Welcome to the Department of Human Nutrition  Overview

Welcome to the Department of Human Nutrition Overview
A dietitian can be defined as “… a professional person who is a translator of the science and the art of food, nutrition and dietetics in the service of
family or large groups, healthy or sick, at all stages of the life cycle”. Dietitians work with people who have special dietary needs, give professional a
treatments, as well as educate clients, doctors, nurses, health professionals and community groups.
Career opportunities in the field of nutrition has never been better or more diverse. With the relationship between diet, health and wellness firmly es
medical field, the community, the food industry, and private practice continue to grow in numbers.
Wherever you choose to pursue your own career, the programme in dietetics at the University of Pretoria will prepare you to succeed. You’ll have a
great discussions, a close-knit student and Department community, and lots of individual attention. Whilst at the same time accessing the enormou
Just as importantly, you’ll have countless opportunities to get involved and gain experience in the practical field. Students participate in Department
assessing patients at the Academic hospitals, conducting consultations at the Student health centre as well as with patients at numerous governme
include learning experiences in the city, hospitals and clinics—from observing registered dietitians in hospital settings to touring facilities where nutr
Dietetics is a supplementary health care profession, like among others, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. The core business of dietetics is to
individuals and/or communities by means of nutrition care. This care can be preventive and/or curative. An informed and well-nourished community
Why study dietetics at TUKS?
Studying dietetics at Tukkies has numerous advantages. The Tukkie dietitian has integrated theoretical and practical training in biochemistry, physi
anthropology, adult education, food science, human nutrition, as well as food service systems management. He or she is able to work with people b
biological, health and human sciences. He or she is also qualified to function independently because of the problem-solving skills acquired during a
be able to develop health care programmes in communities. The Tukkie graduate is skilled in the use of technology and research in the field of nutr
Class of 2014
Centre for Natural Hazards relaunched - a new
model - 23/10/2014
A new model of the University
of Pretoria”s Centre for Natural
Hazards in Africa (formerly
known as Aon Benfield Natural
Hazard Centre, Africa) was
recently launched with the
objective of accommodating the changes in its
[Read More]
UP’s Exceptional Young Researcher of 2014
delivers findings to an international audience 23/10/2014
Prof Darryn Knobel is
providing great insight into the
control and foreseeable
elimination of rabies. He
recently presented his work at
the 39th World Small Animal
Veterinary Association
(WSAVA) Congress held in
Cape Town. Prof Knobel leads
UP”s Faculty of Veterinary
Science”s research group on
dog population ecology and
rabies epidemiology, which studies the ecology of
owned, free-roaming dog populations in
resource-constrained communities, particularly at
wildlife interfaces. The group's aim is to better
understand the interactions between dog
population dynamics and rabies control, as well as
other aspects of dog health and welfare.
[Read More]
Centre for Intellectual Property Law hosts
Faculty's second annual Prestige Lecture 22/10/2014
Prof Esmé du Plessis, former
partner and currently senior
consultant at Adams & Adams
and extraordinary professor in
the Department of Private Law
at the University of Pretoria,
presented the Faculty's second
annual Prestige Lecture on
”Dynamics of Intellectual
Property Law: Interfaces with
other areas of law”.
[Read More]
Research published on challenges in South
Africa’s rural education - 22/10/2014
An article about research
partnerships in the South
African rural education
community, co-authored by four
staff members in the Faculty of
Education of the University of
Pretoria (UP), will appear in the January 2015
edition of the acclaimed journal, Teaching and
Teacher Education.
[Read More]
Social Development Month (October) 22/10/2014
Pro-poor strategies such as
social grants, the national
school nutrition programme and
the expanded Public Works
Programme, amongst others,
reflect a better understanding in
that the most vulnerable are
assisted to break the poverty
[Read More]
Living Lab for Innovative Teaching Research
established in UP’s Faculty of Education 21/10/2014
The Living Lab for Innovative
Teaching Research at the
University of Pretoria (LLITUP),
a research unit aimed at
interdisciplinary research
collaboration in teaching and
learning, was launched at
UP”s Groenkloof Library Research Commons on
17 October 2014.
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Kovsie First Year Moot Court Competition TuksLaw triumphs (again)! - 20/10/2014
The University of Pretoria
TuksLaw teams proved again
that they are indeed the cream
of the crop at the 10th Annual
First Year Kovsie Moot Court
Competition which was hosted
by the University of the Free State from 2 to 6
October 2014.
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