Document 377737

liver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory, forever. Amen.
Words of Institution
*Hymn: 510
First time soloist, second time congregation
We Gather Here in Jesus' Name
Tune: Come, Share the Lord
are invited to return to God a portion of what they have been given and
to gather at the table of our Lord to celebrate the saving love of God
in Jesus Christ. Worship ends with the blessing of God as those who
have gathered are now sent out empowered by the Holy Spirit to live
well the lives they have been given. Worship is a time of formation and
reformation; it is a time of the reordering of our lives around the person
and purposes of God.
Welcome to Covenant
Communion of the People
Welcome to this service of Word and Sacrament at Covenant Presbyterian
Church. The beautiful Morrison Chapel – with its intimate architecture,
artful appointments and stunning stained glass windows that tell the
“old, old story” – is the setting for this traditional service. With the
finest of instruments we raise our voices in praise of God. In the majesty
and mystery of worship and the sacraments it is our hope and prayer
that all encounter the living Lord.
Join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Circle, where today's preaching
minister will be glad to greet you. You also may learn more about our life
of faith together at our website or on Facebook.
Interested in joining Covenant? We welcome new members each Sunday at
10:30 a.m. in the parlor, located downstairs in the Sanctuary building.
*Closing Hymn: 611
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee ����������������������������������� Tune: Hymn to Joy
A Mighty Fortress is Our God�������������������������������������������� D. Buxtehude
* Those who are able please stand
The Worship Service
Leading worship this morning
Joan Watson, associate minister
Petra Wahnefried, pastoral resident
Stephen Talley, minister of music
Susan Talley, associate director of music
Leading other services
Bob Henderson, senior minister
Jessica Patchett, associate minister
Grady Moseley, parish associate
Congregational Notes
The congregation expresses its sincere sympathy and love to Pam and Tom
Barnhardt on the death of her mother, Francis Black, on October 21, and
rejoices with them in the assurance of the resurrection.
In the Hospital
(as of Thursday, Oct. 23)
Elaine Scoles – discharged to Royal Park Rehab
Becky Allison – Novant Presbyterian
Walter Elmore – Novant Orthopedic
Bob Blythe – CMC Main
Congratulations to Alison McComb and Adam Mills who celebrated the
occasion of their marriage in the Covenant Sanctuary on Saturday,
October 18.
Worship in the Presbyterian Church
In the Presbyterian Church, worship is considered the highest and best of
human endeavors. It includes the gathering of people before God in
praise and adoration, followed by confession and pardon and listening
for the word of God in scripture and sermon. In response, worshipers
presbyterian church
1000 E. Morehead Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28204
704.333.9071 •
To the Greater Glory of God
A Service for Worship
Sunday, October 26, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Covenant Presbyterian is a dynamic Christian community that gladly
invites all people into a transformational experience of faith; boldly
proclaims the gospel, bravely works toward a whole and just world,
and passionately nurtures discipleship.
A Service for the Worship of God
Sunday, October 26, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Welcome to Covenant; we are glad you are here. Children are always
welcome in worship. Child care and children’s programs (ages 6 weeks to
fifth grade) are offered in the Education Wing.
Fantasy on "Wareham"������������������������������ arr. S. Wright
Words of Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Liturgist: Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth.
People: Worship the Lord with gladness; come into
his presence with singing.
*Processional Hymn: 619
Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven Tune: Lauda Anima
*Prayer of Adoration
Call to Confession
Silent Prayer
Corporate Prayer of Confession
The anthem “Praise
the God of All
Beginnings” is a
1998 text by
Rev. Dr. Herman G. Stuempfle,
Jr. Stuempfle
served churches in
Pennsylvania and
Maryland before
being appointed to
the Board of Missions of the United
Lutheran Church
in America. He also
served as Professor
of Preaching, Dean,
and President of the
Lutheran Theological Seminary. A
Fellow in the Hymn
Society of the United
States and Canada,
his hymns are found
in numerous hymnals. The stately
original tune NEW
was composed and
arranged by Roy
Praise the God of All Beginnings
Tune: New Beginnings���������������������������������� arr. R. Hopp
Praise the God of all beginnings, birthing primal space
and time, spawning all the stars and planets, giving
chaos beat and rhyme. God's the risk and God's the
promise of a world but newly born. God's the wisdom,
God's the power present at creation's morn.
Praise to Christ for new beginnings when the world had
lost its way, when our wayward race lay fallen, longing through the night for day. Praise to Christ for sin
forgiven! Praise to Christ for promised peace! Praise
him for that new creation where all hate and strife shall
Praise the Spirit who, beginning Christ's new work of
ministry, Stirred the church, his living Body, born in
faith and unity. Praise the Spirit, still empowering those
who hear God's urgent Word, sending them as chosen
servants forth to serve a servant Lord.
The Congregation Is Invited To Stand
And Sing:
We come, O God, as those whose allegiance is
seldom first to you and then to others. The truth is
we do not love you with all that we are and have,
and do not love ourselves enough to truly love
others. Forgive us, we pray, and heal us, for we are
children of misguided love, tossed and turned by the
many things we seek that can never save us. Set us
aright on a different path so that we can become
children of the way, the way of Jesus Christ our Lord
in whose name we pray.
The waters of
baptism have long
represented the
Congregational Response
cleansing power of
Take, O take me as I am. Summon out what I shall
God in our lives,
be. Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.
freeing us from the
Declaration of Pardon
bondage of sin and
death. Baptismal
Thankful�����������������������Sung in Unison
waters also remind
ever thankful; in the Lord I will
us that our lives
do not be afraid. Lift up your
are intentional
Lift up your voices; the
and that we are
called for God's
purposes, which
*Peace of Christ Shared
are greater than
Please greet those nearest you with the peace of Christ.
our own. In the
Declaration of
Pardon we receive Minute For Ministry������������������������ Tim Kendrick
the good news of
God’s forgiveness
and saving love in
Jesus Christ.
The Chapel Choir
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading
Mark 12:28-34��������������������������������������Pew Bible, NT p. 46
Minister: This is the Word of the Lord;
Thanks be to God.
Sermon: The One Thing
Sermon Series: Immeasurably More
Joan H. Watson, associate minister
*Hymn of Response: 703
Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me�����Tune: St. Catherine
*Affirmation of Faith
In life and in death we belong to God. Through the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit we trust in the
one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone
we worship and serve.
from A Brief Statement of Faith
Prayers of the People
Offering and Offertory Anthem
All Creatures of Our God and King
Tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen������������������������� arr. J. Wachner
All creatures of our God and King lift up your voice
and with us sing. O praise ye! Alleluia! O brother sun
with golden beam, O sister moon with silver gleam, O
praise ye! Alleluia! O brother wind, air, clouds and rain,
By which all creatures ye sustain, O praise ye! Alleluia!
Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice! Ye lights of
evening, find a voice. O praise ye! Alleluia! O sister
water flowing clear, Make music for thy Lord to hear.
O praise ye! Alleluia! O brother fire who lights the
night, Providing warmth enhancing sight. O praise
ye! Alleluia! Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Today we celebrate
Praise him, all creatures here below: O praise ye!
Alleluia! Praise him above ye heav'nly host, Praise
by the long
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. O praise ye! Alleluia!
practiced means
The Chapel Choir
of intinction,
which is the
administration of *Prayer of Dedication
the sacrament by
dipping bread into
the cup. (Gluten
free crackers are
Invitation to the Lord’s Table
also available).
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
As we join together
Leader: The Lord be with you;
in communion,
People: And also with you.
let us remember
Leader: Lift up your hearts;
the invitation of
People: We lift them to the Lord.
the psalmist to
“taste and see the
Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God;
goodness of God!”
People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy
name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but de-