4. Page 1 of U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 7 (8-2007) 10 CFR 110 APPLICATION FOR NRC EXPORT/IMPORT LICENSE, AMENDMENT, OR RENEWAL (See Instructions on Page 5) 5 EXPIRES: 06/3012009 APPROVED BY OMB: NO. 3150-0027 Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory collection request: 2.4 hours. This submittal is reviewed to ensure that the applicable statutory, regulatory, and policy considerations are satisfied. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the Records and FOIA/Privacy Services Branch (J-5 F52), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by internet e-mail to [email protected], and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0027), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. If a means used to impose an information collection does not display a currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection. PART B. TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL LICENSES, AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS OR NOTIFICATIONS (If more space is needed to complete any of the items, use Pages 3-4 first, and then attach additional sheets, if necessary.) 1. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT/LICENSEE U597-1 Raymond R. Wojszynski Curtiss-Wright Electro-Mechanical C 1000 Cheswick Avenue lc. PHONE NUMBER 1d. FAX NUMBER (724) 275-5145 (724) 275-5224 le. E-MAIL ADDRESS Cheswick, PA 15024 [email protected] 2. TYPE OF ACTION REQUESTED (Check One) NOTIFICATION OF f• EXPORT (Parts B, C, E) EXPORT OF INCIDENTAL D] lb. APPLICANTS REFERENCE NUMBER Ia. NAME OF APPLICANT'S CONTACT D IMPORT (Parts B, D, E) COMBINED EXPORT/IMPORT (Parts B, C, D, E) R AMENDMENT/RENEWAL Existing License Number: RADIOACTIVE, 3. CONTRACT NUMBER(S) MATERIAL (PART C, E) FIRST SHIPMENT DATE N/A 5. LAST SHIPMENT DATE 07/15/2008 6. PROPOSED EXPIRATION DATE 10/31/2013 07/23/2015 PART C. TO BE COMPLETED FOR EXPORT ONLY OR COMBINED LICENSES, AMENDMENTS, OR RENEWALS (If more space is needed to complete any of the items, use Pages 3-4 first, and then attach additional sheets, if necessary.) 7. NAME(S) I ADDRESS(ES) OF SUPPLIERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES TO THE EXPORT N/A 7a. FUNCTION(S) PERFORMED/SERVICE(S) PROVIDED N/A 8. NAME(S) / ADDRESS(ES) OF INTERMEDIATE FOREIGN CONSIGNEE(S) See page 3. See page 4. 8a. INTERMEDIATE USE(S) 9a. ULTIMATE END USE(S) See page 3 See Page 4. 10. DESCRIPTION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS, SEALED SOURCES, NUCLEAR FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, OR COMPONENTS; FOR NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT INCLUDE TOTAL DOLLAR VALUE OF EQUIPMENT FOR EXPORT N/A 9. NAME(S) / ADDRESS(ES) OF ULTIMATE FOREIGN CONSIGNEE(S) 10a. MAX TOTAL VOLUME / ELEMENT WGT (KG), OR TOTAL ACTIVITY (TBq) N/A 10b. MAX ENRICHMENT OR WGT % N/A 11. FOREIGN OBLIGATIONS (BY COUNTRY AND BY PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM TOTAL VOLUME) NRC1-URM NRC FORM 1 7 (8-2007) (8-2007) PRINTED ONRECYCLED PAPER PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER I 5 Page 2 of U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 7 8-2007) 10 CFR 110 APPLICATION FOR NRC EXPORT/IMPORT LICENSE, AMENDMENT, OR RENEWAL (Continued) D. OCIKET NU4MBER LICENSE NUMBER ADAMSo ACCESINýý 0l{&-LlBE`1+-1' R PART D. TO BE COMPLETED FOR IMPORT ONLY, OR COMBINED LICENSES, AMENDMENTS, OR RENEWALS (If more space is needed to complete any of the items, use Pages 3-4 first, and then attach additional sheets, if necessary.) 12. NAME(S) / ADDRESS(ES) OF FOREIGN SUPPLIERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES TO IMPORT 13. NAME(S) / ADDRESS(ES) OF INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE(S) 14. NAME(S) / ADDRESS(ES) OF ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE(S) 12a. NRC EXPORT LICENSE NUMBER(S) (if applicable) 13a. LICENSE NUMBER(S) / EXPIRATION DATE(S) 14a. LICENSE NUMBER(S) / EXPIRATION DATE(S) 13b. INTERMEDIATE USE(S) 14b. ULTIMATE END USE(S) 15. DESCRIPTION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS, SEALED SOURCES, NUCLEAR FACILITIES 15a. MAX TOTAL VOLUME I ELEMENT WGT (KG), OR TOTAL ACTIVITY (TBq) 15b. MAX ENRICHMENT OR WGT % 15c. MAX ISOTOPE WGT (KG) 16. FOREIGN OBLIGATIONS (BY COUNTRY AND BY PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM TOTAL VOLUME) PART E. TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL LICENSES, AMENDMENTS, OR RENEWALS 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON PAGES 3,4, AND/OR ON SEPARATE SHEETS? 18. CERTIFICATION: YES NO 17a COPIESOFRECIPIENTS' ? AUTHORIZATIONS PROVIDED YES NO I, the applicant's authorized official, hereby certify that this application is prepared in conformity with TitlelO, Code of Federal Regulations, and that all information provided is correct to th e best of my knowledge. 18a. PRINT NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL Raymond R Wojszynski Principal Buyer "U1' Export Compliance officer 18b. SIGNATURE - AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL 4-7 '' /5/420 • 18c. DATE Page NRC FORM 7 3 of 5 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (8-2007) 10 CFR 110 APPLICATION FOR NRC EXPORT/IMPORT LICENSE, AMENDMENT, OR RENEWAL (Continued) L ICEýNSE N1MBER ~ DOCýKET N91MBER I ADAMS* A(CCE'SSION NUMER , ILJPBLIC~ ý OR JNON-PUBLIC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Reference applicableblock numbers from page 1 and/orpage 2 for each entry) Block 8. SBW Electro-Mechanics Import and Export Corporation No 16, Development Blvd. Economic & Technical Development Zone Shenyang, 110142, China Shenyang Blower Works (Group) No 16 Kaifa Road Economic and Technology Zone Shenyang, 110142 China Harbin Electric Machinery Company, Ltd. No 99 Sanddong Li Rd. Dongli District Harbin, 150040 China Shanghai Electric Nuclear PowerEquipment Company Ltd. No. 250 Huaning Road Minghang District Shanghai, 200245 China Block 8a. The exports would include such things as raw materials in the form of plate, bar, sheet, pipe, castings, forgings etc.; and parts and components such as impellers, seal rings, pump casings etc., and possibly one reactor primary coolant pump. (Continued on page 4 of 5) xy/? NRC FORM 7 : 7,1 PAGE 4 OF 5 11 7 ..,.. 5.. *Curtiss-Wright Electro-Mechanical Corporation reference numberU597-1 y~Block 8a (continiued)~ The intermediate consignees will process most of these mateials into finished parts, co~mponents, sub assemblies and assemblies, export them back to CurtissWih nteU for inicor~porationi by Curtiss-Wright Eiectro-Mechancl reato theinprtinit primary coolant pumps for subsequent export to Chinia under Westinghouse Electric Company NRC license number XR 169 (AP 1000 design). This processing in China is part of the localization of manufacture requireof Curti ss-Wright Electro-Mechanical Corporation by contract. Some of these parts or components may also ship direct to the ultimate consignees. Addition~ally, one reactor primary coolant pump, or major sublassemblies of a pump, manufactured, by Curtiss-Wright Elfectro-Mechaical Corporation, may be exported to Shenyang Blow-e. Works (Gro-P) for temporary use in their reactor primary coolant pump test facility for the AP1000 project This pump or the major subassemblies would eventually then ship directly to one of the ultimate consignees in China. 4 ~ SanmenNuclear Power Plant Block 9. Sanm-n county, Zheijang Province ~314300 China : Haiyaiig Nuclear Power Plant Haiyang, 265116, Shanldoiig provi~nce, China Shenyan~g B~lower Works (Group) No 16 Kaifa Road Econiomic and Technology Zone ~j~< ~Shenyang, 1101i42 China B16ck I 9a.~ Construction, maintenance and operation of 4 pressurized water reactors of 1000 Nte class (rted from~ 900 to 1500 MWe). r . For Shenyang Blower works (Group), one pump casing will be used as a permane prt of their reactor primary coolant pump test facility for the AP 1000 projec.This facility is not a reactor or power generating facility. % NRC FORM 7 NRC FRM 7PAGE 5 OF 5 i72) 0 NR 5 5 ..... ....... 7.......... 417, ~JiCurtiss-Wright Electro-Mechanical Corporation reference number- U597-1Additional information The estimated total value of the exports under this license is Note that this value is included in the value of Westinghouse Electric Company NRC license XR 169 (AP 100 OOdesign), it is not additional equipment for export or additional value., *i This export license is per 10 CFR part 110 Appendix A paragraphs 4 and 9,-for reactor primary coolant pumps, and for various raw materials,parts', components and associated equip~ment for reactor primary coolant pumps to be manufactured by Curtiss-Wright Electro-Mechanical Corporation and ultimatel~y exported to the People's R~epublic of China under WestinghouseElectric Company NRC license~numnber XR 169. . "A; >'÷• >. *•.:,''K'=::" . .. 4 '' i' ii71! 4tL'<• A44 'A1+,•"1 T{l" .. •• . ; ,.. :< :::•_ ::1 cii4,> ! The exports will mainly be made by Curtiss-Wright Electro-Mechanical Corporation, but .. • much of these miiaterials will be :-.. >; '<' .. sold to 'Curtiss-Wright Electr.-Me.chanical Corporation by •"NR A• "~our <i :•; 171•!17 ... J)i .;• suppliers, who will not... otherwise ,;ltlJ'i be parties to the exports. :" •<' Qt'."l I" I<• ;T!!Q +I•% ••;..'I• I),>•% ;' : I.I• The nuclear technolog involved in this prjcwa approved by the Department of Energy under 10CER Part 810 4Authorization number CH 2005-001 on August 15', 2005. Shenyang Blower Works Group and Harbin Electric Machineryý are both DOE approved, SBW Electro-Mechanics Import and Export Corporation is an entity recently establi shed by Shenyang Blow'er Works (Group) within China ,to handle currency transactions in US ,dollars and receive pulrchase odrders from Curtiss-Wriglht Electro-Mechanical. Corporation for reactor primary coolant pumps, subassemblies, parts or compontents thereof. DOE approvail of SBW Electro-Mechanics Import and Export Corporation is presently -pending. DOE approval, has also been requested of Shanghai Electric Nuclear Power Equipment Company Ltd. •4:4Ft
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