PETER MOYES ANGLICAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL A School of the Anglican Schools Commission VOLUME 17 - EDITION 2 11 FEBRUARY 2015 Knowledge & Insight Equality & Compassion Integration & Wholeness Confidence, Competence & Responsibility Self-worth FROM THE ACTING PRINCIPAL During 2014, the School Council and Management Team worked together on the development of a new Strategic Plan which sets out the vision for our School over the next five years and will focus our efforts in the development of our School Community. I am pleased to announce that Strategic Plan 20152019 is available via the School’s website http:// Members of the School community are encouraged to access and review the Strategic Plan to become familiar with the strategies and outcomes that have been identified. The statement of ‘Strategic Direction’ sets out our mission, defines our foundations as an Anglican School and presents the broad outcomes we wish to achieve: “The School aspires to excellence, enabling students to achieve their full potential and pursue their chosen pathway. It seeks to be a school where all students become successful learners, confident and competent individuals, and active and informed citizens. As an Anglican School we will maintain a strong focus on Faith, Reason and Knowledge. We will continue to be distinguished by our Visions, Values and Beliefs and demonstrated excellence in standards of teaching, learning and pastoral care.” The Strategic Plan is built upon four Cornerstones which form the foundations of our School Community: Anglican Community Holistic Education Community Engagement and Support Growth and Sustainability ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD Each Cornerstone represents key aspects of our School Community and reflects the diversity and complexity of our School. Our core purpose is education in which we strive to develop the whole person; we are an Anglican Community that seeks to engage with our broader community and, as a comparatively young school, we wish to continue our growth and development in a sustainable manner. We will now begin the process of implementation and look forward to seeing many of the strategies and outcomes come to fruition during the next five years. During the first Sub School Assemblies of the year, our 2015 student leaders, including the inaugural Florey House Captains, were formally presented to students and declared their commitment to their roles with a student leader’s pledge. On behalf of the School Community, I would like to congratulate the following students on being selected as the 2015 student leaders: Head Girl: Caitlin Paroczai Head Boy: Matthew Sellwood Deputy Head Girl: Brooke Henley Deputy Head Boy: Mark McKane Senior School House Captains Senior School Prefects Cuthbert: Robert Darby Lisa Silcock Chapel: Madeline Walter Durack: Loic Baptista Jessica Purchase Dance/Drama: Sophie Todd Events & Technology: Lewis Greathead Florey: Dylan Sarolea Tanya Vermaak Inter-House Sports: Casey-Lee Jamieson Alec Roberts Inter-School Sports: Sam Rayner Mathew Colbourne Rowan Courts Leavers: Hollows: Lingiari: Tahneesha Chapman Samantha Leslie Savannah Steinbach Penny Hinds Anesha Siddiqui Brooke White Music: Dana Birch Public Relations: Dheshan Appasamy Harriet Slater Visual Arts: Cara Robertson Middle School House Captains Cuthbert: Callum Borck Georgia Morgan Durack: Dylan Bezuidenhout Sophia Chila Florey: Danny Hennessey-O’Shea Constance Lyon Hollows: Aaryan Kapila Francesca Marlow Lingiari: James Garces Chloe Saunders Primary School House Captains Cuthbert: Jack De Cinque Maddison Parker Durack: Dylan McPhan Asha Lague Florey: Thomas Butcher Hannah Klonoswki Hollows: Vin-Xavier Coetzee Amy Macdonald Lingiari: Travis Cook Grace Foster Primary School Music Captains: Soham Sinha and Janelle Reyneke Primary School Sport Captains: Dian Nell and Madeleine Hopkins Our student leaders fulfil a variety of roles and responsibilities and we are fortunate to have such a talented, enthusiastic and capable team of student leaders. I wish them every success and look forward to seeing their contributions as student leaders this year. As with all Schools, our car parks are especially busy at the beginning and end of each School day. Being the first week of the school year, last week was busier than normal. Due to the growth of the School and a slight reduction in car parking spaces because of the Gymnasium building project, the effective flow of traffic will be an ongoing challenge. We ask for the cooperation and support of staff, parents, students and visitors to the School when using the car parks. The School has two main car parks – the Salerno Drive and Elliston Parade Car Parks both of which are one way with allocated entrances and exits. We ask that all drivers adhere to the following rules and guidelines when using the car parks: Elliston Parade Car Park: The parking bays in the Northern end of the car park are for staff and visitors only. Visitors are to use the marked parking bays; The parking bays in the Southern end of the car park are for the parents of Kindergarten and Pre Primary students only; Parents may enter the car park to drop off and pick up students in the yellow ‘drop off zones’ but should be stationary for a minute only, before moving on; Parents are encouraged to use the ‘Kiss and Ride’ directly in front of the Primary School entrance which is a ‘Standing Only’ zone (no parking or leaving a vehicle is permitted); Salerno Drive Car Park: This car park is allocated for staff parking only; Parents may enter the car park to drop off and pick up students each morning and afternoon in the yellow ‘drop off zones’; Entry to the Salerno Drive Car Park is from the southern entrance only; For reasons of safety and to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, the following actions are not permitted at any time: Entering a car park via an exit Turning right onto the road when leaving a car park Parking on the pedestrian cross walks Double parking on the driveways Pedestrians crossing the car parks are required to use the allocated cross walks under the direction of the member of staff on duty. A full set of guidelines can be found in the Student Handbook via the School website and we ask for your support in following these guidelines. It is important to remember that small children cannot see over cars and their peripheral vision is not fully developed until well into adolescence and some do not look! Speed in every car park should be no more than a crawl. Please be careful and endeavor to show the patience and courtesy to others that you would expect to be shown to you and that you would expect from your children. Richard Alchin Acting Principal CHAPLAIN’S CHAT Dear friends, The month of January was hot right across Australia. The sight of international tennis players collapsing and hallucinating in the heat and high UV rays was disturbing. It is now unequivocally proven that climate change is probably the most urgent issue facing the earth. It affects all of us: humans, animals, plants, soil and water. All schools teach this fact in their Geography and Society and Environment classes and many schools are adopting large solar panel and water recycling programs. As families, we are all trying to do our part with recycling and so forth. I purposely bought a hybrid car for my latest car to try to do my bit. Corporations and governments across the world are adopting ‘green’ policies and global summits on climate change are regular occurrences now. For Christians and many other faiths, the earth is a sign of God’s blessing and creative power. Indeed, without its air, soil, water, plants and animals that constitute our food and life, we would not exist. As our indigenous people say, we are one with the earth and thus need to treat it with care, reverence and respect. May this year see a renewed effort by all of us to care for this beautiful earth that has been entrusted to us for our time here. Best wishes. Fr. Chris Beal School Chaplain TIMETABLING SENIOR SCHOOL Please be aware that the date of last changes of Year 10 electives is Friday 13 th February. Forms will not be accepted after 3.00pm on this date. Students wishing to change their elective subjects should see Mr Todd to collect a form on or before Thursday 12th February so as to allow themselves time to get the appropriate signatures and return the form in time. Year 10 students will have another opportunity to change electives in the first two weeks of Term 3. Changes can only be made if staff agree and class sizes allow. Ian Todd Timetabler ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD PHOTOGRAPHS Envelopes for ordering student photographs have been distributed to all students. Envelopes are available in Main Reception for family photographs. Family Photos will be taken from Recess on Friday 13th February. Entry to the Family Photography Station, located in Middle School, MUST be accessed from the Reception Foyer sliding doors via the Fountain Court Yard (exiting the same way). To avoid disruption to classes students are not to use the central area past Year 7 classrooms . Class photos are being taken on Friday 13th or Monday 16th in consultation with class teachers. If you have not received your child(rens) photography envelope, spares are available from Main Reception. Bronwyn Booth Administration SCHOOL FEES School Fees must be paid within 14 days of the statement date, unless a payment arrangement has been agreed with the Accounts Department. The due date for Term 1 fees is Monday 16 th February, after which a late payment fee of $100 will be applied to the account and will continue on a monthly basis while the account remains in arrears. Families with School Fee Accounts on monthly payment arrangements should note that monthly payments which are declined and dishonoured without any prior notice will incur a $50 dishonoured fee on each occasion the payment is declined. Michelle Hughes Accounts Officer INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVALS The Inter-House Swimming Carnivals will be held at the Arena Joondalup on the following dates: Middle School - Tuesday 17th February 2015 Senior School - Thursday 19th February 2015 Parents are encouraged to attend and support the swimmers. Drew Hall Head of Health & Physical Education TRANSITION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL 2015 Transition to Middle School takes slightly a different format for students who have attended Peter Moyes Anglican Community School in Year 6 and those who are new to the School. However, the aims and objectives remain the same: to familiarise students new to the Middle School with the physical environment they will occupy, meet their new teachers in addition to their Team Leaders, Deputy and Associate Principal. A program of ‘get to know you’ games as well as familiarisation with classes and classrooms is developed with our new students in mind. All students tried their hand at some Science experiments with Mr Rourke and Ms Tapp; sampled their edible wares from the Foods Department or enjoyed activities in the Woodwork workshop! Anxieties were dissipated, new experiences were enjoyed and new friendships were made; all of which assisted in a very smooth first few days in Year 7 last week. I hope your children are excited by the year ahead, the learning experiences that will challenge them, the activities in which they will participate and the firm friendships that they will make. We look forward to sharing their journey with them. Alison Grey Acting Associate Principal, Middle School ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD THE LEARNING LOUNGE Imagine if there was a place that teachers could use, where students can work, a comfortable functional lounge space. This was the idea that some teachers had last year. Ideas are easy; finding the time and resources to implement them is more difficult. A few Year 8 students were approached to see if we could get the project off the ground. Enthusiastically we held meetings, flicked through magazines, looked at furniture stores, wrote proposals, had discussion with staff and students and revised our ideas. It was exciting looking for furniture that was practical yet aesthetically pleasing to all, for a space that we wanted everyone to feel comfortable in and enjoy using. We then had to determine the colour and quantity of the furniture and managed to come in just under budget. We prepared a presentation and approached the School’s Business Manager. Our proposal was approved and we eagerly waited for the furniture to arrive! It was delivered last week and is now in use in the Year 9 area. If it proves to be a valuable learning area, it may be possible to extend the idea to the Year 7 & 8 areas. It has been a great learning experience for the project team, Maddie Walker, Mehul Aggarwal and Callum Borck. I would like to thank Mr Alchin, Mrs Grey, Mr Cartwright and Mrs Swain for their ideas, contribution and faith in the project team. Thanks to everyone’s effort the Year 9 students now have a fun and comfortable space for all to enjoy. Callum Borck Year 9 Student HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT STUDY TOUR TO CANBERRA / SYDNEY At the end of Term 1, 2016 the Humanities department will undertake a study tour to Canberra and Sydney. The tour will commence during the first week of the school holidays with the party leaving on Saturday 9th April and returning on Saturday 16th April, 2016. All Year 10, 11 and 12 students are eligible; however, as the tour’s aim is to further the knowledge of students studying Economics, Geography, History and Politics and Law, preference will be given to those involved in Humanities subjects. For any student who is studying a relevant subject, the possibility of visiting Canberra and Sydney is very exciting. We know that it will be a terrific occasion for them to learn more about the nation’s history, geography and political & legal systems. As a bonus they will be able to build positive relationships with accompanying teaching staff and students. We also hope that it will inspire them to be motivated and committed in their studies. Currently, the anticipated total cost of the trip is between $1,700 and $2,000 per person. This price is subject to change based on the number of students participating and changes to quotes provided to the School. This price includes airfares, accommodation, airport taxes, transportation, some meals, guide hire, tours, entry fees and other services where indicated. It does not include insurance, the personal spending money that students will need to take to purchase souvenirs or any additional food. APRIL 2016 Ex-student Rebecca Howlett’s writes about her experience when she went on the trip: “I went on the Sydney Canberra trip with 44 other students from Senior School. To accompany our group we had four amazing and patient teachers come with us - Mr Briggs, Ms Shaw, Mr Byrne and Ms Johnson. This trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it was honestly the best experience I have ever had! We had jam packed days from the moment we left Perth domestic airport till we arrived back in Perth a week later. In Canberra we stayed in the Australian Institute of Sport where we had awesome accommodation, great meals and a recreation room where we could hang around at night. Some of the many places we visited in Canberra were Old Parliament House, the War Memorial, Botanical gardens and New Parliament House - that was just to name a few. One of the biggest highlights in Canberra for me was having free reign in Questacon - which is for those who don't know – Scitech on steroids! After four chilly days in Canberra (and trust me it was chilly! Only 2 degrees on the first night we were there) we took a bus to Sydney. It was a long trip however it was quite entertaining because by the end of the trip we had a rather large game that Mr. Byrnes created. In Sydney we stayed at the YHA near George Street, which was pretty cool because we had vending machines, pool tables and racing games. In Sydney we had many tours and we got to tour the Sydney Opera House and walk over the Harbour Bridge. On Anzac Day - myself along with some other students and Mr. Briggs and Mrs. Shaw got up at 3:30 in the morning to attend the dawn service which was truly beautiful. The highlights of the trip for me was rolling down the hill on the roof of new Parliament House and learning words that were used in the old days in parliament such as “balder dash!” My highlight of Sydney would have to be climbing the bridge and doing ‘gangnam style’ on the top of the bridge! If you would like to register your child’s interest in participating in this study tour or require further details regarding the tour itinerary please contact Mr. Briggs by email ([email protected]) or by telephone on 9304 5588. Keith Briggs Head of Humanities and Social Science ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD THE FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL It is that time of the year when you and your children often feel anxious about going to school. It is natural for parents and their children to feel a little apprehensive about starting school. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: * Keep life as calm and normal as possible Maintain your child’s sleep and eating habits. Ensure a good and healthy breakfast. If this is your child’s first time at school, be sure to quickly establish a consistent routine. Try to keep meal times and sleep times regular and set aside some time each day for homework or talking about the school day. * Equipment Make sure that your child has all the equipment that they need for their day at school. Remember the special things they might need for the days they have Physical Education, Music, Art etc. *Food Students are given recess and lunch times and, in the primary school, a morning tea opportunity. When packing your child’s food, remember to provide them with healthy snacks, healthy lunches and water. A good diet helps keep your child healthy, energetic and able to concentrate in class. *It is okay to feel this way Accept your child’s anxiety over starting school. It is natural to be scared, or worried. Acknowledge that it is okay for them to feel the way they do. Share your own experiences about starting school with your children and encourage them to face the challenge. Remind them that you will be there at the end of the day to talk about what they did. *What you may be feeling During the first few days of school, you’re likely to experience a host of different emotions. Remember it is natural for you too to feel anxious and worried about your child starting school. It is as important for you to try and maintain a consistent routine, as it is for your children. Try to relax during the day. Your children are in the hands of professionals and they are generally having a great time. *For the younger ones – Separation anxiety Try to keep in mind that your child’s unwillingness to leave you is a sign that healthy attachments have developed between the two of you. With experience your child will learn that you always return after you leave, and this will be enough to comfort him or her while you are gone. This also gives your child a chance to develop his or her own coping skills and a little independence. *Each day Each day check for notes, homework and newsletters and read your child’s homework diary. Make sure the school bag is packed with the appropriate equipment the night before. Gradually help your child towards independence with routines. Try using charts/diaries, or calendars to help trigger their memories. Most importantly take each day as it comes, together you will find that school can be challenging, exciting and lots of fun. Angela Lamers School Counsellor ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD CO-CURRICULAR PROGRAMME TERM 1 2015 14 th January 2015 Enrolments opened for Term 1 10th February 2015 Co-Curricular activities commence 13th February 2015 Enrolments via the parent portal close for Term 1. 20th February 2015 Final changes to enrolments accepted 26th March 2015 Term 1 Co-Curricular activities conclude MUSIC Would you like to learn a musical instrument (or voice)? If your child would like to commence learning an instrument at School please complete the attached form and return it to the Music Department in the Allan Shaw Centre. Lessons in the following instruments are offered to students: Flute Clarinet Saxophone Trumpet Trombone Violin Cello Piano Voice Percussion (Drums) Guitar Bass Guitar Ukulele Justin Tonti Head of Music LIFT CLUB If any parent is interested in forming a lift club from Burns Beach to Peter Moyes in the mornings and afternoons they should please contact Sanette Sam on 0405 832 555. INVITATION Connect Learn Engage PARENT SEMINAR Dan Haesler Dan Haesler is a passionate educator and a gifted speaker. His talk will introduce parents to Positive Psychology: what it is and how to implement it at home with your family. He will explore concepts such as strengths, growth mindsets and wellbeing. WHERE Allan Shaw Centre Auditorium WHEN Thursday 12th March 2015 at 6.30pm (for 7.00pm start) COST $5.00 at door - FREE entry for Peter Moyes community PETER MOYES ANGLICAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL A School of the Anglican Schools Commission Please complete reply slip below and return to Main Reception or RSVP [email protected] for catering purposes by Monday 9th March. RSVP ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Connect PARENT SEMINAR Learn Engage THURSDAY 12TH MARCH I/We will be attending the Connect Learn Engage Dan Haesler Parent Seminar on Thursday 12th March 2015 Name/s: Please return to Main Reception or RSVP [email protected] by Monday 9th March 2015 PETER MOYES ANGLICAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL A School of the Anglican Schools Commission Elliston Parade, Mindarie WA 6030 9304 5500 ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD P & F NEWS The P & F Association hopes that all PMACS families have enjoyed a happy and stress-free start to Term 1. We welcome back old friends and look forward to meeting families who have recently joined our school community. This term will be a busy one for us. As well as our usual Term 1 activities, the P & F is holding a Grand Community Harmony Day Fete on Saturday 7th March 2015 from 11.00am to 6.00pm. We look forward to seeing you at this event which promises to be a great day of community fun! Beat the queues and save money by purchasing a Fete Arm Band from Main Administration or the P & F Office. Bands cost $25 each and allow you to go on 6 rides and to take advantage of unlimited access to two water slides! The Fete is being co-ordinated by PMACS parent and School Council Parents’ and Friends’ Representative, Julie Jamieson, who can be contacted at [email protected]. We will need help both in the lead up to and during the day of the Fete; a fantastic way to contribute to our community, meet other families and earn your P & F Levy Hour Rebate which is credited to your School Account every term. For volunteer opportunities, please see the table below. Fete Poster Winners Last term we ran a competition in which students were asked to design a poster to advertise the Grand Community Harmony day Fete. The lucky and talented winners were: Bailey Neale, Neisha Adma Weda, Jasmine Mills, Lauren James, Kim Amos, Casey Jamieson, Jasmine Saunders and Tegan Court. The overall winner was Anna Fraser whose poster is pictured above. An honorary mention goes to Lori Hockey. They received their prizes in assemblies at the end of last term. Congratulations to all! ACT JUSTLY, HONOUR GOD P & F EVENTS GRAND COMMUNITY FETE Saturday 7th March 2015 P & F MEETING DATES 2015 We invite all PMACS families to join our Travel Smart To School programme. Parents and students from Peter Moyes Anglican Community School and Quinns Baptist College meet every Walk to School Wednesday at one of two locations: Meetings begin at 7.00pm and are held in the T & E Rooms entered via the Waves Café. Tuesday 17th February 2015 Tuesday 5th May 2015 – Funding Round Tuesday 23rd June 2015 – Tuesday 15th September 2015 – AGM Tuesday 27th October 2015 – General Meeting – Funding Tuesday 17th November 2015 The Rothesay Heights tennis courts car park, Mindarie. Gumblossom Community Hall car park, Tapping Way, Quinns Rocks The “Wednesday Walking Bus” leaves at 7.45am prompt. Parents are encouraged to walk with their children or ensure that they are supervised by a responsible adult. Schools and their students can receive fantastic rewards as a result of their involvement in the programme, not to mention, the added benefit to our health, road safety and the environment, as fewer cars deliver children to school. Every day that your child walks, cycles or scoots to school this term, please fill out a form that can be found on a display in Primary School, near to the Art Room. Rewards will be earned by the most active participants and statistics that demonstrate how we are reducing the use of cars around our schools will be forwarded to the TravelSmart team at the Department of Transport. We look forward to developing and extending our TravelSmart programme with you in the future! The Commonwealth School Bank is open every Friday morning from 7.40am to 8.05am near the Western Foyer entrance. Thank you to PMACS parents Mel Foster and Karen Taylor who run this fantastic programme that helps to encourage good saving habits! Watch out for details about the chance to redeem banking tokens for fantastic rewards and for the opportunity to go into the draw to win a trip to California’s Disneyland for up to two adults and two children. Volunteer opportunities Event Date Contact Fete Friday 6th March 4 parents with tow balls required to tow trailers containing generators from Coates Hire in Wanneroo to School on Friday 6th March and / or return them on Monday 9th March Monday 9th March [email protected] Fete Saturday 7th March [email protected] Monday 23rd March Bernie Streeter Julie Jamieson Portable BBQ’s required in order to cook our Sausage Sizzle ACC Swimming ‘C’ Division Carnival [email protected] Marshal #3 Submission deadline is Friday 20th February Timekeeper Lane 4 Seating / Crowd Control Catering Assistant (oversees 8 PMACS students distributing drinks to Officials) ACC Swimming “H” Division Carnival The P & F Levy Cards will be distributed to families over the coming weeks. More information about what they are and how to use them will be included in next week’s newsletter. You can earn any of your 12 P & F Levy hours in any term. There are many ways in which you can help in the school community. Please see below for opportunities currently available: Claire Long P&F Office [email protected] Bernie Streeter Chief Marshal Wednesday 18th March Primary School Art Room Anytime [email protected] Please contact Chloe Kyriakacis Drama Costumes washing Anytime [email protected] Please contact Peta Flanigan Home Economics (Food Room) Anytime Science Laboratory Anytime Laboratory experience and qualifications required [email protected] Please contact Rita Wilson [email protected] Please contact Vicky Carter [email protected] . Official website for P&F Fete
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