Meals on Wheels Newsletter Summer 2014 Meals on Wheels of Shaw nee and Jefferson Counties, Inc. 2701 SW East Circle Dr South, Suite 2 Topeka, Kansas 66606 (785) 295-3980 office (785) 295-3999 fax Business Hours: M onday– Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Inside this issue: Program Services 2 Donors 3 Volunteers 4 Special Events 5 Thank You 6 Home Delivery/ Congregate Dining 7 STOP IN ANYTIME…... Meals on Wheels is an open book and we want everyone to experience how this well-oiled agency manages to get nearly 1,000 meals a day out to those who are in need. Perhaps you’ve always been curious or maybe there’s a particular area about Meals on Wheels that holds a special interest for you. Ideas may include: Kansas Elected and 8 Appointed Officials What happens during a home visit? How are volunteers trained? What does the kitchen look like and how does it operate? How are routes sheets created? Learn how client comments/suggestions impact the menu. Maybe you’d like to take a look at the menu development. Gain a better understanding of our funding. Learn what our regulations and requirements are. Would you like to tour a dining center? For over 40 years, the community has been engaged with the agency and we’d like to share the good things happening and the impact that is made each day on those receiving meals. I can be reached directly at (785) 295-3988 or by email at [email protected] to answer questions or learn more about Meals on Wheels. Additional ways to support Meals on Wheels: Gifts from your Will or Trust, Stock and Appreciated Securities, Life Insurance, Tangible Personal Property, Real Estate, or Charitable Gift Annuities (Immediate, Deferred or Flexible). Meals on Wheels would be most appreciative to be considered as a recipient of your memorial contributions. For questions related to providing support to Meals on Wheels, please call (785) 295-3980. Please visit our website at Program Services Page 2 Social Work Department Never underestimate the power of the Meals on Wheels safety check! Today, the new technology makes meal delivery for many people one of convenience only. E-Meals, Mom’s Meals, Magic, etc. are examples of convenience, but are not designed with the typical Meals on Wheels client in mind. A delivery by UPS monthly or every other week on someone’s doorstep could never replace the all-important daily “eye test”. Seeing our clients, seeing and experiencing their home environment and checking on their safety daily puts Meals on Wheels programs “heads and shoulders” above all other programs. In my 19 years as the Meals on Wheels social worker, I have witnessed countless occasions where the safety check has literally saved a client’s life. Clients may have fallen, had a medical emergency, had compromised environmental issues or simply stated that they were “not feeling well.” Further investigation of these issues, calls to responsible parties and/or calls to “911” made the difference in the safety and well-being of many participants. Often, time is of the essence and Meals on Wheels takes each situation very seriously until all clients are deemed “safe” and accounted for each day. For many family members the safety check is almost more important than the actual meal delivery. As it has been said many times, “Hats off to our wonderful volunteers for being the eyes and the ears of our agency!” Marilyn Rivera, Social Worker Donors Page 3 Thank you to our donors this quarter: Giving/Donor Quote Ms. Kristen Ables Mr. Gary Habig Mr. John Olsen Mr. Bruce Akin Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haines PepsiCo Foundation Ms. Cherish Allshouse Mr. William Haling Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pickerell Mr. Larry Anderson Mr. Gerald E. Hanson TTEE Mr. Donald Pollom Ms. Patricia Anderson Mr. Jimmy Hastings Polo Custom Products Mr. Anthony Artzer H. E. Hathaway Ms. Angela Powers AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Heartland CFC Ms. Karla Price Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Mr. Keith Hendrickson Ms. Kelsey Purvis Ms. Conchita Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heronime Dr. and Mrs. Bart Ramsey Ms. Carlene Barkley Mr. Dennis Hetrick Mr. and Mrs. John Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Basgall Ms. Mae Hittle Mr. Herman Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bauman Mr. Carl Holmes Mr. Robert Rousser Mr. David Benak Mr. Matt Hothan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sabatini Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Hutchinson Regional Medical Center Mr. David Satterwhite Ms. Jennifer Brevitz Ms. Robbi Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scurlock Brewster Place Ms. Brenda Jessop Seaman High School Interact Club Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Mr. John Kanicki Ms. Joan M. Sebring Ms. Chelsey Cairns Mr. Robert E. Karle Ms. Vicki Shurtz Casey's General Stores Mr. Gregory Kelly Mr. Thomas Smith Mr. Mason Cedarquist Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly Mr. Anthony Somma Central National Bank Mr. Brooks Keogh Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer Mr. Dave Claussen Mr. Kevin Kongs Mr. Jeff Stone Ms. Melanie Coffman Dr. & Mrs. Clayton A. Lang Mr. William Stormann Ms. Debora L. Cox Mr. Jeffery Larson Mr. Thomas Stuchlik Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crandall Mr. and Mrs. James G. Lillie Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thomas Mr. Phillip Cupps Mrs. Jo Lindley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thorp Mr. and Mrs. Brad Delka Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Long Ms. Cheryl Tiller Mrs. Mary Jane Elder Ms. Jean Macfee United Methodist Health Ministry Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fidler Ms. Sherry Macke Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ussery First Presbyterian Church Mr. John P. MacMillan Mr. Mark Vetter Mr. Don Ford Ms. Mary E. McDaniel Ms. Cynthia Wahle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fritton Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKinnon Westar Energy Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gerdel Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. McManus Ms. Harriet Whightsil Ms. Gail Gibson Mr. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Wichman Mr. Patrick Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Moore Ms. Sally Wilson Ms. Jeanne L. Goodman Ms. Betty J. Moser Lynn Wipf Mr. Thomas Grace Mr. and Mrs. Rodney T. Nash Ms. Fern A. Wolney Mr. and Mrs. Greg Greenwood Mr. Robert Newman Mr. and Ms. Rick Yewell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gronewaller Mr. Todd Nincehelser Mr. Phillip Zimmers Volunteers Page 4 Is Meals on Wheels really “more than a meal”? Having Stage IV cancer and residing in her home, Sally was referred to Meals on Wheels by a hospice care worker. She did not think Meals on Wheels was necessary or appropriate at her age (early 70’s) and the first week was very awkward. Living alone, she soon found comfort in the concern for her well-being conveyed by volunteers. Receiving the meal provided encouragement to eat even when she didn’t feel like it. One particular day, she could hear a sound she couldn’t quite identify. She finally realized it was the Meals on Wheels volunteer knocking on the door with her lunch. She was lying on the floor but not wanting to keep him waiting, she struggled to the door. When she opened the door, the volunteer found her covered in blood suffering from an open head wound. Alarmed, he immediately called Meals on Wheels, her son was notified and Sally was taken by ambulance to the hospital. After her release, she was not able to return home for about a month. Now, back at home, she looks forward to her daily meal delivery. Ask Sally about her experience on that day and she will tell you she doesn’t remember much of anything about it. Judging by the scene, she had been injured for several hours and had drifted in and out of consciousness. What she does remember is a persistent young man who didn’t give up, got her to the door, took control of a situation in which she had no control and ultimately may have saved her life. Her story is what Meals on Wheels is all about; undoubtedly it is…“more than a meal”. Renae Steuart, Program Services Coordinator I just want you to know how much I appreciate all that you do. Every time I call my mother, Bette, she talks about the lovely meals and the wonderful people who deliver them. I live in California and to say you all are lifesavers is the TRUTH! Thank you and Blessings to All! Christine Thank you to the 38 Community Champions from Shawnee and Jefferson Counties who participated in the annual “March for Meals” Campaign. Each of these individuals took time out of their busy day to deliver meals to the clients who receive our service. Not only did they bring a hot, nutritious meal but also provided a smile and a safety check! We greatly appreciate the generosity of the Meals on Wheels’ community supporters! Special Events Page 5 Please join the Meals on Wheels 2014 Sumptuous Evening Honorary Chairs, Roger and Karen Viola at the Annual Sumptuous Evening Gala Friday, October 24, 2014 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Ramada Downtown Topeka A PEEK INTO THE EVENING: Entertainment by Riley Voth Wine and spirits A variety of sumptuous bites from the area’s top caterers and restaurants Designer table centerpieces will be on display and available for purchase by Silent Auction Live Auction Meals on Wheels needs your help to continue to provide nutritionally balanced meals to the elderly and homebound individuals in Shawnee and Jefferson Counties. To ensure that no senior goes hungry, Meals on Wheels needs to raise $137,000 from the event. To date, $38,750 has been secured in sponsorships. Additional corporations and individuals are being sought to help reach our goal. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of our “big” night. Individual tickets are $75.00 each and sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information please call Kim at (785) 295-3980. Thank you! Page 6 On May 1st, the SW YMCA and North YMCA partnered with Meals on Wheels to provide YMCA members with a convenient, affordable, healthy meal option. Members may enroll in the Nutrition Program by choosing from one of the options listed below that best fits their need: 1 month 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday Saturday, Sunday Meals are Heart Healthy (low fat, sodium and cholesterol) and provide 1/3 of the daily nutritional requirements. (averages are 750 Calories, 800-1000 mg Sodium, 30% or less calories from Fat each day). *This program is not currently funded and will require participants to pay for this service.* A very special “Thank You” to Bob Evenson from Century Health Solutions, Inc. Bob presented a “Medicare 101” information session at the Kanza Café on April 23rd. He discussed all aspects of Medicare and answered questions from the group. We appreciate you taking the time to inform our supporters on this topic. Meals on Wheels would like to thank the Seaman High School Interact Club and everyone that attended the “Drive Out Hunger” Car Show that was held on April 26th. The event raised over $600 to benefit Meals on Wheels. We are very thankful for the community support! The 2014 Topeka Gives event that was held on June 3rd, was very successful by raising $308,824 for 111 non-profit organizations in Topeka. Meals on Wheels was very fortunate to receive $7,769 dollars from many generous Meals on Wheels supporters! Thank you very much for your financial support. Your donation will assist in providing hot, nutritious meals to the most vulnerable seniors and homebound individuals in Shawnee and Jefferson Counties. Without your assistance, Meals on Wheels would not be able to provide this valuable community service. Thank you Meals on Wheels donors and the Topeka Community Foundation! Home Delivery/Congregate Dining Home Delivery Program: Average Number of Meals per Month= 13,434 Average Number of meals per Day= 630 Page 7 Ruth is very grateful for our meals. She is very weak, and has no appetite. She stated that if she didn’t have meals from us and had to make something herself, she would probably give up eating. Congregate Dining Program: Average Number of Meals per Month= 6,741 Average Number of Meals per Day= 316 Shawnee and Jefferson County Dining Centers Topeka Shawnee County East Topeka Senior Center Auburn United Methodist Church First Apartments Rossville Senior Center Highland Park Methodist Church Silver Lake Senior Complex LULAC Multipurpose Senior Center Jefferson County Papan’s Landing Senior Center JCM Hospital-Winchester Santa Fe Apartments St. Aloysius Catholic ChurchMeriden Tyler Towers Valley Falls Senior Center Page 8 Please become a Meals on Wheels Advocate! Let our elected and appointed officials know how grateful Meals on Wheels seniors are for their past support and how important their continued support will be to the program in the future. Topeka City Council Mayor Larry Wolgast 785.368.3895 Councilwoman Karen Hiller 785.232.2917 Councilman TJ Brown 785.554.1746 Councilwoman Sylvia Ortiz 785.357.0717 Councilwoman Denise Everhart 785.267.4098 Councilwoman Michelle De La Isla 785.368.3710 Councilman Chad Manspeaker 785.220.9493 Councilwoman Elaine Schwartz 785.273.0688 Councilman Nathan Schmidt 816.309.9181 Councilman Richard Harmon 785.271.6962 Shawnee County Commission Commissioner Shelly Buhler 785.584.6617 Commissioner Kevin Cook 785.215.1003 Commissioner Bob Archer 785.817.8157 State Elected Officials Governor Sam Brownback 785.296.3232 Shawnee County Legislative Delegation Senator Laura Kelly Statehouse phone: 785.296.7365 Senator Anthony Hensley Statehouse phone: 785.296.3245 Senator Vicki Schmidt Statehouse phone: 785.296.7374 Representative Ramon Gonzalez, Jr. Statehouse phone: 785.296.7500 Representative Joshua Powell Statehouse phone: 785.296.7674 Representative Ron Highland Statehouse phone: 785.296.7310 Representative Shanti Gandhi Statehouse phone: 785.296.7672 Representative Annie Tietze Statehouse phone: 785.296.7668 Representative Ken Corbet Statehouse phone: 785.296.7679 Representative Annie Kuether Statehouse phone: 785.296.7669 Representative Virgil Weigel Statehouse phone: 785.296.7366 Representative John Alcala Statehouse phone: 785.296.7371 Representative Harold Lane Statehouse phone: 785.296.7649 SHAWNEE COUNTY Cyrene Holt – Treasurer Connie Hubbell CITY OF TOPEKA Karel Ramsey Connie Spencer - Vice-Chair Federal Elected Officials Senator Pat Roberts 785.295.2745 Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins 785.234.5966 Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council 785.235.1367 CITY OF LAWRENCE Tamara Cash JEFFERSON COUNTY Larry Martin – Chair Dave Grove Lynn Luck SHAWNEE COUNTY Carol DeGroff Sook Shirley Bellinder CITY OF TOPEKA Kathy Arbogast Matthew Pettit Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors 785.235-1367 DOUGLAS COUNTY James A. Hills CITY OF LAWRENCE Gary D. Hale Ernest Dyer – Chair JEFFERSON COUNTY Tom Ryan Gary Fowler Joe Cross Susan Warriner
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