Bible Study Monday Mornings in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 The Connexion O Occttoobbeerr 2266,, 22001144 Join us weekly for coffee, fellowship, and the Word of God. Week of November 2nd, 2014 (ALL SAINTS SUNDAY) Joshua 3:7-17; Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12 Mitch Drummond Steven Lee Zhang Wenxian Lee Gooch Jennifer Wilmarth Betty Jackson Dale Gray Debra Erb Ilene Dickerson Elissa Ray Dan Jones Millie Whittington Carol Bullion Suzee Oliphint Clifford Mahlow Carol Laurence H.J.Lumpkin Tracy Copeland Dillon Moore Additional Prayer Requests: Ruthie Brinkmeyer Ronnie Ash Sarah Schwartz Barbara Sullivan Jessica Land Charlotte Underwood Armed Services National, State, & World Leaders Church Leaders Christians Worldwide Assisted Living/Nursing Home/Homebound/Rehabilitation Center Eddy Lankford Florence Finn Pastoral Care: Please call the church at 512-352-2593, or Pastor Brenda at 512-659-5020. Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 and 10:30 Nursery available from 9:30 - 11:30 am (Infant through Preschool) ******* SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES ******* Prayer List: Noble Atkins Corene Dodson Welcome to First United Methodist Church! Margery Pearson H.J. Lumpkin Phyllis Neiswander Dorothy Switzer WORSHIP ATTENDANCE AND OFFERING REPORT October 19, 2014 Worship Attendance: 93 Sunday School: 32 Weekly Budget Need: $2917.00 This Week’s Offering: $2795.00 Air Conditioner Contributions:$1000.00 AC Donations to date: $11,550.00 Pumpkin Patch Carnival TODAY!!! Free Games, Candy, and Prizes Candy/prize Donations are being accepted now – bring to the Youth room or the church office. WEEKLY/MONTHLY CHURCH HAPPENINGS Monday Bible Study Youth Group Grace Notes Chancel Choir Chime Choir A. A. Al-Anon UM Women Circle 1 Men’s Breakfast UM Women Circle 6 Every Monday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Thursday Every Thursday Every 1st Sunday Every 3rd Weds Every 4th Tuesday 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM 7:00 AM 3:00 PM Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall Choir Room Choir Room Choir Room Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall Education Wing Fellowship Hall TBA U UP PC CO OM MIIN NG GE EV VE EN NT TS S THIS WEEK: 26 – Fellowship Luncheon and Carnival Setup Pumpkin Patch Carnival – 4- 6 PM VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! 27 – ***** Finance Meeting at 6:30 pm 30 – ***** Nominating Committee at 6:30 WO RSH IP INFO RM ATIO N 10:30 Service Volunteers: November 2 Liturgist this week (10/26/14): Lisa Drummond Liturgist next Sunday (11/2/14): Counters this Sunday (10/26/14): Don McAlister & Ellen Hannington Counters next Sunday (11/2/14): Jim Curik & Charlene Olbrich Lay Leader: Shelli Cobb Usher Coordinator: Don Hughes Greeter Coordinator: Bonnie Whitlow All Saints Sunday NOVEMBER 2nd On All Saints Sunday, we will remember the saints - those faithful Christians who have gone before us, especially those members of FUMC Taylor who have died in the past year. At the lighting of a candle and the ringing of a bell we will honor and remember the following persons: Rod Hortenstine, Della A. Velau Borgne, Rose Lee Benad & Norvin Parr. There will be one last candle and one last toll of the bell for other friends and family members who have died in the last year and who are in our thoughts on this day. All of this will take place during the ritual of Holy Communion. Pastor Brenda Ministry Opportunities PUMPKIN PATCH WORKERS ARE STILL NEEDED!! Please see the signup sheet located at the Patch to find an opening to support this wonderful community ministry! REVIVAL: Faith As Wesley Lived It by: Adam Hamilton Would you like to learn more about John Wesley and the Holy Spirit working powerfully through John's life as he was instrumental in bringing revival to England? Rev. Bob Walker will use the study book and DVD, following Adam Hamilton through a Wesley Tour of England. The study will last 8 weeks: The first week will be an Introduction, the next six weeks will be video lessons and discussion, with an Epilogue the last week. The study begins November 2nd at 9:30 am in the Church Parlor. EBOLA Assistance Provided Through UMCOR If you would like to give financially, please remember to write “Ebola response” in the memo section of your check. This will ensure that the funding goes where intended. Please give to the following Advance project: · 982450 International Disaster Response · Checks written to UMCOR will be collected and mailed as a group directly to UMCOR. · Checks written to FUMC with the Memo: “Ebola Response” will be deposited and a single check will be made to UMCOR. _____________________________________ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with the Pumpkin Patch Carnival!!! Setup …….. Games ……………… Clean Up ……………………. Upcoming Events If you know of an event that needs to be posted, please call the office at 352-2593. November Events: Nov. 2 – All Saints Sunday – First Friends Luncheon Nov. 9 – Sunday Worship & Family Game Night Nov. 10 – Church Committee Meetings (Finance, Ad Council, Trustees) Nov. 15 – Bazaar & Silent Auction Nov. 16 – Silent Auction & Chili Dinner Nov. 23 – Thanksgiving Sunday & Fellowship Luncheon SpiritFest at Dell Diamond Nov. 27 – Thanksgiving Day – Church Office will be closed Nov. 30 – Advent Begins – Hanging of the Greens December Events: Dec. 1 – South District Meeting with Bishop – 6:30 pm @TROY UMC Dec. 6 – FUMC float in Taylor Parade of Lights Dec. 7 – Advent #2 & Cluster Charge Conference – 6:30 pm FUMC Georgetown Dec. 8 – Church Committee Meetings (Finance, Ad Council & Trustees) Dec. 13 – Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army @Walmart (tentative) (Tentative Date) YOUTH 6 FLAGS TRIP!!! Dec. 14 – Advent #3 – Birthday Party for Jesus & Family Game Night Dec. 21 – Advent #4 – Fellowship Luncheon & Caroling Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Service Dec. 25 – Christmas Day – Church Office will be closed Dec. 27 – FUMC serves at Shepherd’s Heart Food Pantry Dec. 28 – Sunday after Christmas NEED-TO-KNOW NEWS AND INFORMATION So far, $11,550.00 has been received toward the total cost of $20,000 for replacing the sanctuary Air Conditioner unit, and there are a few pledges that will be fulfilled soon. Praise God for meeting this need through the generosity of people! Please be sure to clearly mark your donation “Air Conditioner.” CHARGE CONFERENCE IS COMING DEC 7th at 6:30 PM To FUMC Georgetown It's Time To Make A Few Decisions… NOMINATIONS ARE BEING MADE! We are at that time of year when we begin praying about the elected leadership for 2015. FUMC Taylor has strong leadership and needs to continue with strong leadership as we grow in Christ, in new members, in service to children and youth, and our community. Please pray to discern where God may be leading you to make a difference! Your gifts and interest will most likely match the area in which you feel called to serve. That's how the Holy Spirit works! Where might you serve God through the church? These are the current opportunities: Administrative Council (possible openings) Finance Committee (2 openings) Board of Trustees (2 openings) Staff Parish Relations Committee (2 openings) Stewardship Committee (3 openings) Christian Education (Intentional Faith Development) (5 openings) Evangelism (5 openings) Fellowship (4 openings) Missions (5 openings) Mother's Day Out Board (3 openings) Youth Ministry (10 openings) Children's Ministry (10 openings) If you are interested in serving in any of these elected leadership positions in 2015, or if you would like to serve elsewhere, please talk to one of the Nominations Committee (Lay Leadership) members: Pastor Brenda, Shelli Cobb, Maureen Gray, Vesta Ryan, Crawford Daniel, Marsha Beckermann, Betty Ann Stried, and Ginny McAlister, or contact the church by phone (512-352-2593) or via email [email protected]. Youth Ministry Page Children’s Ministry Page Up-Coming Events: As long as Pumpkin Patch Carnival - TODAY!!! 4 – 6 PM SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS – December 13th (tentative) the earth endures, Wednesday Night Youth Group Meetings – Every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 in the Fellowship Hall seedtime and harvest, A D U L T V O L UNT EER ( S ) N E ED E D – C O N T ACT M AR T H A F O R I N F O O N H EL P I N G W I T H T H I S G R O W I N G MI N I S T R Y ! ! cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22 Who will you talk to about God this week? Draw a picture of some things you can tell them that God has done for you or for others.
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