DIVINE MERCY PARISH PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA OCTOBER 26, 2014 RECTORY AND PARISH CHURCH 6667 Chester Avenue (215) 727-8300 (215) 727-5932 (FAX) ST. IRENAEUS CHURCH (Alternate Worship Site) 7200 Grovers Avenue PASTOR Reverend Peter N. Quinn COORDINATOR OF RELGIOUS EDUCATION Tina Pilling BUSINESS MANAGER John Duffner PARISH OUTREACH STAFF Sister Jane Dawley, SHCJ Sister Barbara Foy, SHCJ Parish Email [email protected] SCHOOL St. Barnabas School 64th Street and Buist Avenue (215) 729-3603 Sister Margaret McCullough, IHM—PRINCIPAL Rectory Hours:9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. RECTORY STAFF Agnes Currie Weekday Masses - 8:00 AM Monday, through Saturday at Chester Avenue Sunday Masses - 4:00 PM (Saturday evening) and 11:00 AM at Chester Avenue 9:00 AM at Grovers Avenue Holyday Masses - 9:00 AM - Grovers Avenue; 7:00 PM - Chester Avenue Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday, 3:00-3:45 PM at Chester Avenue; Sunday, 8:30 AM at Grovers Avenue.; and anytime by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism - Baptisms are celebrated at 12:00 PM every second, third and fourth Sunday, immediately following the 11:00 AM Mass. Parents must meet with Father Quinn before the child is baptized. Please call the Rectory Office to make an appointment. Sacrament of Marriage - Please call Father Quinn at least six months before your wedding to begin preparations. Sacrament of the Sick - Please call the Rectory at anytime for emergencies. The homebound are visited regularly by Father Quinn and the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you or a family member is hospitalized and would like a visit, please call the Rectory. Please call the Rectory, also, if you would like to be anointed before you are hospitalized. Letters of Eligibility - Prior to your being a godparent at Baptism or a sponsor at Confirmation, you must receive a Letter of Eligibility from Divine Mercy Parish. You must be a registered parishioner who is at least 16 years of age, who has already received Confirmation, who comes to Mass on Sundays and Holydays, and, if married, is married in the Church. Please call the Rectory to arrange to meet with Father Quinn when you need a Letter of Eligibility. 26 OCTOBER 2014 Saturday October 25th 4:00 P.M. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Rosaline and Nick Mascuilli 45th Wedding Anniversary (L) October 26th 9:00 A.M. James Fratamtuono 11:00 A.M. Eddie Missimo October 27th 8 00 A.M. Frank Sadowiski October 28th 8:00 A.M. Edward Missimo October 29th 8:00 A.M. Ed Chapen October 30th 8:00 A.M. People of the parish October 31st 8:00 A.M. Elizabeth Burek (L) NOVEMBER 1ST ALL SAINTS 9:00 A.M. Mary Welch 11:00 A.M. Fr. Quinn Intention 4:00 P.M. Albert and Margaret Greener LOVE SHOWN IN ACTION Do you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions. They became models for other believers. The first reading tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or mistreat and will come to their defense. In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put the question of God’s law to Jesus. “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) How could he possibly choose from all the detailed commandments the Jews observed? He was sure to offend somebody by his answer! Of course, Jesus went right to the heart of the matter. Love is the greatest commandment— love of God and love of neighbor. Everything else is based on this. OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 First Collection Mission Sunday $2,383.00 $ 469.00 Thank you for generously supporting your parish!! Your extra sacrifices are greatly appreciated James Bracy Felicia Coachman Laura Gerdes Annmarie DiLauro Edward Beckett Rose Kline Kathleen Zappone Angelo Giudici Peter John Endres, Bob Brown Jr. Katie Bednarek Joseph Stewart Thomas Ransome John Dacca Joan Vellucci, Christie Cellucci Miller Gloria Shafman William Patient Christopher Palmer Christopher Gray Mike Cangelosi Lois Johnson Rosie Washington Chibuikem Chukwa Jerry Gallagher Robert Korbel Frankie DiLauro Paul Rienzi Joe Nelson Margaret & Neil Doherty Joanne Washklovitch Michael Rusinko Don Prendergast Margaret DiNardo Christina McClain Joan Voli, Louise Covotta Ryan Walsh Thomas Powers Rosalinde T. Masculli Mary Parisi Adelina L. Viloria Anita Iannacone Mike Bertotti Catherine Hicks Gary Lee Batty Angela Gray Rita Anusionwu Zofia Richmond Sotoius Quinn Joe Pecca Kathy Boris Mary Savage Karen Mink THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME REUNION DINNER November 8, 2014 OAKS BALLROOM, GLENOLDEN, PA. This year commemorates the 10th Anniversary of the merging of 3 parishes: Irenaeus, Clement and Good Shepherd to make a new parish, Divine Mercy Our parish will have a reunion celebration this year on Saturday 11-8-2014 with: 4:00 pm celebration of mass to pray for parish reunion and fund raising. 6:00 pm cocktail and then buffet dinner at Oaks Ballroom, Glenolden, PA. The organizing team needs: - To fill many basket of cheers: we need wine bottles, liquor, new gifts and items you think that we could use to make a basket. Your donation is most appreciated. - to have many people: please participate in the mass and buy reunion dinner tickets or raffle. Due to poor response for ad book: we will not have adbook for Nov. 8 HALL RENTAL We will rent Hall at Irenaeus worship site. We already upgraded our hall with 16 ceiling fans and 4 big air conditioners. Our Rental Fee for 5 hours will be raised to $1300.00 from June 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. From January 1, 2015 rental fee will be $1600.00 to defray some cost of air conditioning and fans. This fee includes cleaning, security and chaperon men, and dumpster. Insurance from the diocese $140.00. (extra) If anyone wants to rent it, please call the rectory. For more information please call the rectory at (215) 727-8300. LOOSE COIN FOR THE PARISH Please save your coin and put in the container when you go to the church. The parish appreciated your effort and sacrifice. last month your coin contribution is amounted to $106.14. Thanks to all who participated in this program. SHOP RITE RECEIPTS Shop Rite Brown at Island Ave. and any Brown Shop Rite give to the parish Half of 1% of your receipt. So if you go to Shop Rite, please save your receipts and give to us. You may put them in box in front of the church (Irenaeus) or inside the church (Divine Mercy) near the Coin Container. Thank You HALLOWEEN Bring forth the raisins and the nuts— Tonight All-Hallows’ spectre struts Along the moonlit way. CCD SCHOOL Children who go to public school, from K to 8th grades should register to study Sunday School or CCD school. The CCD school opened since September 28, 2014 in the Rectory from 9:30 am to 10:45 am every Sunday. After that our children will attend 11:00 am mass. Children of second grade will study for first Penance and First Holy Communion. Children who study at Catholic or Mission School who received first Penance last year, will study at their school to receive First Holy Communion at the parish. Older children will be prepared for their faith and confirmation in 2016. LIBERIAN MASS IN OCTOBER OCT. 26 AT 12:30PM Our Liberian mass of October will be held on Sunday October 26, 2014 at 12:30 pm instead of the third Sunday as usual, due to the African Heritage Mass. The mass last month, Sept. 21 was so beautiful. The mass is excited with dance, powerful song. Gospel procession showed a reverence and devotion to the Word. Offertory procession and song are beautiful with Liberian Culture and Devotion. Social after the mass is so great, pleasant and friendly. All are invited to attend the mass this October. MUSIC MINISTRY Choir members needed: If God give you a gift of singing, please see Fr. Quinn (215) 727-8300. If you want to join the choir, please try to come to the rehearsal every Wednesday and Saturday at the Rectory Basement at 7:00 pm or come early by 10:30 am to rehearse BULLETIN NEWS IN VIETNAMESE * Bài phúc âm kể: Người Luật sĩ hỏi Chúa: giới răn nào là giới ran quan trọng nhất.? Trong luật Do Thái, có hơn 600 khoản luật. Thực là khó cho người không học đại học, hay bác thợ mộc Giêsu. Nhưng Chúa đã trả lời rất đúng: giới răn trọng nhất là Yêu Mến Thiên Chúa, giới răn thứ hai cũng quan trọng như giới răn 1 là hãy yêu tha nhân như chính mình vậy. Ước gì chúng ta thực hành điều Chúa dạy. * Giáo xứ tổ chức thánh lễ và tiệc ngày thứ bảy 8 tháng 11 để kỷ niệm giáo xứ 10 năm . 4 giờ thánh lễ chiều, 6 giờ tiệc mừng tại nhà hàng Oaks Ballroom ở Glenolden,PA. giá vé $40.00. Xin anh chị em ủng hộ gây quỹ bằng cách mua vé dự tiệc, để người VN mình tham dự đông đông cho có vẻ hợp tác trong sinh hoạt giáo xứ, và có nhiều người Việt Nam mua vé, thì khỏi bị lạc lõng. Ai muốn mua, xin liên lạc cha Quýnh 215919-6369. * Để giúp giáo xứ có ngân khoản, nếu anh chị em có thể hy sinh thêm một chút cho Chúa, xin cố gắng, hay mua các vé số gây quỹ. ONE FAMILY, ONE PEOPLE FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Which commandment in the law is the greatest? The Gospel last week, tells us how wicked the Pharisees, the scribes and the Herodians are when they try to trap Jesus. They praise his honesty to trap his words, they ask him whether one should pay tax to Caesar who is not the Jewish king but the king of Rome who rules their country. Today, the gospel tells another story that a lawyer wants to test his wisdom and acknowledgment by asking him a question about the law. Jewish law has over 600 articles. It seems that he wants to ask Jesus which one of the over 600 articles of the law is the greatest? It seems to be very difficult for a person who does not study law and more difficult for a preacher with a background of a carpenter of Nazareth. Jesus told him: the first is that you shall love your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. He finally said that the whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments. The gospel continues with the praise and admiration of the lawyer. The Lord seems to tell each of us to render to God what belongs to him. He seems to tell us that our first duty is to love God. Then we should not emphasize on the first one and neglect the second, which is to love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us come to the church to worship God and also realize that our parish is a multi racial parish. Today Oct. 26, the Liberian brothers and sisters will have a mass with their own culture. Let us be happy with them and encourage them to live their faith in this new country. If a parish is like a family, let us love and welcome each other as brothers and sisters. Fr. Quinn DECISION FOR EACH WEEK Each member of the parish prays to the Lord once a day Jesus, bless our family of faith, Next weekend November 1, Spring forward Fall back. Set your clocks one hour back and don’t forget to change your batteries in SMOKE and FIRE DETECTORS. UNITED IN FAITH Letterio J Crisafulli Herbert Bernie Shrader Dennis Crowley Tuyet T Nguyen Louise M Crsanti Cornelius Thomas Starchia Gaye Wilson Tuio Nguyen Michael Pititto Rita M Gamble Bruce Goldhahn John Fadgen ALL SAINTS DAY SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1 All Saints Day is Saturday. Since it falls on Saturday, it is not a Holy day of obligation. Masses will be 9:00 am at Grover and 11:00 am at Chester Site. (No 8:00 am mass and No evening mass for all Saints but only 4:00 pm mass of regular Sunday) MONDAY NOVEMBER 3, 2014 7:00 PM SPECIAL MASS will pray for all deceased of our parish and our families, especially those who died in our parish last year. Family members and friends of those deceased and those who want to attend mass to pray for the souls, are welcome to come to this special mass. HANDS OF MERCY MEETING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 The Hands of Mercy, a parish ministry, needs volunteers to assist our shut-ins. Can you spare one hour a week to help a fellow parishioner? Next meeting November 15, 2014. For more information, please contact Delores Felder at 215-9215466. Please volunteer your time CASSIDY PLUMBING & HEATING UNION ROOFING NEW ROOFS REPAIRS NEW PORCH ROOFS HOT COATING Gas Heat • Drain Work $695.00 Kitchens • Bathrooms as low as as low as as low as as low as Violations Serviced PA Consumer Registration FRANK LUBISKY Free Estimates • 727-3474 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • FREE ESTIMATES • 215.464.6425 Number PA010759 Member of Resurrection Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. $95.00 $250.00 $195.00 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Debbie’s Hair Styling A Family Hair Care Center Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT 65th St. & Chester Ave. starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and WATERPROOFING & MOLD 215-727-0660 Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 will reserve your cabin. Serving NJ, PA & DE Space is limited. 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