FOCUS ON FAITH OCTOBER 2014 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 214 S. Derby Ave Derby, KS 67037 316-788-1715 Pastor Thomas Johnson Pastor Johnson's E-mail: [email protected] Church Website: Church E-mail: [email protected] School Website: IN THIS ISSUE: Area LCMS/Community News Birthdays and Anniversaries Elders LWML – Chicken Noodle Dinner Missions Notes to the Congregation Office Report to the Council Pastor's Desk Reformation Festival School News Seminary & Concordia Student News Stewardship Worship Assistants for October 2014 -1- pg 13, 15 pg 11 pg 11 pg 6 pg 16 pg 7-10 pg 20 pg 2-3 pg 3 pg 4-5 pg 13-15 pg 12 pg 18 “Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” (Colossians 3:13 – ESV) The fourth “G” (of reconciliation) is “Go and be reconciled!” (First “G” = Glorify God, Second “G” = Get the log out, Third “G” = Gently Restore) Sande in “The Peacemaker” seems to contradict himself when it comes to extending forgiveness to others. He writes things like, “It is impossible to truly forgive others in your own strength, especially when they have hurt you deeply or betrayed your trust,”1 and “(God) strengthens us through the Holy Spirit, who gives us the power and will to forgive others.”2 But then on the other hand he tells us that “forgiveness is a decision.”3 In a way, it parallels the decision theology we find with the Free Will Baptists. They tell us that we need to make a decision for Christ in order to be saved. So do we have to “decide” to forgive in order to be forgiven and to forgive others? In the Large Catechism under the Fifth Petition, Luther writes, “Whatever can be effected by Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which are appointed as outward signs, this sign (absolution) can effect to strengthen and gladden our conscience. And it has been especially instituted for us to practice every hour, keeping it with us at all times.”4 Every hour? Living in grace and forgiveness is a way of life. Forgiveness is always God’s work as the promises of the gospel are received. The verse quoted above exhorts us to forgive others the way Christ has forgiven us. This is impossible in our own strength and will. It must be Christ working in and through us by means of His Spirit, the Spirit that comes to us through the gospel. When I think of how Christ has forgiven me, I think of the means or instruments He uses. Dr. Nagel, in an interview with Todd Wilken once said (and I paraphrase), “We do not go to the cross for forgiveness, but to church, where we hear God’s Word and receive His sacraments.” Jesus forgave me at the font of Holy Baptism. Jesus forgives me in the faithful reception of His Body and Blood in the Holy Supper. Jesus speaks words of absolution into my ears through an office given for this purpose. St. Paul is addressing the laity in this verse from Colossians. In their various vocations they forgive one another by actually speaking the gospel to one another. A liturgical practice that has gone by the wayside for many churches, yet not all of them, is the “Kiss of Peace.” In the book, “Gathered Guests,” Maschke -2- writes, “The sharing of the peace (in other words, saying ‘peace be with you’ to one another), is an opportunity for worshipers to be reconciled and to express the great love they have for one another… it is a sign of reconciliation and of the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”5 (Matthew 5:22-24, Ephesians 4:1-3) The reconciliation happens in the very speaking of the peace. This is how Christ forgave His followers. When Christ appeared to His disciples behind closed doors on that first Resurrection Sunday Eve, the first thing out of His mouth was, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19) It was a promise from Jesus to His followers. It conveyed His love and mercy. He forgave them in the very speaking of the words; the words communicated His forgiveness. We should forgive this way also, whether in the Divine Service or outside of it, by saying “Peace be with you,” or “You are forgiven.” As we do so, the healing that Sande speaks of in association with this final “G” will be realized. 1 Ken Sande, The Peacemaker, page 205, 2Sande, page 214, 3Sande, page 207, The Book of Concord, page 433, 5Tim Maschke, Gathered Guests, page 158 4 Ted Tappert, Pastor Johnson REFORMATION FESTIVAL CIRCUITS 10 &11 SUNDAY • OCTOBER 26th IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 909 S MARKET • WICHITA 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. DIVINE SERVICE DINNER LUTHERAN LECTURE CLOSING PRAYER On October 26, 2014, Immanuel Lutheran Church of Wichita will host the joint-circuit Reformation Festival of Circuits 10 and 11. All are invited to join the festivities! Professor Roland F. Ziegler, Doctor of Theology, serves as Associate Professor for Systematic Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, and will be our guest preacher/lecturer. MEAL TICKETS are $10; children 10 and under eat free. To plan the meal we need an approximate headcount by Sunday, October 19th. Please RSVP to: ([email protected]) or call Immanuel Office at 264-0639. Please pay at the door to receive a ticket. REFORMATION CHOIR will be singing, "Our Joyful Declaration," by Mark Hayes. Choir rehearsal will be at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, October 26th. Please contact Becky Schmidt at [email protected] or 789-0461 if you are interested in singing or playing. [Contact Faith Lutheran church office for additional information regarding practices and a request for brass instrumentalists.] -3- Preschool Director: Preschool Teachers: Preschool Clerk: Miranda Ray Brenda Anderson Brittany Hernandez Sandy Johnson Jessica Karns Miranda Ray Cheryl Judd Principal: Karen Boettcher Kindergarten Teacher: Karen Holt 1st / 2nd Grade Teacher: Kayla Foss 3rd / 4th Grade Teacher: Ted Boettcher 5th / 6th Grade Teacher: Cheryl Voss School Office Manager AM: Amber Monroe School Office Manager PM:Becky Pankratz We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1: 2-3 We are thankful for all of our students in preschool through sixth grade, who are a blessing to all of us. ~ Karen Boettcher, Principal School Tours - Mrs. Boettcher will offer school tours from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, on Mondays and Wednesdays, for interested families. YOU ARE INVITED! Please join us for chapel each Wednesday morning during the school year at 9:45 [note the time change]. Fundraisers! We need your help! FLS NIGHT AT PIZZA HUT will be Tuesday, October 14th (the second Tuesday of the month) from 4:00-7:00 p.m. You must give them the PIZZA HUT form from the bulletin. This works for dinein, carry-out or delivery orders! FLS will receive 20% of your purchases! Let your cook have the night off and treat your family to Derby Pizza Hut pizza each month to help Faith Lutheran School! Our annual COOKIE DOUGH & GIFT CATALOG fundraiser started September 22nd. Orders need to be turned in by Monday, October 6th. Please consider helping our school with this fundraiser. Staff and students will be available on Sunday mornings before and after church to take your order. DILLONS GIFT CARDS purchased from FLS! Please remember to re-load your card each time you shop at Dillons or purchase gas at Kwik Shop. FLS earns 5% on each re-load. This is a great fundraiser that helps our school, and it does not cost you a thing! If you need a card or would like more information, please contact Amber or Becky in the school office (788-1715, ext. 103.) -4- Also … Go to and shop. We will receive 5% of the sales. At Target, use your red card, select Faith Lutheran School, and we will receive a percentage of your purchase. Thrivent Matching - Choose Faith Lutheran School Boeing Matching Gifts - Choose Faith Lutheran School *If anyone can recommend a company representative for me to talk at their work place for donations, please let me know. ~ Karen Boettcher Family Movie Night October 3, 2014 Please come and join us for a fun-filled back-to-school night. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm, followed by Rio at 6:00pm. $4 Hot dog, chips and drink $2 Additional hot dogs $1 Chips, drinks, and candy bar Free Popcorn! A donation drawing will be held for “Rio 2”. Tickets may be purchased at the event for $1. Sponsored by: Faith Lutheran PTL -5- -6- INCREASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF GOD'S WORD! As followers of the Lord Jesus, we should be motivated to study the Bible in order to continue growing in the things we have learned. We need to deepen our understanding of the backgrounds and contexts of scriptural books in order to better understand and apply to our lives the truths they contain. “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 Will you please join us for Sunday School, Midweek or any Bible Study? Thanks, Steve Davis - Christian Ed PARKING LOT RESURFACING Have you noticed all the cracks in our parking lot? Your Church Council has made an important decision to have the parking lot repaired and sealed before winter to prevent more expensive damage from occurring. We have contracted with a company called Surface Protection Services to do the repairs the week starting September 29th. The cost of the total project will be $16,702. I know that sounds like a lot of money but consider that the total area of the parking lot is over 66,000 square feet with 185 parking spaces. If you break that down to cost per parking space, it would be just over $90 per space. Every one of our members and visitors use our church and school parking lot. I challenge everyone to purchase a parking space… or two or three! Let's pay for our parking lot without taking money from our savings. David Drake, Head Trustee If you would like to donate toward this project, please use a Special Gifts envelope and note: parking lot. GET IT ON OUR WEBSITE! If there are any announcements or events you would like to have posted on the website you may e-mail them to our webmaster, Randy Wiseley, at [email protected] or phone Randy at (316) 293-7011. -7- Contact Information Updates If your information has changed, please call the church office at 788-1715, ext 221 or email us at [email protected]. Thanks! All retired members of Faith are invited to join us on the first Monday of each month for devotions, potluck lunch, and fellowship. All are welcome… Bell Choir Thursdays • 6:00 p.m. Adult [Vocal] Choir Thursdays • 7:00 p.m. GRACE FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION All donations of groceries are appreciated to help the Grace Lutheran Food Pantry. Each month specific items are suggested. The suggestion for October is Soap products: laundry soap, dish soap, and bath bar soap. You may place your donations in the shopping cart in the breezeway. As always, any non-perishables are greatly appreciated. Thanks! -8- ARE YOU WILLING TO USHER? Please contact Gerry Faley (788-1615) or Steve Klepacki (788-4427) if you would like to volunteer to usher. If you are unable to attend a particular Sunday, we'll find a substitute. Thanks for your consideration and service. LORD'S DINER: Please join us in volunteering at the Lord's Diner in Wichita. We volunteer the 2nd Saturday of every month. You may contact Deb Doesken (788-4354) for more information. FOOD HANDLERS CLASS INFORMATION Food Handlers Cards issued by the City of Wichita are required for all persons working or volunteering in food establishments within the city limits of Wichita. For more information, please call (316) 268-8351 Monday-Friday. Healthy Tip for Faith-Based Bulletins Sedgwick County Health Department – 660-7300 October – Flip Your Fridge October 24th is Food Day, a chance for you to “Flip Your Fridge,” reorganizing your refrigerator to improve your eating habits. The typical American diet is contributing to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Those problems cost Americans more than $150 billion per year. If you are ready to make a change in your eating habits, here are five easy steps… 1) Easy to see, easy to choose: Make healthier snacks like fresh fruits, veggies and hummus, light yogurt, string cheese, or bagged nuts visible by placing them at eye level. Use clear containers so you know what’s inside. 2) Make it snack-ready: As soon as you get home from the store spend a few minutes washing and cutting up some of your produce so it’s an easy grab when hunger strikes. 3) Out of sight, out of mind: Keep the less-healthy items in the back of the fridge or tucked away in a drawer. 4) Be food safety-minded: Keep any raw meat in the bottom section of your refrigerator. 5) Rethink your drink: Your best bets are water, seltzer water, unsweetened tea and low-fat or skim milk as your thirst quenchers. -9- OCTOBER IS NATIONAL "CLERGY APPRECIATION MONTH" This is a great opportunity to demonstrate love, appreciation, and encouragement for Pastor Johnson as well as other pastors. Consider the instruction of the Apostle Paul as, under inspiration of the Spirit, he writes: "We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work…" 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 Diligently pray God blesses and guides Pastor Johnson and all other pastors (especially Pastors Andy Becker, Richard Boyer, Luke Brown, James Conrad, Daniel Johnson, Dennis Kootz, Tim Lawson, Elliot Lutz, Rocky Mease, Ron Rock, Brandon Ross, John Tape, William Wingfield, and Chaplain Brad Boyer), vicars, and seminary students (especially Andy Hatesohl). Gracious Heavenly Father, pour out Your Spirit upon these, Your servants; give them strength and renew them as representatives of Your Word. May they faithfully walk with You and be filled with Your inspiration and strength in all they do. Amen. New Members: Matthew, Kayla, & Chloe Foss Transferred from Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Ansgar, IA 'Standing for Life' Derby Life Chain Sunday, October 5, 2014 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Corner of Madison and K-15 • Derby, Kansas The legality of abortions has not only killed millions of babies in the womb, but has caused ongoing sadness, guilt, loss, and brokenness in many women, girls, men and families. We pray that the wounded hearts, minds and lives be led to forgiveness, healing, and renewal in Christ. Help us to give bold compassion and help as we are able or direct them to ministries like Lutherans for Life hotline (Word of Hope) @ 888-217-8679, Choices Medical Clinic @ 687-2792, and Pregnancy Crisis Center of Wichita, Inc. @ 945-9400. "Arise, Lord! Lift up Your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless." Psalm 10:12 -10- Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy Birthday… 1 2 3 7 8 9 11 12 15 16 Robert Garcia Tammy Honn Carmen Onken Bryan Vincent Britton Voss Tom Nearhood Kimberley Davis Kaytelynn Gerbitz Hannah Vincent Tim Beikman Nicholas Stanley Jeremiah Davis Billie Langley Chase Rowland Cameron Gibson Reise Holt Jason Williams 18 Gary Kreps 19 Ross Stark 20 Bruce Dopfel Kathy Fischer 21 Trenton Bradley Kerry Lehman 23 Haither Zaragoza 24 Jan Garcia Rosemary Honer 27 Charles DeMeyer 28 Debbie McVey Lily Vincent 29 Dane Helzer Rita Kennedy 30 Fred Bohm Julie Green 31 Barbara Campbell Happy Anniversary… 1 20 25 26 Dean & Joyce Jackson Gary & Judy Kreps Lars & Kathy Fischer Frank & Sandy Fogle Pastor & Sandy Johnson 28 Rodney & Phyllis Clark If we have incorrect information or have missed your special date, please contact the church office so we can correct our records. Your Elders of Faith 2014-2015 ELDERS OF FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Duane Way Brad Bohm Larry Hare Lyle Blue Mark Doesken Max Ayers Steve Davis* Steve Klepacki *Chairman [Adams - Bradley] [Campbell - Faley] [Finkbeiner - Helmers] [Helzer - Kreps] [Landsverk - Nelson] [Newkirk - Seeney] [Showalter - D Voss] [F Voss - Zaragoza] -11- Evangelism School Board Endowment Trustees Stewardship Chr Ed, Y&F Ushers 788-0147 260-4968 777-0167 777-1636 788-4354 777-0615 337-5269 788-4427 A Stewardship Message… A Definition of Stewardship “Christian stewardship is the practice of the Christian religion. It is neither a department of life nor a sphere of activity. It is the Christian conception of life as a whole, manifested in attitudes and actions.” (W. H. Greever) A Stewardship Thought While opportunities to use our gifts seem almost limitless, we must be willing to make ourselves available. Often our tendency is to look at our shortcomings rather than to focus on Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Him Who gives me strength." As stewards we are to use our gifts gladly and wholeheartedly in service to God alone. Expressing Your Thanks to God How are you saying THANKS to God for all that He has entrusted to you? When you think of Christian stewardship, you probably think of what you place in the offering plate. I hope that you are showing your gratitude through generous giving, but what about using your talents for God through the church? All of us, to one degree or another, have the ability to do things that can be of benefit to our church. In other words—after you have heard the sermon and participated in Holy Communion—now it’s time to show your thanks by doing some work for the Lord. You may ask: “Why should I?” Think for a moment about our situation. Many do not realize that sin is a big problem and obstacle in this world. We do. Thanks to the Word of God, we have been brought to the realization that forgiveness is needed every day. Scripture also tells us that salvation is a free gift that we can’t earn. That fact should make us more eager to say thanks to God Who has saved and freed us from eternal prison and gives us a fresh start every day. As stewards, we realize that our talents and abilities are gifts from God that are to be used in His service. When we use our gifts for God’s glory, we are acknowledging that He is the provider, and we express our thanks for what He gives to us. Some of the tasks that we can do around the church are fairly obvious, such as being kind and courteous to fellow worshippers and visitors, giving words of encouragement, singing in the choir, ushering, teaching Sunday school, serving on committees or boards, washing the windows, etc. Check with us in the church office to see how you can use your gifts. There are many ways of expressing thanks to the Lord. We hope that one of the ways that you will say thanks is through using your talents at our church. On the Lighter Side… A pastor was talking to the church organist. “When I finish my sermon,” he said, “I’ll ask for all those in the congregation who want to contribute $500 toward the church’s debt to stand up. In the meantime, you can provide appropriate music.” “Any suggestions?” the organist asked. “You might try the Star Spangled Banner,” the pastor replied. Stewardship Program -12- September 16, 2014 Dear Faith Lutheran, Hello from St. Louis! By the time you read this, I'll have finished my second week of classes. This quarter I have Preaching II, Systems I (doctrine), Exodus and the Torah, and Biblical Archaeology. All of my classes have been interesting thus far, so I'm excited to see what the quarter has in store for me. My fieldwork church, Immanuel Lutheran in Olivette, has remained the same from last year. I look forward to again helping with Sunday services, preaching occasionally, and visiting shut-ins. This year we are also adding a young adult Bible study which I will co-lead with another fieldworker. I'm grateful for any pastoral experience I can receive before vicarage. This year I've also joined the seminary soccer team! I haven't played soccer since probably 5th grade (my high school didn't offer soccer), but I'm excited to play and get a good workout. Thank you again for your support of my pastoral education. The Church is so blessed to have congregations like you who care so deeply for its future. The Lord be with you, Andy Hatesohl Philippians 1:3-6 19th Annual Community Health Fair Woodlawn United Methodist Church 431 S Woodlawn • Derby, KS October 11, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Free Services Offered: Bone density check, dermatology screening, blood pressure check, hearing screening, podiatry information, diabetic educator, chiropractic heat scan of neck/back, Derby Police Department will conduct finger print ID for children and offer certificates for free bike helmets. See poster on narthex bulletin board for more information. Please be a good steward and recycle this newsletter! -13- Hello, Friends at Faith! I'm settling back into the rhythm of school. I'm taking five classes this semester, plus band and handbells. Christian Teacher's Ministry is with the same excellent professor who taught Adolescent Psychology last semester. We discuss issues facing teachers, whether they are struggling to conduct a ministry and keep their job in a public school or figuring out the call process in Lutheran schools, and what difference an LTD (Lutheran Teaching Diploma) makes. Fiction Writing is for my English concentration, and it's fun; I love to write. We work on our own stories and workshop with each other in writing groups. ESL Instruction gives me a lot of tools to help students in my classroom who have English as a second language (or third or fourth). Intercultural Communication, also for my ESL concentration, is an online class, but I still learn a lot. We have assignments to go try other culture's food, see their art, watch a movie in another language, etc., and then we report back on what we learned. For being a "non-religious" class (that is, the title isn't Theology or Religion 333), the ministry aspect is pretty integrated. We talk about how to do cross-cultural ministry, and one of our textbooks pointed out that Jesus was the best cross-cultural minister there ever was, as he became 100% human and fully took on all the aspects of Jewish culture. My final class, Content Area Literacy, is another great class that teaches us to apply all the knowledge we have in our content area and actually teach it and make it accessible to our future students. Throughout the semester, we develop a lesson plan, according to the principles that we learn, and as our "final" for that class we actually teach the lesson to real students in a real school. I've asked one of my former English teachers at Derby High School to let me borrow her classroom on November 21st and 25th, before the high school students get out on break, so I will be around that weekend before Thanksgiving. Concordia's Homecoming is coming up on October 3rd – 5th. The handbell choir has been practicing the song "Let It Go" from the ever-popular "Frozen" movie to play for the Talent Show that's part of those festivities. Our homework was to listen to it at least three times. My roommate, Mary, is also in bells, and we listen to it in our room all the time. We're improving, but I also have the song stuck in my head so much that I'm not sure I'll ever get it out. Mary is an RA (Resident Assistant), so all the other girls on our hall are freshmen. It's an interesting dynamic, but I don't mind. I've gotten to know several of the girls and like helping them adjust to college life at Concordia. Plus, Mary's fun personality more than makes up for living in David for the fourth year in a row. -14- I do get off campus, too. Jaimie is one of my friends that's two years older, graduated and married, but still lives in town. She's now working on getting a master's in family ministry and counseling, and she holds a women's Bible Study at her house every Thursday. The three of us that go (Mary, another girl, and I) are very close so we share freely about issues in our lives and things to be thankful for, too! Last week, we looked up Bible verses that talked about being self-controlled and discusses areas of our lives that we need more self-control in, whether it's being productive and not procrastinating, purity, or loving our neighbors. Then we enjoyed scones Jaimie made and gave each other back rubs. I love getting to be so close with other sisters in Christ, whatever their age. On Saturdays, Justin and I usually go to Neutral Groundz. They have free food and lots of board games, card games, and pool, but the best part is the adult volunteers who like to keep up on what's going on in your life, which I've missed since I haven't been in Derby as much. Love, Rachel Rachel Dahlke • 800 N Columbia Ave • Seward, NE 68434 The LHM has been a witness for more than 90 years! The Lutheran Hour proclaims the salvation of Jesus every week to hundreds of thousands of listeners on more than 900 radio stations. Tune to LHM radio on Sundays for a one hour broadcast when you can’t be at church to worship with us. It’s the next best thing to being here! Max Ayers, Faith's LHM representative KFTI Wichita, 1070AM on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. KFTI Wichita, KS 92.3 FM on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. KAWZ Wichita, 88.7 FM on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. XM Radio #170 on Sundays at 12:00 noon Or listen online at ASCENSION LUTHERAN FALL FESTIVAL FOR MISSIONS October 18, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 842 N Tyler Rd • Wichita We will have a huge selection of new items and gently used items, along with quilts, table runners, fall decorations, jewelry and much more. We will also have a Bake Sale and a Chicken and Noodle lunch. All of the money raised will go to Missions. See flier posted on narthex bulletin board. -15- MISSIONS Rev. Daniel Johnson is the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod of International Mission Catechist to Siberia and the Baltics. The Rev. Daniel Johnson has been working since 2000 in Siberia, Lithuania and Latvia and in 2012 took the role as the Catechist to Siberia and the Baltics. Recently his hard work was recognized as shown below in an excerpt of this September 8th blog. “During these travels, Rev. Johnson was presented with a special honor, a silver pectoral cross, the Silver Cross of the SELC. The tradition of the pectoral cross goes back many years in Russia, to the time of Tsar Nicholas II. The Tsar awarded this cross to every priest of the Russian Empire at that time. The tradition continues today. In the churches now, it is awarded to pastors at their ordination by the bishop of their respective church body. This is because in churches such as those in Russia and Latvia, pastors and deacons wear the same cassocks and collars. The distinguishing mark of the ordained pastor is the silver pectoral cross he wears (you can liken this to the LCMS when the pastor at his ordination is given his stole and chasuble). The Silver Cross shows that the pastor has all the privileges and authority given a pastor by the bishop of that church body. The cross is also often awarded to pastors from outside of the Russian Empire in recognition of faithful service.” Norton Ministry to the Navajo and Indians of the Southwest As always, Tim Norton has been busy working and spreading the Word of God. The excerpt taken from his newsletter tells us of a portion of Tim's work during the last month: “Eight women from various points in Idaho facilitated crafts, sewing, puppet making, Bible studies, and of course the big crowd pleaser - food. They also did an outreach at a senior center in Ft. Defiance, AZ and painted the house of one of our members. We held VBS earlier in July and around 30 children participated. The Word of God was shared at each of these events with people who usually don’t come to our worship services, and we know that God’s Word doesn’t return to Him empty (Is. 55:11). We thank God for the way He used these visitors to share His Word!” Please remember our missionaries and those that work so hard to spread the word, often under difficult conditions. If your heart moves you please show support with a financial donation to help further their works. Respectfully, Ernie Morrison for the Missions Committee -16- REFORMATION WORD SEARCH X C Y X H X P S H T J C R M S H I E H E O S G E H H T Z S I H B P X X E E C C O E S E C P N A I O R N K N O M N H N R G L K G S A O T Z I S E Q X L G R T E U T E N H S E P R S G F M E U L W Y I G H A ANABAPTIST BIBLE BISHOP CALVIN CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY CHURCH COUNCIL DOCTRINE ENGLISH EUROPE FAITH P S A E A H T U K M Z Y I I R V A L C K O E U B R I T J E A A S G N S I F U N S P Y A T A E N E B R H U C O R I L D L T L N H N N I T E V T N T I A L I T N L L A O I B V A L I T I U S E J T O P I O J G T E L X B T G C N F N O I N H E Y O X Y R A X I L N S A L Q Y I D K I O H R N G C E B C D K W E U B J T G H L T L T X GERMANY GUTENBERG HENRY VIII HERETIC INDULGENCE INQUISITION JESUIT JUSTIFICATION LATIN LOYOLA MARTIN LUTHER MONK -17- N O I T A C I F I T S U J E A S Q A I F C S O W I A P Y D H O T B R N A L K L C M R T K H C R U S E D R D M B I S H O P L I C N U O C G K R F K P A Y N N C E R R E F O R M A T I O N E T N R T R X O A G R U B N E T T I W T V H Y L S R M Y D N A D O C T R I N E M K T H E S E S Z A NINETY-FIVE THESES PEASANTS POPE LEO X PROTESTANT REFORMATION ROME SAINTS THEOLOGY THESES WITTENBURG WORSHIP ASSISTANTS OCTOBER 2014 ALTAR GUILD: Nadene Henderson & Carmen Onken 1st Service 2nd Service USHERS: Steve Bartlett Dan Mills USHERS: Ernie Morrison Brian Wilcox October 5 Elder Steve Davis Acolyte Hannah Nelson October 5 Elder Lyle Blue Acolyte Reise Holt October 12 Elders Steve Klepacki Brad Bohm Acolyte Tristin Zaragoza Crucifer Samuel Dopfel October 12 Elders Duane Way Steve Davis Acolyte Xandra Thorpe Crucifer Charles DeMeyer October 19 Elder Duane Way Acolyte Lily Vincent October 19 Elder Max Ayers Acolyte Tim Johnson October 26 Elders Brad Bohm Steve Klepacki Acolyte Alexis Williams Crucifer Tiffany Voss October 26 Elders Larry Hare Mark Doesken Acolyte Aidan Stark Crucifer Emily Johnston CHURCH OFFICE REPORT Attendance Date 8:15 10:45 Totals 8/3/2014 8/10/2014 8/17/2014 8/24/2014 TOTALS AVERAGES 100 69 83 64 90 88 88 63 361 284 90 71 169 147 178 151 645 161 -18- SS Adults 18 18 20 22 78 20 SS Children 17 10 14 18 59 15
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