October 2014 Vol. 8-Issue 4 Knights of Columbus Elkins Council #603 THE KNIGHTLY NEWS --A Newsletter for Brother Knights and Parishioners-- COMING SOON: KNIGHTS CHRISTMAS DINNER DANCE COUNCIL KICKS OFF “COATS FOR KIDS” PROGRAM The Council’s annual DinnerDance-Giveaway will be held on December 5th. The dinner will consist of our traditional Italian Sausage with peppers and onions, pasta, tavern ham and salad. It will be held at Orchard hall, and Brother Dan Dilatosso will provide the music. Tickets are available for a $40/couple donation from any Knight or by calling Brother Ray LaMora Jr at 6360364. The ticket provides the purchaser with our fabulous Italian dinner with all the trimmings, desserts, drinks, an evening of dancing and of course the chance to win a little extra Christmas spending money. Brother Knights, we need your help in selling tickets, so buy one and sell a few. Help is also always needed in preparation and during the event. Grand Knight Mark and Brother John Vallelonga will be asking Brothers to sign-up for committees to setup, cook, serve, cleanup and etc. The cooking and setting up of the hall is on Thursday afternoon, with final preparation on Friday before the dinner. Again, the event is Friday December 5th with dinner is at 6, dancing at 7 and drawings throughout the night. SO MARK YOUR CALENDER-December 5th, BUY A TICKET and COME OUT FOR A GREAT DINNER AND WONDERFUL EVENING. Looking forward to seeing you there! The Knights of Columbus launched their coats initiative; designed to keep kids warm in harsh winter climates. With many families, with young children, struggling in tough economic times, a clear need was there to provide warm winter coats to children in our communities. And so, the Knights of Columbus’ “Coats for Kids” program was born in 2009. The Elkins Council participated in the program in 2010, and will do so again this year. The Elkins Council has purchase and will partner with Catholic Charities of West Virginia to collect and distribute coats to those in need. Coats will be collected during late October and November, and will be distributed by Thanksgiving. Knights and Catholic Charities will be accepting new or gently use clean winter coat or jackets, requesting members and parishioners to drop off coats in the CC of WV collection box or their office. In Buckhannon, the Council will be working with the Parish House to distribute coats to Upshur County families. NOVEMBER MEETING AT ST. PATRICK’s HALL The Council will hold its November regular meeting in Coalton at the St. Patrick parish hall. During the upcoming year, Grand Knight Mark Joseph is planning a meeting or activity at each of our Roundtable parishes. Later this year, a meeting will be planned for Holy Rosary. The Council’s goal is to involve and include all member Knights in Council activities, and to welcome any new members to join. See you there! FIRST SQUIRES INVESTITURE SET Our local Columbian Squires will hold their first investiture ceremony on Sunday November 2nd. The event will be held in the parish hall at 4:00PM, and conducted by District Deputy Bob Angotti of Clarksburg. All candidates-squires are encouraged to attend. These young men will become Charter members of the Circle. Any young Catholic man between the ages of 10-18 can join. If you are interested in becoming a Squire please contact Deacon Raymond or Chief Counselor Mark Joseph for an application. A second investiture ceremony will be scheduled in the near future. FOURTH DEGREE ASSEMBLIES OFFICERS INSTALLED Newly installed Assembly Officers with State Master Al and Fr. Bill (front row center] The Our Lady of the Mountains Assembly officers traveled to Clarksburg last month, and joined the Clarksburg and Fairmont Assemblies for a Officer Installation ceremony. Clarksburg Faithful Friar, Fr. William “Bill” Anderson opened the gathering with prayer. Newly appointed State Master, Sir Knight Al Musilli, concurrently conducted the installation of the Officers from the three Assemblies. Faithful Navigator, Sir Knight Neil Williams lead the members of the Elkins Assembly. At the conclusion of the investiture, the Our Lady of Peace Assembly provided a dinner for all those in attendance. Next year’s Fourth degree installation will be hosted by the Our Lady of the Mountains Assembly here in Elkins. COUNCIL OFFICERS INSTALLED Brother Knights and their spouses gathered in the St. Brendan parish hall to officially install the Elkins Council officers for the 2014-15 fraternal year. After a short blessing, the evening ceremony was began with dinner. Afterwards, Worthy District Deputy Bob Angotti asked Brother John Vallelonga to open the installation ceremony with District Deputy places a prayer, which was jewel on Grand Knight followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Past Grand Knight Ron Elmore thanked everyone for their support during his term. With Brother Neil Williams assuming the role of the District Warden, each of the officers received their charge and jewel of officer from the District Deputy. Our new Grand Knight Mark Joseph made a few remarks before closing the evening New Council Officers with DD Bob activities with a prayer. UPCOMING ACTIVITES: KUDOS: ♦Chairman Brother John Vallelonga and all Brother Knights who bought or sold Football Frenzy tickets to set a Council record for sales of 502. Top sellers were Brothers Ron Elmore, Roger Ware, and Neil Williams. ♦Brother Deacon Raymond Godwin as Emcee of the Forest Festival Distinguished Guest Dinner and Queen’s Ball. ♦Brother Mark Kwasniewski on his grand opening of “The BIG TIMBER” tasting room during the Forest Festival ♦St Patrick’s parish for another outstanding SPAGETTI Dinner for the community, and all the helpers and especially to all the customers ♦ALL Brother Knights who helped with Festival Chairs, including Sales Chairmen Brothers Chris, Ray, Roger and Joe, Driver Bob and especially the Sainato family for helping with setup. ►Squire Meeting: Sunday November 2nd at 4:00PM in the St. Brendan parish hall—Initial Investiture for ALL Squires ►Assembly #3159 Meeting: Tuesday November 4th at 6:30 PM in the St. Brendan parish hall ►Council #603 Monthly Meeting: Tuesday November 11th at 6:30 PM at St. Patrick’s parish hall. Coalton ►Keep Christ in Christmas/Card Sales and Poster Contest: in November, and placing of KCIC-signs on November 29th ►Christmas Dinner Dance: Friday December 5th, Preparation: Wed-Sausage stuffing, Thurs-Cook and Prepare Orchard hall Noon-6 & Fri.-final preperation ►WV-State Mid-year Meeting: Saturday December 6th, hosted by the Elkins Council, in the St. Brendan Parish Hall. Coffee at 8:30, Meeting 9:00-3:00 COMING SOON: ►Knights’ Free-throw Championships: early January at the Elkins Middle School, date-TBD KNIGHTS TAKE PART IN TUCKER COUNTY “RUN FOR IT” The fall color painted the trees across the Canaan Valley, as over 1100 runners and walkers gathered for the Tucker County Foundation’s “Run for IT” event. Over twenty participants represented the Elkins Council, donned their blue K of C Tshirts, and readied for the race. Our group met at the Davis Fire Hall to register, and in the “Parade of Teams”, Brother John lead the group in a prayer closing with an “Amen” and “GoKnights”. Our six runners took off first on the 5K course, followed by the 2K walkers on the “Tour of Davis”. Brother John Dibacco with his sons, Squires Ryan and Michael ran the The runners 5K. Brother John pushed Mary in her wheelchair around the 2K gather before course, passing folks along the way and finishing with a very the race (above) respectable time. After the event, many of the Knights took in Brother John some of the sights and enjoyed items from the food booths. The and Mary on the course (r) Council shared in County Commission and regional awards and also received funds from the general fund. All in all, it was a beautiful enjoyable fall day for the participating Brother Knights, Squires and their family members. OUR “NEW” BROTHER KNIGHTS The Council held a special admission ceremony to welcome in two new members. Joining the Council and the Order were two of the missionary/staff from Camp Bosco. Our new Brother Knights are: Coleman Boring, and Anthony “Tony” Morello. The degree was held in honor of Saints John Paul II and John XXIII. The Elkins Degree team conducted the exemplification, which was lead by Brother Bob Hammer. Brother Coleman is a graduate of Walsh College with a degree in Theology, and is from Dover, OH. Brother Tony originally from Illinois, is a graduate of the University of Kansas with a degree in Communications. In October, Jared Deprospero also joined the Order and the Elkins Council. Brother Jared took his first degree in Grafton along with two Brothers from Council #713. Brother Jared Brother Jared with sponsor Brother Frank graduated from WVU, is originally from Hurricane and is currently working as a financial advisor. After both ceremonies, our newest members joined their Brothers with refreshments and conversation. SUBSTANCE ABUSE POSTER CONTEST ANNOUNCED Saying NO, to drugs and alcohol is the theme of the Knights of Columbus’ Substance Abuse poster contest. The Council will kick off the contest in early December with a due date of January 15th. Posters will be accepted from youth ages 8 to 14. They will be judged on artwork, originality, slogan and how they relate to the audience. There will be two categories, drug prevention and alcohol abuse and two age classes, 8-11 and 12-14. The winning council posters will be forwarded to compete at the State and International level. Youth Chairmen Brother Bob Hammer will lead the judging, and will award participation certificates and a gift card for the local winners. OUR SEMINARIANS Addresses: As our two seminarians continue their journey to the priesthood, the Council encourages all to pray for them and to send cards of support. Additional information will be included in our next issue. Seminarian Brian Crenwelge Mount St. Mary’s Seminary 16300 Old Emmitsburg Road Emmitsburg, MD 21727-7797 Seminarian Martin Smay Pontifical No. Am. College 00120 Vatican City State Europe “KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS” ACTIVITIES with a YOUTH POSTER CONTEST In early November, the Knights will again be offering Christmas cards with a religious message. The Knights of Columbus’ “Keep Christ in Christmas” (KCIC) program is designed to remind everyone, that the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of CHRIST. Orders for these beautifully designed cards will be taken in all parishes, so as to have the card available by Thanksgiving. Sales will begin at the Holy Rosary’s dinner on October 26th. The Knights will then be manning their sales tables during the weekends of November 1st and 2nd and 8th and 9th after all the Masses. So take the time to order a box or two, a KCIC car magnet, stickers or ornaments. Besides the card sales, the Council will be placing their 4x8-Keep Christ in Christmas signs in three counties and conducting a KCIC-Poster contest. Youth between the ages of 5 and 14 will be encouraged to design and draw a poster that reflects the true meaning of the Christmas season. Poster will be judged on artistic design, slogan and originality. They will be judged in three age classes, 5-7, 9-11 and 12-14. Judging will take place during the first week in December, and will be exhibited in the parish halls. The Council winners will receive a certificate and gift card. The three Elkins Council’s winning posters will also be forwarded for State and International competition. Chloe Helzer’s Angel Tree 2013-KCIC poster KNIGHTS ASSIST… 15th ANNIVERSARY OF ST. BRENDAN’S In the fall of ’99, Saint Brendan’s third church was dedicated as our new parish home. Therefore, earlier this month, we celebrated the fifteenth anniversary in our current church on October 12th [Columbus Day] with a covered dish luncheon for which the Knights along with the Holy Rosary guild provide the main course, of ham and chicken. “Service to the Church” is an important element of the many activities of the Knights; the Elkins Council grew as the parish grew with our origin in 1901. The Knights joined the hundreds of fellow parishioners in remembering baptisms, weddings, other sacraments and funerals that took place in our current church. We can also reflect on those that occurred in the original and old St. Brendan churches. The Knights were there to dedicate the church, assist with the placement and dedication of the St. Brendan statue, making a pledge to the Capital Campaign, assisting with maintenance efforts, celebrating during many events and serving the parish in various DID YOU KNOW: ministries. We are blessed to have such a beautiful Our 8-sided shaped structure, active congregation and spiritual gathering church represents the space. Hopefully, our current church will serve our day after the Sabbath, children, our grandchildren and us, as they and we grow in the everlasting eighth our Catholic faith for many, many years to come. day, “the first day of Resurrection”. The octagon shape creates a beautiful eight point star ceiling. Original Church ----Old St. Brendan’s 1897-1928 1928-1999 31 yrs 71 yrs --Our current parish home 1999 to present 15 yrs and more…
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