ISSUE 23 23rd October 2014 Excursion Payments - PLEASE NOTE ANY PAYMENT AFTER THE DUE DATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK STUDENT RECOGNITION PROGRAM Each year schools in the City of Whittlesea are invited to nominate a student for their annual Student Recognition Program. Our school nominated a Year 6 student, Casey, who supports the Language School in Thomastown by volunteering her services in the canteen on Saturdays from 8.30am to 1.30pm. Casey also supported her Dad to raise over $6,000 for the World Hunger Appeal during the school holidays, as well as supporting her aunty and grandmother’s volunteer efforts with the elderly in a nursing home. Yr.6 Uniform 2015 orders due 7th Nov Graduation Payments due 14th Nov Yr 3 & 4 Basketball Tournament due 7th Nov - $8 Yr.2 Planks Push & Pull Incursion due 10th Nov - $8 ENROL NOW FOR 2015. Coming Events Oct 20-25 Children’s Week Oct 22-28 Book Fair Oct 23-24 Year 3 City Experience Camp Oct 23 Year 1 Swimming Oct 24 Year 4 Tennis Clinic Oct 27 Foundation Swimming Oct 28 Foundation Swimming Oct 29 Year 1 Swimming Oct 29 Year 4 Camp Information Night @ 6.30pm Oct 30 Year 1 Swimming Oct 31 World Teacher’s Day Nov 3 Pupil Free Day - Report Writing Nov 4 Melbourne Cup Public Holiday Nov 5-7 Year 4 Waratah Bay Camp Casey’s teacher Mr Bill Boicovitis and I had the pleasure of attending the official Student Recognition Ceremony with Casey and her family at Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre on Wednesday, 22nd October 2014 where the Mayor presented Casey with the award. Well done Casey! We are very proud of your achievement and hope you continue your great work in the community. ARTS EXHIBITION Congratulations to everyone involved in our school’s Arts Exhibition! Our school community was treated to a wonderful artistic and musical feast last Friday evening. With magnificent displays of artworks all around the Acacia Building, excellent entertainment provided by individual students, the Mill Park Singers and the school band ‘Rock Fusion’ closing the evening, it made for a true celebration of The Arts. 11th November 2014 Committee Meetings Buildings & Grounds; Eduction & Policy; Finance & Fundraising; Community Building & Relations OSHC Term 4, 2014 School Council Meetings for 2014 28th October and 18th November 1 Many thanks and congratulations go to our Visual Art teachers Mrs Pam Hoyne and Mrs Saras Ramasamy, and our Years 3 – 6 Music/Performing Arts teacher Ms Fiona King, for organising and coordinating this fabulous event. Thanks also go to our auctioneer Mr Mario Galletti for doing an outstanding job with the class artworks auction. Special thanks to our students and their families for supporting and celebrating the Arts Exhibition. The turnout was absolutely fantastic. Bravo! S Generated a strong sense of harmony and goodwill between all sectors of the school community On behalf of School Council I call for nominations for the 2014 Brian Wooster Memorial Award. Nomination forms are available at the school office which members of the school community are invited to complete and return to the school by Friday, 14th November 2014. THINKING SKILLS Dr Edward de Bono has focused on how humans think and is the originator of Lateral and Parallel Thinking. Much of our thinking is done in a disorganised, inefficient way. We often try to do too much at once. Emotions, information, logic, hope, risk and creativity are all mixed up together. It is like juggling too many balls. As a result we begin to limit our thinking and make poor decisions. Often, we tend to use only one type of thinking at any given moment. One type of thinking is no longer adequate to cope with today’s rapidly changing world. Judgement and argument can no longer solve problems or move us forward. We need to switch our thinking from one-dimension to six-dimensions using Parallel Thinking. Dr de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats is a process that allows for collaborative, focussed and directed thinking. It allows us to explore six different avenues of thought to build insight, creative ideas and solutions. The process is a powerful tool to help change the way we think and involves the following methods of thinking: White Hat: information, facts, data, figures Red Hat: feelings, instincts, hunches, emotions Black Hat: judgement, critic, analyst, review Yellow Hat: benefits, positives, strengths, good points Blue Hat: thinking, overview, agenda, decision Green Hat: creativity, growth, ideas, possibilities The Six Thinking Hats can be used in a variety of ways to gain an informed perspective about an issue, a problem or decision. In next week’s newsletter I will address Dr de Bono’s Direct Attention Thinking Tools (DATT). YEAR 6 CONGRATULATIONS Special congratulations to the following Year 6 students who have gained placement into extension programs at their respective secondary schools: S Max – Academic Scholarship, Ivanhoe Grammar S Victoria – Academic Scholarship, Lalor North Secondary College S Abdallah - Academic Scholarship, Mill Park Secondary College S Tarsha - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Claudia - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Abdullah - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Jessica - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Yuto - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Brandon - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Yan Kai - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Zuwail - SEAL Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Timothy - Extension Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Rebecca - Extension Program, Mill Park Secondary College S Dion - SEAL Program, Reservoir High School Additional congratulations go to Abdullah who was presented with the Academic Scholarship for Mill Park Secondary College by the Principal, Ms Trish Horner. SUPERVISION OF CHILDREN BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL We have noticed that a number of children are arriving at school around 8.00am. This is a reminder to parents that teachers begin yard duty in the school yard from 8.45am to 9.00am. This means that children arriving at school before this time are not directly supervised. Parents are asked to please make sure children are dropped off at a reasonable time and to remember that it is inappropriate for children to be dropped off in the school yard and left unsupervised. The Out of School Hours Care program is available from 7.00am and provides supervised care before and after school. Information about this program is available at the school office. Well done! BRIAN WOOSTER MEMORIAL AWARD The Brian Wooster Award is presented by the School Council annually to a parent of the school who has: S Demonstrated exemplary levels of voluntary community involvement at the school S Demonstrated that the levels of service to the school have been due to a commitment to education and to the local community S Promoted Mill Park Primary within the school and wider community 2 STUDENT FREE DAY Greetings from Sovereign Hill The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) allows schools to conduct four Student Free Days per year. Please note that the final Student Free Day for this year will be on Monday, 3rd November 2014. Teachers will be writing end of year reports, therefore students are not required to attend school on this day. What an amazing 3 day adventure - a great time has been had by all. The students have been exceptionally well behaved and the Ma’am’s from the Red Hill and St Peter’s school’s have commented on this. The students certainly acted the part of the students from this era well - wait till you see all the photos. A reminder that the wiki space is active if you wanted to see some of the daily antics. Go to PARENTING ARTICLE Attached to today’s newsletter is an article from Parenting Ideas written by Catherine Gerhardt titled ‘When does fun flip into addiction?’ and addresses children’s fascination with electronic gaming. For more parenting articles on a variety of topics please visit The Blood of the Southern Cross show was a real hit but ended late at night and the students are tired and weary today as they drag their feet through the pebbled, dusty, steep hills...... dragging the staff behind them! Oops I meant the other way around. I trust all the students have enjoyed the Children’s Week festivities. I was telling Mrs Alessi on the phone earlier this week that the irony is at Mill Park Primary School we are celebrating children and their right to have a voice and be heard, the contradiction at Sovereign Hill is the mantra that ‘Children should be seen and NOT heard’ some of our very opinionated students struggled with this! I leave you with a quote from Henry Ford, ‘Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.’ Alessi Principal In conjunction with the celebration of Children Week one of our student’s family members have successfully published a children’s picture story book, “Annabel’s chewy-gooey birthday cake”. This book is being launched at the Mill Park Library at 11am Saturday 25th October. The author will be at the library on the day to share the story and sign any copies if you are interested. FROM ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S DESK Hi everyone, STUDENT ATTENDANCE Every day counts – school attendance We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. The happy campers will have slept well in their own beds on Wednesday night contrary to the year 3 students who will be sleep deprived from the excitement as they embark on their city experience overnight on Thursday and return Friday. Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school. I am sure I will have many tales to tell next week once all this camping business is over! Take care have a great week - keep smiling and celebrate our precious gems we know as our children. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. Coming to school every day is vital, but if for any reason your child must miss school, there are things we can do together to ensure they don’t fall behind: Keep smiling! Fiona Rosa • Speak with your child’s classroom teacher and find out what work your child needs to do to keep up. Assistant Principal • Develop an absence learning plan with your child’s teacher and ensure your child completes the plan. POPPY APPEAL BADGES I have Poppy Appeal Badges for sale at the offices for anyone that is interested. Price range from $1 to $10. Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher early as early as possible. The new laws have been activated as of the 1st March 2014 and this means that parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason. Vivian Gulia Administration If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let the classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day. 3 ATTENDANCE DATA ICAS (NSW) TESTING RESULTS SUMMARY 2014 It’s NOT OK to be away! The ICAS (NSW) testing for 2014 took place from the 20th May to the 12th August. The results are attached to this week’s newsletter. It’s COOL to be at SCHOOL! Here are the student absences for Term 4, Week 2 2014. These statistics cover the days for the period Monday 13/10/2014 to Friday 17/10/2014. Efstathia Therapiotis CONGRATULATIONS - Early Bird Congratulations to Groups Eucalypt 1, Eucalypt 4, Eucalypt 6, Hibiscus 3, Waratah 10, Waratah 4, and Waratah 7 for being here on time to start their learning all week! ICAS (NSW) Testing Coordinator 100% Attendance winners - Term 4 Week 2 - 2014 Please note - The Commonwealth Bank are out of stock of the Penguin Keyring and Whale Shark pencil case. Keep swapping STUDENT BANKING Congratulations to all the students who were here every single day last week: your tokens for great rewards. Foundation – Amber Congratulations to the following students that have swapped Year 1 – Logan 10 tokens for a great reward. Alex (W1), Sam (W3), Madeleine (W6), Logan (W7), Bailey (W7), Sophia (W8), Brooke (W8), Jake (W8), Chloe (W9), Teresa (H1), Edelyn (H5), Holly (H6) and Cheyenne (E4). Well done! Year 2 – Laura Year 3 – Paige Year 4 – Heri Please come to the office to collect your reward. Year 5 – Brodie Year 6 – Hailey Vivian Gulia Student Banking Coordinator 2014 Without With Week 2 Note Note Total Progressive Average No. Total date Student Term 10 to Rate/ Foundation 11 12 23 918 10.0 Years 1 6 7 13 Years 2 12 23 35 Years 3 9 12 21 Years 4 6 18 24 Years 5 6 8 14 Years 6 8 10 18 TOTAL 58 90 148 686 893 705 829 625 575 5193 8.1 9.9 9.7 10.7 8.6 8.9 9.4 YEAR 6 GRADUATION GARMENTS 2015 An order form was sent home on Monday 6th October together with the Essential Resources payment information for Year 6 students in 2015 to purchase graduation uniform. It is highly recommended that parents/guardians check the sizing of the garments for your child as we are using a different supplier this year and sizes vary from our current uniform supplier. A range of uniform sizes are available for your child to try on at the office. Unfortunately circumstances prevent the refund or exchange of items ordered. Orders must be received by Friday 7th November 2014. No orders will be accepted after this date. Remember that being at school on time, every day, can improve student learning! Please make sure you continue to send a note if your child is going to be absent from school. Jennifer Panettieri Year 6 Uniform Coordinator Steven Edwards Student Attendance Data Coordinator 4 Citizenship Awards Year 3 Waratah W6 Ava For always showing the value of respect. Hibiscus H5 Hayley For improved independence within the classroom. Hibiscus H6 Ryan Term 4 For demonstrating the value of responsibility. Week 3 Foundation Year 4 Waratah W1 Talei Eucalypt E1 Rena For being a caring and hardworking member of W1. For continued enthusiasm towards her learning. Waratah W2 Levi-Carter Eucalypt E3 Jourdan For showing a great sense of humour. For her positive attitude. Waratah W3 Vasia For being extremely helpful. Waratah W4 Boice Year 6 For showing the value of friendliness. Eucalypt E2 Waratah W5 Luxman Zacharay For showing the value of teamwork during maths investigations. For always being a wonderful helper. Eucalypt E7 Zachary For fantastic involvement in dancing for Graduation. Year 1 Waratah W7 Skylah For showing the value of respect. Waratah W9 Noah For showing the value of independence. Waratah W10 Vanessa For being an enthusiastic member of W10. Year 2 Hibiscus H1 Nicholas For showing the value of helpfulness. Hibiscus H2 Tharinie For always showing the value of friendliness. Hibiscus H3 Nathan For showing the value of helpfulness. Hibiscus H4 Levi For being a positive member of H4. 5 Learning Awards Year 3 Waratah W6 Rishant For working hard to improve his comprehension skills. Hibiscus H5 Dave For demonstrating excellent reading comprehension Term 4 skills. Week 3 Hibiscus H6 Mihaad For showing excellent reading comprehension skills. Foundation Waratah W1 Liam For writing a detailed journal writing piece. Year 4 Waratah W2 Taidgh Eucalypt E1 Kangran For finishing his Lemon words. Well done! For an awesome persuasive piece about computers. Waratah W3 Alonso Eucalypt E3 Lara For settling into his new school extremely well. For her excellent times table knowledge. Waratah W4 Esra For writing a terrific story. Waratah W5 Riley Year 6 For using quotation marks and including fabulous detail in his Superhero story. Eucalypt E2 Joshua Eucalypt E7 Danielle For working hard to improve his learning. Keep it up! Year 1 For working well on Grammar work on Parts of Speech. Waratah W7 Lydia For her Superhero story. Waratah W9 Rozan For improving in her reading. Waratah W10 Katrina For identifying the features of 3D shapes. Year 2 Hibiscus H1 Sasha For excellent persuasive writing. Hibiscus H2 Bethany For her wonderful map work. Hibiscus H3 Demi For her excellent ‘Superhero’ story. Hibiscus H4 Max For his excellent work on his maths investigation task. 6 SPORTS CORNER Zayaan, Elena, Melanie, Gabriella, Safaa, Hannah, Jessica, Loretta, Athanasia and Vasiliki Northern Regional Athletics: Well done to the 8 students that competed last week at the Northern Regional Athletic Championships. The level of competition was extremely high (i.e. Long Jump competition was over 4m) and although no one advanced to state competition, it was a great experience that they will always remember. Congratulations Jacob, Maggie, Mitchell, Dion, Georgie, Claudia, Zayaan and Danielle who represented our school and sport district with great spirit and sportsmanship! Divisional Volleyball Championships: It was an absolute pleasure to take on the coaching job for our Volleyball girls this Monday at the Whittlesea Divisional Championships. The event was held at St Francis P.S and I know Miss Piraina was there in spirit (attending Year 5 Camp), as she has done a wonderful job coaching the girls this year. I was so proud and amazed at their level of skill while they competed against Marymede Primary School. The first set was won by Marymede (25-21), then our girls stormed back to win the second set 25-17. It was back and forth with both sides making great plays. In the third and final set (up to 15 pts) the girls ran out of time as Marymede squeaked by winning 15-10. It was non-stop encouragement and team work from the following team members: 2014 Interschool Sport – In review Our teams have enjoyed a very successful year taking home 11 Banners (Premiers/Runners up) from both the summer and winter competitions. I would like to personally thank all our Year 5 and 6 coaches for their amazing work with the kids and to all the parents that were able to attend some of the games. It is always hard at the start of each year or term to choose teams to compete in the Bundoora Sport District. Although it is a very fair and cooperative group of schools, that share ideas and work together to provide the best possible sporting opportunities. It is also a very challenging and competitive district that celebrates teams/individuals that are able to advance and compete at Divisional, Regional and State levels. That is why teams are chosen based on a high level of skill and sportsmanship. Intra-School Sport: As it is important that all Year 5 and 6 students get a chance to feel they part of a school team the Intra-school sport program was developed. The program runs every Friday morning (9:0011:00) in Terms 3 and 4 and so far students have competed in Netball, Hockey, Handball, Volleyball and Rounders. Each week results are tallied and a standings/leader board is created (similar to interschool sport). The main difference is that at the end of the 2 hour session, all teams come together to record wins/ties/losses, but to also celebrate individual achievements, leadership and sportsmanship. This is the part of the program that I enjoy the most as students nominate team-mates or opponents for something outstanding that they witnessed during the competition. Smiles are created and sense of belonging is instilled. End of Year Sport Function – Epping Leisure Centre This year instead of a Swimming Carnival the school will be trialling something new and attending Epping Leisure Centre on both 3rd December (Foundation to Year 2) and 5th December (Year 3 to 6). 7 OVERDUE BOOKS The Leisure Centre will be providing sport rotations run by their highly trained staff from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Students will rotate through such activities as indoor Soccer, indoor Football, Beach and Hard Court Volleyball, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Netball, Lacrosse, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Fitness/Gym sessions and European Handball. A resounding 85% of students at school when polled, wanted a change from swimming and with an indoor facility, weather conditions on the day will no longer be such a concern. It also allows those students who do not feel competent in the water, something that they can feel safe participating in with their classmates and teachers. Overdue notices went home yesterday. We currently have 165 items over due this equates to $2475.00. I would rather spend our Book Fair Commission on new books than replacing “lost” ones. Please look for these missing books. The library is open from 8.30am – 3.45pm every day so there is no excuse for an overdue book. Happy Reading Sharon Turner District Swim Team trials: Trials will take place early in Term 1, 2015 for students in Years 3 to 6 who wish to compete for our school in the Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly or Breaststroke events. Information regarding the trials will be provided near the end of the year and will likely be conducted at the Greensborough Indoor Pool. Library PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION NEWS Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday November 11th at 9.05am. Sincerely, PE Teacher If you have any feedback or ideas on fundraising, or have been curious to see what events are upcoming, come and join us in the Community Room. ‘BDSSA’ Coordinator FUNDRAISING CALENDAR Jason Gray October: YEAR 6 GRADUATION BEARS AND MOMENTOS November: ELECTION DAY BBQ Hello fellow readers! December: CHRISTMAS CONCERT AND BBQ/RAFFLE Book Club pamphlets went home a couple of weeks ago. All orders must be returned with cash in a school envelope by Friday 24th October at 4pm. This will be the second last order for the year so it is a good time to look at your child’s favourite series or authors and do some Christmas shopping early. Can you help? BOOK CLUB Do you know or have an association with a local business who is keen to promote their services or products? Each year the PFA collects donations from a variety of sources to contribute to our Christmas Raffle and we rely on these to put generous hampers together to offer as prizes. No orders will be accepted after the above date, so get in early to avoid disappointment If you own a business or work for a company that would be willing to donate products or vouchers, please contact the school. Sharon Turner Book Club Coordinator Companies and businesses that offer to help are acknowledged here in the newsletter and their products and/or services are mentioned and promoted at the time of the draw itself. READING MATTERS We are lucky to have already received gift certificates from larger companies, why not promote yourself or your workplace as a local competitor and support your child’s school in the process. BOOK FAIR Catch the Reading Bug! Yes the final Book Fair for 2014 has arrived and is open for business every morning at 8.30am. Lots of different titles and for those thinking of (dare I say it) Christmas, lots of stocking fillers. Come along and browse with you child and talk about the books they like to read. Purchase if you wish – prices start at $1 for erasers etc. and $7.00 for books. We earn 30% on every item purchased and this money goes to buying new books for our school library. Hope to see you there! Kathryn Murray PFA Secretary 8
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