Interest Sessions, CLTA World Language Jamboree October 25, 2014, Esperanza High School, Anaheim 1. Revisiting a Text: Reading and Common Core Get ideas for bringing students back into a text through map work, art, music, and videos while aligning with the Common Core State Standards. Learn about "reading" texts in various media and formats including written, visual, audio-‐visual, and aural. 2. Collaborative Activities for Teaching a Foreign Language Promote student participation in collaborative activities. The focus of these activities is for Spanish L2; however, some of these activities can be modified to serve other languages. Activities include Password (charades) and Jigsaw (puzzle). 3. Fun and easy iPad activities Learn how the iPad can be used effectively to facilitate engaging classroom activities. The presenter will show examples of activities that are fun, easy to design, and to implement in any foreign language classroom. 4. Chinese Language Instruction Benefit from my eight years of teaching Chinese! I have developed a complete program of Chinese instruction from Chinese I through Advanced Placement, complete with syllabi, lesson plans and activities-‐-‐all approved by the UC and College Board. 5. Common Core, Performance Tasks and World Languages In this workshop participants will explore Performance Tasks as a natural culmination of a thematic unit in the World-‐Language classroom. Performance Tasks as part of language learning will support our students’ success in the upcoming state test (SBAC) in all core subject areas. 6. Music Magic It's time to move beyond the Cloze. Using side by sides, you'll see how music can be magic in increasing fluency. You'll see French, Spanish, and Italian examples as well as leaving with highly recommended song titles. 7. HARDCORE Common Core Instruction through Foreign Film Learn how to use target language film for developing critical-‐thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity in ALL levels of language instruction while promoting high levels of student engagement, target language acquisition, and global awareness. 8. Developing Spanish Speaker Literacy in Light of the Common Core Spanish Speakers present a learning dynamic that needs to be enhanced and understood. This session is an invitation to explore the possibilities by providing instructional strategies and in class activities that promote an increase in literacy and language proficiency embedded in the Common Core. 9. The Game is ON! Comprehensible input is the most important component of any language lesson. The fun game of Pancho Camacho immerses students in guided group practice strategies. Students love the spontaneity, props, humor, and competition. 10. Pictures as text for the Common Core Learn how to select and use pictures as text in the language classroom, from beginning to advanced levels. In addition, the session will address how to form questions that elicit greater and deeper responses from students. 11. Teach Chinese to Non-‐Native Speakers Teach Chinese to Non-‐ Native Speakers 12. Arabic Scavenger Hunt: G.P.S. Technology in Arabic Language Education This session will explain the process of constructing a language education tool and corresponding curriculum using Global Positioning System technology including the selection and programming G.P.S. devices, writing language aspects of the tool, and how to successfully apply this in classes. 13. Common Core Reading Strategies In this hands-‐on session, the participants will learn a variety of reading strategies that address the Common Core Standards for literacy/reading while maintaining active student engagement. 14. From Pen Pals to e-‐Pals: Creating Safe International Connections in the Digital Classroom Create and maintain successful, meaningful, and safe “e-‐Pal” classroom-‐to-‐classroom relationships between your students and students abroad. Learn to use digital spaces for correspondence and real-‐time video-‐conferencing. 15. Writing Your Own Book Reading, understanding, creating, and writing all rolled into a mini-‐book! Come join the fun and learn how to create your own mini-‐book and then share with your students. 16. Professional Development for the Non-‐core teacher Incorporate the Common Core State Standards into the Spanish classroom using research-‐based strategies and best practices. Create a student centered classroom, incorporating web tools and use of technology (iPad). 17. Using the Target Language from Day One Keep instruction in the Target Language from Day One. Make class personal and fun for your students. 18. Chinese Language Instruction Learn several aspects of Chinese language teaching. Inspire students to learn and maintain interest in Mandarin and facets of Chinese culture. 19. Classroom Management: C! C! C! -‐ Implementing All of the C’s for a Successful Learning Experience This session will focus on CC (Common Core) goals as well as other C’s which help teachers provide a positive, supportive and stimulating learning experience for all students. 20. Living, Loving, Laughter and Lágrimas on El Día de los Muertos Introduce this celebration in a real-‐world and culturally authentic way that is both standards-‐based and meaningful and relevant to your students. Lots of handouts and activities! 21. Global Education Beyond the Classroom Set up a short-‐ term study abroad adventure for your students. Topics include how to select a reliable travel organization, choose a destination, recruit students, set up a travel club, and organize parent meetings. Lots of materials to get you started! 22. Inducción a la lectura de novelas La fascinación y hechizo de leer novelas y escribir diarios de literatura. Cómo motivar a nuestros discípulos en el encanto de la lectura culminando con la escritura y el arte. Ademas, los escolares estarán expuestos al análisis crítico de temas, simbología y personajes dentro de las novelas. 23. Validating and Affirming Biliteracy through the Biliteracy Awards. This session describes the process of implementing the Biliteracy Awards and the State Seal of Biliteracy in the Los Angeles USD. You can bring this program to your school or district to increase the visibility of student achievement in world languages. 24. Increasing Oral Communication in the World Language Classroom These innovative instructional strategies allow students to increase their proficiency in oral communication. These CCSS and 21st Century Skills aligned strategies will lower students’ anxiety levels, encourage participation and increase motivation in the classroom. 25. Empowering Strategies for Student Learning These innovative instructional feedback strategies, as well as student reflection strategies, allow students to communicate their needs, wants, and likes in the classroom. Be ready to walk away with invaluable, ready-‐ to-‐use resources. 26. Strategies and Tools for Flipping Instruction in the World Language Classroom First, learn the benefits and challenges related to implementing a "flipped" model of instruction in the World Language classroom. Then get an overview of resources for creating original instructional videos and narrated PowerPoint presentations. Session participants will have an opportunity to plan and discuss how to teach their own lessons/units using the "flipped" approach. 27. Harness the Power of Google Google is more than just a search engine! Use this powerful suite of web apps to get your students communicating for the Common Core. The session will demonstrate several aspects of Google: Advanced Google searches, Google Docs/Drive (including Google Forms), Google Sites, YouTube and more! (Not a hands-‐on workshop, participants will be given sample lessons using the different apps with instructions for working on their own.) 28. Creating Learning Tools for the Foreign Language Classroom New teachers: Think beyond the textbooks and enhance your class by developing instructional aids that align with goals important to your district. Participants will receive samples of teacher-‐created materials and will have opportunities to create their own lessons. 29. Using Mini-‐Novels to Achieve Big Gains in Students' Language Acquisition Preparing to read a mini-‐novel with your students is no small task! A variety of strategies will successfully prepare your students to read mini-‐ novels with a high level of comprehension and ease. Maintain student interest during a chapter and utilize post-‐reading activities, games and assessments for deeper language learning. 30. Reading in the CI Classroom Reading novels in the beginning Spanish foreign language classroom is a great idea, but how do you make them comprehensible? Bring that novel to life so that even your weaker readers will understand and enjoy it. Encourage more access to reading and increase vocabulary effortlessly. These are suggestions and ideas teachers will be able to implement immediately! 31. Integrating Second Language Culture in the Second Language Classroom Use methods of integrating the second language culture into the second language classroom from the first day of school. Make students comfortable and prevent “second language shock” as you go beyond the basics into a new and exciting culture. 32. Google Apps For Education in the World Language Classroom In this session we will look at Google Apps for Education (GAFE) tools and their use in the World Language Classroom. By implementing these tools in the classroom, you can learn ways to streamline documents and effectively organize your classroom environment. 33. 21st Century Online Tools that Engage Language Learners Learn about free online technology tools teachers and students can use for presenting, digital story-‐ telling, activity/quiz generating, curating, collaborating, making surveys, recording, and archiving. Use interactive whiteboard and smartboard applications that work on desktops, laptops, and smartphones. For all language teachers! 34. The Power of Personalization We will demonstrate the power of Personalization in the classroom. In order for CI to be meaningful to our students we need to make it about them. Participants will learn the value of personalized questions and answers by learning Tamil, a classical Indian language. 35. Grade Level-‐Based Mandarin Chinese Curriculum Design How do you create a language program that addresses students of diverse backgrounds in an international school? I want to share our experience of writing a grade-‐level based thematic Mandarin Chinese curriculum, including designing textbooks and workbooks. Hopefully, I can receive feedback and exchange ideas with other language teachers and program coordinators. 36. Los niños latinoamericanos y la inmigración El tema de la inmigración entre los niños latinoamericanos recientemente ha estallado. Los participantes de este taller conocerán como utilizar materiales auténticos para desarrollar una unidad temática para los niveles de español 2 de herencia, 3 honores y español AP lenguaje y cultura. 37. Rigor y Relevancia através de una unidad Puertorriqueña Los participantes conocerán actividades para crear lecciones rigurosas. Se compartirán lecciones de varios niveles de introducción, desarrollo y el más allá usando la amplia cultura Puertorriqueña. Se presentarán actividades para niveles 2 de herencia hasta AP Lenguaje y Cultura. 38. Enhance Common Core with Fun Guided Practices Keep all language learners engaged with a variety of motivational guided practices that increase interest in language learning. Templates and instructions will be provided during the session. Participants will be taught how to customize these activities to their own book, vocabulary, and classroom. Come participate in a true hands-‐on workshop. 39. Engage Student Learning Through Technology To our students, technology is an integral part of their lives. Learn how to use technology to connect students to the target language and increase student participation. Examples will be given in Japanese but are applicable to all languages. 40. Screencasting and Blended Learning in the FL Classroom Explore screencasting and how to use it in your classroom for teacher lessons and student projects. Learn about applications for desktops, laptops, and mobile devices and how these can be integrated into the everyday classroom routine. Finally, explore the blended and flipped classroom model and how the screencasting tools are used to make this happen. 41. Reading Rave Reading in the classroom can build fluency in an incredible manner. Take home techniques, activities, and recommendations for compelling materials, with both French and Spanish examples. 42. Teaching Body Parts Low tech and fun strategies are a fun and effective way to teach or review anatomy in any language. Use TPR, Simon Says, doctor visits, and Frankenstein’s monster to learn vocabulary. The session will go through the instructional sequence for teaching body parts. 43. Teach to Draw! Draw to Learn! Dwayne Kohn, aka "Mister Kindergarten," will demonstrate how to use drawing lessons to teach languages. Mr. Kohn, the author/illustrator of over 300 titles, will show participants how vocabulary can be taught in a manner that is fun for the students. Just as you learned how to read and write, you can learn how to draw! 44. Mochila, mochila In this session participants will be guided through a stage one, communication-‐based unit on school supplies for non-‐natives that starts on day one and is taught in the target language . It will include strategies and resources for instruction, student practice, and multiple forms of assessment. 45. You vs. Smartphones Tired of battling The Phone in your classroom? Many students now have an amazing learning tool right in their pockets. This session will demonstrate how you can stop fighting cell phones and instead ally with them to increase student engagement and participation with free services like Nearpod, QR Codes, and more! Whether you have just a few students with a smartphone or a class set of iPads you will leave with some lessons and ideas you can use on Monday. 46. Teach/Travel China Looking for something exciting and meaningful to do this summer? Do what I did: Travel, teach, share, and get to know real students in China! I will share the highlights of my travels to China and provide information on how you can pursue such a trip-‐-‐along with teaching tips and the unforgettable rewards! The cross cultural sharing experience increased my own cultural sensitivity and improved my teaching in the U.S.A. I can't wait to go again! 47. Develop Oral Proficiency in Your Classroom What exactly does it mean to "be fluent"? What are the different levels of fluency? This session will answer those questions and provide several activities to help your students develop their speaking and writing proficiency. 48. Rigor y Relevancia usando una unidad cultural Puertorriqueña Los participantes aprenderán a usar actividades de introducción, desarrollo y expansión del idioma español a través de una unidad cultural Puertorriqueña. 49. Aprendamos a leer y escribir en español Learn specific teaching techniques that accelerate the development of reading and writing skills in Spanish native speaking students. 50. Strategies and Concepts to Learn Another Language Use my PowerPoint presentation to show to World Language learners at the beginning of the year to develop their confidence and autonomy in learning another language. 51. Alrededor del mundo hispanohablante Each student becomes an expert on a different Spanish-‐speaking country. This is a hands-‐on project that requires research into language and cultural geography. The more students learn, the more intrigued and engaged they will become and the more eager to expand their knowledge of the language and life of the Spanish-‐speaking world. 52. Teacher's Pet Check out a short and easy, captivating mystery: "Planeta Zombilandia," designed for novice level Spanish learners, and "Planet Zombieland," designed for beginning English readers. It incorporates the Common Core State Standards, and there is an App in the making. 53. Language School What does it take to own a language school franchise? Learn the various steps and pre-‐ conditions needed to own a language school. 54. Writing and Reading in the Immersion Classroom This session will introduce and describe methods for developing writing and reading skills while using authentic, native-‐speaker materials for an instructor committed to full immersion during instructional time. Methods have been used at the beginning and intermediate level in elementary and high school settings. 55. Technology in the Language Classroom Use different apps to differentiate in the language classroom and make it fun. I will show the function of different apps, what they can do, and how we can use them in the classroom. 56. Reader's Theater Use Reader's Theater to revisit a text and provide more practice with the language while sustaining student interest. We will experience the strategies as we engage with North Sea pirates. The session will be in English with some materials in German, French, and Spanish. 57. Ideas for Spanish Speaking Classes In this session we will be presenting some strategies for note taking during readings as well as a quick presentation on useful websites. 58. AP Spanish Lit: Ideas Learn classroom-‐tested AP strategies from an experienced teacher whose students have been successful in passing the AP exam. Lots of materials acquired over fifteen years of effective teaching and attending multiple AP institutes! 59. Teaching vocabulary through class routines and games Overwhelmed by the seemingly endless lists of vocabulary in the textbook? We can help! Come and learn how to implicitly teach vocabulary through daily routines and games that make learning meaningful and fun. 60. Ideas para proyectos culturales Besides teaching Spanish to our students, it is very important that we also teach them about our CULTURE. In this session the participants will get three different cultural projects they can use in their classes: Mi Viaje por Latinoamerica, Leyendas Mexicanas, y Pintores Importantes. 61. How to Create Fun and Engaging Projects: Multiple Intelligences Approach Participants will learn how to create fun and engaging projects for students at all levels of Spanish using the Multiple Intelligences Approach. The presentation will include materials to determine the students’ different learning styles and how to use that information to create lessons to meet their needs. 62. In the Mood: Having Fun with the Subjunctive This session presents several fun activities in Spanish to reinforce the use of the subjunctive. Instructors will be provided with handouts that can be used immediately to improve listening, reading, and writing skills while practicing the subjunctive mood. 63. Learn Another Language through MovieTalk In this session participants will learn how to use MovieTalk in their classrooms. This is a comprehensible input strategy as well as a VTS (Visual Thinking Strategy/Common Core). In order to see how the strategy works, participants will learn Romanian via the MovieTalk method. This strategy can be used with all levels of foreign language classes.
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