Pathways OUR SCHOOLS OUR CHILDREN OUR PROGRAM TECHNOTUTOR TECHNOLOGY Our Pathways Program International is currently in a drive to sponsor educational software based on cutting edge technology to Learning Institutions in order to bring to life our students’ effective learning skills. Working with countries such as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and South Africa has proven to be a success in improving learners’ learning ability, and through this our vision has moved home to meet the educational and self-empowerment needs of our nation. Our mission is to support teachers, children and parents to develop effective learning skills through the use of our cutting edge technology, based in research on the brain and its learning capacity. The TT Technology team includes researchers, scientists, educators and parents who together make students experts in learning with superior educational tools that focus on the fundamental areas of reading, vocabulary, and mathematics. Our educational software of the Vocabulary Builder moves the learner from the thinking part of the brain to the knowing part of the brain. Within this we create direct memory access to the learnt subject and thus accelerate the learner with critical thinking skills and the ability to process information at a faster pace. Our Company’s goal is to see the TT Technology at the fingertips of all students & parents available to them 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Our students will then be prepared to arrive at their institutions with abilities required to learn at a higher & accelerated rate. It’s a known fact that words create our world. Words are the creators of our reality because words are the foundation from which we are able to explore and discover our natural skills. A solicitor is a solicitor through the legal words they know; a doctor is a doctor through the medical words they know; To expand our natural skills and therefore, create our reality, the Words we hold within ourselves is the foundation from which we are able to grow and empower ourselves within our world. Vocabulary Builder By TechnoTutor Designed for Success Give the students the ideal starting point — whether it’s in primary school or higher education, by providing them with rock solid foundations of their world: their vocabulary. Words are the building blocks of our society. Understand vocabulary, perfect your vocabulary, let the vocabulary work for you. TechnoTutor Vocabulary Builder was crafted for students, parents and teachers - the people you care about the most. Packed with Features • • • • • • • • Easy to Use Never get lost while enjoying your learning experience. TechnoTutor’s Vocabulary Builder is designed with You — the user — in mind. When you launch the program you’re presented with options to continue where you left off, Remediate the mistakes you made or choose a custom word list to work with. The Word List Editor includes guidance so that you know how to expand Vocabulary Builder for your own needs & requirements. Utilizes the student’s Natural Learning Ability Ready for students in all school grades Great for teachers wanting to improve and remediate their vocabulary skills Infinitely extendable through inserting personal word lists and categories Built-in dictionary for definitions and word context Track the student’s progress through History Separate User Accounts for every student in the school Pathways to Excellence Confidence Independent Learning Self-Empowerment Choices Success Please also visit the following website for testimonials from people across the globe: Further information about the Vocabulary Builder software: If you’re interested - fill out the form at: TechnoTutor SA @TechnoTutorSA
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