ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA (321) 636-6834 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Stewardship Thought Last Sunday we heard of God’s desire/need for everyone to join him in his banquet – in his life and love and joy. God wants all of us to sit at His table and to enjoy forever a life of happiness. This is good news! Jesus didn’t just talk about God’s invitation – He lived it. He invited all kinds of people to his table, especially those who were regarded as sinners and outcasts and undesirables. The Pharisees in today’s Gospel cannot stand this idea of inclusiveness – they are into “separateness” (as many of us are), and so they try to discredit Jesus and lay a trap for him. They ask him about paying taxes to Caesar. His answer has often been distorted by those who despise the impoverished, marginalized, and alienated of our society. Jesus is aware of the malice of the question. In his answer, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar – and to God what belongs to God”, Jesus does not specify the things that belong to Caesar because Caesar does not possess anything independently of God since everything belongs to God. Caesar’s power is sub-servient to that of God. All authority and power have to be evaluated in the light of God’s plan. It is for Christians to decide whether the things demanded by Caesar reflect the things of God. This is an on-going evaluation and answers the question as to whether the political arena is protected from religious evaluation and criticism. If Caesar is subject to God, then his laws are open to Christian or religious evaluations. In the world of politics nothing is sacred. Fr. King Today’s Readings: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Vocation Awareness: What do we have that belongs to God? How do we make a return for that gift? (Matthew 22:15-21) Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”? Religious Education Classes continue this weekend beginning at 11:15am12:30pm. There will be Children’s Liturgy of the Word this weekend during the 10:00am Mass. Congratulations to Brian & Joanne Masterson who celebrated their 64th Wedding Anniversary on October 14th. We are enjoying the altar flowers in honor of their special day. We pray that God will continue to bless them and their family in the years ahead. This week’s altar flowers are in memory of the LaBelle and Gagnier families. Would you like to enhance the celebration of our weekend liturgies? The flowers that we enjoy each weekend are donated by parishioners for various reasons: in memory of a deceased loved one, in celebration of a special event such as a Baptism or anniversary, or as a loving gesture. For further information, please contact Sandy DiLago at 636-6834. OCTOBER 19, 2014 For more information please visit 5th ANNUAL HELPING HANDS GOLF TOURNAMENT Congratulations to Dick and Gloria Becker who celebrated their 59th Wedding Anniversary on October 15th. We pray that God will continue to bless them and their family in the years ahead. Saturday, Nov. 8th, 2014 at 8:00am Turtle Creek Golf Course “Best Ball” - $65/pp Weekly Offertory Collection: 10-05-14 ...............................................$ 12,972.71 10-12-14 ...............................................$ 12,894.07 Weekly Req. for Expenses .... $ 16,000.00 Debt Reduction Collection: 10-05-14 ................................................. $ 10-12-14 ................................................. $ VV Scripture 984.00 990.00 Reading’s VV Registration for this event continues after ALL masses, in the narthex, this weekend (Oct. 18/19) - and next weekend, Oct. 25/26. Please bring the names of your foursomes with you to complete the registration form. For more information about becoming a sponsor and/or to sign up, please contact Deacon Mike at 631-8962. CATHOLIC VOTER INFORMATION Each election cycle, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops conducts the Candidate Questionnaire Project to assist Catholics and the broader community with the obligation to become informed voters. Knowing where the candidates stand on issues concerning human life and dignity and the advancement of the common good is essential to responsible faithful citizenship. You can access the results of the questionnaires returned by the candidates by going to the Florida Catholic Conference website at: Please vote in the Nov 4 election. October 20th through October 26th Monday .......... Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday ......... Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday ... Eph 3:2-12; Is 12; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday ....... Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33; Lk 12:49-53 Friday ............ Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday ........ Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday .......... 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Everyone is invited to pray the Parish Rosary on the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Marian Chapel. Florida Catholic newspaper: A must for your Catholic journey - Let your Catholic newspaper help you grow in your faith. Subscribe now or renew your subscription to the Florida Catholic - 24 issues of your home for $26 a year; or access to our e-Edition, which includes Orlando, Palm Beach and Venice editions, via your PC or table, for $20. Visit or call toll-free 1-888-2759953. Centering Prayer Group meets every Thursday in the Bride’s Room, in the Church, from 5-6:30pm. Any questions, please feel free to contact Carol Buck, 638-0598. Call 636-4208 or visit our website: Looking for that perfect Halloween Pumpkin? Look no further than the St. Mary’s Pumpkin Patch. Families can purchase their Halloween pumpkin and benefit St. Mary’s School. Times and dates for the Pumpkin Patch will be announced in the next bulletin. The Festival will be held on Saturday, October 25th, from 3:00-9:00pm. Goodie bags will be given out to the children. Sponsorships can be purchased from $100 to $1,000. Sponsors will have their logo/name on our sponsor boards, event website, on the festival program and more depending on sponsor level. Please call the school office, 636-4208, for more information. BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION: Help St. Mary's School earn cash with Box Tops for Education. Simply clip the box tops from hundreds of General Mills brands including Pillsbury, Green Giant, Betty Crocker, Hamburger Helper, and Old El Paso. Either drop them by the school office or mail them directly to the school. The school receives ten cents for each redeemed box top. Thanks for your help. LABELS FOR EDUCATION: Also, on the Campbell’s Soup cans and boxes, and other products – Look for “Labels for Education”, cut those out and forward them to the school office through the collection basket as well. On Friday, October 24th, the students will attend the 8:30am liturgy. The theme for our Liturgy is “May Your Joy Be Complete” – The Readings for the Mass are: 1st Reading, Romans 5:10b-11; Gospel, Jn 15:9-11. We invite everyone to come share the Word with us. RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH: For the month of October its Malibu's Sports Grille, at 165 Barton Blvd, in Rockledge. If you purchase food at Malibu's in October and turn in your receipts to the school office, pastoral center, or drop it in the collection basket at Mass, our school will receive 10% of the total bill spent. What a delicious way to support our school. St. Mary’s Senior Family: On Monday, October 20th, the “Young at Heart” seniors group will meet at 12 Noon for a potluck (covered dish) luncheon at Joyce Phelps’s Community Clubhouse, 1025 Indian River Colony Club (A Bldg., River View Room, 2nd Floor), in Rockledge. Local Floridian, Roy Laughlin, will be our special guest. Mr. Laughlin is a non-fiction author, interested in local historical architecture – specializing in Rockledge and Cocoa. Please call Sandy at 631-8962, with your reservation and/or any questions you might have. Baptism Seminar Information Baptism of infants and children through age 6 are scheduled on the first weekend of every month. Parent(s) must attend our Baptism Seminar; Godparents and any other interested adults are encouraged to attend. Call Margy at 633-9985 to register for the next seminar to be held on November 14th & 15th, 2014. Baptisms are NOT scheduled until you have completed this seminar. If you are expecting, sign up now. The seminar takes place on Friday, Nov. 14th, from 79:00pm and Saturday, Nov. 15th, from 9-11:30am. Next time you are at your local supermarket, check out their “Buy-One, Get-One” deals. Keep one for yourself and share the other one with Helping Hands. We are in need of cereal. For more information please call 632-7211 on Mon/Wed/Fri from 9-11:00am, or come by and visit the Helping Hands location at 75 Barton Avenue. MEN’S DAY OF REFLECTION “Come to me all who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28 These words of Jesus are an invitation to His rest and refreshment. All men of the parish are invited to a Day of Reflection, Saturday November 1st, 8:30am to 5:00pm in the Parish Hall. Look for registration forms after each Mass or call Deacon Mike at 631-8962. Be good to yourself and take a day off with the Lord. High School Youth Group Information For High School Youth Group information, please contact: Ronnie Rodriguez at 321-480-3703 or [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE!! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th – ST. MARY’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY We Wish to Honor Our Advertiser of the Week TJ’s for Great Food Now open ‘til 3pm for lunch 1256 S. US Hwy 1, Rockledge Tele: 321-631-9806 Thank you for supporting St. Mary’s bulletin MASS INTENTIONS The Week of Oct. 20th through Oct. 26th MON . 8:30 AM TUE .. 8:30 AM WED . 8:30 AM THU .. 8:30 AM FRI ... 8:30 AM SAT .. 5:00 PM SUN ................ 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM Carmina Seara Dominguez Jan Downs COMMUNION SERVICE V Cindy Jordan SCHOOL MASS Sr. Joan Cahill Lorraine Blomen 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Beatrice Bernard PEOPLE OF THE PARISH SPANISH MASS Mary Lou Chandler V Denotes an intention for the living Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our parish listed below and for all of those who are not listed, but are in need of prayers. Please pray especially for: Do You have a Birthday, Anniversary, or Graduation coming up? Why not celebrate at our own St. Mary’s Parish Hall! Please contact Ron Cartrette at 633-6633 for a tour and/or more information on this wonderful opportunity to support our Church and have a memorable celebration. Cristina Cinca, Isabella Ray, Jack Costo, Jeff Bernard, Jon Schils, Nick Stein, Kay Harrington, Virginia Hoskowicz, Manuel Morlinares, Bonnie Wisdon, Nesta Hypolite, Barbara Nokes, Gerry Washburn, and Joseph Kleinschnitz. Into Your Hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our dearly departed. Let us hold in prayer the family and friends of the departed. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
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