NAME CLASS DATE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER FOR ACTIVE READING The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act HI William Shakespeare Pupil's Edition page 820 Who Is Mark Antony? Mark Antony has only a minor role in the play until Act III, when he becomes the major force moving the action. In the busts below, record lines from the play that contrast how Mark Antony is presented before Act III, and how he is revealed in Act III. Then in the lines provided below the busts, summarize your own view of Antony's character. You might consider these lines from Acts I and D: Act I, Scene 2, lines 9-10, 28-29, and 235-236; Act II, Scene 1, lines 155-184; and Scene 2, lines 52-53. Before Act III In Act III The Real Antony: 1. Do you consider Antony a hero or a villain, or something in between? Explain. 2. Make a prediction: What will happen as a result of Antony's having turned the crowd against the conspirators? Elements of Literature Graphic Organizer for Active Reading: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act HI 9 1 NAME CLASS DATE BECOMING A STRATEGIC READER The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act HI William Shakespeare Pupil's Edition page 844 Paraphrasing Elizabethan English As you try to understand Shakespeare's language, you may find paraphrasing a useful technique. To paraphrase a passage, write the same ideas as in the passage but express them in your own words. Translate figurative language into non-figurative terms. Include details as well as the main idea in your rewording. Putting another's ideas into your own words often makes it easier for you to understand and remember what you have read or heard. Consider the following passage spoken by Metellus in Act III. EXAMPLE: "Is there no voice more worthy than my own, To sound more sweetly in great Caesar's ear For the repealing of my banished brother?" —Scene 1, lines 49-51 Work through the passage phrase by phrase, putting the ideas in your own words. Here is a possible paraphrase of Metellus's speech. Is there no one as worthy as I am To speak eloquently to you In favor of returning my banished brother? Then if you wish, you may tighten the paraphrase even further. Can no one else speak as well as I to convince you to free my brother? EXERCISE A Paraphrasing Shakespeare Paraphrase the following passages from Act III. 1. Caesar: I could be well moved, if I were as you; If I could pray to move, prayers would move me; But I am constant as the Northern Star, Of whose true-fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament. —Scene 1, lines 58-62 2. Servant: If Brutus will vouchsafe that Antony May safely come to him and be resolved How Caesar hath deserved to lie in death, Mark Antony shall not love Caesar dead So well as Brutus living .. . —Scene 1, lines 130-134 1 1 E 9 2 Becoming a Strategic Reader; The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act HI Elements of Literature NAME CLASS DATE 3. Cassius: Brutus, a word with you. You know not what you do; do not consent That Antony speak in his funeral. Know you how much the people may be moved By that which he will utter? —Scene 1, lines 231-235 4. Antony: Over thy wounds now do I prophesy (Which like dumb mouths do ope their ruby lips To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue), A curse shall light upon the limbs of men—Scene 1, lines 259-262 EXERCISE B Revising a Paraphrase Read the following lines from Act III. Then read the faulty paraphrase of those lines that follows. Consider how the writer has failed to paraphrase the speech correctly. Then on the lines provided, rewrite the paraphrase, correcting any errors to make the ideas as clear as possible. ANTONY: I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here I am to speak what I do know. You all did love him once, not without cause; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason! Bear with me; My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me. —Scene 2, lines 102-109 Faulty Paraphrase: I'm not here to argue with Brutus, I'm here to say what I know. There was a time when you loved Caesar, for no reason; why do you now mourn? Judgment has flown off with the animals and men have lost their reason. Hold me up; my heart is in Caesar's coffin and I have to wait until it comes back. 1 Elements of Literature Becoming a Strategic Reader: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act III 93 NAME CLASS DATE WORDS TO OWN The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act HI William Shakespeare Pupil's Edition page 820 Developing Vocabulary Carefully read each word's definition, explanation, and sample sentence. Then write a sentence of your own using that word. 1. firmament (form's «ni9nt) n. the sky; the heavens. A This word comes from a Latin word meaning "a strengthening support." • Juan's poem began, "Alone in the firmament / a star twinkles for me." (page 823, Scene 1, line 62) Original sentence: 2. valiant (val'yant) adj. brave; courageous. A Valiant is derived from the Latin word valere meaning "to be strong." • hi Shauna's daydreams, she always fought alongside valiant knights, (page 826, Scene 1, line 138)~ Original sentence: 3. fetch (fech) v. get; bring; elicit. A This word comes from the German wordfessen, meaning "to grasp." • I taught my dog to fetch a stick, (page 826, Scene 1, line 142) Original sentence: 4. beseech (be«sechO v. to beg. A Beseech and beg are synonyms, but beseech also implies anxiety over the outcome. • The woman dropped to her knees to beseech the king to spare her husband's life, (page 826, Scene 1, line 157) Original sentence: 5- plebeians (ple'be'anz) n. pL common people. A In ancient Rome, the plebeians were the lower class and the patricians were the upper class. • When food supplies were short, the plebeians would often assemble in the square and demand that the wealthier citizens provide them with assistance, (page 831, Scene 2) Original sentence: 9** Words to Own: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act III Elements of Literature NAME CLASS 6. censure (sen'shsr) v. to express strong dissapproval of. A In modern times this word has taken on the meaning "to blame or criticize." DATE • The state legislature passed a resolution to censure the governor for her misconduct, (page 831, Scene 2, line 16) Original sentence: 7. interred (in«terd') adj. a form of the verb inter, which means "to bury." A This word combines the prefix in-, here meaning "into,' and the Latin word terra-, meaning "earth." • The dog quickly located the interred beef bone and dug it up. (page 834, Scene 2, line 78) Original sentence: 8. bequeathing (be • kwetih'irj) v. A form of bequeath, which means "to give by will" or "to hand down." A This word is from the Old English word becwethan, having the same definition. • The king declared, "When I die, I am bequeathing my gold to my oldest daughter." (page 836, Scene 2, line 138) Original sentence: 9- legacy (leg's *se) n. an inheritance; anything handed down from an ancestor. A This word derives from a Latin word meaning "to send as an ambassador." • Sharon's only legacy from her father was a gold watch, (page 836, Scene 2, line 138) Original sentence: 10. orator (6r/9t»9r) n. a skilled public speaker. A This word is based on a Latin word meaning "to speak." • Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, as much for his accomplishments as an orator as for his writing, (page 838, Scene 2, line 219) Original sentence: Elements of Literature Words to Own: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act III 95 NAME CLASS DATE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER FOR ACTIVE READING The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, ActIV William Shakespeare Pupil's Edition page 845 Who Is Cassius? At the beginning of Act IV, Scene 3, Brutus is angry 'with Cassius and makes several accusations against him. What are they? Create a "Wanted" poster for Cassius by filling in the lines below. Catssixxs PViysical Description; Crimes: JBriejf History: Personality Traits: "Toward. Government: ..,,• • . • . . 1. How have Brutus's feelings changed by the end of Scene 3? 2. How have your feelings about Cassius changed through the play so far? 96 Graphic Organizer for Active Reading: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act IV Elements of Literature
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