Head of School: Curtis Beaverford [email protected] Manager: Carmel Bates [email protected] Co-Manager/Finance/Tony Haritos [email protected] Dili International School website: www.distimor.org “Embracing Diversity” Newsletter Term 4 - Week 3 - October 2014 “Dili International School is accredited to deliver the Victorian Certificate of Education in conjunction with Haileybury College, an International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Primary Years Programme. From the Head of School Essential reading ● ● Staffing updates Curtis Beaverford will be moving on to pursue other endeavours at the end of the 2014 school year and Olivia Soares the current Deputy Head will be taking over as Head of School. We are planning some changes to the administrative structure for the 2015 school year. Congratulations Olivia on your appointment. Winner of a VCE Leadership Award ● DIS Family Handbook 2014 DIS Academic Calendar 2014 DIS Events Calendar - Live Written permission for alternate pickups Please note if your child is going to be going home with another student or not taking the bus as per normal we would appreciate it if you would provide them with a written note in their Student Diaries or KIT book. Unless we have written permission we will not release your child to someone else or let them miss the bus. 2015 Calendar ● ● ● ● Daniel De Putra Jesus has been awarded the Victorian Certificate of Education Leadership Award by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Daniel’s application was supported by a number of community members who attested to the contributions he has made to the local community as well as here at the school. Daniel will be travelling to Melbourne in November to receive his award at an official ceremony where he will receive a trophy, certificate and a prize. Congratulations Daniel! He made the front page of the VCAA Bulletin. ● ● ● ● First day back January 22 Term 1 break - March 30 April 3 First day of Term 2- April 8 Term 2 break - June 15 July 17 First day of Term 3 - July 22 Term 3 break - September 28 - October 2 First day of Term 4 October 7 Last day of school December 11 DIS Cafe Preschool Student Conferences Led Preschool classes held their student led conferences on Wednesday October 23. We had 100 per cent of the students and families participate. Students took their parents on a tour of their portfolios, spoke about their strengths and areas for development and then took their parents around the classroom. Ms Esther and Ms Lena were on hand to answer questions. We would really appreciate your taking the time to provide some feedback. You can do so via this feedback form. The regular menu is available the school’s web-site (www.distimor.org) . Orders can be given to Meg or Nina each day outside the assembly room. Orders can also be made weekly, monthly, or by the term to Meg at [email protected] or phone Meg on 77747524. Congratulations to the class of 2014! The 15th of October, was a major milestone for Dili International School, as our first grade 12 cohort graduated with the Victorian Certificate of Education. The night was the culmination of two years of study for all of these students, and as such was a night to remember. A number of students made speeches and were given their school based completion certificate. The entire cohort achieved their VCE but still have examinations to complete to attain their ATAR. It was a lovely evening, and a great time was had by all who were involved. “On and on you will hike and I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are. You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.” Dr Seuss “Oh the places you’ll go”. From the Library Library World Have a look to see how we are progressing with the new library system. Progress to date on the cataloguing. We are getting very close to completing the cataloging of our library collection. If you visit our online OPAC you will be able to see what we have in both physical and digital form. To access the OPAC visit this link: http://opac.libraryworld.com/opac/home.php . Depending on your browser you maybe be asked to enter the library name which is Dili International School Library. There is no password required to enter the OPAC. Digital reads through Axis 360 We have a subscription to Axis 360 which is how we are distributing the digital books we have in our collection. You can search either from our OPAC or within Axis 360 itself. All you need is your child’s library card number and access to a device. If you would like to know more please contact Patrick McGuire ([email protected]) and arrange a time to get set up with the system. Or just stop in at the library in the morning and either Patrick or Carlos can get you started. You can have a look around our new OPAC through this link. You may have to enter the library’s name - Dili International School Library - there is no password. Axis 360 We have a growing collection of ebooks which you can download on to various devices. You’ll need your child’s library card number to register for the system. Please contact Patrick McGuire [email protected] and he will be able to help you register. Some digital tiles you might be interested in . Click to see their details. Register on the system to borrow them. LibraryWorld mobile apps! Library world has mobile apps available from Apple's App Store and Android Market for free. Dili International School Library is the name of the library. There is no password required. Apps ● LibraryWorld Search for iPhone ● LibraryWorld Search for Android ● LibraryWorld Search for iPad The PYP transdisciplinary themes Primary Years Programme (PYP) news Clean Up The World Last Friday the year 5’s ran an activity for Clean Up the World Day. The students decided they needed to clean the school of mosquitos. Through an inquiry process students learnt the threats of mosquito-born diseases and decided their focus would be on Dengue Fever. With the help of the year 6 students, the year 5’s created a presentation about Dengue Fever tailored appropriately for each year level. After explaining the threats of Dengue Fever to each primary class, students demonstrated how to trap mosquitoes using carbon dioxide. They taught each class to find where mosquitoes breed and the most appropriate place to put a trap. The students thoroughly enjoyed and excelled in their task of cleaning up the school and instructing the primary classes on the threat of Dengue Fever. Year 1/2 V - Procedure Writing Year 1/2 Vicky have been learning about procedure writing. Recently, instead of a weekend recount, we wrote a recipe for a good weekend. We would like to share a few with you. Recipe for a great weekend By Ezra Recipe for a great weekend By Molly You need: ● Car ● Swimming pool ● Family ● Money What to do: 1. Drive to swimming pool. 2. Go for a swimming. 3. Drive to nautilus. 4. Eat fish and chips. You need: ● Bag with bathers and a book. ● Car ● Burger King ● Cinema What to do: 1. Put all the stuff that you need in the bag. 2. Drive to Emma’s house. 3. Get change into bathers. 4. Walk to the pool. 5. Come back to Emma’s house. 6. Get change into clothes. 7. Go to the movies. 8. Come out to the movies. 9. Go to Burger King. 10. Order food. Recipe for a great weekend By Oliver You need: ● TV ● Scooby doo disc ● Friends ● Chairs ● House ● DVD Player What to do: 1. Put the DVD into the DVD Player. 2. Set out the chairs. 3. Bring your friends. 4. Turn the TV on. 5. Watch the movie. . Recipe for a great weekend By Yunsol What you need: ● Car ● Restaurant ● Beach ● Family What to do: 1. Drive to a restaurant next to the beach. 2. Order food. 3. Go to the beach and find some pretty glass. 4. Eat your food. 5. Go to the sand. 6. Play with the sand. 7. Go home. The PYP has six transdisciplinary themes which are common to all grade levels. They are the means by which we organize our delivery of the curriculum and form the organizational structure of our programme of inquiry. ● ● ● ● ● ● How the world works Where we are in place and time Sharing the planet How we express ourselves Who we are How we organize ourselves The PYP key concepts There are eight key concepts which run through teaching and learning in the PYP. Each of the concepts is presented in the form of a key question ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● form - What is it like? function - How does it work? causation - Why is it like it is? change - How is it changing? connection - How is it connected to other things? perspective - What are the points of view? responsibility - What is our responsibility? reflection - How do we know? Our programme of inquiry You can view the 2014 POI via the link off of our public website. [The PYP Programme Model Exploring Push & Pull Forces In Class 1/2 Colleen we have been investigating push/pull forces in our unit of inquiry: How the world works. We have been testing why things sink and float, how they move and how forces interact to make things move faster or slower. After making predictions, we tested what sinks and what floats. We started to form questions about why and make observations about shape, weight and surface area. We had to try and make something from plasticine that would float. Plasticine balls sank, but the boats floated. We tried to figure out why. We tested whether things felt heavier or lighter in water, and why. The students made thoughtful observations about the push of water and pull of gravity. After making boats from plasticine, some students tested how many rocks their boats could take before they sank. Community and service in the Middle School Years 7, 8, and 9 students have been working on their second set of community service projects. They have investigated, researched and are completing the action component of their project. The students are now in their final stage of writing their reflections where they are required to critique their action and reflect on how their project has extended their knowledge and understanding of service learning. Students must complete a detailed process journal which is an integral part of their assessment. They are assessed on a group presentation which will be due in week 6. Students lining up to have their vision tested. Yuyustu, T-Nui and Kevin have organized a vision screening campaign. Behind the scenes - Class and individual photos This year Brenda Knowles, Robyn Moores and Ray Bricknell volunteered to organize the taking of class and individual photographs for the yearbook and for sale. It’s a big job getting everyone to look their best. Thanks for all the hard work. Funds raised through the sale of photos will go to improving our library’s collection. Middle Years Programme (MYP) news MYP Unit Map One of the requirements of an IB World School is that we communicate our curriculum. We have recently updated our MYP Unit Map for 2014. In the document you can see details on all the units which have been delivered so far this year and the ones which we are delivering in Term 4. The document gives you the title of the unit, the statement of inquiry, the key and related concepts which will be the focus of the unit plan. We have also included the email address of the teacher who authored and delivered the unit if you would like future information. You can view the map via this link : MYP Unit Map Middle and High School Inter School Sports Competition This term has seen the first inter-school sports competition begin. The secondary students have been preparing and training hard and now the volleyball competition has begun. The first week we played against the teams from the Filipino school, MIS. All of the players from both schools had a great time and many parents were there, cheering from courtside. It was a great opportunity for the students from both schools to socialise and engage in friendly competition. Congratulations to the teams from MIS who won both matches. We are looking forward to more inter-school activities in the future. Our updated MYP Unit Map Each term DIS publishes an updated version of our MYP Unit Map. MYP Units, like Units of Inquiry in the PYP, are the means by which we deliver the Australian Curriculum. Please visit our unit map to better understand what we are teaching this term. The Grade 6 - 12 Assessment Calendar In an attempt to organize assessment at DIS teachers post upcoming assessments to our assessment calendar. We have made this public for students and parents. Please check it regularly to see what’s coming up. MYP key concepts There are sixteen key concepts which are developed through the MYP. Each subject has three or four of these concepts assigned as a focus. aesthetics change connections creativity form culture identity logic systems global interactions perspective relationships communication communities development time, place and space MYP global contexts Grade 6 - 11 Assessment Calendar We have updated our Grade 6 - 11 assessment calendar on it you’ll find the due dates for the major assessments this term. Its a useful resource to check if your child suggests they have no homework. The global contexts in MYP are a starting point for teaching and learning. They ensure that students see the curriculum they are experiencing as relevant and connected. ✬ Identities and relationships ✬ Orientation in place and time ✬ Personal and cultural expression ✬ Globalization and sustainability ✬ Fairness and development ✬ Scientific and technological innovation The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) news The VCE at Dili International School Dili International School is accredited by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to offer the Victorian Certificate of Education. The VCE is an internationally recognized high school leaving certificate which provides students with a tertiary admissions score recognized across Australia and internationally. The VCE at DIS is run in conjunction with our partner school, Haileybury in Melbourne, Victoria. Through our connection with Haileybury, DIS teachers have access to resources and knowledge of their experienced VCE teachers to help with planning and the standardization of assessment. Haileybury provides DIS with one mentor per subject taught, and our teachers are in close contact with them throughout the year. VCE Exams The Grade 12’s will be writing their final VCE examinations over coming weeks. They have been revising for a while and we are confident that our first graduating cohort will make us proud. The examinations run from October 29th through to November 19th. They are scheduled in Melbourne time so there are a couple of early starts for students. Wednesday 29th October 7:15 am - English Friday 31st October 12:15 pm - Further Mathematics Monday 3rd November 7:15 am - Further Mathematics Monday 3rd November 10:00 am - Business Management Wednesday 5th November 7:15 am - Mathematical Methods Thursday 6th November 12:45 pm - Mathematical Methods Wednesday 12th November 7:15 am - Physics Monday 17th November 12:45 pm - Media Studies Wednesday 19th November 9:30 am - Indonesian VCE Assessment Calendar We share information about the types and timings of major assessments on our assessment calendar. VCE - Study designs These are the VCE syllabi for the VCE courses we are teaching this year. ● English - VCE Study Design ● English as an additional language - VCE Study Design ● General Mathematics VCE Study Design ● Physics- VCE Study Design ● Media- VCE Study Design ● Business ManagementVCE Study Design ● Indonesian Second Language - VCE Study Design ● History Units 1 & 2 - VCE Study Design More information on the VCE ● Listing on the VCAA International page http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.a u/international/Pages/pro viders/timor-leste.aspx Environmental studies excursion On the 22nd of October, we, the year 11 students, went on a fieldtrip to a river in Ermera as a part of our environmental science class. Dr. David Green, an environmental consultant accompanied us as an expert. The purpose of our trip was to gather data to meet the for an assignment on the topic “Monitoring the Environment”. We collected samples from different spots of the river to monitor changes in biodiversity due to human impact. After collecting samples, we brought them to school to count the macroinvertebrates present, which gave us our final results. Some of us went to the site before hand to do some pre-sampling for the class’s initial sampling data. The initial results were then recorded in the laboratory at school. The results recorded on the 22nd were compared to these results. Overall, the trip was a success and was a good outside of classroom experience for us students. Year 11 Students Physical Education and Visual Arts in the Primary School Transition Visual Arts The students are working on their current unit of inquiry. They will use a wide variety of materials to create different art works. They have so far learned how to weave and will then move on to making a set of musical shakers. . During weeks 5 and 6, students will create a mobile of objects made from a different of materials. Students will be encouraged to look for interesting items from home to attach, but more information will be provided about this in KIT books. Grade 1-2 Health and Physical Education and Visual Arts The students are participating in a 'Personal Safety’ unit in which they are learning about water safety. They are undertaking an investigation and then creating their own story book about unsafe environments and how to manage themselves. The children are learning valuable skills as well as really enjoying themselves. Grade 3-4 HPE and Visual Arts During the Grade 3-4 unit explorers the students developed their orienteering skills. During visual arts created a portrait of their chosen explorer which is now on display in their classrooms. Grade 5-6 Health and Physical Education and Visual Arts Both grades are undertaking an Inquiry into personal safety. They are investigating the need for safety in the playground and on the sports field. Students will be using their understanding to host a games tournament for grades 3-6 during weeks 6-10. In visual art, students are using theme and designing and presenting a shadow puppet show on road safety. This will be presented to the grade 1-4 students later on in the term. General Information School Advisory Committee Dili International School management is guided by a School Advisory Committee (SAC). Meetings - held at least once per term - provide a forum where parents can bring matters of interest to the attention of the school’s governing body. Major management decisions may be discussed with the SAC for input and guidance prior to implementation. Current SAC membership: Carmel Bates Tony Haritos Curtis Beaverford Olivia Soares Kerry Brogan Milissa Day Liz Garrett Iris Trapman Fred Brooker Sonia Moniz da Silva Vitor Deb Katzman Vasco Lobato Leitao Sonia Lobato Leitao Anita Delaney Curricular objectives for each grade level, transition - Grade 10 As an IB World School we are required to communicate our written curriculum with the school community. The following links will take you to the Australian Curriculum learning objectives for each grade level. On these pages, you’ll have access to what we are teaching. The pages also have examples of assessed student work to give you an indication of the expectations at each grade level. Transition Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 1 Grade 5 Grade 9 Grade 2 Grade 6 Grade 10 Grade 3 Grade 7 We organize our delivery of the Australian Curriculum through the International Baccalaureate Primary and Middle Years Programmes. You will also want to take a look at our Programme of Inquiry and MYP Unit Map. VCE students can access the VCE study designs for the curses we teach off of our website. Curricular Resources The following links will take you to documents which make up DISs curricular backbone. ● The Australian Curriculum ● The Victorian Certificate of Education ● The early years learning framework for Australia ● VCE English Study Design ● VCE English as an additional language Study Design ● VCE General Mathematics Study Design ● VCE Study Media Design ● VCE Business Management Study Design ● VCE Indonesian Study Design ● VCE History Study Design ● MYP Unit Map ● PYP Programme of inquiry Our Teaching Staff Head of school, ELC / MYP and PYP Coordinator MYP Technology Teacher Curtis Beaverford (Canada) Bachelor of Education, Alberta Teaching Certificate K-12, Graduate Diploma of Educational Technology, Masters in Education. email: [email protected] Deputy Head of School & Language Coordinator V.C.E Media Studies / MYP Language B English Olivia Soares (Australia) Bachelor of Communications (Psychology) Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) email: [email protected] Transition Teacher Victoria Twyford (Australia) Bachelor of Education (Primary) Post Graduate Degree in Early Childhood Bachelor of Special Education email: [email protected] VCE Coordinator / Secondary Teacher Math, Science / VCE Physics Patrick Johnston (Australia) Bachelor of Science , Honours in Mathematics, Bachelor of Education email: [email protected] Playgroup Coordinator Glaucia Piazza (Brazil) Certificate in Early Childhood email: [email protected] Lower Campus Office Manager / Library Coordinator Adena Key (UK) B.A. email: [email protected] Preschool Teacher Elena Seong (USA) Bachelor of Education email: [email protected] Grade 6 David Tassell (Australia) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Preschool / Music Specialist Esther Owen Fernandez (Philippines) B.A Communication Arts Diploma of Special Education email: [email protected] Garana VCE Environmental Studies / Secondary Science Ravinder Kaur (India) Bachelor of Education, Master of Science (Applied Chemistry) email: [email protected] Transition Teacher Fiona Harris (Australia) B.Ed. (Primary) email: [email protected] Secondary Indonesian Rika Fynn (Indonesia) Teaching Diploma email: [email protected] Secondary Art Vanessa Smith-Graham (New Zealand) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Secondary Drama Deb Jarvis (Australia) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Grade 1 / 2 Vicky Everingham (Australia) of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) email: [email protected] VCE History / Portuguese, English as an additional language Elisabeth Cardoso (Portugal) Licenciatiera em Linguas e Literaturas Modernas email: [email protected] Grade 3 / 4 Cliff De Rouw Masters of Instructional Design / Bachelor of Education email: [email protected] P.E. / Portugues as a Second Language Ines Villas (Portugal) Bachelor's degree in Animation Sports, Recreation and Leisure; Certified Sport Teacher, Coach, Summer camp coordinator and Fitness Instructor email: [email protected] Grade 5 Patrick Hoare (Australia) Bachelor of Health Science, email: [email protected] MYP Language B (English) and Humanities / VCE Business Management Robert Wicks (Canada) B.Ed. (Intermediate/Secondary), B.A. (History & English) email: [email protected] Grade 3/4 Christopher Shaw (Australia) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Primary PE and Art Elizabeth Boag (Australia) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Grade 1/2 Colleen French-McGuire (Australia) BEd to BA/MTeach (Primary) email: [email protected] Grade 1/2 Allan Gale (Australia) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Playgroup Leader B.A. Ella Medley-Whitfield (UK) email: [email protected] MYP & VCE English Jacqueline Cussen (Australia) B.Ed. email: [email protected] Jaren Paul Vecino (Philippines) B.Ed. Math email: [email protected] Primary Portuguese / Tetun / EAL Carla Ferreira Licenciatiera em Linguas e Literaturas Modernas email: [email protected] \
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