RIO GRANDE REGION DRESSAGE RALLY Sunday, November 9, 2014 Pine Hill 1720 Hwy 159 Bellville, TX 77474 Organizer: San Jacinto Pony Club Leslie Fan (9790 235-9921 [email protected] Secretary: Amy Etheridge (979) 255-6014 [email protected] 6525 FM 2187, Sealy, TX 77474 Closing Dates: Entries must be to your DC by October 15 and to the rally secretary by October 17 No entries will be accepted after October 17. Check for Entry Status/Ride Times/Stabling Chart Fees: Riders $135 Stable Managers $30 Rally Readiness $30 Late or Incomplete Entries $20 per competitor Copies of the packet and the forms can be found on Refunds: Refunds will be granted with a doctor’s or veterinarian’s note only. Must be in writing and emailed to Amy Etheridge at [email protected]. Teams: 3 or 4 riders and one stable manager Please use one entry per team. Individuals entered to scramble will be placed on a scramble team with members from other clubs. If there is a request to scramble with a particular club, please indicate this on the entry form, but be advised this request can not be guaranteed. Scramble riders will enter on the same form as teams. Divisions: Rally Readiness- Introduction level. Open to individuals new to rally and is unmounted. This is a teaching division and help will be offered. Division I- Traditional rally open to members UR-D2 Division II- Traditional rally open to members D3 and above or riding at or above First Level Tests: 2011 USDF Introductory Level Test A, B, and C 2011 USEF Training Level Test 1 and Test 3 2011 USEF First Level Text 1 and Test 3 2011 USEF Western Dressage Please note that for each rider the first test that is ridden will be the lowest test offered at that level and the second test will be the highest test offered at that level (e.g. T1 and T3) Rings: Intro tests will be ridden in 20x40m arena. Training Level and above will be ridden in 20mx60m arena. Rules: USPC Handbook and Rules for Dressage Competition with all addenda and updates USPC Dressage Newsletter 2014 USPC Horse Management Handbook and Rules for Rallies with all addenda and updates USPC Horse Management Newsletter 2014 Awards: Team Ribbons 1st-6th place for Team Placing Champion and Reserve Champion for Horse Management Rally Readiness will not receive ribbons for Horse Management Stabling: 10’x10’ wooden slat stalls with stall gates. Bedding is provided. You may move in Saturday night. Saturday arrivals will need to plan to overnight your horse in accordance with USPC standards. You will be checked but not judged until the grounds open on Sunday morning. Stabling fees are included in the entry fee. Tack Stalls: Will be required for Horse Horse Management reasons and for judging. Grounds: One open warm up area and one enclosed warm up are available. Attire: C’s and above refer to USPC Handbook and Rules for Dressage Competition D’s and UR may be formal or informal as indicated in the USPC Handbook and Rules for Dressage Competition. Competitors are required to wear their completed USPC Medical Form in their armbands for the duration of the rally. Barn appropriate footwear is required at all times. Tack: Refer to USPC Handbook and Rules for Dressage Competition Coaching: Coaches are optional, but when used, must be designated on the Entry Form. The accompanying Coaching Guidelines Form Must be signed and returned to the rally organizer. Schedule: Saturday the barn will be open for move in from 3pm until 7 pm. Barn will close Promptly at 9pm. Tack room and feed room assigned per team. Sunday barns open at 7am. Sunday morning arrivals are permitted by must be ready to jog by 8:30 am. Volunteers: All teams must provide at least 2 volunteers. Meals: Available on Sunday. Participants are free, all others $7. Please indicate number needed on entry. T-Shirts: Will be available for $15. Please include order and payment with entry. Camping: RV hookups available for $35 a night (electric only). No public showers. Hotels: Budget Inn in Bellville Holiday Inn in Sealy Best Western in Sealy General: All horses must have a negative Coggins. Also required is a health certificate within 10 days prior to Arrival at Pine Hill stating that the horse is coming from a facility with no known Vasicular Stomatitis (VS) and that the horse is healthy upon examination. (979) 865-9121 (979) 885-2121 (979) 885-3707 RIO GRANDE REGION DRESSAGE RALLY Entry Form Club: Team Name: DC: Phone: Email: Competitor #1 will be the Captain unless otherwise indicated. Competitor #5 will be the Stable Manager. Competitor Name Horse Name Rider HM Flat Division Age Rating Rating Test 1 Test 2 1 2 3 4 5 Chaperone: Phone: Email: Coach: Phone: Email: Stabling Sat PM Rio Grande Region Dressage Rally Individual Entry Form Participant/Competitor: DOB: Age on Jan. 1: Certification Level - CLASSIC/TRAD: HM: FLAT/DR: JP/SJ: HSE: Address: Phone: Email: Parent(s) Cell Phone#: ( ) Parent Email: Region: Club/Center: Breed of Horse/Pony: Dressage: Level: Stable Manager: The above information is correct. Signature of Pony Club Member Date I/We, the parent(s) of have reviewed the above information and we agree to allow our child to compete in the discipline and at the level as so noted above in the United States Pony Clubs Activity/Rally. Parent/Guardian Signature (Only 1 signature required) Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date CODE OF CONDUCT The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. is proud of its reputation for good sportsmanship, horsemanship, teamwork and well‐behaved members. The USPC expects appropriate behavior from all members, parents and others participating in any Pony Club activity. Inappropriate behavior may include, but is not limited to: possession, use or distribution of any illegal drugs or alcohol; profanity, vulgar language or gestures; harassment (i.e., using words or actions that intimidate, threaten or persecute others before, during or following Pony Club activities); failure to follow rules; cheating; and abusing a horse. I understand that USPC activities operate under the governance of National, Region and Club By‐Laws, Policies and Rulebooks. I understand that I have access to these By‐Laws, Policies and Rulebooks and that it is my responsibility to read them. Participation in any USPC activity constitutes a release to be photographed and/or videotaped. Said photographs and/or videotapes may be posted, published or broadcast at the discretion of USPC, Inc. USPC utilizes e‐mail to communicate with Members, by submitting this application authorization of this form of correspondence is implied. AND Competitors Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature (only one required) Date Rio Grande Region Dressage Rally C Advisor Form Participant/Competitor: DOB: Age on Jan. 1: FLAT/DR: Certification Level - CLASSIC/TRAD: HM: JP/SJ: HSE: Address: Phone: Email: Parent(s) Cell Phone#: ( Parent Email: ) Region: Club/Center: C ADVISORS: This is a volunteer opportunity, which fulfills the regional volunteer requirements for C2 and higher ratings. It is for C1 and higher rated, mature pony clubbers that are at least 14 years old. C advisors are to shadow assistant horse management judges and demonstrate leadership and teaching under supervision. They should be present for the entire rally unless other arrangements are made. The HMO and UL Coordinator choose and contact the C Advisors from the applications. Sometimes there are more applicants than can be used, but C's can apply to as many rallies as they wish. I wish to serve as a Rio Grande Region Rally C Advisor at Dressage Rally To be completed by the Club DC DC RECOMMENDATION for C Advisor Program: Candidate’s strengths: Areas needing experience: Appendix B Uniform Chaperone Rules/Duties Revised and effective November 10, 2009 To be completed by the Chaperone and turned in with rally entry. Chaperone duties shall include: 1. The primary function of the “Official Team Chaperone is to ensure that there is a contact person for each team or individual present and on grounds for the duration of the competition. Team Chaperones must be available to Rally Officials and team members at all times. 6. Be sure to have a means of contacting parents or designated responsible person for all team members in the event that you should need to contact them during the hours that you are responsible for those team members (hours of competition). 2. Have copy of and be familiar with the rules for the competition (Discipline Rulebook) and the current edition of the Horse Management Handbook and Rules for Rallies. Rulebooks can be downloaded from the USPC website at 7. Have a means of contacting all team members and the parent or responsible person for those hours after competition and when not on competition grounds (evening/nights). 3. Uphold USPC Policy 0500 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco. Chaperones must refrain from using alcohol or other substances when they are serving in their “official capacity” as team Chaperone. Refer to USPC website for full policy statement. 4. Be present and available to Rally Officials and all team members for the duration of the competition. 5. Delegate duties of the team Chaperone to another responsible adult if for any reason you should have to leave the competition grounds during the hours of competition making it clear that they are to respond to Rally Officials and any team members in your absences. 8. Administration of medications is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian. 9. Be familiar with the effects of heat and humidity and the potential risk for heat related illness. Take an active role in helping to keep all team members well hydrated; the importance of hydration cannot be overstated! Take every opportunity to encourage water breaks. Refer to the Uniform Officiation Rules found in the Horse Management Handbook and on the USPC website 10. In cases of Scramble Teams, the Competition Organizer will determine the “Official Team Chaperone”. 11. Be aware that USPC Members are required to wear a current, up-to-date USPC Medical Card on their arm at all USPC activities. I have read and understand the duties of a Chaperone as listed above. ______________________________________ ________________________________________ ___________________ Name of Chaperone Signature Date (_________) _____________________ Cell Phone Number _________________________________________________ Chaperone for the above Club/Regional team or individual 2010 - USPC Horse Management Handbook & Rules for Rallies 69 Appendix B Uniform Chaperone Rules/Duties Revised and effective November 10, 2009 This page is intended for the use of the team Chaperone. It should not be sent in with team competition entry. Definition of Chaperone: For the purpose of all USPC Competitions each team, or in situations that an individual should be entered, there will be a designated “Official Team Chaperone”. In the situation of scramble teams the Official Team Chaperone(s) will be appointed by the Rally Officials and will be so noted in the Rally program as such. The role of this person is to give the Rally Organizers a responsible adult to contact for any needs and to give the team members a contact to assist them as may be indicated and allowed. Hours for tour of duty are….. The Official Team Chaperone is responsible for team members during the hours of competition and on competition grounds only (from arrival on grounds until departing rally ground at beginning and end of each day of competition). Transportation, driving and lodging… Decisions to allow a Competitor to drive or not, who they can or cannot ride with, who they can or cannot have in a vehicle that they are driving, where they stay at night and with whom they stay, and who is to be responsible for a Competitor are all decisions that must be made by the parent/legal guardian if a minor. These decisions are not a decision of the USPC, any Region, Club or Rally Organizer. Specific arrangements must be made by and between the parent/legal guardian and the adult assuming any of these responsibilities in the absence of the parent/guardian. Helping your team to succeed: Initiate contact with all team members prior to leaving for the competition. In cases of Scramble Team members, request contact information from the Rally Secretary. Share this information with team Captain and/or Stable Manager (SM). 70 USPC Horse Management Handbook & Rules for Rallies - 2010 Encourage the team to have meetings prior to leaving for Rally. Be sure all members of a Scramble Team are included in the decision making process, either by email or phone contact, if a distance away. Discuss team equipment, review all rules that apply and any decisions regarding snacks, drinks, plans for meals, etc. Determine how the team members plan to provide snacks and drinks (i.e., each team member contribute a sum of money to a pot or each member is assigned specific items to bring.) If each is contributing money, it must be collected before the Rally. Be sure you know who is bringing cooler(s), so you can avoid the quick trip to the local store. Plan arrival time at the competition site and any details such as arrangements for ordering bedding, if needed, and who is assigned to do this (again collect money in advance if needed). On the first day of the Rally, gather the team together before they separate for the night and make plans for the next day. Include a review of their competition schedule and how they can best work together to help each other prepare for Turnout Inspections. Determine a regular meeting place and plan to have a scheduled discussion session at the end of each day of competition. Take this opportunity to offer words of praise, acknowledge their accomplishments and encourage the sense of teamwork and team building. Guide the team towards constructive criticism and steer them away from finger pointing. Have the team make plans for the next day concerning time they will arrive on the competition grounds, who will feed horses the next morning, who will re-supply the tack room cooler with ice, drinks and snacks (get requests for drinks/snacks) and make the plans for lunch. Be sure any plans for cooler and/or lunch delivery follow any requirements as stated in the Competition Entry Packet (Neutral Zone) and they understand the plan. Have the team leave with a plan for the next day in place before they go off for an evening of relaxation. Section III: APPENDICES APPENDIX VIII GUIDELINES FOR COACHING AT USPC DRESSAGE RALLIES All teams and individuals may have a coach; teams and individuals may share a coach. A rider in the warm-up area whose coach is not present may approach another coach and ask for help. Because teammates may have closely scheduled ride times, riders do not have to have a coach present while mounted. By agreeing to serve as a USPC Coach, you: • Agree to be familiar with and observe all USPC By-Laws, Policies and Competition Rules. Coaches may: • schedule a team meeting to discuss ride times and how best to utilize the coach within the team. • discuss warm-up area techniques and problem-solving • aid the rider in managing the confusion of a competitive warm-up area as well as dealing with dangerous traffic situations. • help any Pony Club competitor who asks for help or who is present without a coach • observe, but not participate in, soundness checks. • Agree to adhere to the USPC Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Policies in all actions and decisions. • assist competitors in the designated Schooling Area. • Agree to conduct yourself in a fair and courteous manner. • briefly meet with the rider to assess the Dressage Test just ridden and help create a plan for the next test • Agree to confidentiality of discussions and actions. Coaches must: • Agree to disclose any possible potential conflicts of interest. • wear the identification provided by the organizer during the competition. • Give permission for a criminal background check. • Agree to uphold USPC Policy 0500 Drug/ Alcohol/Tobacco. Coaches must refrain from using alcohol or other substances when they are serving in their “official capacity” as team Coach – refer to USPC web site for full policy statement. • read, sign and return to the organizer a copy of this form. • attend the Official Briefing for Coaches. Coaches may not: • provide unauthorized assistance • be a team chaperone, except with the permission of the Rally Organizer • be the Rally Organizer, a member of the Organizing Committee or an official of the competition; • be a Regional Supervisor at a regional competition. • enter the stable area except at authorized visiting times The coach is not present to give riding lessons in the warm-up area. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE AND I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THESE GUIDELINES AND THE RULES OF THE COMPETITION. Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________ Print Name _________________________________________________ Team (Region)________________________________ Coach Cell Phone Number__________________________________________________________________________________ RS Signature_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 52 – Dressage Competition – 2009 Addendum B – 11/09; Revised 3/10 ADULT CODE OF CONDUCT The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. is proud of its reputation for good sportsmanship, horsemanship, teamwork and well-behaved members. It expects no less from the parents, guardians, adult family members or others who volunteer for the organization. The USPC expects appropriate behavior when participating in any Pony Club activity. Inappropriate behavior may include, but not be limited to: profanity, vulgar language or gestures; harassment (for example: using words or actions that intimidate, threaten or persecute others before, during or following any Pony Club activity); failure to follow rules; cheating; or abusive behavior. I understand that USPC activities operate under the governance of National, Regional and Club By-laws, Policies and Rulebooks. I understand that I have access to these By-laws, Policies and Rulebooks and that it is my responsibility to read them. I agree to adhere to these By-laws, Policies, Rulebooks and this Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may, at the discretion of USPC, result in being restricted from attendance or participation in Pony Club activities. Parent/Guardian/Other Name of Pony Club Region Date Pine Hill Agreement and Release from Liability Contract Please read carefully: This AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY is entered into on this __________ day of ____________________ in the year 20____, by and between Ruth C. Sawin 1720 Hwy 159 E Bellville, TX 77418 and ______________________________(rider), and if Rider is a minor, the parent/guardian of Rider______________________________. In exchange for use of property, facilities and services of Owner, the rider, his/her heirs, assigns and legal representative, hereby expressly agree to the following: 1. I agree that horseback riding and all equine activities are inherently dangerous activities AND that these activities will expose me to above normal risks of bodily injury and/or death. 2. I agree that I am responsible for my own safety while engaging in any and all equine activities on the Owner’s property. 3. I agree to acknowledge all of Owner’s rules and regulations pertaining to any and all equine activities on Owner’s property and I agree to and am responsible for wearing an approved SEI Helmet with fastened harness and boots with heels for equine activities to ensure Rider’s safety while engaging in such activities. 4. I understand the risks involved in equine activities and I AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS INVOLVED IN RIDER’S USE OF OR PRESENCE UPON OWNER’S PROPERTY AND FACILITIES while engaging in any equine activity without limitation and including the risks of death, bodily injury, property damage, falls, kicks, bites, unavailability of emergency medical care and/or the ordinary negligence and/or deliberate act of another person. 5. I agree that Owner, the Owner’s stable, its agents, instructors and employees are NOT liable for any injury to or the death of Rider and/or participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. 6. I agree to hold Owner, Owner’s stable , its agents, instructors and employees completely harmless and not liable and release them from all liability whatsoever, including acts of ordinary negligence, associated with any equine activity during the Rider’s use of or presence upon Owner’s property. 7. I AGREE NOT TO SUE Owner, Owner’s stable, its agents, instructors and/or employees in association with ANY claims, damages, costs, or expenses arising out of Rider’s use of or presence upon Owner’s property and facilities while engaging in any and all equine activities including those based on death, bodily injury, and property damage, unless the damages are caused by the direct, willful and wanton gross negligence of the Owner. 8. Rider is responsible for complete and full insurance coverage on himself/herself, personal property, and Rider’s horse. • Rider and Rider’s parent or guardian, (if Rider is a minor) agree that this agreement and release of liability is a contract that when signed by the parties involved will be legally binding to all parties, subject to the above terms and conditions and shall be enforced and interpreted under the laws of the state of Texas. Under Texas law, The Chapter 87 warning sign language that is now required to be posted by “Farm Animal Professionals” is as follows: WARNING: UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE & REMEDIES CODE) A FARM ANIMAL PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN FARM ANIMAL ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF FARM ANIMAL ACTIVITIES. § 87.003. Limitation on Liability Except as provided by Section 87.004, any person, including a farm animal activity sponsor, farm animal professional, livestock producer, livestock show participant, or livestock show sponsor, is not liable for property damage or damages arising from the personal injury or death of a participant in a farm animal activity or livestock show if the property damage, injury, or death results from the dangers or conditions that are an inherent risk of a farm animal activity or the showing of an animal on a competitive basis in a livestock show, including: (1) the propensity of a farm animal or livestock animal to behave in ways that may result in personal injury or death to a person on or around it; (2) the unpredictability of a farm animal's or livestock animal's reaction to sound, a sudden movement, or an unfamiliar object, person, or other animal; (3) with respect to farm animal activities involving equine animals, certain land conditions and hazards, including surface and subsurface conditions; (4) a collision with another animal or an object; or (5) the potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or another, including failing to maintain control over a farm animal or livestock animal or not acting within the participant's ability. I have read and understand without question, this agreement and release of liability contract before having signed below. Rider/Driver Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Rider/Driver Birthdate (if minor): _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (if Rider/Driver is a minor): ___________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________ Emergency Contact Person: _________________________________ Emergency Contact Number: ________________________________ Dressage Rally Volunteer Form Each club is asked to provide at least 2 volunteers per team. More would be appreciated! Club Name: Position Name Gate Keeper/Ring Steward Scribe Records the judges’ comments and scores for each rider. Runner Collects tests from judges’ booth and delivers to scorers. Horse Management Assistant Scorer Previous Experience Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Name: Email/Phone: Yes No Yes No Announcer Name: Email/Phone: Organizers will do their best to match volunteers with their preferred job but can not guarantee. Rio Grande Region Dressage Rally T-Shirt and Lunch Order Form Club or Team Name: Size Extra Small Number of Shirts X $15 Total X $15 $ X $15 $ X $15 $ X $15 $ X $15 $ Small Medium Large Extra Large Total Amount Owed: Extra Lunches: x $7 = Total Amount Owed: $ $ Dressage Rally Club Checklist Please include the following forms with each club entry by October 17th. Team Entry Form (per team) Competitor Entry Form (per participant) C Advisor Form (if needed, per participant) Pine Hill Release (per participant) Chaperone Form (per team) Coaching Form (one per team) Current Coggins (not to expire before Nov. 9, 2014) Volunteer Form (per club) Adult Code of Conduct Form (per volunteer) T‐Shirt/Lunch Order Form (per club) Payment (club check made to Rio Grande Region) Send completed packet to: Amy Etheridge 6525 FM 2187 Sealy, TX 77474 (979) 255‐6014 [email protected] Entry Fee Summary: Rider Entry Stable Manager Rally Readiness Late Entry Extra Lunches RV Hookup T‐Shirts x $135 x $30 x $30 x $20 x $7 x $35 x $15 Total =
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