ISSUE 8 26th March 2015 Excursion Payments - PLEASE NOTE NO PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATE. FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK END OF TERM 1 Tomorrow, Friday 27th March 2015 is the final day of Term 1. Children will be dismissed from school at 2.30pm. Parents are Years 2-6 ICAS (NSW) Competitions due 13th April Years 3 & 4 Swimming due 17th April - $80 asked to please make necessary arrangements to collect their children on time. Year 5 Cosmodome Incursion due 24th April - $12 CULTURAL DIVERSITY WEEK Canberra Camp balance due 18th Sept - $500 Thank you again to our students, staff and parents for their positive involvement in this special week in the school’s calendar. The week finished with the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness held on 20th March 2015. The purpose of this was is ‘to promote happiness as a universal goal and aspiration in the lives of human beings around the world’. We celebrated the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness at school assembly with smiley balloons for each student, and dancing to ‘Happy’ and ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’. ENROL NOW FOR 2016 Coming Events Mar 27 Term 1 ends tomorrow at 2.30pm Apr 13 Term 2 begins at 9.00am Apr 17 Year 5 & 6 Interschool Sports Apr 21 Year 3 Swimming Apr 22 Internet Safety Awarness Presentation @ 6.30pm Apr 22 Year 4 Swimming Apr 24 Year 5 & 6 Interschool Sports Apr 27 Year 2 Yarabee Yesterday’s World Excursion Apr 28 Year 3 Swimming Apr 28 Year 5 Cosmodome Incursion Apr 29 Year 4 Swimming Apr 30 House Cross Country Trials Everyone also participated in creating a page for our whole school Happiness Book. This publication will be available for viewing in Term 2. Buildings & Grounds; Eduction & Policy; Finance & Fundraising; Community Building & Relations Committee Meetings 14th April, 12th May, 9th June, 14th July, 11th Aug, 8th Sept, 13th Oct and 11th Nov 2015 OSHC 16th April 2015 School Council Meetings in 2015 21st April, 19th May, 16th June, 21st July, 18th August, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November and 9th December 1 CHANGE AND ATTITUDE Like it or not, change is an essential part of our life. People who accept change generally thrive, while those who complain and fear change may develop negative attitudes towards life and relationships. The process of change begins with us. We all have tremendous potential to achieve our desired goals. But the one thing that may determine the level of that potential is our attitude. Change is normal, and most of us will experience unpredictable changes in both our personal and professional lives. None of us want to acknowledge that at times we doubt our ability to accept new ideas, use new technology, or adapt to new processes. We don’t even want to think about what’s ahead – new ways of doing things, new terminology, new beliefs and new behaviours. Fear can have several elements: l Fear of the unknown: what will happen? How will I deal with it? l Fear of losing control: what should I do? How will this affect my life? l Fear of being inadequate: what if let people down? What if I can’t cope? l Fear of moving outside your personal comfort zone: it’s worked for me for years, why do I have to change? Attitude determines how we choose to behave and function in our daily interactions. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new challenges. No other person on earth has the power to choose our attitude. People may affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking or behaviour habits, or misinforming us or providing us with negative influence – but no one can control our attitude unless we surrender that control. No one else ‘makes us angry’. We make ourselves angry when we give up control of our attitude. Whatever someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose our attitude and response, not they. If we care about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings and learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to influence our attitude in a negative way. We teach our students that having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. Our Values Program complements the teaching of resilience, coping with change and developing a positive attitude. BUILDING CHILDREN’S VOCABULARY Early knowledge of vocabulary consistently predicts children’s later reading achievements. Young children learn words from talking with parents, brothers and sisters and friends. Parents can also help children learn more words by using a variety of methods to develop their awareness of words. Remember to always keep the learning of new words fun. v Read poetry and rhymes. Look for collections of poems that appeal to children. Repeat them often so children learn them by heart. Make up nonsense verses when out in the car. Make it a game to find as many words as possible to rhyme with their names or other words they already know. v Use new words in new contexts. Try to use a new word again in your conversations and discussions. Make using it as natural as possible. v Explain what a new word means. Link it to other words they already know. v Look at the letters and sounds in new words. Make it a regular game when reading together to say new words, sound them out and look at the letters and letter combinations. v Choose a letter and everyone thinks of as many words as they can beginning with that letter. v Use family outings to point out words on signs and in shops. Even very young children can identify initial letters and guess what the word means. v Play word games such as Scrabble, Boggle, Upwords and many others. v Play with word association. You say a simple word like ‘dog’ and they have to reply with the first word that comes to mind. STUDENT LEADERS It is my pleasure to introduce you to our Blue Gum House Captains: Adam My name is Adam and I’m am one half of the Blue Gum House Captains. I am an approachable person who will make you smile when you are feeling down. I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I love reading, playing football and spending time with friends and family. I am a funny person, some say I’m a mushroom, it’s probably because I’m a fun-gi. Maggie My name is Maggie and I am one of the Blue Gum House Captains for 2015. I’d like to describe myself as a very approachable and genuine person. One of my favourite hobbies is playing sport and being active. I love to play basketball. I also love being around friends and family. I always put 110% effort into work at school and I’m always eager to learn more in class. Here are some ideas to use at home: v Act and illustrate words when you are reading aloud. Children who know very few words enjoy sounds and actions as well as direct explanations of what a word means. Children with larger vocabularies often prefer to discuss the new word and its meaning. 2 CONGRATULATIONS In closing … One more sleep and then it’s the Term 1 school I congratulate our Year 6 student and Student Council President, Ethan, on his success in gaining a full scholarship for Ivanhoe Grammar (Ridgeway Campus). Well done Ethan! I also commend another Year 6 student, James, on his scholarship achievement for Ivanhoe Grammar (Plenty Campus). Congratulations James! holidays! I hope all families will make the most of the school holidays and experience many exciting moments together. Keep safe, be happy, and enjoy the two week break. I leave you with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, ‘There is more to life than increasing its speed’. NEW SMOKING BANS Lu Alessi Principal Smoking was banned on the grounds of all Victorian Government schools by the Minister of Education in 2009 via a Ministerial Ban Order. From Monday, 13th April 2015, smoking is banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987. FROM ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S DESK Hi everyone, Reminder about hats We are a Sunsmart school and we are required by policy to wear hats from September to April. Students are required to wear a hat at school for the duration of this time. Please ensure your child has a hat with their name clearly written on it. If you need to order a replacement hat please see the uniform shop during open hours. PARENTING INFORMATION Feeling like a mum or a dad - do you confuse redundancy with irrelevance? Submitted by: Michael Grose Last week I placed a post on Facebook about the importance of developing independence in kids. Specifically, I asked people to finish this sentence: “I make myself redundant with my kids by getting them to_____________.” The responses were fabulous, showing the diversity of approaches and ideas that parents have, as well showing a determination for children experience the feeling of confidence that comes with real self-reliance. (They are well worth a read!) ASSEMBLY Weather permitting, the next whole school assembly will be held tomorrow Friday, 27th March 2015 at 1.40pm. If the weather is not suitable, sub-school assemblies will be conducted; the Early Years in the multipurpose room and Middle Years in the undercover area outside the LOTE Room. One person issued a ‘Take Care’ warning about developing independence in kids. This particular mother has found that her daughter has become so independent that she has become almost irrelevant in her eyes. This post struck a chord with me. START OF TERM 2 Term 2 will begin on Monday, 13th April 2015. Please ensure your children are at school by 9.00am to resume their learning. It shows that how controversial/challenging redundancy for parents can be. HAPPY EASTER As many readers would know I believe that a basic tenet of parenting is to teach kids the skills of independent living from the earliest possible age. Growing up means gaining the capability to look after yourself and others. Even though it’s a week away … I wish everyone in our school community a Happy Easter and hope you will spend quality time with family and friends. Enjoy chocolate eggs in moderation. Parents, among other things, are teachers giving kids the skills as well as opportunities to look after themselves and others. It sounds simple, but it can be complex to put into practice. For starters lack of time means it can be easier ‘to do for kids’, than allow them ‘to do for themselves’. (For ‘do’ insert any self-help skill such as dress, do up shoelaces, get oneself out of bed, prepare breakfast….) Also in a practical sense if you have more than one child then independence-building is uneven. That is, one child will generally relish the idea of independence often at the expense of others. 3 But individual differences are a challenge that parents always need to overcome regardless of the context. On that note make sure you take some time to get physical and enjoy the sunshine over the holidays. A mum may want her child to be independent, but no parent wants to be irrelevant. We all want to be connected to our kids and to be a part of their lives. Irrelevance though shouldn’t be confused with redundancy. They are very different. Year levels have completed their Integrated Learning topics for Term 2: Foundation - What is my history and how do I know? What stories do other people tell about the past? How can stories of the past be told and shared? In the quest for a feeling of relevance and connection we can do far too much for our children. I have been guilty of this in the past. As my children moved into the later teen years I would often do simple routine things for them such as making lunches, getting them up in the morning and driving them to the bus stop (even though it was only a five minute walk) as I desperately wanted to feel like a dad. I wanted to avoid feelings of irrelevance at all costs to the detriment of their independence. Year 1 - How has family life changed or remained? How can we show that the present is different from or similar to the past? How do we describe the sequence of time? Year 2 – How has the past created our future? Year 3 - How has our community changed over time? Year 4 – What relationships exist in nature? Independence building becomes a balancing act between preparing our kids to (eventually) leave the nest while enjoying a close, loving relationship with them. Sometimes the desire for the latter prevents us from doing the former. This is natural, but as the old notion goes: “The job of parents is to give kids roots to grow, and wings to fly.” In an emotional sense for parents, giving kids wings is by far the hardest job of all. Year 5 - What systems help us survive? Year 6 - How are changes clarified in a different way? STUDENT ATTENDANCE Every day counts – school attendance We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. CURRICULUM NEWS The Australian Curriculum has been written to equip young Australians with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to engage effectively with and prosper in a globalised world. Students will gain personal and social benefits, be better equipped to make sense of the world in which they live and make an important contribution to building the social, intellectual and creative capital of our nation. Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. Accordingly, the Australian Curriculum must be both relevant to the lives of students and address the contemporary issues they face. With these considerations and the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians in mind, the curriculum gives special attention to these three priorities: Coming to school every day is vital, but if for any reason your child must miss school, there are things we can do together to ensure they don’t fall behind: S S peak with your classroom teacher and find out what work your child needs to do to keep up. S D evelop an absence learning plan with your teacher and ensure your child completes the plan. S Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures S Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher early as early as possible. S Sustainability. Cross-curriculum priorities are embedded in all learning areas. They will have a strong but varying presence depending on their relevance to the learning areas. The new laws were activated as of the 1st March 2014 and this means that parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason. The content descriptions that support the knowledge, understanding and skills of the cross-curriculum priorities are tagged with icons. The tagging brings to the attention of teachers the need and opportunity to address the crosscurriculum priorities at this time. Elaborations will provide further advice on how this can be done, or teachers can click on the hyperlink which will provide further links to more detailed information on each priority. If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day. ON REFLECTION With term 1 drawing to a close, as a new parent you could be saying to yourself; “ I wish I knew that before my child started school!!!” here is a list of things you could reflect on and review or even put in place in preparation for Term 2. Planning days have been bubbling along nicely. Term letters will go home the first week of Term 2. If you have any concerns or information about your child’s learning please do not hesitate to contact their classroom teacher. J B uy lots of the same pairs of socks, so if you lose one you’ll have a spare, not a left-over. 4 J B uy a good quality summer and or winter uniform because they will outlast the cheaper ones and you save money in the long run. ATTENDANCE DATA J W hen you name your child’s clothing, lunch box and drink bottles, with permanent markers - use only the surname. Things can then be handed down to younger siblings. It’s COOL to be at SCHOOL! J Teach your little boy what a urinal is and how to use it. J If your child is having a lunch order, make sure you put in something for them to eat at recess time as the orders don’t arrive until lunch time. J T he school bags offered at uniform shops are excellent. You may think they are too big for your child, however once the lunch box, hat, drink bottle, library book, take-home book, jumper or jacket and finished work go in there, there’s not much room left. J A ttach a little trinket to your child’s school bag so that it is easily distinguishable from other bags. J I f you can afford to buy two hats, do it. Leave one permanently in the car or school bag….it saves the argument about the hat every morning. J It’s OK to forget other parents’ names….it’s hard enough to remember your child’s new friend’s name. Just ask again! J If you want to be a part of what is going on at school, come to a Parent and Friends meeting. It’s NOT OK to be away! Here are the student absences for term 1, week 8 2015. These statistics cover the days for the period Monday 16/3/15 to Friday 20/3/15. CONGRATULATIONS - Early Bird Congratulations to Groups Eucalypt 2, Eucalypt 7 and Waratah 5 for being here on time to start their learning for Week 8 of Term 1. 100% Attendance winners - Term 1 Week 8 2015 Congratulations to all the students who were here every single day last week: Foundation - Hana Year 1 - Adam Year 2 - Li Peng Year 3 - Alana Year 4 - Adam Year 5 - Joshua Year 6 - Max 2015 J A rrange coffee mornings with other parents at a place Week 8 where the toddlers will be kept entertained and you don’t Term 1 have to clean up! Without With Total Progressive Average No. Total date Student to Rate/ Note Note Foundation 5 6 11 116 1.9 Years 1 10 22 32 Years 2 6 8 14 Years 3 14 22 36 J F ill drink bottles from home, it’s cheaper and healthier than buying packaged juices. Years 4 2 10 12 IN CLOSING Years 5 8 12 20 Years 6 13 11 24 TOTAL 58 91 149 204 137 188 130 121 149 1045 2.2 1.6 2.1 1.4 1.5 2.0 1.8 J T ry to help out in the classroom once a week. Your child will love it and you will get to know the other kids, as well as being familiar with their school activities. J B uy snap lock bags for lunch because they can be reused and they are easier to open than cling wrap. It has been a very busy week with all staff finalising planning Term 2. A reminder that assembly will be at 1.40pm with an early dismissal at 2.30pm on Friday. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms. I wish people a happy and safe holiday and I look forward to holiday stories on your return next term. I leave you with a quote One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching….Author unknown! Remember that being at school on time, every day, can improve student learning! Please make sure you continue to send a note if your child is going to be absent from school. Cihan Ozbilgin Student Attendance Data Coordinator Keep smiling! Fiona Rosa Assistant Principal 5 Citizenship Awards Year 3 Waratah W5 Michaela For caring for her classmates. Waratah W6 Keerthana For showing the value of friendliness. Hibiscus H5 Everyone in H5 Term 1 For being responsible and respectful learners in Term 1. Hibiscus H6 Joy Week 9 Foundation For always demonstrating her best listening skills. Waratah W1 Lizzie For always trying her best and coming to school with a smile. Well done! Waratah W2 Myiesha Year 4 For showing the value of responsibility. Waratah W4 Waratah 4 Waratah W3 Dinara For being friendly, fun and respectful for all of Term 1. For always following classroom rules. Eucalypt E1 Afua For demonstrating the value of kindness. Eucalypt E8 Kya Year 1 For demonstrating the value of positivity. Waratah W7 Xiao Wen For always caring about her classmates. Waratah W8 Shilah Year 5 For always being kind and caring to others. Eucalypt E2 Jyle Waratah W9 Max For displaying the value of positivity. For showing more responsible behaviour. Eucalypt E3 Seyon Waratah W10 Hayden For displaying the value of kindness. For improving his listening skills. Eucalypt E4 Michael For displaying initiative. Year 2 Hibiscus H1 Taleb Year 6 For being a great friend! Eucalypt E5 James Hibiscus H2 Elissa For being a responsible and respectful student. For making some new friends. Eucalypt E6 Xia Hibiscus H3 Samantha For always having a positive attitude. For displaying the value of enthusiasm. Eucalypt E7 Zak Hibiscus H4 Alaa For demonstrating the values of flexibility and kindness. For showing the value of enthusiasm. 6 Learning Awards Year 3 Waratah W5 Stevie-Lee For outstanding rhetorical questions within her writing. Waratah W6 Nayle For awesome Home Learning. Term 1 Hibiscus H5 Everyone in H5 Week 9 For a wonderful effort in Term 1. Hibiscus H6 Maddison Foundation For a wonderful effort in Term 1. Waratah W1 Chase For working hard to write a sentence. Well done! Waratah W2 Rama Year 4 For trying hard with her learning. Waratah W3 Stephanie Waratah W4 Mirae For trying hard to write new words. For great improvement in her Reading. Eucalypt E1 Ava For her excellent reading skills. Year 1 Eucalypt E8 Arshdeep Waratah W7 Tony For always trying his best during our reading sessions. For making 4 digit numbers with MAB during Maths. Waratah W8 Dean Year 5 For doing a great job with his reading. Waratah W9 Esra Eucalypt E2 George For doing excellent work in Maths. For his excellent work with time. Waratah W10 Isabella Eucalypt E3 Jafar For improving her writing and using lowercase letters. Great effort with his persuasive writing. Eucalypt E4 Anthony For excellent work habits. Year 2 Year 6 Hibiscus H1 Fouad Eucalypt E5 Max For excellent reading! For excellent work in Novel Study. Hibiscus H2 Cooper Eucalypt E6 Gavin For writing excellent instructions. For his excellent work in the Maths extension. Hibiscus H3 Austin Eucalypt E7 Seth For making great improvements with his reading. For achieving excellent results in Maths. Hibiscus H4 Geneveive For her excellent origami skills. 7 STUDENT BANKING Keyboard Congratulations to Ava (W10), Jaidyn (W10), Aleisha (H2), Katrina (H2), Panchali (H1), Rasika (H4) and Laura (H5). Happy Eshu Year 6 Ethan Year 6 saving people! Adam Year 6 Singers Vivian Gulia Student Banking Coordinator FOUNDATION BREAKFAST Jack Year 6 Xia Year 6 Lara Year 5 Ukulele Last Friday, the Foundation students had their Foundation Breakfast as part of the Outdoor Education Program. This program prepares students for future activities such as overnight sleepovers and camps. Our classrooms were transformed into restaurants, the students became customers, and the teachers became waiters and waitresses! The students enjoyed a three-course breakfast of cereal, toast and fruit. Their manners were exemplary as they enjoyed their meals. A terrific time was had by all! Zac Year 6 Thank you everyone. And now let’s rock! Fiona King and Simon Ferwerda CULTURAL DIVERSITY WEEK WOW! We had such a fabulous time last week celebrating Cultural Diversity at Mill Park Primary School. It began with our Assembly last Monday, where interesting facts were shared with the students. One of the facts is that Mandarin is the most popular language in the world. We were then introduced to some Belly Dancing lessons by our Middle Years Music Teacher, Ms King. It was a lot of fun participating and it was great to see all the students and teachers getting into the spirit of Belly Dancing! Our week continued with a Story Time session on a culture of choice in the classrooms. It was great to hear students share their own stories about foods they eat, where their families are from and specific customs about their culture. Foundation Team ROCK BAND 2015 One of Mill Park’s favourite events is the Multicultural Parade. It was amazing to see the school community dressed up in some wonderful costumes. Each student had the opportunity to parade around with their classmates. We saw lots of students in traditional Chinese dresses, American Indians, Hawaiian Hula’s, Libyan dresses and European Soccer players. Congratulations to all the students and their families for embracing our parade and being involved in the spirit of ‘dressing up’. First of all, THANK YOU to all of the students who showed their enthusiasm, talent and amazing musical skills during the rock band auditions that have occurred during lunchtimes over the last eight weeks. Well done! And now, congratulations to the following students who have been selected to be in the Mill Park Primary School Rock Band for 2015! Drumkit Thomas Year 6 Stefan Year 5 The Foundation students had their Grandparents Day/Special Persons Concert, which is always a favourite! The whole school also participated in a variety of multicultural rotations. In the Year 2 area students were able to make ‘Carnivale’ masks from Brazil, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Japanese Fans and Harmony Hands. Conga/Percussion Blake Year 6 We finished our fabulous week with the International Day of Happiness. In classrooms, students worked collaboratively to create a page that shows what happiness means to them. Once all the pages from each classroom are collected, a Mill Park Happiness Book will be made and displayed at the front office. Bass Connor Year 6 Jaclyn Year 6 Guitar Brody Year 6 Triston Year 5 8 CYBER SAFETY ‘I-SPY’ The students received a yellow smiley face balloon to take out to assembly and everyone got into the spirit of singing and dancing to the ‘Happy’ song by Pharell Williams. Thank you to our Student Leaders for leading the dance. Hidden around our school are some mini pictures that represent Cyber Safety. We are going to play a whole school game of ‘I Spy’ and there are some prizes to be won! There is a checklist attached to the newsletter that you can use to keep track of how many pictures you find. You will also need to record where you found the pictures. They will be hidden around our school in windows and on doors. On behalf of the Hibiscus PLT (Year 2 and Year 3 teachers and Mrs Turner) we would like to thank the school community for being so actively involved in this year’s Cultural Diversity Week. It is amazing how well we celebrate all the differences amongst our diverse range of 61 cultures. Grazie, ’Danke schön’ Merci, Hvala, Gracias! Kelly Spurr Leading Teacher Hibiscus PLT There are 3 prizes to be won by the first 3 people who find ALL of the mini pictures. The prizes are: AN IMPORTANT CYBERSAFETY MESSAGE SA Mathletics Live voucher that allows you and a friend to have 30 minutes together on Mathletics Live (as negotiated by your teacher). Only a couple more weeks until our Internet Safety Awareness Presentation! Have you returned your expression of interest form? SAn iPad token that allows you to spend some time on your iPad (as negotiated by your teacher). To help your children stay safe online, Mill Park Primary School is hosting a Cybersmart Outreach—Internet Safety Awareness presentation. Designed for parents, teachers and students, this presentation is provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) as part of a national program of Cybersmart Initiatives. SA 30 minute voucher for you to go onto your netbook and have ‘free time’ (as negotiated by your teacher). If you require another checklist please see Miss Therapiotis (W6) or Miss Dehghani (E8). The presentation is conducted by an ACMA Cybersmart trainer and is free of charge. The Cybersmart Outreach—Internet presentation will be held on: Safety Message brought to you by the eSmart Team: Efstathia Therapiotis, Vanessa Fasulo, Corrado Porcaro, Adam Horne, Stephanie Dehghani, Jacqui Taylor-Gosling and Caitlin Shipsides. Awareness Wednesday 22nd April, 2015 at 6:30pm in the Eucalypt Building READING MATTERS As a bonus for those who attend the night, there will be door prizes raffled. Each family will receive a raffle ticket upon entry and the door prize raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the presentation. Congratulations! H3, H6 and W6 have completed the Challenge. 2nd Prize This means that every child in these groups has read 30 or more books. This also means that we have 182 students who have completed the Challenge and read 7,298 books. Brilliant reading! I know many of you have started reading for the challenge, please bring your reading sheets to the library so that I can start recording the data on the official site. Sony Extra Bass Headphone Valued at $49.95 Premier’s Reading Challenge 3rd Prize The Premier’s Reading Challenge is part of our Literacy Program and therefore compulsory for each child to enter. 1st Prize Nikon Coolpix S01 Compact Digital Camera Valued at $69 YellowStone Portable Speaker Valued at $28 Permission forms are coming in thick and fast. There are still 55 permission notes outstanding. If you have not brought your form back please do so as soon as possible. If you need another form come and see me. Home Reading books are not on the Message brought to you by the eSmart Team: Efstathia Therapiotis, Vanessa Fasulo, Corrado Porcaro, Adam Horne, Stephanie Dehghani, Jacqui Taylor-Gosling and Caitlin Shipsides. list so please borrow from the library. 9 Divisional Sport News: This is meant to be stress free. The books in library are labelled for easy selection by the students and there are tubs of the books in their different levels near the circulation desk. Please encourage your children to borrow from these tubs during library sessions, before and after school and at lunch times. If they borrow two books a week – one a “Challenge book” and one of their own choice they will complete the Challenge in no time. Please come and see me if you need further information. I am available before school from 8.30 -9.00am and after school 3.30 – 3.45pm. If you still wish to see the book list the website for the Premier’s Reading Challenge Book list is Congratulations to Toby, Max, Emily and Ashtyn who participated this Term in District sport trials in Basketball and Netball (Ash). The students were successful in advancing to the next level of competition and I am looking forward to hearing about their experiences during the next trial process. Sincerely, Jason Gray PE Teacher ‘BDSSA’ Coordinator Overdue Books Thank you to the students who have returned overdue books this week. New lists went out yesterday. Please bring your books back on time so your name does not appear on my wanted list. Make sure that your child has a library bag and they bring their library books back within the two week borrowing time. The children can borrow during their weekly library sessions, at lunch time, before school (8.30-9.00am) and after school (3.30 – 3.45pm). PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION NEWS To all families and to all teaching, support and administration staff of Mill Park Primary School. Happy Holidays!! CHECK OUT THIS SPACE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EVENTS TO COME IN TERM 2. Your best friends can be found within the pages of a book. Enjoy the holidays! FUNDRAISING CALENDAR TERM 2 2015 Happy Reading Sharon Turner Library April: WALKATHON May: MOTHERS’ DAY STALL Education Week: BIGGEST MORNING TEA The Parents and Friends Association meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Community Room. SPORTS CORNER These meetings are open to all parents and guardians, grandparents and interested members of the School Community. Bat Tennis and Tee Ball advance to the Grand Finals!!!!!! The last day of Term 1 will be a very memorable day for both the boys Bat Tennis and Girls Tee Ball teams that advanced to the Bundoora Sport District Grand Finals. The Bat Tennis boys will be playing Plenty Parklands Primary School (their only loss) at Plenty Parklands, while the Tee Ball girls will travel to the YMCA Softball grounds, Morang Drive to play against the Mill Park Heights team. I am very excited for both teams and proud of all the students involved in Interschool Sport this term. Both Volleyball teams finished in 4th Place and our Cricket boys finished in 3rd place overall. If you have heard of great Fundraising ideas that have worked at other schools or organisations via friends or work colleagues, we would love to hear them. Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday 14th April at 9.05am. We hope to see you there! Term 2 Sport is also being organised at the moment and selected students will represent our school again in Footy, Soccer, Netball and Girls Bat Tennis. Kathryn Murray PFA Secretary It has been a very action packed and fast term and I am looking forward to Term 2. Information regarding PE planning and events will be forwarded in upcoming newsletters. I would again like to thank all the parents that supported our teams throughout this term and our Middle Years teachers that did an outstanding job each week preparing our students for sport and sport carnivals. 10
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