For CPRI website Web link: Careers Central Power Research Institute (A Govt. of India Society, Ministry of Power) Post Box No.8066, Prof. Sir. C.V.Raman Road Sadashivanagar Post Office, BANGALORE – 560 080 Advertisement No. CPRI/R&D/Scholarship/2014 INTRODUCTION OF SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR POST GRADUATE (ENGG) PROJECT WORK IN CPRI. CPRI has introduced Scholarship Scheme for Post Graduate (Engg) Project work in CPRI. The programme offers candidates an opportunity to pursue project work as part of their Masters course while working with CPRI in identified in-house Research Contingency projects at Bangalore and its other units at Bhopal, Nagpur, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Guwahati. The aim of the scholarship scheme for Post Graduate (Engineering) project work in CPRI is to facilitate Post Graduates students (M.E / M.Tech) students work in advanced areas of Power Engineering. Project guidance and support to selected students will be provided by Officers of CPRI. The guide from the candidates Institution can also closely work with CPRI Officials for successful completion of projects. The eligibility criteria and other conditions for the above programme are given below: Candidates from IIT’s, NIT’s and other Engineering Colleges with minimum 90 percentile as GATE Score. Period of scholarship: 6 to 12 months. Scholarship amount is Rs.6,000/- per month No. of candidates is limited to 50 (Fifty) per year Recommendation from Professor and HOD at the College is mandatory Selected candidates are to be deputed by the respective institution for the entire duration of the project work. This is strictly a residential programme and all the scholars are expected to stay in CPRI. Subsidized Canteen facility will be offered. Candidates should submit the application in the enclosed format, through their Institution. All the required information in the application must be completed in full. Candidates will be required to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement with CPRI. Candidates will have access to identified laboratory facilities, CPRI Library and Internet. ….2 Duly filled in application form shall be submitted to the following address. Please superscribe the envelope “Application for PG Project work Scholarship Scheme of CPRI2014”. Joint Director R&D Management Division Central Power Research Institute Prof. Sir C.V. Raman Road, Sadashivanagar Post Office, Bangalore -560 080 (India) The list of eligible candidates will be announced in CPRI website. Last date for submitting the application is 15th November 2014. Joint Director (R&D) Application for PG Project Work Scholarship Scheme in Central Power Research Institute (Important: Please use only A4 size paper for application and other testimonials) Affix recent passport size Photograph here 01 Name in full (in Block letters) 02 Field of Interest for the Project 03 Advt. No. & Date (and name of the newspaper in which appeared) 04 Area of specialization 05 Age and Date of Birth (Enclose a copy of certificate in support of age) 06 Nationality 07 Father’s/Husband’s name 08 Address for correspondence (in Block letters) 09 Permanent Address 10(a) Telephone No. (Landline/Cell) Landline : Mobile : E-mail id : (b) Alternate number if any 11 Year and semester (at the time of application 12 Educational/professional qualification (indicating clearly the examinations passed, University/Board, Year and Month of passing, class and percentage of marks & subjects taken starting from minimum qualification prescribed for the post) If the examination was semester wise, marks should be indicated semester wise and copies of marks sheets of all semesters should be enclosed. If the examination is year-wise marks should be indicated year wise and copies of marks sheets of all years should be enclosed, along with certificates, failing which the application will be rejected: Examinat Year and Board/ %age of Marks Class Subjec Whether ion month of University/ semester wise obtain ts marks passed passing Institution /year wise ed taken sheets enclosed Semester % of / year marks (ATTACH SEPARATELY as Annexure – I ) 13 Details of Research Project work undertaken - Attach separate sheet 14 Details of Research papers published Attach separate sheet 15 Details of Professional membership 16 Details of special work carried out if any - Attach separate sheet 17 Details of Training/Course attended Attach separate sheet 18 Details of Seminar/Training/short term courses organized Attach separate sheet 19 Details of awards/honours received Attach separate sheet 20 Please attach a brief note on proposed R&D area in which you are interested to work at CPRI (should not exceed 2 pages) - Attach separate sheet Check list: 1) Certificate of bonafide student in the prescribed format with photograph attested by Principal / Head of the Institution 2) Details of percentage of marks obtained and GATE Score. 3) Self attested copy of the 1st semester M.Tech / M.E sheet 4) Self attested copy of the latest completed semester. Recommended by: Signature of the Student Signature of the Head of Dept / Placement Officer with Stamp / Seal Name of the student: Grade Subject studied CGPA etc (if applicable) M.Tech / M.E (2nd semester) M.Tech / M.E (1st Semester Basic discipline at graduate level GATE SCORE: Science / Engineering Marks percentage (convert in case of CGPA ) Year CENTRAL POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE P.B. NO.8066, C.V. RAMAN ROAD BANGALORE -560 080 Acceptance of risk factors I,_______________________________________ P.G.Project work Scholar from __________________________________ (name of the Institute) working for my dissertation / other assignments in CPRI, leading to M.E / M.Tech of _______________________ (Name of the Institute / Univaersity), hereby state that I understand the possible accidental physical risks which I may encounter while carrying out my dissertation work / other assignmentes at CPRI. I hereby declare that I will carry out my dissertation work / other assignmenets in CPRI at my own risk and I will not hold CPRI responsible for any type of physical injury caused to me during my Fellowship programme at CPRI. Signature of P.G. Project work Scholar Date: Place: Name and Signature of Research Supervisor / guide from Institute (name of the College) Name and Signature of Head of the Division from CPRI where research Fellow is posted. CENTRAL POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE P.B. NO.8066, C.V. RAMAN ROAD BANGALORE -560 080 Non Disclosure Certificate I,_______________________________________ P.G.Project _______________________ (name of the Institute), work Scholar from working for my dissertation work / other assignments leading to M.E / M.Tech of ___________________ (name of the Institute / University) hereby undertake that I will not divulge any sensitive technical information which I may directly or indirectly come across while carrying out my dissertation work / other assignments at CPRI without the permission of the guide from CPRI. otherwise, CPRI is free to take appropriate action which it finds fit against me. Signature of P.G. Project work Scholar Date: Place: Name and Signature of Research Supervisor / guide from Institute (name of the College) Name and Signature of Head of the Division from CPRI where research Fellow is posted. If found DECLARATION If selected, I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute. I affirm that the information given in this application is true and correct. I also fully understand that if at any stage it is discovered that any attempt has been made by me to willfully conceal or misrepresent the facts, my candidature will be summarily rejected and my scholarship scheme will be terminated without notice and compensation. If selected, I am willing to work on the research theme proposed by the Institute. Place: Date: Signature of P.G. Project work Scholar PHOTOGRAPH OF THE P.G. STUDENT – to be attested by signature across the photograph BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that _______________________________ (Name of the candidate), whose photograph is affixed, is a bonafide student of this Institute _________________________ (College/ University/ Institute) .……………………………….. ………………………………… ………………………………… (Name, Signature, email ID of the Principal/ Director / HOD) (with office seal)
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