A Standard Flower Show District IX

A Standard Flower
Presented by
District IX
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Deep South Region
Florida Federation of Garden
Clubs, Inc.
Free Admission
Thursday, October 23, 2014
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Embassy Suites
10450 Corkscrew
Commons Drive
Estero, Florida 33928
Table of Contents
Cover: Place, Time, Presented By, Admission Fee
Table of Contents/Time Table
Flower Show Committee
General Show Rules
Horticulture – Division I Rules
Horticulture – Awards
Horticulture - Cut Specimens
Horticulture – Container Grown
Design – Division II Rules
Design Awards
Design – Section A
Design – Section B
Design – Section C
Design – Section D
Special Exhibits – Rules
Special Exhibits - Educational Awards/Exhibits
Flower Show Chair’s Message
Garden Clubs in District IX & Presidents
page 1
page 3
page 4
page 5
pages 6-7
page 8
pages 9-13
pages 13-16
pages 16-18
pages 18-19
page 20
page 21
page 22
page 23
page 24
page 25
page 26
page 27
Celebrating Times
Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Thurs., Oct. 23, 2014
– 9:00 PM
– 9:00 PM
– 9:30 AM
– 9:30 AM
Designers may place exhibits
Container & Cut Specimens accepted
Designers may place exhibits
Container & Cut Specimens
9:30 AM
Exhibitors must leave exhibit spaces
10:30 AM
Judging Commences
1:00 PM
Judges Luncheon
1:00 - 4:00 PM Show Open to Public
4:00 PM
Breakdown Show
District IX Flower Show Committee
District Director:
Glenda Dawson, [email protected], 863-816-4618
Roberta Ross, [email protected], 239-597-4041
Chair’s Consultants:
Gail Pica, [email protected], 239-774-3507
Catherine Ware, [email protected], 239-263-2286
Terry Pinck, [email protected], 239-368-5615
Mary Lou Magliocca, [email protected], 239-948-4629
Judges & Judges Hospitality:
Brenda Norris,[email protected], 239-489-034
Schedule Committee:
Roberta Ross, Catherine Ware, Melinda Earle, Suzy Valentine,
Marty Ward, Gail Pica
Roberta Ross, [email protected], 239-597-4041
Horticulture Chair:
Suzy Valentine, [email protected], 239-992-0113
Horticulture Entries:
Suzy Valentine, [email protected]
Horticulture Classifications:
David Southall, contact Suzy Valentine
Design Chairs:
Marty Ward, [email protected], 239-549-7516
Sandy Kavouras, [email protected], 239-656-1406
Design Classifications:
Marty Ward, [email protected],
Design Entries Chair:
Sandy Kavouras, [email protected], 239-656-1406
Special Exhibits Chair:
Opi DeFalco, [email protected], 239-394-3935
Venue Coordinators:
Roberta Ross, Mitzi Marckesano, Ena McGrattan
General Show Rules
1. Division I, Horticulture open to all gardeners.
2. Division II, Design open to members of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
3. Division III, Special Exhibits – Educational - open to NGC members
and public.
4. 2007 edition of the National Garden Clubs Inc. Handbook for Flower
Shows, (HB) with corrections, is the authority.
5. National Garden Clubs, Inc. Standard System of Awarding will be
used. (HB pg. 5)
6. The Schedule is the Law of the Show.
7. All entries must be the work of one exhibitor unless otherwise stated.
8. Top awards may be awarded only if merited. Judges decisions are
9. Emphasis will be on fresh plant material. No artificial plant material is
permitted in any area of the show. Policy regarding use of invasive
plants and those on its conservation list, see #7 Horticulture Rules.
10. Judging will begin at 10:30 AM Thursday, October 23, 2014. Only the
Show Chair, Judges Chair, Classification Chair and Show Judges
and Clerks are allowed on the floor during judging.
11. Due care will be taken, but neither NGC nor its members or Embassy
Suites will be responsible for either damage to or loss of property.
Properties should be marked with exhibitor’s name.
12. All exhibits to be removed at 4:00 PM on Thursday, October 23, 2014.
Those Horticulture, Designs and Special Exhibits not removed by the
exhibitors will be removed and disposed of by the committee.
Displayed in the Embassy Suites Meeting Room
1. All Horticulture specimens must be fresh plant material grown by
2. Entries must be show quality, well groomed in suitable clean containers.
Treated (altered) specimens will be disqualified. (HB pg. 99)
3. All specimens entered must be correctly labeled with botanical names
or currently accepted scientific identification or Trademarked (™) or
registered trademarked name (®), to be eligible for a Top Exhibitor
Award. (HB pgs. 93 & 97) Common names may be used, but not
substituted for a scientific name to win a Top Exhibitor Award.
4. Exhibitor may submit more then one entry per class or sub-class, if
each is a different genus, species, variety, cultivar, type, form, size, or
5. Cut specimens of annuals, perennials and biennials must have been in
the exhibitor’s possession from seeds, cuttings or immature plants and
grown to maturity. Bulbous plants must have been grown from planting
of bulb, tuber, corm, etc., for a minimum of 90 days. Container grown
plants must have been in exhibitor’s possession at least 90 days.
Combination plantings must have been grown together no fewer than 6
weeks and orchids must have been in the exhibitor’s possession for at
least six (6) months. (Revised HB pg. 103)
6. Specimens of self-multiplying and other multiple plants are permitted.
7. Plants on the threatened or endangered lists,
www.virtualherbarium.org/EPAC must have been grown by the exhibitor
or obtained in a legal manner. Exhibition of invasive plants, as deemed
by the University of Florida’s Center for Invasive Plants,
www.fleppc.org/list/11list.html, is not permitted.
8. The NGC entry cards will be used and may be filled out in advance and
are also available at the entries desk. Please use pencil.
9. Specimens must be placed in clear glass containers where necessary
and supplied by exhibitor for all cut specimens. (Exception example Sansevieria need not be in a vase with water) All suitable wedging is
permitted, but must not detract.
10. Pots/containers must be show quality-- i.e. not “grower’s pots” in which
commercial growers offer their products for sale. They may be of any
material, including plastic, but selected to complement the plant and
enhance its cultural perfection. (Reference -The Florida Gardener
Summer 2013 -Horticulture article “Plants, Pots, Containers and You!”)
11. There should be no evidence of recent re-potting, and the surface of the
growing medium should be visible, without top dressing.
12. Double potting is permitted when necessary to cover a cracked or
damaged pot and the plant could not be easily re-potted. Decorative
“cache-pots” just to cover another container are not encouraged.
13. The committee will supply clear plastic saucers for container grown
specimens, to help protect the Hotel’s linens and tables.
14. Specimen containers may not be so large or heavy that they cannot be
moved or staged with ease; should not exceed 14” H, W, D diameter
unless pre-approved by Horticulture entries chair.
15. The Committee reserves the right to combine or divide entries in any
Section or Class.
16. The Classification Committee Chair must approve all entries and has
authority to disqualify entries that do not conform to schedule
requirements or are of inferior quality.
Top Horticulture Awards
The following NATIONAL GARDEN CLUB TOP AWARDS may be awarded to blue
ribbon winners scoring 95 or above. No section may be eligible for more than one
sectional Top Exhibitor Award. See the Handbook for Flower Shows (HB) for specific
requirements on the pages indicated.
Award of Horticultural Excellence (1 Award) (HB pg. 43) Div. Award
Award for highest scoring exhibit in Division I - Horticulture
Rosette of green, orange, and blue ribbons
Award of Merit (5 Awards)
Sections A, B, C, D, E
A section award where classes must share, some physical quality AND
some life cycle or one genus, OR some common characteristics. (Revised
HB pg. 43, 2c)
Rosette of orange ribbons
Arboreal Award (2 Awards)
Sections F, G
A section award for cut trees and/or shrubs (HB pgs. 43-44)
Rosette of green ribbons in two shades
Grower’s Choice Award (3 Awards)
Sections H, I, K
A section award for Container Grown Plants or Combination Plantings
(HB revised pg. 44)
Rosette of dark green ribbons
Special Awards
The following special awards may be given (1 award each) (HB pg. 55)
District IX Cacti Award
District IX Director’s Award
Flower Show Chair’s Award
Section J
Division Award
Division Award
Horticulture Scale of Points
Scale of Points for flowering, foliage & arboreal exhibits
Plant Identification (Correct botanical names)
5 pts.
Condition/Grooming/Staging (Clean and free of debris) 25 pts.
Cultural Perfection (Show quality)
60 pts.
Distinction (Perfection of the specimen)
10 pts.
Snippets of the Day!
Displayed in the Embassy Suites Meeting Room
Horticulture Chair: Suzy Valentine
SECTION A: Flower Day
Eligible for an Award of Merit
1. Anthurium – (Painters Palette, Flamingo Flower, etc.)
2. Bromeliad
a. Ananas (pineapple)
b. Bilbergia (queen's tears)
c. Cryptanthus (earth star)
d. Dyckia
e. Guzmania
f. Neoregelia
g. Nidularium
h. Tillandsia (air plant)
i. Vriesea
3. Gaillardia (blanket flower)
4. Odontonema (fire-spike)
5. Pentas (Egyptian star-cluster
6. Salvia (Mexican bush-sage, etc.)
7. Spathiphyllum (peace lily)
8. Strelitzia (bird of paradise)
a. Nicolai
b. reginae
a. Duranta
b. Lantana
c. Petrea (Queen's wreath)
d. Stachytarpheta (porter weed)
10.Vinca (periwinkle)
SECTION B: Exotic Blooming Day
OR CORMS (1 stem)
Eligible for an Award of Merit
1. Agapanthus (lily of the Nile)
2. Alpinia (Indian ginger)
3. Canna (Indian shot, arrowroot canna)
4. Costus (spiral or crepe ginger, etc.)
5. Crinum
6. Curcuma (Siam tulip, Aussie plume, etc)
7. Heliconia (lobster claw, parrot flower, etc.)
8. Orchids Cattleya (Easter orchid)
a. Dendrobium (butterfly dendrobium)
b. Oncidium (dancing lady)
c. Paphiopedilum (lady slipper orchid)
d. Phalaenopsis (moth orchid)
e. Vanda
f. Other
9. Zingiber (Gingers)
10. Other
SECTION C: Take a Hike Day
FLOWERS FROM VINES (1 stem - not to exceed 30”)
Eligible for Award of Merit
1. Allamanda
2. Bougainvillea
3. Clerodendrum (glory bower vine, bleeding heart)
4. Jasminum (jasmine)
5. Lonicera (coral honeysuckle, etc.)
6. Mandevilla (dipladenia)
7. Passiflora (passion vine)
8. Tecomaria (cape honeysuckle)
9. Thunbergia (clock vine)
10. Other
SECTION D: Greenery Day
ORNAMENTAL FOLIAGE (1 stem or petiole not to exceed
Eligible for Award of Merit
1. Alocasia ( giant taro, elephant ear)
2. Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen)
3. Anthurium
4. Caladium (angel wings)
5. Calathea (peacock plant)
6. Cordyline (ti plant)
7. Dracaena (dragon tree, corn plant)
8. Monstera (Swiss cheese plant)
9. Philodendron (selloum, arrow head, etc.)
10. Sansevieria (Mother-in-Law's tongue)
11. Solenostemon (coleus)
12. Other
SECTION E: Long Drink of Water Day
GRASSES AND SEDGES (one stem, not to exceed 30”)
Eligible for an Award of Merit
1. Cyperus
a. alternifolia
b. papyrus
2. Tripsacum dactyloides var. Fakahatchee (Fakahatchee
3. Muhlenbergia (muhly grass)
4. Pennisetum (fountain grass)
5. Sacharum
6. Other
SECTION F: Hug a Tree Day
include several nodes, not to exceed 30”)
Eligible for Arboreal Award
1. Acalypha (copperleaf)
2. Brugmansia (angel’s trumpet)
3. Callistemon (bottlebrush)
4. Cleorodendrum (glory bower, Turk’s turban, etc.)
5. Duranta (golden dew drop)
6. Galphimia (thryallis)
7. Hamelia (fire bush, butterfly bush, etc.)
8. Ixora
9. Jasminum (jasmine)
10. Jatropha (pergrina, coral plant, physic nut, gout plant,
bottle plant, etc.)
11. Laegerstromia (crape myrtle)
12. Nerium (oleander)
13. Plumbago (leadwort)
14. Rosaceae
15. Other
SECTION G: Arbor Day
(1 stem with several nodes & an apical tip- not to
exceed 30”)
Eligible for Arboreal Award
1.Acalypha (copperleaf)
a. Polyscias (ming aralia)
b. Schefflera (umbrella plant)
3.Codiaeum (croton)
4.Dizygotheca (false aralia)
5.Ficus (fig)
6.Kalanchoe (mother of thousands, chandelier plant, felt
bush, etc.)
7.Pittosporum (mock orange)
9.Psychotria (wild coffee)
11.Strobilanthus (Persian shield)
Good Neighbor Day!
Displayed in the Embassy Suites Meeting Room
Horticulture Chair: Suzy Valentine
SECTION H: Houseplant Appreciation Day
container or support)
Eligible for Grower’s Choice Award
1. Anthurium
2. Bromeliad
a. Terrestrial
b. Epiphytic
3. Gesneriad
a. Episcia (flame violet)
b. Saintpaulia (African violet)
c. Sinningia (gloxinia)
d. Other
4.Spathiphyllum (peace lily)
SECTION I: Random Acts of Kindness Day
FOLIAGE PLANTS (1 specimen per container or support.
Hanging must reserve space)
Eligible for Growers Choice Award
1. Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen)
2. Begonia
3. Bromeliad
a. Epiphytic
b. Terrestrial
4. Calathea (rattlesnake plant)
5. Codiaeum (croton)
6. Dieffenbachia (dumb cane)
7. Fittonia (mosaic plant, nerve plant)
8. Hedera (ivy)
9. Maranta (prayer plant)
10. Pterophyta (ferns)
a. Epiphytic
b. Terrestrial
11. Solenostemon (coleus)
12. Other
SECTION J: National Grouch Day
Eligible for District IX Cacti Award
a. Epiphyllum (orchid cactus)
c. Hatiora (chain cactus)
d. Rhipsalis (mistletoe cactus)
e. Schlumbergera (Christmas cactus, etc.)
f. Zygocactus
2. Terrestrial
a. Opuntia (Pad cactus)
b. Cereus (Column cactus)
c. Echinocactus (Barrel cactus –singular, globular)
d. Clustering globular cactus
3. Other
SECTION K: Pandemonium Day
SUCCULENTS (other than cacti)
Eligible for Growers Choice Award
1. Aesclepiads
a. Ceropegia
b. Huernia
c. Hoya (wax plant)
d. Stapelia (carrion flower)
e. Other
2. Adenium (desert rose)
3. Agave
4. Aloe
5. Crassulaceae
a. Crassula (jade plant, e.g.)
b. Echeveria
c. Kalanchoe
d. Sedum
e. Other
6. Euphorbia (crown of thorns, poinsettia, etc.)
7. Gasteria
8. Haworthia
9. Mesembryanthemum
a. Fenestraria
b. Lampranthus
c. Lithops (living stones)
d. Other
10. Pachypodium
11. Portulacaria
12. Sansevieria (Mother-in-Law’s tongue)
13. Other
SECTION L: Compliment Day
COMBINATION PLANTINGS (1 container or support with a
minimum of 3 different species. Container may not exceed 14”
diameter without prior approval from Horticulture Chair)
1. Dish garden
2. Planter
3. Terrarium
4. Other
SECTION M: World Peace Day
OTHER ENTRIES (All other worthy horticulture entries)
1. Cut foliage plants
2. Container foliage plants
3. Cut flowering plants
4. Container flowering plants
5. Other
Holidays – Real and Imaginary
Displayed in the Embassy Suites Meeting Room
1. Only members of National Garden Clubs, Inc. may enter the
Design Division by pre-registering with the Section Consultant.
2. Design Classes are limited to four entries. Exhibitors may
enter only one design in each Class, but may enter as many
Classes as desired.
3. Entry cards will be prepared by the Entries Chair and placed in
each designer’s exhibiting location Wednesday October 22,
2014 6:00 PM.
4. Designs must be the work of a single exhibitor and that
exhibitor’s name must be on the entry card.
5. If a designer is unable to fulfill a design assignment, it is the
responsibility of that designer to provide a substitute. The
Design Entries Chair must be notified of the substitution/or
problem with entry fulfillment ASAP.
6. All designs must contain some plant material, however, the
exhibitor need not have grown plant material used in designs.
7. The committee supplies all pedestals, tables, unless noted
otherwise. Supplied staging may not be painted, papered,
substituted, or modified in any permanent way.
8. All tables are covered with white tops and black skirts, unless
otherwise stated.
9. Designs will be judged from at least 3 feet in center front,
unless otherwise noted in schedule.
10. The treating of fresh plant material - embellishing, painting,
glittering, waxing, etc. is not permitted. However plant material
may be abstracted (HB pg.185). Artificial plant materials, cut
fruit/vegetables, prepared foods, natural bird’s nests,
butterflies or other insects, fish, birds, or animals, landscapes
or scenes and the official American Flag and other national
flags, are not permitted in any design. The use of any official
national flag as an underlay, background, skirting, draping,
etc., is also not permitted.
11. Treated or dried plant materials, decorative woods,
backgrounds, and/or draping, underlay, overlay and bases are
permitted unless otherwise specified in the Schedule.
12. Plant material must be neatly and correctly named on a plain
3” x 5” card. Designer’s name and Class must be listed on the
reverse side of card. Please print legibly. Judges are
requested to award 90+ where merited and to provide
comments on all designs including blue ribbon exhibits.
13. Accessories and featured objects may be used. The
Classification Chair must approve and sign off on exhibit for
conformance before the exhibitor leaves the exhibition space.
14. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to keep his/her design in
pristine condition throughout the show. Removal of a design
and/or awards prior to the Show’s completion is forbidden.
15. District IX and/or Embassy Suites will not be held responsible
for loss or damage to any personal property in a design.
Top Design Awards
given, if merited, to Blue Ribbon winners scoring 95 or more points.
See Handbook for Flower Shows (HB) for specific requirements on
pages indicated.
Award of Design Excellence (HB pgs. 45-46) Division Award
Award for highest scoring design exhibit in the Division II -Design
Rosette of gold ribbons
Designer’s Choice Award (HB pgs. 47- 48)
Rosette of purple ribbons
Section A
Tricolor Award (HB pg. 46)
Rosette of red, blue and yellow ribbons
Section B
Petite Award (HB pg. 49)
Rosette of blue and white ribbons
Section C
Award of Distinction (HB pg. 47)
Rosette of brown ribbons
Section D
The NGC Standard System of Awarding shall be used. Only one first
place (Blue), one second place (Red) and one third place (Yellow) may
be awarded in each Class. Honorable Mention (White) may be given to
other meritorious exhibits. First Place must score 90 or more, Second
Place, 85 or more, Third Place 80 or more, and Honorable Mention 75
or more.
Special Awards
The following special awards may be given (1 award each)
District IX Flower Show Chair’s Award
District IX Director’s Award
Division Award
Division Award
Design Scale of Points
Conformance (schedule requirements)
Design Type (if applicable) 10 pts.
Remaining requirements divided 10 pts.
Design (elements & principles)
Artistic Concept (selection & organization of materials)
Expression (interpretation of class)
Distinction (marked superiority in all respects)
For Scale of Points for Tables see HB pg. 303
20 pts.
42 pts.
12 pts.
10 pts.
16 pts.
Holidays – Real and Imaginary
Displayed in the Embassy Suites Meeting Room
Design Chairs: Marty Ward/Sandy Kavouras
SECTION A: For the Little Ones
Section Consultant: Sandy Kavouras
Eligible For Designer’s Choice Award - Fresh and/or dried
and/or treated dried plant material of designer’s choice may be
used. (HB pg. 48) Other components of designer’s choice may
also be used.
Class 1: Halloween – October 31st - A Small design not to
exceed 8” in H, W or D. Entry staged on an orange 10” square
underlay and white backboard, supplied by committee.
Approximate viewing height from floor 44”. (See HB pg. 208)
Class 2: Birthdays – “Your Special Day” - A Small design not
to exceed 8” in H, W or D. Entry staged on a pink 10” square
underlay and white backboard, supplied by committee..
Approximate viewing height from floor, 44”. (See HB pg. 208)
Class 3: Christmas – December 25th - A Miniature design not to
exceed 5” in H, W or D. Entry staged on a light green 7” square
underlay and white backboard, supplied by committee.
Approximate viewing height from floor, 44”. (See HB pg. 208)
SECTION B: Technicolor Holidays
Section Consultant: Sandy Kavouras
Eligible For Tri-Color Award - Only fresh plant material may be
used. Other components of designer’s choice may also be used.
Class 4: Cinco de Mayo Day – May 5th - Exhibition Type I table,
staged on a round high-top table 40” H x 30” diameter, covered in
white, supplied by committee.
Class 5: Mother’s Day – May 11th - A Tray design staged on 1/2
of a table. Space allotted, 36” W x 36” D. Table height 29”,
covered with white tablecloth and black skirt, supplied by
Class 6: American Circus Day – April 3rd - Create a design
staged on 1/2 of a table. Space allotted, 48” W x 36” D. Table
height 29”, covered with white tablecloth and black skirt, supplied
by committee. Niche required. Niche color determined & supplied
by exhibitor.
SECTION C: Yes, These Are Holidays!
Section Consultant: Sandy Kavouras
Eligible For Petite Award - Fresh and/or dried and/or treated
dried plant material of designer’s choice may be used. (HB pg.
49) Other components of designer’s choice may also be used.
Class 7: Valentines Day – February 14th - A Miniature design
not to exceed 3” in H, W or D. Entry staged on a pink 5” square
underlay and white backboard, supplied by committee. Viewing
height from floor, 47”. (See HB pg. 203)
Class 8: Mardi Gras Day – “Fat Tuesday” - February - A
Miniature design not to exceed 5” in H, W or D. Entry staged on a
purple 7” square underlay and white backboard, supplied by
committee. Viewing height from floor, 47”. (See HB pg. 203)
Class 9: Independence Day– July 4th - A Small design not to
exceed 8” in H, W or D. Entry staged on a blue 10” square
underlay and white background, supplied by committee. Viewing
height from floor, 47”. (See HB pg. 208)
SECTION D: That’s A Holiday?
Section Consultant: Sandy Kavouras
Eligible For Award Of Distinction - Only dried and/or treated
dried plant material may be used. No fresh plant material is
allowed. (HB pg. 47)
Class 10: Roller Coaster Day – August 16th - A Free Standing
Design (Seen from all sides) staged on a round high-top table 40”
H x 30” diameter, covered in white, supplied by committee.
Class 11: Newspaper Carrier Day- September 4th - A Horizontal
Plaque Design staged on ¼ of a 40” W x 30” H white foam-core
backboard placed on an easel. Horizontal space allotted
20” W x 15” H. Horizontal plaque not to exceed 18” W x 13” H.
Mount plaque design on matte board without frame or glass.
Approximate height from floor 45”.
Class 12: National Kite Day – February 8th - Create a design
staged on ¼ of a 8’ black ‘sparkle’ granite countertop,
approximate height from floor 34”H. Space allotted 24”W x 24”D.
Niche and/or underlay are allowed.
Show & Tell Day
Displayed in the Embassy Suites Meeting Room
Special Exhibits Chair: Opi DeFalco
1. All competitive Educational exhibits are open to all National
Garden Club, Inc. members and general public.
2. All Educational Exhibits must instruct, educate and inform the
public on goals and objectives of National Garden Club, Inc.
3. Exhibit must convey educational facts quickly and forcefully in
an interesting manner. Posted printed material should be
large enough to be read from 3 feet.
4. Exhibits may be the work of more then one individual.
(Exception see HB pg. 224, 2b)
5. Exhibit must occupy a minimum of 18 square feet surface
6. Each exhibit will be staged on ½ of a table 8’ W x 3’ D x 29”
H. Table covered in white tops with black skirts.
7. Fresh plant material is encouraged but not required.
8. All plant material must be kept fresh during the duration of the
9. Artificial plant material may not be included in the exhibit.
10. The management reserves the right to remove any unsightly
11. The exhibitor is responsible for clearing away any debris of
12. Educational Exhibits will be judged on the educational Scale
of Points.
13. All exhibits must be completed by Thursday, October 23,
2014, 9:30AM and removed on Thursday, October 23, 2014
at 4:00 PM.
Educational Awards
The Educational Top Exhibit Award is offered to the highest
scoring exhibit with a score of 95+. (HB pgs. 49 - 50)
Rosette of brown and white ribbons.
The exhibit must meet all the Rules and Requirements set forth in
handbook. (pg. 224) The NGC Standard System of Awarding
shall be used. Only one first place (Blue), one second place (Red)
and one third place (Yellow) may be awarded in each Class.
Honorable Mention (White) may be given to other meritorious
exhibits. First Place must score 90 or more, Second Place, 85 or
more, Third Place 80 or more, and Honorable Mention 75 or
Educational Exhibits Scale of
Educational Value
Interest to Viewers
Clear, concise presentation
Adequate educational signs, tags
Conforms to NGC objectives
Craftsmanship, technique
Creativity and Expression
60 pts.
20 pts.
20 pts.
Exhibit #1 - Coral Reef Restoration
Exhibit #2 – Backyard Wildlife
Exhibit #3 – Celebrating Palms
Exhibit #4 – FYN Principles of Florida friendly landscaping
We hope you enjoy this spectacular
Celebrating Holidays
Standard Flower Show.
Your District IX Flower Show Committee is delighted to bring
you wonderful selections of fantastic
Designs, Horticulture & Special Exhibits!
Roberta Ross / District IX Flower Show Chair 2014
Let’s keep nuturing, growing and contributing together.
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs Inc.
FFGC Mission Statement
“To further the education of the members and the public in the
fields of gardening, horticulture, botany, floral design,
landscape design, environmental awareness through the
conservation of natural resources, civic beautification, nature
studies, and to instill in our youth the love of gardening and the
respect and protection of the environment.”
Arcadia Garden Club
Twighla Russell
Bartow Garden Club
Shannon Martin
Bouquet Garden Club
Becky Reeves
Calusa Garden Club
Dale DeFeo
Marco Island
Camellia Garden Club
Sue Spurling
Winter Haven
Garden Club of Cape Coral
Ginny Huffer
Cape Coral
Estero Island Garden Club
Margaret Schmidt
Fort Myers
Ft. Meade Garden Club
June Shirley
Fort Meade
Founders Garden Club of Avon Park
Betty Hannah
Avon Park
Garden Club of Lakeland
Eva Johnson
Beacon Hill Circle
Frankie Martin
Bloomfield Circle
Elizabeth Herbert
Gloriosa Circle
Susan Katsoff
Citrus Circle
June Bell
Evergreen Circle
Mary Blount
Rambling Rose Circle
Carol Dennis
Sturdy Oak Circle
Scott Miller
Garden Club of Winter Haven
Karen Schreiber
Winter Haven
Garden Club of Lake Wales
Marcia Pennington
Lake Wales
Gardens of the World
Sandy Kavouras
Fort Myers
Gardenia Garden Club
Diane Woelfel
Winter Haven
Greater Lakeland Area Gardening Club Kathy Kibler
Highland City
Green Thumb Garden Club
Diane Raimey
Fort Myers
Gulf Coast Garden Club
Kathy Erickson
Bonita Springs
Hibiscus Garden Club
Nina L. Seibold
Avon Park
Jasmine Garden Club
Mitzi Marckesano
Fort Myers
Lake Placid Garden Club
Sharon Diaz
Lake Placid
Naples Garden Club
Linda LaRue Brown
Periwinkle Garden Club
Edie Marie Rattner
Fort Myers
Poinciana Garden Club
Darlene Tompkins
Fort Myers
Port Charlotte Garden Club
Sandi Witzke
Port Charlotte
Punta Gorda Garden Club
Karen Noonan
Punta Gorda
Carole Biggs
Fort Myers
Marty Ward
Cape Coral
Lois Feng
Fort Myers
Sebring Garden Club
Gloria Frances
Shell Island Garden Club
Carol Zell
Royal Palm Garden Club
Wauchula Garden Club
Jeanette Perrine
Ft Myers-Lee County Garden Council
Debbie Wyatt-Stotter
Debbie Sowards
Arlene Shuford
Ft. Myers Beach
Winter Haven
Winter Haven
Winter Haven Council Garden Clubs