MEPS NEWSLETTER MOOROOLBARK EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL Taylor Road, Mooroolbark 3138 Phone: 9726 9422 FAX: 9726 9833 Website: Wednesday, 22nd October, 2014 [email protected] MEPS CALENDAR TERM 4 October Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Thursday 23rd 24th 25th 27th 30th Screening of “Red Herrings” Cakes to be delivered for the Fete stall FETE SOS Morning Tea (after assembly) Interschool Sport Monday 3rd Tuesday Wednesday Friday 4th 5th 7th CURRICULUM DAY: Children not required at school MELBOURNE CUP DAY Prep-2 ‘Coach Approach’ Sports Incursion Prep 2015 Orientation; 11.30am-1.15pm Hooptime Regional Finals November Highlights of the Week: FETE Global Education Conference Working Bee ‘Red Herring’ SICK BAY LINEN ROSTER Friday, 24th October BANKING ROSTER Thursday, 23rd October K Baro, C Papageorgiou Principal’s Comment Hi All, This week has been chaotic. All of it is positive but exhausting. Over the weekend six staff were in Sydney at a conference until Monday evening. I have given further details of this later in the newsletter. Grade 4’s were involved in the Mooroolbark Film Festival on Monday. Yesterday we had screenings of their film at school. Tonight we have the final wrap up of the China Tour Group. Tomorrow Sandra Mariniello and I will be in the city all day for the last meeting of the Inclusion Support Program in which we have been involved for the last two and a half years and on Friday we have the final preparations before our fete on Saturday. Yay fete! Fete: This is happening on Saturday October 25th. Not long to go. We only have this event every second year and we require a lot of parent helpers to assist. We still need many parent helpers. Please join up! Fundraising is a large part of our annual budget. Any money made through the fete is not the icing on the cake— it is an integral part of the cake! Please come along on Saturday with your friends and family and join in the fun! We have face painting, fairy floss, lucky dips, t-shirt sales, books, toys, jewellery, plants, cakes, lucky dips, major rides, camels, Lego display, show bags, baked potatoes, drinks, SES demonstrations, centre stage entertainment, MEPS Idol, Trash and Treasure and more. Come along and join in the fun! We need your money! We have been warned that the local council will be out looking for people parking illegally on the fete day. You may want to take heed of this. Working Bee: Last week we had a working bee in preparation for the fete. Thank you to all those who came and helped out. You did a brilliant job. Here is a report from Geoff Lovell: WORKING BEE OCTOBER 18TH 2014 A very big thank you to all the parents and children that came along to the working bee on Saturday the 18 th. Damien Pearce; Peter, Cam and Dee West; Esta Granth; Glenn Jarvis; Karen Ellis; John, Katrina and Tristan Torriero; Jennifer and Dominique Guenette; Kim and Fiona Atkinson; Andrew Kerfoot; Meredith, Alyssa and Scott Cranwell; Mark, Leanne, Bianka, Blake and Ryan Hazeldene; Glenn and Penny Spencer; Andrew, Vikki, Sarah, Matthew, Nicholas and Joel Henson; Sue, Rod, Emily and Mitchell Reynolds; Karen, Josh and Caitlin Lovell; Chris, Angela, Hailey and Mikayla Knight. A very BIG BIG thanks to Sue Smith and Fiona Atkinson for a DELICIOUS morning tea and lunch. We managed to get a lot of things done; a door cut into the veranda near the art room so we can clean along the gutter to sto p water build up near the prep rooms, blinds put up in 4 of the senior class rooms (with some major challenges), LOTS of work done in the veggie area, shelves and a desk built in Kyle’s room in the senior building, more work in the veggie area, the sleepers on the corner of the garden concreted in place, a lot of roof cleaning and repair work done including air conditioner pipes on the h all and grass trimmed along the ridge of the oval. We have done all we can to try to display the best possible grounds for the public to see at our school fete. Thanks again Geoff Lovell Grounds and Maintenance Kids Club: The last of the informal Kids Club sessions was held last Thursday. All children who are commencing school in 2015 were invited to attend. Our formal orientation program commences on November 7th. We currently have 92 Preps enrolled for 2015. If you have not enrolled your child for next year please do so as soon as possible as we will begin placing children into grades after the next transition session. Global Education Conference: Laura Beaton, Matt Mulcahy and I presented at a conference in Sydney last weekend. It was an international conference based around the theme of countries learning about different and improved educational strategies from each other. It was one of the more interesting conferences I have attended. We were the only Victorian school presenting and our presentation was very well received. We felt way out of our depth compared to other participants. Other presenters were from universities and academic researchers. It was a first for me to be having open discussions with professors from the US, Malaysia, New Zealand, Mexico, Japan, Samoa and Australia. All present were specialising in curriculum development with the emphasis being on cultural differences and similarities being catered for across the world. We were very proud to be having open discussions with the head of curriculum in Australia. After this conference some of our staff will now be involved in research with international colleagues to continue on our global citizenship and education journey. It is exciting and is a reflection of the tremendous work being done at our school. Mooroolbark Film Festival: This took place on Monday at the Mooroolbark Community Centre. Here are some comments by Jay Stephens, Valentina Aloysius and Kayla Villarreal Grade 4J. ‘There were about four schools there who entered into our section. There were around 18 films in total. There were loads of people there watching. Grade 4J made a film which was screened at the festival. It is called ‘Super Dude’. Grade 4J made this film in Term 1. It came second in the Film Festival. Mount Evelyn Primary School won. Grade 4 J have made another film this term called ‘Red Herring’. This film is being shown to students this week at lunch times. All children from Grades 3 – 6 are invited to attend with a gold coin donation. Thursday is the last day to view it. Jay, Valentina and Kayla have all been in both films. Valentina said that it is fun acting. In Super Dude she was classmate number 2 and in Red Herring she was a screaming kid that ran down the hallway. Mr. Johnson wrote the script and did the film editing. In Super Dude Jay was the Dominator and in Red Herring he was a kid in a bookcase. Jay said that the film making is fun. Kayla was a basketballer in Super Dude and in Red Herring she was a detective. Kayla liked seeing herself on the big screen but doesn’t want to do acting as a career. She is more of a sporting person. Jay doesn’t want to be an actor either because he doesn’t want people on his back. After Super Dude the little kids were following him around everywhere! Valentina thinks that two movies are enough. People won’t pay to see any more. ‘ Thanks to Peter Johnson for all his work with the film making in our school. Curriculum Day: Monday, 3rd November: School Council made the decision last week to have the day before Melbourne Cup Day as a report-writing day. This means that students will not be required at school that week until Wednesday, 5th November. Teachers will be working on students’ reports all day Monday (and probably Tuesday too!). Enjoy your week. See you at the fete! Debbie Nelsson PRINCIPAL NEEDED FOR THE FETE: ICE CREAM CONTAINERS FOR THE STALLS SHOPPING BAGS UNIFORM SHOP Mondays & Fridays 8:45 - 9:45am ENCOURAGE OTHERS Everybody does better when they are encouraged Use words like: Have a go You can do it You’re getting better Keep going Don’t give up New items for sale: Socks (white/green trim): $4 pair, sizes 9-12; 13-3 Rain Jacket (black and no logo so can be used out of school also): $17. Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Preps 2015 Avoid the rush!! Come and shop now as all items are available. Penny Spencer Uniform Co-ordinator STUDENT OF THE WEEK GRADE STUDENT’S NAME REASON Prep C Shae Price For always having a beautiful smile and being lovely to teach. Prep D Whole Grade! For being the best Prep grade! Thank you. Prep O Damon Stanton Wonderful helper. Prep CS Ryker MacNab Trying really hard with his writing 1L Cooper Murray Working very hard 1S Teigan Le Cras For all the gorgeous smiles 1T Bailey Mumford For writing a wonderful poem about volcanos 1/2S Holly Jervis Great improvement with reading 2J Whole Class! For helping a classmate after they made a mistake 2M Whole Grade! Lining up beautifully for specialists 2W Sarah Waldron For her ability to think ‘outside the square’ 3H Dakota Briant Outstanding work and great thinking in literacy with Miss T 3T Cooper Fletcher Great effort on your animal fact card 3KB Archie Brown For his fantastic work with Kevin and Bob 4E Will Spencer Outstanding reading comprehension 4S Dyllan Vennell Positive attitude towards work, especially story writing and spelling 5B Liam Tyzack For being such a caring friend 5H Lilia Corbett For making a huge effort in the past week 6B Naomi Hansen For continued hard work in class—always. 6K Grade 6K For a fantastic and supportive team effort — from Mrs White PE Riley Williams [5H] For his amazing effort in the ‘beep’ test Music Haylee Cawood [5B] For being a great encourager with MEPS Idol Cynthia Mille Guest [1S] Great effort in reading Jody Jacob Creek [2W] For being a gentleman and opening the door without me asking Principal Jordan Roache {Prep CS] For having great confidence A.P. (Sandra) Mikki-Rose Delahunty [1L] For having beautiful manners and a gorgeous smile! A.P. (Brant) Jorja Pauer [5H] For always being friendly Sustainability Andrew Whitlock [6B] For great work selling seedlings Tree House Tia Hughes [1L] For having such a lovely, smiling face in the Tree House Special Award GEOFF LOVELL For his dedication to sustainability at MEPS (Working Bee) Hi MEPS, This month, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! I will be pedalling throughout October and my goal is to ride at least 10km or more. Why am I doing this? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Australia – 3 children die of cancer every week! It will be tough, but nothing compared to what these kids face every day of their lives as they battle this terrible disease. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. And so I am taking on this personal challenge to raise funds to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. But I need your help. Please sponsor me to support my challenge and join me to fight kids' cancer! Simply follow the link below to view my personal fundraising page and make a donation: All funds raised will support the Children's Medical Research Institute to continue their work in developing treatments and finding a cure for childhood cancer. Thank you for your support. Wish me luck! Brayden Cleary, 4J. CANTEEN NEWS Roster: Term 4 October Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st SOMEONE NEEDED H Taylor, S Tyzack J Cook K Rhodes, J Stirling R Bateman P Leslie, S Tyzack PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN ORDERING LUNCHES, THERE IS A 10c CHARGE FOR THE PAPER BAG. Hot Milo is only available with lunch orders not counter sales. Anne McKnight Canteen Manageress SINGLE RIDES WILL BE $6 ON THE DAY COMMUNITY NOTICES AND ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE NOTE: SUCH PUBLICATIONS DO NOT IMPLY SCHOOL ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE FETE SPONSORS MCLEAN FAMILY LAW FAMILY PLOEGMAKERS FAMILY MONTROSE CRICKET CLUB CLUB KILSYTH KILSYTH FRUIT SUPPLY NPR BUILDING CONCEPTS
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