(\ _, ,.·\ \ .... - ~. ,.. R'. 0. ,,\ \.,, e~tSb~~\ / '-... , \ """"•"'.(\ a .\ .") ,\..<<S'2\ <~s~~>\,,' >;,> . \'.>:\. '\>( .,. -:;>.J.\.'S;y:;,/ '"O·/ '<>:\ · ~\ '(.V ·«.\ / /if~S;_ .-' // (1c\ [)ATE ffi 'Philippine Overseas Employment Administration -- Repub lic of the Phil ippines Department of Labor and Employment BFO Building , Ortigas cor. EDSA, Manda luyong City 1501 Website Ema il: ;[email protected]!1 Hotli nes: 722-11-44 722-11-55 PROJECT RENOVATION OF REGIONAL & OVERSEAS COORDINATING OFFICE - PHASE 1 LOCATION 5th floor, POEA BFO building SUBJECT BID FORM ITEM NO. 1 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT UNIT COST Demolition/Removal Works. (removal of wall, ceiling, shelves, elevated platform, doors, electrical, and other obstructions) Rate I day No. Workers Labor: No. of days Skilled Worker Non-Skilled Worker Power tools/Miscellaneous & consumab les lot Item no. 1 sub-total 2 Carpentry Works 2. 1 Replacement of ceiling at ROCO Materials.· Mineral fiber acoustic ceiling board, 15mm x 2' x 4' pcs T-runner, main tee/cross tee , 1" x 12' pcs T-runner, wall angle, 1" x 12' kgs Hanger rod, full threaded 1/2 x 10 pcs Blind rivet/Screw/Clip/Miscellaneous and consumables lot 2.2 Repair of wall, sealing of old location & window counter, and relocation and alteration of door swing. Materials. Marine plywood, 1/4" x 4' x 8' pcs Metal studs/tracks , 50mm x 1OOmm x 3m GA24 pcs 1/2 x 4 x 12 baseboard pcs Finishing nail, 2" kg Finishing nail , 1" kg Blind rivet/ScrewMiscellaneous and consumables lot 2.3 Supply and Installation of glass door & window counter Glass door with handle & analok aluminum frame, overhead set concealed door closer, and complete accessories Supply and installation of window counter with analok sets al uminum frame and complete accessories including co unter top ledge Material Cost Labor: Rate I day No. Workers No. of days AMOUNT / PROJECT:R~NOVATION OF F;;- ,ONAL & OVERSEAS COORDINATING -:- ICE - PHASE 1 LOCATION 5th floor, POEA BFO building SUBJECT: BID FORM ITEM NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST Non-Skilled Worker Labor Cost Item no. 2 sub-total 3 El ectrical Works/Additional Air-conditioning Unit 3. 1 Additional lighting fixture at ROCO, New lighting fixture for sleeping quarters & kitchen with exhaust fan Materials: lighting fixture, 2-28W flourescent lamp, T5, w/ electronic sets ba llast, recess type (same as existing) lighting fixture, 1-28W flourescent lamp , T5, wl electronic set ballast, recess type (for kitchen) set Pin light with 11 W CFL Ceiling Mounted exhaust fan, 1O" set 3.5mm 2 THHN wire , PD mts PVC conduit pipe, 1/2" pcs lighting switch, 2-gang set lighting switch, single sets lot Miscellaneous & consumables 3. 2 Supply and installation of aircon units Materials: 2HP window type aircon unit, carrier units 2 5.5mm THHN wire, PD roll air-con outlet, Panasonic sets PVC conduit pipe, 1/2" pcs steel bracket/support/miscellaneous and consumables units modification of glass window for opening of aircon units Material Cost Labor.· Rate I day No. Workers Skilled Worker Non-Skilled Worker Labor Cost Item no. 3 sub-total 4 Painting Works (painting of all wall, ceiling, cabinets and doors at ROCO, kitchen and sleeping quarters using ODORLESS paint) Materials: Heally home paint (w/ color approved by end -user) gal Flat Wall Enamel gal Quick Drying Enamel , maple (for door & jamb) gal Paint Thinner gal No. of days AMOUNT ( / PROJECT RENOVATION OF f\- j ./'. iONAL & OVERSEAS COORDINATING (_. _ _:I CE - PHASE 1 LOCATION 5th floor, POEA BFO building SUBJECT BID FORM ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION NO. UNIT UNIT COST yrds Sandpaper#100 Cotton rugs kgs Paint brush, 2" pcs Paint roller w/ handle, 9" pcs Paint roller refill, 9" pcs Miscellaneous & consumables lot Material Cost Rate I day Labor: No. Workers No. of days Skilled Worker Non-Skilled Worker Labor Cost Item no. 4 sub-total 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Mobilization/Demobilization lot Temporary Facilities/Signage!Tarpaulins lot Bonds/insurances/As-built Plans lot Item no. 5 sub-total CONTACT NUMBER: ADDRESS CON TACT NUMBER Signature Over Printed Name of Bidder Date TOTAL AMOUNT Php Contingency/Profit Php 12% VAT Php TOTAL PROJECT COST Php AMOUNT
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