Faith Lutheran Church Messenger 1000 Tates Creek Road, Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-7621 or (859) 266-9600 e-mail: [email protected] website: December 2014 “Stay awake, be ready. You do not know the hour when the Lord is coming. Stay awake, be ready. The Lord is coming soon!” December 14, 3:00pm Continued on page 3 Christmas Services at Faith Faith will offer three services of Holy Communion with Candle Ligh ng on Christmas Eve: · · 4:00 Family Worship—this service is designed to be familyfriendly, with a shorter liturgy and ac ve par cipa on of children. Pastor Joan Sorenson will preside, engaging worshippers in the gospel story of Christ’s birth. In keeping with Christmas Eve tradi on, the service will include familiar carols, communion and candle ligh ng. String instrumentalists will play music of the season 15 minutes before the hour. 7:00 and 10:00 Fes val Worship—the tradi onal Christmas Eve liturgy with scripture and carols, led by Faith’s Parish Choir. Pastor Rutrough will preside and preach. Seasonal music featuring harpist Carolyn Dupont will begin 15 minutes before the hour. Christmas Day—service of Holy Communion celebrated at 10:00 a.m. in the Gathering Area. The Light has come Please come join us on December 14 for an a ernoon of music and scripture. Our children, youth and adult choirs will sing and play music interwoven with scripture. It is an easy service, one for reflec ng on the deeper meaning of Advent and the celebrated me of Christ’s birth. Bring the family, bring a friend. It will be meaningful to all. THE NEST REINDEER EXPRESS 2014 The staff at the NEST have requested that we donate coats, hats and gloves for the Reindeer Express this year. They are hoping to be able to provide these items to 250-300 boys and girls. They especially need coats in sizes 2T to 6 for both boys and girls. Smaller sizes are also needed, but in lesser numbers. There are tags specifying gender and size on a tree in the Narthex. Please help with this event as you are able. Items should NOT be wrapped, and should be brought to Faith Dec. 7 - Dec. 10. If you have ques ons, please contact Gail Swanson 273-4601 or [email protected]. Mission Statement: As followers of Jesus Christ, we embrace, reflect and proclaim God’s unconditional love. The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church DECEMBER 2014 Gree ngs from the Call Commi ee. It has been quite some me since we came to you with an update on our call process, but we have not forgo en about you or our mission. As you may remember, we received names of three poten al candidates in late August, interviewed all three during September, and then no fied the synod that we were releasing all three candidates because none appeared to be a good match for our congrega on. And then we waited ... and waited... for our next candidate. Now, you should know that the bishop's office selects candidates from one of three sources: applica ons received in response to a posted posi on, review of applica ons already on file, and nomina ons received from a congrega on. As we waited for Pastor Mueller to send us our next candidate, we also sent him the names of seven pastors recommended by members of our congrega on. According to Pastor Mueller five of the seven are either ineligible or not interested in a new call, one is considering our materials, and one has not yet returned his call. In the mean me, we have a new candidate. We just received an email from Pastor Mueller with the name and creden als of a pastor he thinks might be a good match for Faith. The Call Commi ee met this morning to review the candidate's creden als and determine our next steps. We ask you to please keep the Call Commi ee, our candidate, and our congrega on in your prayers as we connue this process. I know the wai ng is difficult - it is difficult for all of us. But we trust that the Holy Spirit is working to lead us to our next pastor. Thank you. Page 2 Dear fellow members of Faith Lutheran Church, The Personnel Commi ee is currently working towards crea ng a posi on descrip on to begin an immediate search for a permanent Director of Music Ministries. This posi on will need to be filled when Clif Cason completes his service as Interim Director of Music Ministries, to which he has commi ed himself for a period of 90 days. While this posi on will require the necessary combina on of creden als and experience for an organist/musician/director, it will not require that a qualified candidate be an Associate In Ministry within the ELCA. We are grateful for the me and a en on our Worship Commi ee has given to the worship and music ministries of Faith Lutheran Church, and for Clif Cason for sharing his gi s and exper se in our central calling of worshiping God. Yours in Christ, The Personnel Commi ee One way YOU can make a difference: We may think, “I am not wealthy. I am not one of the super-rich. How can I support God’s work for the long term?” We can if we plan ahead. Steve Phelps, Regional Gi Planner for the ELCA will speak at worship and be available for conversa on in the Narthex, Sunday School hour, Sunday, December 14, to discuss how you can include God’s work in your financial and estate planning. No commitment necessary. We are simply touching on possibili es. Stop by. You may be surprised with what you can do. The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church DECEMBER 2014 Page 3 December Flyer A Message from Pastor Andy Wai ng is a holy, ac ve thing. It helps us know that we are not God; that everything does not revolve around us. And yet, something is coming. Something terrible and wonderful will change us. Those of us who have been pregnant may understand this. We experience life growing inside us. Our bodies shi , our minds reorient. The ques on rises, “Will this baby ever arrive?” Some mes we glimpse the coming birth. Many of us have waited for a loved one to die. We try to make them as comfortable as we can. If we are far away in body, we let them know we love them. If we are close, we watch. They breathe. They keep breathing. The ques on rises, “How long?” Then, slowly, they breathe less o en, and then less, ll finally they have finished breathing. Some mes we glimpse the coming resurrec on. In Advent we wait for Christ to come: in glory, in a manger, in our hearts, in the world. Our souls shi in prepara on. We watch. We ask, “How long?” And every once in a while, usually while we’re paying a en on to something else, the Christ child touches us, the Jesus of glory whirls us round, and we glimpse the unu erable beauty of God’s love. I hope that happens to you this season. Holy Advent and Blessed Christmas, Pr. Andy 12/7: Serve soup lunch a er the 11:00 service as a FLY fundraiser. Please let Kevin know if you can provide a crock-pot of soup. All youth (especially those going on the NYG trip) are needed as available for setup, serving, and cleanup. 1/4: 6:30-8:15 – 11th Day of Christmas party. Come recognize our liturgical heritage by celebra ng Christmas into January with snacks, games, and the infamous white elephant gi exchange. Bring a fun, unwanted, or tacky wrapped gi . 12/21: 2:00-4:00 – Home Alone movie (1990 – PG) plus snacks. Enjoy the tale of Kevin, le home accidentally for Christmas, as he defends his home against robbers and learns the importance of family. The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church DECEMBER 2014 Page 4 Table d'hôte - Valentine’s Day Saturday - February 14 - 2015 The Parish Life Committee once again presents a unique formal dining experience at Faith: The following is the list of persons who have said they would like to be listed. Please keep them in your prayers. In the future, when pu ng people on the prayer list, please inform the church office if you would like their names and concerns to be shared in this way. Prix Fixe Menu ($25/person) (salad, choice of entrée and dessert) Individual Table Service Two Seatings - 5pm and 7pm Reservations Required All proceeds benefit Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Watch for More Information! If you have a tea cart we may borrow for this event, please contact Nancy George (277-7609). Bonnie Harstad's family. Elizabeth Bowers, daughter of Diana Shappley, con nues recovery from cancer. Steve Carter, complicaons with his transplant. Sydney and Adeline Taber, daughters of Leslie Taber, con nued growth as premature infants. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Financial Secretary's Report October 1-31, 2014 INCOME TOWARD BUDGET General Fund Offering Envelopes Loose Offering Use of Building $ 29,167.00 765.81 60.00 29,992.81 Other Income CC Reimb - Workman's Comp CC Reimb - Custodial CC Reimb - Loan 125.00 370.00 1,222.16 1,717.16 Total Income Toward Budget Misty Hess, healing from hand surgery. Randy Will, son of Eileen Will, spinal cord injury. Henning Egner, undergoing cancer treatment. Linda McDaniel, recovering from knee replacement surgery. Carol and Jim Larson's friend Emily, ba ling cancer. 31,709.97 DESIGNATED MONEY Pastor's Discretionary Fund Youth Fund Sunday School Offering World Hunger Book Sales LWR-Fair Trade Sale Proceeds God's Pantry Harstad Memorial Music Scholarship Mission Endowment Fund Grace Orphanage National Youth Gathering Memorial - Bonnie Harstad Total Designated Money 225.00 173.83 28.40 56.00 229.16 161.00 40.00 100.00 526.61 100.00 2,040.51 100.00 3,780.51 TOTAL SEPTEMBER RECEIPTS Comparison to Budget Contributions Budget Percent of Budget 35,490.48 October 29,992.81 34,716.75 86.39% Year-to-Date 347,012.00 347,167.50 99.96% The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church The holiday season is a me of preparaon, a me of great expecta on. Christmas trees are decorated, lights are hung, gi s are bought and children wait with great an cipa on the arrival of Santa on Christmas morning while families look forward to gatherings of loved ones and friends who will come together for joyous Christmas celebra ons. As Chris ans, we await the coming of Jesus as a babe in the manger. And we hear the voices of John the Bap st shou ng prepare the way of the Lord. And we hear Mary sing, “the Lord has done great things for me and holy is his name. “ In this Advent season of “wai ng” Word of Hope invites you all to spend an hour each Wednesday evening during Advent for an hour of medita on, conversa on and worship with us as we take a look at the angel Gabriel’s great message to Mary and her resounding song of praise, The Magnificat, a message which has come down through the ages, reminding us of the greatness, jus ce and promises of God. You’re invited to join us on the Wednesday evenings in Advent, Dec 3, 10, and 17 from 6:30-7:30pm at Word of Hope Lutheran Church on the corner of Armstrong Mill and Man O’War in Lexington as we gather together to share in the Scripture talk about God’s greatness, jus ce and promises for our lives, seeking to understand more deeply the words of the Magnificat of Mary. All are welcome to this very special me of prepara on. Come, and bring a friend. DECEMBER 2014 Page 5 Bishop Ga jen included this note for prayers in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod newsle er. "Our hearts are ba ered, but they will mend. The world is broken, but it will be healed in the end. And good will prevail as the one God of many names will prevail." These are the words of Paula Kassig, the mother of Peter Kassig, the young humanitarian brutally murdered at the hands of ISIS, the terrorist organiza on known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria. We mourn with the Kassig family and hold in our hearts their strong spirit of forgiveness. May the Kassig family con nue to feel the support of all those li ing them up in prayer and love in the weeks and months ahead. We li up in prayer all those affected by the brutal snow storm in Buffalo, NY. With at least six feet of snow and more on the way, we pray for the safety of those stranded by the storm and we mourn with the families of the six people who have died as a result of the blizzard. We ask that God watch over everyone who experience power outages, travel troubles and medical emergencies. Keep our hearts focused on the needs of those affected, even a er the worst of the storm is over. We invite You to A Blue Christmas Service Sunday, December 21, 2014— 9:30 A.M. Christmas me can be a very lonely, depressing, “Blue” me for many during the holidays. God has compassion and comfort for the hur ng. Come be reminded, encouraged, upli ed, and strengthened by God’s love for you. Gethsemane Lutheran Church 2185 Garden Springs Drive Lexington, KY 40504 A me of refreshments and fellowship will follow. Please call or log on for more informa on! (859) 277-6096 The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church DECEMBER 2014 Social Jus ce Indiana-Kentucky Synod Call to Ac on Last year the I-K Synod Council issued the following calls to ac on to combat abusive payday lending prac ces: · IN-KY Synod – To support legisla ve protec ons for individuals against lending abuse, including a cap of 36% APR for all small loans. · IN-KY Synod members – To contact state legislators to make known their opposi on to abusive lending prac ces. · IN-KY Synod congrega ons – To study payday lending in their communi es, to talk with banks about offering small cash advances at rates not to exceed 36%, and to iden fy next steps to support the Synod’s efforts to combat abusive lending. · More informa on about the Synod’s work can be found at: h p:// AdvocacyChurchinSociety/paydaylending.html Social Jus ce – Opportuni es at Faith Par cipa ng with the I-K Synod, Faith Lutheran, along with other congrega ons in the Synod, has organized public protests against the injus ces of payday lenders. Watch for no ces in the bulle n and newsle ers about plans for future ac vi es at Faith to promote social jus ce with our Synod. This year in Lexington, BUILD’s jus ce ministry will again focus on three issues: payday lending, affordable housing and crime and drugs. Research work on these issues began at the Researchto-Ac on Kickoff on November 24. Research commi ees were formed and planning started for each research program. The research will con nue for the next four months in prepara on for the Nehemiah Ac on Assembly in April when public officials and those in power will be asked to commit to ac ons that will correct injus ce in our community. Please consider working for jus ce by par cipa ng in a BUILD research group. For more informa on contact Pastor Andy or any of Faith’s Jus ce Ministry team members: Shane Hadden, Jim Larson, Jim McGrath, Bryna Reed, Gail Swanson or Joe Swanson. Page 6 A Victorian Christmas at White Hall Richmond, Kentucky Saturday, December 6, 6-8pm Parish Life is pleased to announce this family-friendly opportunity to tour White Hall as it dazzles in all its Christmas glory. Costumed interpreters will be on hand to answer ques ons about the house and the Clay family, as you stroll through the holiday bedecked rooms and learn about Christmas customs celebrated today that were first made popular by the Victorians. Baked treats and hot apple cider round off this wonderful family event. White Hall State Historic Site is best known as the home of emancipa onist Cassius Clay, cousin of Lexington’s Henry Clay. Cassius Clay was a contemporary of Berea College founder John Fee, and donated the land upon which Berea College was established. Plan to visit White Hall on Saturday, December 6, and you will find other friends from Faith among the visitors - and among the volunteers! Tickets are $10 per person, with no charge for children age 5 and under, and no advance reservaons required. (Please Note: White Hall is not wheelchair accessible.) Direc ons from Lexington: I-75 South to Exit 95 (sign for White Hall on 75-S). Exit right and con nue past the Shell sta on, then past the small lake on the le . Con nue through the White Hall gate to the parking lot, and purchase ckets in the visitor recep on area. The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 2 5 6 8 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 Sharon Bernard Joyce Rector Barbara Vann Olivia Bernard Bob Lewis Garry Marsh Kris Kimel Rick St. Peter Nate Reed Urton Anderson Jeb Emmons Madeline Farrar Don Greth Cindy Heine Corrine Jones Phillip Allison Victor Allison Paul Sorenson Ma Terry Robin Wilson Natalie Rion Dave Sve ch Marissa Talbert Miranda Talbert Carolyn Walker Dorothy Avery Roland Born Marcus Atkerson Stuart Larson Owens Nelson Janet Walker Jim Buchanan Hudson Payne Gayle McGrath Susan Rexroad Laura Zink Terry Bryan Jason Rexroad Barbara Christensen Jim McCormick Dan Kazee James Matson Christyn Renfroe John Bower Chris an Sorrell Luise Wendroth DECEMBER 2014 Wedding DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 12 13 16 18 20 26 27 28 Page 7 Helmut & Ruth Schumacher Bob & Barb Fullerton Jim & Carol Larson Nate & Bryna Reed Darryl & Diann Terry Norman & Beverly Drake David & Sharon Fegley Jeff & Anne Buchanan The church office will have limited hours during the holiday season. Dec. 24 Dec. 25 & 26 8:00 – 1:00 Closed Dec. 29 – 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 2 8:00 – 12:00 Closed 8:00 – 12:00 Joyce Rector and Steve Hayes, November 13. New Members Received into Membership on October 26: Roland and Helen Born Chris Collins Rick and DeAnna Frederick Steve Hayes Dana, Rebecca, and Beatrice Lockhart Congrega onal Annual Mee ng, Sunday, January 25, 1:00 p.m. Offering Envelopes for 2015 Around December 15, 2014 you will be receiving your offering envelopes for 2015 in the mail. Because we decreased the number of envelope boxes ordered, those whose envelope number currently is greater than 250 will receive a new number for 2015. If you have any ques ons, call Muzzy Hemken at 859-272-5053 A endance October 26 November 2 November 9 November 16 Narthex Cleanup for December is Stewardship Worship 205 195 176 191 Sunday School 47 45 32 45 The OWLs will meet on at 12:30 p.m. at Su on’s Restaurant on December 18th The Older, Wiser Lutherans meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month for lunch and fellowship. NEWSLETTER ARTICLES ARE DUE THE 20TH OF EACH MONTH.ARTICLES MAY BE EDITED AS TO SIZE, CONTENT AND TIMELINESS. Marian Lundborg, Messenger Editor, [email protected] The Messenger of Faith Lutheran Church DECEMBER 2014 Service Schedule Sunday Worship 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 6:00 PM (Nursery provided during the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services) Sunday School (Sept. through May) 9:45 AM Staff Andy Rutrough, Interim Pastor 266-7621 or 859-314-1945 [email protected] Day off-Friday Ruth Lundborg, Parish Administrator 266-7621 offi[email protected] Monday—Thursday 8:00—4:00, Friday 8:00—1:00 Clif Cason, Interim Director of Music Ministries 273-0125 [email protected] Charla Heersche, Child Care Director 268-0108 [email protected] Bryna Reed, Coordinator of Educa onal Ministries 489-8128 [email protected] Kevin Lentz, Coordinator of Youth Ministries 948-5159 [email protected] Brian Lundborg, Sexton 327-2326 H. Gene Templar, Pastor Emeritus Marian Lundborg, Messenger Editor [email protected] 559-3784 (859) 266-7621 or (859) 266-9600 e-mail: [email protected] Page 8 2014 Congrega onal Council Ac ng President Steve Knudsen Vice President Steve Knudsen Treasurer Debbie Rosenberg Secretary Pat Mundt Commi ee Liaisons Audit Steve Knudsen Child Care Nick Veil Chris an Educa on Bront Davis Community Ministry Penni Black Evangelism Mary Ann Patrick Finance Debbie Rosenberg Global Mission Sharon Fegley Long-Range Planning Pat Mundt Mission Endowment Steve Knudsen Nomina ng Steve Knudsen Parish Life Elaine Billington Personnel Property Jim McGrath Pastoral Staff Support Penni Black Stewardship Tim Sorenson Worship Wayne Schedler Youth Ministry Jeremy Mar nez website:
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